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Reliability and Efficiency of Healthcare - Essay Example

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The essay "Reliability and Efficiency of Healthcare" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the reliability and efficiency of healthcare. Those involved in the healthcare system need to view things from another perspective as in the case of Mark Willy and Sally Randolph…
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Reliability and Efficiency of Healthcare
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?BUSINESS ETHICS s of Introduction For the safety, effectiveness, reliability and efficiency of healthcare, those involved in the health care system need to view things in another perspective as in the case of Mark Willy and Sally Randolph who are the Chief Executive Officer and Chief medical officers of a health care system respectively. This means that, they should not base on the individual’s clinical decisions on matters concerning the care and prevention of each patient, policy decisions and management of the systems. In addition to that, personal decisions should not be allowed when organizing, managing and paying for a care. As a matter of fact, it is ideal for individuals involved in healthcare system to understand that getting the right clinical decisions needs a wider application of the “principles of evidence-based medicine.” The systematic utilization of evidence based management helps in improving the significant decisions affecting care in the health plan, hospital, community or nursing home and physician practice. In that case, for evidence -based medicine to be implemented successfully, it needs the evidence-based management support (Fraser, 2007). Evidence-based management widespread application might not be easy or rapid. This is because, its history is torturous and long and achieving it is becoming extremely harder. Perhaps, most of the managers may conceive the clinical interventions conceptual foundation of evaluation irrelevant. Biology as it is does not possess local variation unlike the way health plan or hospital administrations and physician practices do. Furthermore, programs and strategies assessment can seldom be standardized. Hence, an attempt made to regenerate the successes of one place in another place comes with new challenges and insights since organizational characteristics variability has the likelihood of influencing the results. Despite the benefits of evidence based management, some human resource managers are against it as in the case of Mark Willey who is for centres for excellence unlike Sally Randolph who is advocating for evidence-based management. According to Lawler, the distinction between practitioner literature and academic literature on the management of human resource is a perfect cause and indicator of the existing separation between practice and research in management of human resource (Boudreau, 2007). Whatever is passed as” best Practice” in human resource management in most cases is not. In some instances, there exists no evidence validating what are conceived to be practices that are perfect. On the other hand, there are some circumstances there are evidences available to suggest whatever practices are thought to be best are indeed inferior. In summary, human resource management that is evidence-based is not practiced in most of the organizations. As a result, there is underperformance in the organization with respect to principal stakeholders including investors, employees and the community (Lawler, 2007). Situation There exist a conflict between the Chief Executive Officer Mr Mark Willey and the Medical officer Miss Sally Randolph. Both of them work in American Medical Centre (AMC). Mark Willey has emailed Sally Randolph a message that has completely blurred her vision. She claims that the email that had been sent to her was labelled urgent with an exclamation in red whose subject line was” Evidence-based- Management seminar has been cancelled.” This is because the focus of Mark the CEO had shifted from taking care of patients to profits. The message not only disturbed sally but also other employees such as Richard who had been among the thirty six participants in the evidence-based management workshop that had been performed by sally. His remarks were as follows” I just read the e-mail from Mark and I am really frustrated. Making us middle managers on these task forces won’t change how anyone works.” According to Richard, the medical chiefs were not ready to accept the recommendations made in the seminar. In addition to that, he claims that, they would not feel comfortable if the middle managers could tell them on how to make decisions. This is proved from his talking” It seems like we can’t get anywhere with evidence based management in this organization.” Sally on the other hand concurs with Richard. She utters that it is extremely hard to think of decisions being made differently in their organization (Kovner, 2010). The seminar was always performed after every month whereby managers and clinicians met in a group of six and utilized the Evidence-Based Management to handle the management problems facing AMC. Now the strategy had changed. The CEO of the organization wants to replace the Evidence-based management practices with centres for excellent. Unfortunately, Sally Randolph is not for this idea and that is why the essay intends to find answers on whether Sally Randolph should build her case slowly for evidence-based management or with immediate effect campaign to advocate for the approach initiated by the CEO. The above situation raises ethical issues concerning the decisions made by corporate human resources management. In that case, individuals need to ask themselves if management should hide from employees on sensitive matters concerning the organization. There are a range of issues that needs to be addressed and touches on ethical issues in the human resources management. In summary, there is no ethical dilemmas shortage involving the department of human resource management (Drucker, 1954). This raises the question on whether managers should consider ethics when it comes to making of decisions or whether managers focus themselves in profit maximization. Drucker argues that, the significant thing for an organization is to realize that it is mandatory for it to consider the effects of its business policy and action upon a given society (Schumann, 1954). In addition to that, the organization management has to consider whether their actions are like to enhance the public good, advance the society’s basic belief and play a role in promoting the society strength, stability and harmony. It is also claimed by Strickland and Thompson that, a powerful corporate strong culture that is founded on sound values and ethical principals is an essential driving force behind a strategic success that is continuous (Thompson& Strickland, 1995). This argument is also supported by Friedman who is a conservative economist. He points out that, it is the management responsibility to conduct its business in reference to the business owners’ desires which often is to make much profit as possible (Friedman, 1970). However, profit maximization should be done whilst conforming to society basic rules as the ones embodied in the ethical custom and law. In the light of the above, the greatest challenge is exhibited in the identification of the rules that are basic that needs to guide managers, in their pursuit to make profits. As such, the most effective means to deal with issues that are ethical in human resource management is via the application of a guideline of principals that are moral. The principal morals should be examined and effectively used in the analysing ethical aspects in multiple dimensions of human life (Harson, 1985). Thus, instead of coming up with a new set principals of moral established for human resource management, it is argued that management can apply the existing well developed moral principles. Moral principles are those guidelines that are used to make judgements that are moral in deciding between ethical and unethical decisions (Rachels, 2007). Task From the available evidence in the hospital, Evidence-Based-Management has proved to have profound positive impact to the employees’ performance and also to the entire organisation. The seminar educates employees on some of the most productive ethic required in health sector. Professional ethics in an organisation is exceptionally significant to the organisation and to the customers. As a matter of fact, customers are more interested in the employees’ ethics more than the company’s products (Dyllick, 2002). However, there is frequent emergence of ethical dilemma in the human resource management. Managers are sometimes at a crisscross on whether to comply with the laid down professional codes of ethic or to disregard them for economic gain. In the case under study, Sally is confused on whether to comply with health ethics or to abide by the opinion of her seniors. In reference to the prevailing health code of ethic, patient interest should be given the first priority by hospital administrators. According to Sally, evidence-based –management is exceedingly pertinent in enlightening hospital professionals on the most appropriate ethics and principles that guides hospital operations (Bondy, 2004). As she (Sally) observed, there is always tremendous change in performance among the employees after the seminar. Despite of the benefits experienced, the management is not willing to finance the initiative. Senior administrators are substituting the seminar with the hospital earnings. Additionally, senior administrators are not willing and committed to comply with the seminars recommendation. Instead, they are proposing for unethical changes in the hospital management. The hospital management reorganisation is not based on professional qualification but rather it is based on the hospital profitability. According to Sally and those who are against the management reorganisation plan, the reorganisation will lower the quality of service delivery. The hospital management in this case attempted to compromise the quality of the services delivered by the hospital employees with the accomplishment of business objective (Hawkins, 2000). In this case, sally need to forge ahead and ensure Evidence- Based-Management seminar takes place for the benefit of the employees and customers. She should also fight for adherence of ethical principles and implementation of the previous Evidence-Based-Management seminar recommendation.. Action Taking into considerations, that Sally is a professional who understands her professional ethic, she need to forge ahead with her plan to have evidenced-based-management seminar in place. This is despite of the challenges which were facing the plan. She should confront Mark the chief executive officer and informed him on the significant of the seminar to the quality of the services delivered in the organisation. On the other hand, Sally should also resist any plan to have unethical reshuffles in the hospital. She should not allow the management to compromise the quality of services delivered to the hospital with capital income. Although it is very testing, she have to develop the power to stand with what she believed is right for her profession and for the customers. Additionally, Sally need to use her position to share her thoughts with all involved and likeminded players in the hospital. Some of the most vital players in her area of jurisdictions were the thirty six employees who were planning to attend the seminar, the hospital board of director, junior manager and other health professionals in the hospital. In her effort of ensuring professional ethic is adequately adhered to, Sally has to use all the available tools in her capacity. This included taking legal actions, organising go slows, dialogue and strikes. She has to resist any promotion of unqualified personnel and other acts that deemed to raise ethical issues (Tulder, 2001). According to Sally, the promotions of less competent employees in senior positions for financial gain should be condemned and resisted. On the other hand, failure to finance a seminar for financial benefit is also unethical and should not be accepted. In this regard, Sally should advocate for the employment of more competent professional in the management positions. She also need to ensure the hospital administrators considers professional ethics instead of concentrating on maximising profit a thing which is professionally unethical. In reference to health professional ethics, every policy approved and implemented in hospital setting should be aimed at promoting the quality of service delivery as well as to contribute to the stability of heath sector. Any action or policy which is against health principle is unethical and unacceptable. On the other hand, ethical strategies are extremely momentous in boosting organisation performances. To counter unprofessionalism in the hospital operations, Sally need to use her experience and professionalism in ensuring the hospital management meets the need of the owners of the business as well as abiding by the existing codes of conducts presence in the law of land and in the ethical guidelines. Managers must be forced to comply with the existing framework of moral principle in maximising the organisation profit as well as meeting the interest of the employees and the customers (Young, 2002). Result In reference to utilitarianism, one of the core ethical principles, moral, and professional ethics are extraordinarily vital in deciding the end product of an action (Adams, 2001). Additionally, in reference to the principle of Right, every individual have the right to undertake any action provided it is not contradicting with other people ethical rights. Sally action can have both positive and negative outcome to her profession, the organisation and to the hospital customers. To start with, if her action succeeds, the quality of the services offered to the hospital customers will improve immensely. This is in accordance to health professional ethic. The vulnerable customers served by the hospital will therefore benefit from quality of services offered by the hospital. On the other hand, employees as well will get a chance to shares their ideas on how to improve the services they offer to the customers through attending Evidence-Based-Management seminar. Evidence-Based Management seminars will grant employees with an opportunity to air they discontent to the hospital management. Ethical principle will also serve as the guiding principles in the accomplishment of the hospital. The action as well will force the management to conduct their activities in accordance to the existing principle and ethics. There was also reduced confusion in the decision making process (Webley, 2008). Additionally, promotion and appointment in the hospital will be professional and ethical. The action in this regard will necessitate the application of professionalism in the appointment of administrative position. Sally action is also expected to create an avenue for the implementation of the recommendations and demand of professionals in the hospital. In reference to economic and profit gain, the hospital is expected to benefit tremendously on long term bases (Gaumniz, 2002). The appointment of qualified professional in the management position is also expected to enhance log term improved performance in the hospital. There will be limited resistance in the organisation as a result of previous poor performance in the hospital. Every activity in the hospital is expected to be legitimate and accepted by all professional in the hospital since it will be in accordance to the existing role and regulation. In general, Sally efforts of forging ahead with building her case for evidence-based Management Seminar will boost the quality of services delivered by hospital attendance. It will also improve the hospital profitability (Kaptein, 2008). On the other hand, Sally action can also bring about negative effect to her career, the customer and the entire hospital performance. To start with, Sally will risk being sacked for going against the administer directions. There relationship between Sally and senior management will also deteriorate due to her uncooperativeness. The employees who cooperated with her may also face dismissal in their position and as a result lost their job. The destabilisation that emerged during the action stage will affect the hospital customers negatively. Go slows and strikes will necessitate withdrawal of services to the hospital customers (Weller, 2008). Conclusion Business ethics are exceptionally decisive in the running and management of an organisation. Ethics and principles which guide daily activities of an organisation are exceptionally indispensable. It helps in increasing organisation performance as well as improving the quality of services and goods offered to the customer. There are some challenges which come across in daily operations of an organisation. In some cases, professional codes of ethic conflicts with the needs of business and the customers. Organisation managers have the responsibility of ensuring an organisation maximises in its profit without compromising the quality of services delivered to customers. In the case under study, Sally is in confusion over her professional code of ethics and desires of the organisation managers to maximise profit. According to her, the seminar is exceedingly imperative in enhancing quality service delivery to the hospital customers. She is very much committed to comply with her professional codes of ethics. However, the senior managers are not entirely concerned with the quality of the services offered by the hospital employees and instead they are more interested in maximising the hospital profit. To confirm their commitment, the chief executive officer cancelled a consultation seminar. Promotion of ineffectual managers was also another indicator for the management dedication in compromising professionalism with economic benefits. Being guided by her professional ethic, Sally decided to denounce the act by being strong to her professional principles. However, there were some challenges which affected her initiative. Some of them were incredibly demoralising while others served as motivators in her career. Bibliography Adams, Tashchian . ‘Codes of Ethics as Signals for Ethical Behavior’, Journal of Business Ethics 29, (2001)199–211. Bondy, Matten . ‘The Adoptionof Voluntary Codes of Conduct in MNCs: A Three Country Comparative Study’, Business and Society Review 109, (2004) 449–477. Boudreau John., & Ramstad Parker . Beyond HR: The new science of human capital. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. 2007. Drucker Peter. The practice of management. New York: Harper & Row. 1954. Dyllick , Hockerts . “Beyond the business case for corporate sustainability”. 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Lawler, Edward.’ Why HR practices are not evidence-based’, Academy of management Journal 50(2007)1033-1036. Rachels, Janes. The elements of moral philosophy (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. Schumann, Peterson. ‘Amoral principles framework for human resource management ethics’, Human Resource Management Review, 11(1954)93-111 Thompson, Albeit, & Strickland, Adson. Strategic management: concepts and cases (8th ed.). Chicago: Irwin, 1995. Tulder, Kolk ‘Multinationality andCorporate Ethics: Codes of Conduct in the Sporting Goods Industry’, Journal of International Business Studies32, (2001) 267–283. Webley, Werner. ‘Corporate Codes ofEthics: Necessary but not Sufficient’, Business Ethics: A European Review 17, (2008), 405–415. Weller, Smith .‘The Effectiveness of Corporate Codes of Ethics’, Journal of Business Ethics 7, (2008,) 389–396. Young Welford. Ethical Shopping – Where to Shop, What to Buy and What to Do to Make a Difference. London: Fusion. 2002. Read More
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