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Browns and Blacks: Ideal Coalition Partners - Research Paper Example

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In the paper “Browns and Blacks: Ideal Coalition Partners” the author discusses issues facing specific groups of the American population and. Political coalitions are a method through which people can organize themselves in order to influence the policy issues…
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Browns and Blacks: Ideal Coalition Partners
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Browns and Blacks: Ideal Coalition Partners Introduction Many specialized interest groups constantly fight for a change in policy to be implemented that works in their favor. As a consequence, they have a tendency to preferentially vote for laws that reflect their own point of view. There are many issues facing specific groups of the American population and, for this reason coalitions exist. Political coalitions are a method through which people with certain common concerns can organize themselves in order to influence the policy issues that most affect them. The struggles that the blacks have had to face throughout American history are well known, and result in many specific desires in terms of politics. In Africa, the land of ancestry for all blacks, there have been had social issues throughout history. The wars and problems in the continent are a great many and a large number of these still persist today. Not only have the blacks experienced problems in their own homeland, but within the United States and Europe they were oppressed and taken into slavery for many generations. They suffered through harsh, miserable lives and were commonly treated inhumanely. As blacks gained their freedom through emancipation and became more involved and accepted into the politics of the United States, they have been able to grow in organization and began to form coalitions with political powers. This has given them significant advantage in achieving the benefits and freedoms that they desire from the American government. The sheer strength of their numbers and determination brought about their eventual success. Not all coalitions are race based, but for the purpose of this paper, it is only race based coalitions that will be explored. The main group that would make an ideal political coalition partner will be identified and the reasons for this will be discussed in detail. It is proposed that browns make ideal political partners for blacks, as they have been similarly mistreated and abused. The Importance of Coalitions Even as people find power when they join together in numbers, so coalitions are energized when they combine. There are often issues that more than one racial group has to face which would be ideal for address by coalition politics. For example, although blacks comprise the racial group which is brought to mind at the thought of slavery, they are not the only racial group that suffered through slavery. Forming a coalition increases the number of individuals who stand for the same issue, and as a consequence increases their power. Coalitions whose members share history with another may join in with other coalitions whose members have had similar experiences to the former. These can band together to address a single cause. For the blacks, every other racial group may be able to agree and desire to advocate an issue with them, but there is only one racial group whose experience was similar enough to theirs that they make a good coalition partner. Since browns have been significantly oppressed, more so than whites and Asians they should be political partners with blacks. Brown coalitions can relate to the concerns of black coalitions and this relation can unite them on common ground. ‘Brown’ Oppression Brown people have been subjected to a great amount of oppression and hatred simply because of the color of their skin. Whites have held that they are superior to this group of people in a similar way to which they have done for the blacks. They have, therefore, been treated with an utter lack of compassion. This group includes members from a wide variety of countries and cultures, including many different ethnicities such as Hispanic, Indian, Arabs, and even those of mixed races. These have been ill-treated by whites for centuries. They have been oppressed and had to endure very hard times. Their heavy loads were of no concern to the whites, who considered the ill treatment of browns and blacks to be fair. A scientific study even demonstrated that the brains of whites are wired not to be sympatric to the peoples belonging to this group (Gutzell and Inzlicht 2011). They have developed insensitivity and indifference to the plight of these groups. It was reported that, “For most White Americans, the death and violence of thousands of brown bodies was just part of some abstract ethical argument to position oneself as morally superior to the United States. For most White Americans Brown people dying just meant flickers on the television screen about something happening far away. They didn’t feel the overwhelming anger and sadness they would normally feel when someone they know dies without reason. They couldn’t see the full reality of what death means, when the people who die are brown” (White People Lack Empathy, 2010). Clearly, whites do not have the same, bland reaction when it is people of their own kind that are being killed. What the true source is of such insensitivity in the minds of whites for brown people is unclear. There are many different suggestions as to the causes of this tragedy, but all of them are arguable. It is possible that it is a result of all the years of mistreatment of blacks and browns by the whites, in that they became so used to mistreating this group that they evolved biologically, becoming naturally predisposed to unsympathetic to their sufferings. In other words, their continual practice created in them a very bad and hateful habit which became implanted on their DNA. However, it could also be that whites were designed with such precepts from the very beginning and that all of the negative things they did to browns has been simply a demonstration of who they are by design. Either way, browns have been horribly mistreated by whites as have the blacks. This makes the browns and the blacks the best suited allies. They can and should work together to get the job done. Brown people have been mercilessly killed, put to hard forced labor, arrested more, harassed, beaten and much more through out history than any white people. Brown people have had to fight in order to be respected; to be treated like equals with whites and fully equal treatment between whites and browns has yet to be recognized, this is also true between whites and blacks. They have been the subject of many negative stereotypes, had their families torn apart, and have had to put up with many mean words from racists. Their struggles still continue on to this day. They hope to one day find the rest that they have been looking for so long. However, some advancement has been made. Things for browns are not as bad as they used to be, by far. For example, in Arizona a great controversy had arisen around a law that was potentially racist against Hispanics. Governor Jan Brewer has in support of a law that would make it legal to detain people who were suspected of being illegal at random. This case sounds like something that would have taken place back during the days of the Civil Rights movement. However, this controversial issue took place in 2010. While the intention of the bill was to address immigration issues, it demonstrates that there is still a great need for change. This law, SB1070 would have caused the police to participate in racial profiling, leaving browns, particularly Hispanics, to be freely harassed. As part of the law, all Hispanics would be required to carry their papers with them wherever they go so that they may prove their right to be in the US when stopped at random by the police. This means that people would be singled out because of the color of their skin and be harassed. Although parts of this law were indeed found unconstitutional, the newness of the issue shows that the fair treatment of browns is still a pending objective. This law may have claimed to have been designed for the purpose of assisting border patrol, but it also represented the tensions between whites and browns. Differences between blacks and browns Black people were similarly harassed and mistreated, but what they had to go through was much worse. There has been no great slavery of browns as there has been for blacks, although some exceptions do exist. The blacks had to live with far less rights in America that browns. They were bought and sold like cattle and considered to be property under the law for a considerable period of time. Laws were enacted by the government that supported the institution of slavery involving blacks. Such an occurrence is absent in the ancestry of most browns. The closest they have had to come to such struggles would have to be the migrant farm worker positions and lives of illegals. Nevertheless, these two coalitions have had similar plights, have had to overcome similar social ills, and have similar social and political issues that have yet to be addressed. These two coalitions can find many common issues on which they can unite and advocate. The members of each group can most easily relate to each other and their common passions will serve to further strengthen each other, granting the ability to engage in political battle at full force. The way that they have been treated is unfair and immoral. Some of the issues that these coalitions must address are those which will serve only to further improve and enlighten society at large. Other groups as Political Partners Whites are in no position to be political partners with blacks. They simply cannot relate. For the most part, whites have not been oppressed. Their main troubles are self-inflicted, occurring within the group instead of caused by some outer force. In addition, whites have enjoyed being considered superior to blacks. They now have a natural tendency to look down on them, as was previously reported in this paper. Considering themselves greater, they would not be able to work well with blacks in the political arena. The goals of blacks are not shared by whites. Whites have overall enjoyed a life of luxury and prosperity that all other ethnic groups have only dreamed about and fought for but rarely experienced. Should the black and white coalition united as partners the whites would no doubt continue to look down on the blacks and most likely neglect to listen to their ideas. This scenario may result in increasing tension between these two groups. It is not until equality is truly and completely established that they may be able to work together productively and with equal motives and perceptions. In one respect, it would be ideal if white coalitions could be political partners with blacks. Since these two groups need to understand each other and many of the issues that need to be addressed reside between these two groups. If they could band together effectively, the resolution of many social ills could arise much more quickly. In this ideal setting, whites would listen and understand the blacks’ call for equal treatment and grant it to them without hesitation or struggle. Blacks would be able to see some of society’s ills from the viewpoints of whites and be able to adjust their views and actions accordingly. If these two polar opposites could join and create a neutral position out of these two extreme sides of the fence the road of life would flow more smoothly for those on both sides, as well as everyone in between. However, this joining would be the same as if the democratic and republican parties were to merge to form one single group. This represents a state where there is a great absence of debate. This would be as when one party speaks and the other agrees. Where there is total agreement, there can be no debate. Where the whites and blacks are joined as partners there can be no need to take sides or advocate another. However, reality is not so perfectly written. Such cooperation between these parties that is as perfect as was described here does not exist and is a long way from existing. Democrats and republican still by design oppose each other. Mice and cats are natural enemies and blacks and whites are not ready to be grouped as political partners. Yet, there have been some developments that have served to take society to this level of enlightenment. For example, Barak Obama, a black man, has been elected President of the United States. His election did not rip the country apart. Whites have accepted him as the country’s leader, although not all. Obama has demonstrated that black coalitions and whites can work together on a common goal, although not with total agreement. There have been many race issues brought to light through his campaign, election, and presidency. Race is even a big issue regarding who will succeed him. It was reported that, “not re-electing President Obama would result in race riots” (Glen Beck, 2011). The race riots would of course be conducted by black people and the opponents would be whites. While it is not as vibrant and flagrant as it once was, racism between blacks and whites is still an issue in America. Asians would also not be the best political coalition partners with blacks. Asians have seen struggles and issues as a racial group, but not as much as black people by far. Still, whites have a tendency to separate themselves from this group a bit, supporting many Asian stereotypes. However, there are many more successful Asians than there are blacks. In fact, Asians and whites may serve as optimal coalition partners with each other as they share similarities in political stance on many issues. Being a better fit for white, Asians cannot be chosen as ideal partners for blacks. Like whites, Asians’ political interests vary greatly from blacks. They will not be able to relate with blacks on many issues. Should these two groups join forces, there may not be as much tension between them as there would be with Whites and Blacks, but there would be some major differences that would be challenging to reconcile. Blacks in a Coalition Blacks may a very strong political ally because of the potential that they demonstrated in creating change that was shown through their own struggles for freedom. Back during the time of the Civil Rights Movement there emerged many powerful black leaders, such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesse Jackson. There were many blacks who stood up for their rights, such as Rosa Parks. These leaders inspired their own community and when they were all united on a single political goal and ready to fight for what they believed was right, they came forward with great power and won many political victories. To have an ally of such strength can help to ensure victory. Yet, it would take a great inspiration to cause this sort of dedication among the blacks to arise again. It is for this very reason that some of the social ills blacks face still persists. Some of the issues that blacks and browns have in common include unemployment and high rates of incarceration. Both of these struggles are race based issues and these two coalitions could unite themselves on them to make a change for the better. The power of these two groups when combined could potentially see the end of these problems. It would be in their best interests to act with combined force in order to make political changes take place, especially during elections. For these issues are not simply a matter of rich versus poor, but rather the plight of those who have been historically oppressed who must seek recovery from the hands of their oppressors. It was reported that, “The members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) continue to be outraged at the “unconscionable” rate of unemployment among African-Americans” (Korbe, 2011). While the CBC focused its’ attention on the rate of unemployment in the African-American community they neglected to acknowledge the fact that they are not the only group that has had to struggle with this problem. It was reported that, “The national unemployment rate of 9.5% in June (2009) – the end of the second quarter – masks what continues to be a devastating recession for Blacks and Hispanics” (Austin & Filion, 2009). The problem is that those who are drawing the most attention to the blacks’ unemployment rates are those groups, such as the CBC, whose interest is in the black community. These groups, therefore, do not consider the plight of other groups, such as browns, when they work in advocating change. Yet, the battle is not theirs alone. The browns’ struggle with unemployment has been well noted. It was reported that, “Latinos account for about one-seventh of the U.S. Labor force, but comprise nearly one- fifth of the unemployed” (Tan, 2010). It would be in the best interests of both Black coalitions and Hispanic coalitions, being Browns, to band together during an election and support a candidate who will work to resolve their issues. Effects of a Black and Brown Coalition Should they join together, these groups would be much more likely to place people of ethnic groups other that white into strategic official positions, having a majority vote. Reoccurring instances of their joining forces would result in their issues being addressed adequately. The reason that these groups are continuing to suffer is because of white dominance in the political arena. However, this is something that is slowly changing and the time may very well come to pass in which the blacks and browns actually do join together. Proof of this change is the growing number of elected officials appearing in government from these two groups. There was a time in America when only white peoples engaged in political activities and the blacks and browns could only dream of having a say in what is going on. This merging of black and brown coalitions would also have a positive impact on the incarceration rates for both of them. It was reported that, “The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR, 1991) stated that if 10,516,399 arrests in 1990, Whites (Caucasians) accounted for 68.96 percent (7, 251.862), African – Americans 28.99 percent (3,049, 299). American Indian/Alaskan Natives 1.1 percent 9115,345), and Asian Pacific Islanders (0.95 percent (99, 893) ” (Camp, n.d.). The inequalities that exist between browns and blacks are clearly illustrated through the figures. The fact that blacks could not have succeeded in winning the freedoms that they now enjoy if it were not for the few whites that were on their side in their struggles, cannot be ignored. After all, the abolitionists were mostly white. When the Underground Railroad was being conducted, runaway slaves found their freedom through not only their perseverance and bravery but thanks to the assistance of many white supporters who hid the slaves in their homes, fed them, clothed them, granted them supplies, and helped them know which way to go in their flight to freedom. Some of these abolitionists even taught the slaves to read and write even though it was illegal. This assistance was a major factor in the blacks’ salvation and victory. So, even though as coalitions whites might not make the best of political partners for blacks, history and modern day culture has clearly demonstrated the fact that it is not impossible for the two groups to work together on an issue that mostly only blacks face. In addition, let it be remembered that browns are a group that encompasses a wide variety of cultures and ethnicities. For them to join up with the black coalitions they would be setting a positive example of interracial cooperation, thereby convincing some to judge more fairly. A single group that is comprised of many colors and ethnicities will serve to increase the idea that people of different background can serve together on the same coalition. Therefore the joining of blacks and browns would not only reap the benefits of the power of numbers but would also serve as hegemony and further assist in erasing the color line. This too is a road to the state that has been previously described, wherein a middle ground is easily found, as whites and blacks come to understand and accept more of each other’s point of view. Blacks as Political Partners Blacks have demonstrated throughout history why they are the number one choice when considering coalition politics. Their struggles have been very great and yet they have fought hard to establish their freedom. They have made a lot of headway towards the solution of many of society’s ills that are most common to them. Such greatness should be supported even by people of a different coalition. Through them many life lessons have been learned and the way of true nobility has been made known. Since they are so willing to fight for whist they believe is their right, it can be concluded that any coalition who joins them on their quest to find solutions and make impressions will greatly benefit. There is no other group more able to join forces with them politically than the browns. The browns have also had their share of struggles which they have taken and fought valiantly. They have been oppressed much like the blacks, but not as severely. This group has been oppressed by whites who tried to keep them down. They have been horribly mistreated and, even though their experience was not as bad as that of the blacks, they have had to overcome and survive it all. They can therefore relate best to black and share some similar issues that need to be addressed. The best way to address these issues is for the two coalitions to join powers and perform their political advocacy together. Whites are the least compatible to blacks as far as issues and experience goes. For all of the groups, they have been the ones who served as the oppressors. Often what benefits them the most is the exact opposite of what benefits blacks and browns. White are more likely to have know luxury in their lives than blacks and blacks have known. Blacks have faced more troubles than their white counterparts. Asians have had to face the least troubles when compared to other non-white groups. This fact makes them unsuitable as the best pick of a coalition political partner for the blacks. There is a higher population of Asians who are successful than there are of blacks and browns. Asians fit better as the coalition partners of white groups. Each of the groups have their own specific problems that need to be addressed. Some of these issues are not common to any other group, some are common to all the groups, and some of them are shared in common only with their ideal coalition partners. Blacks and browns share many common issues. Just as opening a non-profit organization in the middle of a black neighborhood that focuses on helping white people would not be as successful as an organization that helps brown people, so it is clear that blacks and browns would make a great team in coalition politics. Society still has a ling way to go before every issue has been addressed and every bumpy road of good race relations has been smoothed out. Conclusion Coalition politics are a great way for groups to address issues that face more than one group. It is also a way in which one coalition can come to the rescue of another. When two or more groups gather together with the intent of accomplishing a single goal there is power. It is the only way that many advancements in society have been made. The varieties of people within these partnerships also serve to promote diversity. In order for coalition politics to work, groups have to join up with those who share their interests and work to outdo or convert the opposition. Black people found out about the power of organizing when they were fighting for their civil rights. Brown people still are organizing themselves to fight the issues that are hindering them from progression. Asians have also had to fight for some respect and know the power of organization. Coalition politics works to increase the power of the fight and the level of efficiency. References Austin, Algernon, and Kai Filion. "Unequal unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics | Economic Policy Institute." Economic Policy Institute. N.p., 22 June 2009. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. . Camp, D. Incarceration Rates by Race. N.d. Web. Retrieved online 12 Sept. 2011 from "Glenn Beck Says There Will Be Race Riots if President Obama is Not Re-elected." Your Black World. N.p., 12 Aug. 2011. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. Korbe, Tina . "CBC’s Cleaver: We would be ‘marching on the White House’ if Obama weren’t president « Hot Air." HotAir . N.p., 18 Sept. 2011. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. . White people lack empathy for brown people, brain research shows. « Restructure!." Restructure!. N.p., 4 May 2010. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. . Gutzell, J.& Inzlicht, M. “Intergroup Differences in the Sharing of Emotive States: Neural Evidence of an Empathy Gap” Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Advance Access. 23 June 2011. Web. Retrieved online 13 Nov. 2011 from Read More
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