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Diet and Digestion - Coursework Example

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This work called "Diet and Digestion" focuses on the peculiarities of a balanced diet. From this work, it is clear about the process of digestion, absorption, and assimilation. The author outlines the digestive system’s organs and their function…
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Diet and Digestion
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DIET AND DIGESTION Department TAQ Three Day Menu for teenage male Athlete Meal Day Day 2 Day 3 Break fast Bagels with some jam Drink - Skim Milk Whole grain cereals (with Skim Milk) with bananas and strawberries Drink - Orange Juice Oatmeal with blueberries Drink - Orange juice Lunch Pasta with sausage and spinach Drink - Water Grilled Salmon with brown rice and asparagus Drink - Water or Milk Spaghetti topped with cheese with bread Drink - Water Dinner Tacos with avocado, mushrooms, and meat Drink - Skim Milk Chicken and potatoes with broccoli Drink - Water Lean steak made with olive oil and roast potatoes Drink - Milk Three Day food Menu for expectant mother in her 30s Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Break fast 2 Whole grain waffles 2 T peanut butter 1 c skim milk 1 lg. Pancake1 T margarine 2 T maple syrup 1 c juice Oatmeal cereal Banana 1 sl. Whole wheat toast 2 tsp jam 1c soy or skim milk Lunch 2 sl veggie pizza tossed salad1 c diced melon Cheeseburger Baked potato Small milkshake 2 c bean soup Whole grain roll 1 T margarine Cucumber and tomato salad 1 c soy or skim milk Dinner 5 oz. Broiled sirloin steak ½ baked potato 1 T margarine 1 T low fat sour cream 1 c steamed zucchini 1 c skim milk 4 oz. Broiled halibut ½ c wild rice 1 tsp margarine 5 asparagus spears Decaf tea Tofu and veggie stir fry ½ c brown rice ½ c corn Decaf tea(hot/iced) Three Day food Menu for an elderly male hospital patient Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Break fast French mixed fruit, biscuit and milk Apple slices, French toast GB, Skim milk and Maple Syrup Orange wedges, English muffin, and milk. Peanut butter Lunch Spanish rice D-22 Green beans Steamed corn Whole wheat dinner roll Milk Cheese sand and Turkey. Carrots mixed with vegetables, apple wedges, Hoagie roll and milk. Chicken breast, carrot raisin salad, green beans, rice and milk Dinner Peanut butter, banana slices Fruit salad and animal crackers Low-fat yoghurt, green and red grapes Explanation Balanced diet is important for healthy growth and nourishment of the body. It is however important to note that due to different physiological state of the body brought about due to age, level of activity and age. Teenage needs a lot of calories to support the growth and high level of activities. However, teenage athletes require even more calories to support their increased activity. In the food menu above we have catered for high energy requirements by giving high portions of whole grains that are rich in energy and fiber. They included whole grains, pasta, bread and spaghetti. Teenagers’ growth rate is also higher than other age groups hence they need more protein to cater for their growth and development needs. That is the reason for inclusion of higher protein sources such as fish, chicken, legumes and beef. While we cater for higher needs of this particular age group we have also ensured that all meals are balanced in terms of providing vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, lipids and fiber. Water and fluids consumption by teenage athlete and other athletes is also important since it enhances the function ability of internal organs which are very important for an athlete. Expectant mothers’ nutritional needs must incorporate the needs of both the unborn baby and the mother. The growth of the baby and the development of vital organs of the baby at the initial stages of pregnancies are important in designing a meal plan. Unborn baby require folic acid for the development of the brain, calcium for strong bones, iron for blood volumes and vitamin C for faster healing of the wounds as well as for body defense mechanism. The baby also requires proteins to grow and this must be supplied by the mother. Experts have recommended a daily intake of about 100 grams of protein per day (Cecilia 2003:15). As Guthrie (1996:33) states, protein does not only enhances the growth of vital fetal tissues such as the brain but also result into the development of uterine tissue and well developed breast during pregnancy. Blood supply and circulation through the body is also enhanced by taking good amounts of protein daily. The menu caters for high protein needs: beef, chicken and fish, Iron and calcium from spinach and red meat and vegetables that provide vitamic C. Elderly patients’ foods play an important role in influencing their clinical outcomes as well as their satisfaction with stay at the hospital. Balanced diet coupled with good amount of fluids is a requirement in effectively managing the needs of the patient. A balanced diet is often very important for hospitalized patients though there is need to reduce energy drinks to 800kj per day due to reduced activity. Elderly patients require high protein for nourishment of the worn out tissues as they grow old. They also need vitamins and minerals such as iron and calcium to increase blood volumes and maintain their skeletal structure respectively. Hospitalized patients may also experience cases of low appetite and poor feeding. Experts have suggested good amounts of vitamin A and C which are readily available from fruits and vegetables such as spinach (Guthrie 1996:33). The above menu for elderly patient has provided requirement for protein foods, low energy foods and high amounts of vegetables and fruits. TAQ 2 Type 2 diabetes also known as insulin resistant diabetes is a condition characterized by inability of the body insulin to control the blood sugar thus resulting to high blood sugar in the body. It is mostly resulting from impairment of the beta cell function hence interfering with the section of insulin. Obesity refers to the accumulation of fats in the body. Experts have noted that when fat, muscle and liver cannot respond correctly to insulin for a long period of time and individual is likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes (Chen et al 2013: 303). Hen an individual is obese, body sugar entry into the cells is limited thus builds up in the blood circulation in the body a condition known as hyperglycemia. Research has shown that type 2 diabetes occurs slowly over a long period of time due to accumulation of body fat and increase fat circulation in the blood. As stated by Kohlmeier (1998:576), increase in body fat inhibits the correct way use of insulin by our body hence the disease is common among people who are overweight or obese. Atherosclerosis is a cardiovascular disease that is manifested by the accumulation of fats within the walls of arteries. One of the dietary causes of atherosclerosis is the presence of oxidized cholesterol in the body. While cholesterol is essential to the body as essential cell membranes and in the synthesis of bile, certain hormones and vitamin D, uncontrolled intake can cause atherosclerosis (Kohlmeier et al1998:578). There are two types of cholesterol; High density lipoproteins (HDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL). HDL function to remove excess cholesterol from the body and its presence in small amounts in the body may result into atherosclerosis since cholesterol will continue accumulating in the body. Cholesterol also contains high amounts of free radicals that require adequate amounts of antioxidants to be removed from the blood stream (Kranz 2006;1541). Lack of enough antioxidants result into the oxidation of cholesterol and it is this type of cholesterol that causes damages unto the walls of arteries. Rickets is a deficiency disease that is manifested by the development of weak and soft bones resulting into curved and bowed legs most often among the children. Lack of calcium and or vitamin D can therefore cause rickets. The body of human beings is capable of producing vitamin D when the body is exposed to sunlight. Dietary sources of vitamin D include oily fish which act both as a source as well as facilitator for absorption. Calcium source include milk, vegetables and certain whole grains (Le 2012:2308). It is important to note that the development of strong bones require both calcium and vitamin D thus any deficiency in the two nutrients would result into weak bones. The infants may also lack vitamin D or calcium if the mother is not having enough vitamin D and calcium in her diet. A balanced diet is also important to enable other body functions to go on well and hence ensure enough nutrients are available at the right quantities for metabolism (le et al 2012: 2315). This would eliminate metabolic disorders that are also known to affect calcium and Vitamin D availability. TAQ 3 a. Digestion, Absorption and Assimilation Digestion refers to the process of breaking large food particles into smaller ones necessary for body absorption. Carbohydrates are digested into glucose, proteins into amino acids and lipids into fatty acids. Absorption happens both the small and large intestines. Assimilation is the process by which simple forms of food are taken in by different organs depending upon the organ and happens after absorption (Enzymology 2004:117). The carbohydrates are absorbed and utilized immediately or stored for future. Proteins are used to build body cells; fats stored in different parts of the body as deposits for energy in time of need. Water, minerals and vitamins are absorbed in the blood stream where they are readily used for metabolism and maintaining body fluid potential balance. b. Physical Processes involve in digestion Organ/Body Part Process Importance Mouth Buccal Cavity Chewing break down of food to smaller portion. Making digestion easier since the small particles can easily be acted upon by the juices. Oesophagus peristalsis process by which contractions occur to push food from esophagus to the stomach Stomach chumming It mixes food in preparation for more enzymatic action to become like a liquid paste. More breakdown especially digestion of protein happens here. Small Intestine Motility Help in movement of food as well as emptying from one part to another in the small intestine more breakdown happen in the duodenum while the absorption usually happen in the ileum and jejunum food moves into the bloodstream Large Intestine Defecation While absorption ends in the small intestine, large intestine is usually specialized highly in the processing of waste from digestion. It usually connects to the colon which usually hold waste as it await to be passed out of the body Anus Control of stool It has muscles that usually stop the stool from coming out especially when it is needed not and opens when necessary C. Digestive enzymes, production and roles Name of Digestive Juice Site of Production Enzyme in Digestive Juice Functions of the enzyme Saliva Mouth Salivary Amylase Salivary Amylase is useful in the digestion of Amylose to Maltose Gastric Juice Stomach Pepsin Pepsin is useful in the breakdown of large protein molecules into small molecules known as polypeptides. Bile Liver Bile Acids The bile acids is not an enzyme but an acid that prepares fats and oils for digestion by dissolving them into water substances that can easily be digested by the enzymes from the small intestine. Pancreatic Juice Pancreas Pancreatic Amylases Pancreatic Amylases are useful in the breakdown of Amylose that was not digested in the mouth into Amylases Trypsin Breakdown of Protein molecules into polypeptides Endopeptidase Chymotrypsin Responsible for the digestion of protein into polypeptides Endopeptidase Amino, Carboxypetidases Useful in the digestion of various proteins into peptides Small Intestine Carbohydrases i.e. sucrose, maltase and lactase Responsible for the breakdown of disaccharides such as sucrose, maltose and lactose into monosaccharide’s or simple sugars Dipeptides Responsible for the breakdown of dipeptides into amino acids that are easily absorbed into the body Lipase Digestion of lipids TQA 4 Digestive System’s Organs and their Function Digestive system organ Functions Mouth The mouth is the first organ of digestion and it plays two major functions. First, the mouth acts as the first point where food components are broken down into smaller components that can be acted upon by the enzymes in the other organs. This process is called mechanical digestion. The second phase of digestion is the secretion of enzyme Amylase from the salivary glands which is crucial for the breakdown of Amylose to Maltose. Rom here the food components mixed with the enzymes moves down to the stomach through the esophagus (Aarak et al 2013:1409). Oesophagus Oesophagus function is to receive food from the mouth and conveys it to the stomach through contraction and expansion, a process known as peristalsis The Stomach The stomach is where the digestive juice, chime is secreted. Chime contains a number of enzymes that are necessary for protein digestion. The large protein molecules are broken down into peptides before being conveyed into the small intestine. There is also small absorption of nutrients within the stomach. Small Intestine The small intestine is made up of four components namely the jejunum, duodenum and ilium. The small intestine is important in the digestive system since it is the final stage where digestion occurs. Within the small intestine, there are several secretions in which protein; carbohydrates are digested into the final products. The final products including glucose, amino acids and fatty acids are absorbed within the small intestine as well Pancrease Pancrease plays an important role in the digestion by secreting pancreatic juice that is important for the enzymes that it contains. The pancreatic juice is secreted at the duodenum and provide a range of enzymes that are used for the digestion of carbohydrates, lipid and proteins Liver Liver plays a key role in digestion by secreting bile that is stored and released into the small intestine for the digestion of fats and oils. Liver also process all nutrients that have been digested and absorbed into the body by cleaning the nutrients and ensure what goes to the body is non-toxic Gall Bladder The gallbladder store the secreted bile from the liver The Colon The Colon function is to prepare wastes and ensures that wastes does not accumulate in the body. Colon is where a lot of water is absorbed as well thus ensures waste or stool is dry Rectum function is to receive the stool and keep stool and regulate the release of stool from the colon to the anus TAQ 5 Layers of the Digestive tract and how they perform their function There exist four layers that form the digestive tract. The first layer is the mucous membrane and it interacts with food and plays different functions depending on the site in the digestive tract. It is made up of three other sub-layers; epithelium which is the innermost layer and contain goblet cells necessary for production of mucus and endocrine cells secreting hormone into the blood. The second sub layer known as the lamina propria helps in absorption of products either secreted from epithelium or nutrients from the stomach. It is where all nutrients from the stomach are absorbed while in large intestine mainly water is absorbed (Le et al 2012:2310. Lamina propria also protects the GI from bacterial infection by the presence of lymphocytes and macrophages. Muscularis mucosae is the sub-mucosa outmost layer consisting of smooth muscles that are responsible for local movement within the tract by generating folds which increase surface area for absorption of nutrients in both the stomach and small intestine. Submucosa is the second layer of GI and contains areolar connective tissue that carry many blood vessels, nerve fibers and lymphatic systems necessary for transportation of nutrients from the stomach to the liver through the other blood vessels. Muscularis is the third layer that is well developed in the pharynx and mouth (Aarak et al 2013:1410). It mainly consists of skeletal muscles necessary for effective swallowing of food. In the other parts of the digestive system it consists of soft muscles two in small intestine, three in stomach. It is important in aiding peristalsis in stomach and small intestine and control opening and closing lumen between stomach and intestine. The fourth layer of membrane is the serosa which is a serous membrane and found immediately after Muscularis and is external to the GI in peritoneal cavity. The combination effect of these layers ensures mixing and absorption of the required nutrients and fluids into the body at the right part of the tract. References "Enzymology; Restriction enzyme digestion gives real-time accounts of nucleic acids", 2004, Biotech Business Week,pp. 117. Aarak, K, Kirkhus, B, Holm, H, Vogt, G, Jacobsen, M, & Vegarud, G 2013, Release of EPA and DHA from salmon oil - a comparison of in vitro digestion with human and porcine gastrointestinal enzymes, The British Journal Of Nutrition, 110, 8, pp. 1402-1410, MEDLINE, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 March 2014. Cecilia, Wilkinson Enns, Sharon J. Mickle, and Joseph D. Goldman. (2003). "Trends in Food and Nutrient Intakes by Adolescents in the United States." Family Economics and Nutrition Review 15.2, 15-27. ProQuest. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Chen, G., Hu, K., Zhong, N., Guo, J. & al, e. 2013, "Antioxidant capacities and total polyphenol content of nine commercially available tea juices measured by an in vitro digestion model", European Food Research and Technology = Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung.A, vol. 236, no. 2, pp. 303-310. Guthrie, Joanne F. (1996). "Dietary Patterns and Personal Characteristics of Women Consuming Recommended Amounts of Calcium." Family Economics and Nutrition Review 9.3, 33-49. ProQuest. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Kohlmeier, Lenore, et al. (1998). "Deficient Dietary Iron Intakes among Women and Children in Russia: Evidence from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey." American Journal of Public Health 88.4, 576-80. ProQuest. Web. 12 Nov. 2013 Kranz, Sibylle. (2006)"Meeting the Dietary Reference Intakes for Fiber: Socio-demographic Characteristics of Preschoolers with High Fiber Intakes." American Journal of Public Health 96.9, 1538-41. ProQuest. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Le, T, De Wiele, T, Do, T, Debyser, G, Struijs, K, Devreese, B, Dewettinck, K, & Van Camp, J 2012, Stability of milk fat globule membrane proteins toward human enzymatic gastrointestinal digestion, Journal Of Dairy Science, 95, 5, pp. 2307-2318, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 March 2014. Read More
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