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The Kunsthaus Graz: A New Stitch in an Old City's Fabric Architecture Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The building’s architects, Cook and Fournier, may affectionately refer to their creation as a “friendly alien” for not conforming to the prevalent historic architecture of the city since the building blatantly stands out among the rest of the old city.
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Reflections on Learning Related to Information Systems Architecture Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
I also leanrt the impprtance of object oriented sytems which are gaining popularity. Object oriented programming is gaining popularity in the programming field due to the benefits it has over other programming paradigms. OOP languages are easy to learn with a lot of code simplification thus the programmer is saved the hustle of writing numerous codes, the use of inheritance also allows for code reuse thus simplifying program designing and coding.
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Evaluation of the Visual Environment Architecture Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Electricity provided modern-day conveniences, such as appliances like television and cameras, but more importantly, it allows people to work even when sunlight is no longer around, due to artificial lighting. It gives people absolute freedom from darkness at the flip of a switch.
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Architecture History Architecture Essay
6 pages (1611 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As opposed to the Neolithic age when mud-brick structures and animal paintings were common, the modern style embraces new building designs including the use of stone brick and glass in construction. The international style also referred to as modern architecture, emerged between 1920 and 1930, and the change in design was manifested in various forms.
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Spatial City Park and Ride Transport Planning Architecture Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The system is meant to have people park their cars, motorcycles and bicycles at a given place the take a ride in larger vehicle like a bus to complete their journey. The destinations include offices, market places, banks, schools, hospitals, residential areas, entertainment spots, leisure parks, airports, railway stations and city exit highways among others.
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High Rise at Malaya. Courtyard and Daylighting Architecture Thesis
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Thesis
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The application of courtyard designs in architectural structures is an old practice dating from the era of the Chinese dynasties. Courtyard designs were meant to attract residents into an open-air atrium at the center of a rectangular or cubic form of architectural construct.
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To Explore the Model of Future Intelligent Buildings via the 2010 Shanghai World Expo Architecture Dissertation
54 pages (13500 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
We try to estimate various tools and concepts that give rise to similar results. In the process the notion of cultural diversity and varying climatic condition and socio-economic back grounds are often over looked. This paper makes an attempt to try to analyze ways in which such innovative technology could be made universal.
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The influence Julias Schulman had on the developement and perception of modern architecture Architecture Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Shulman was born in October 10, 1910 in Brooklyn, New York to Russian Jewish immigrants. At the age of ten, he moved with his family to a farm in California, where he developed a love of nature, something that would be reflected in most of his later on in his life.
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Sexism and the Star System in Architecture Architecture Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Women have, for a long time, struggled in architecture because they have not been given fair chances to participate within the profession. With the advent of having to have a degree in architecture as well as licensure for the profession, many women who had previously been involved in architecture found that they were shut out from the profession.
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Sustainable Living and Ecological Lifestyle within Traditional and Modern Courtyard Design Architecture Thesis
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 4 , Thesis
An understanding of ecological lifestyles is required in contemporary architecture. Such research is challenging; it involves the study of green living which is difficult to incorporate in contemporary structural establishments. Ecological living is introduced and infused upon the set-up of the contemporary era.
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Architectural Theory Architecture Essay
11 pages (2915 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is where an architect comes in whereby an architect is the one who devises this theoretical structure and turns it into a reality. Nonetheless, the theoretical structural design differs from one architect to another. The Design theory of architecture is in a continuous evolution whereby architects are coming up with newer and newer ideas every day.
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Evaluating the Sustainability of a Development Plan Architecture Assignment
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
According to the paper the issue of sustainable development cannot be ignored in today’s business and social environment especially considering the warning by experts from different fields of the fast depletion of certain natural resources. Sustainable development is defined by environmental experts basically as the prudent use of resources in such a manner as to meet current human needs while at the same time preserving for future generations the environment
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Urban Regeneration Practice: 'Eco-City' Architecture Essay
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Urban Regeneration Practice: 'Eco-City' Over the last two decades, various measures have been taken to render cities environmentally and socially sustainable. This has resulted in the new phenomenon known as ‘ecocity’. In the first decade of the twenty-first century, the phenomenon appears to have become increasingly global and mainstream, with international “recognition of the scale and severity of climate change, and rapid urbanisation particularly in the developing world” (Joss 2010: 239).
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St. Peter's Basilica Designed by Bramante Architecture Term Paper
9 pages (2425 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Inside the building, one can find the impressive works of artists like Michelangelo, Bernini, and Giotto. There existed an old building before the construction of the “new” St. Peter’s Basilica. In the early years of the fourth century, the emperor Constantine planned to build a basilica and dedicate it to Saint Peter.
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Creating New from the Old: Designs in Architecture from Turkey Architecture Dissertation
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The expressions of architecture have changed throughout time and have formed a different approach to the ability to represent a specific culture or time frame. When looking at the architecture of Turkey, it is noted that alterations in styles have been made to architecture and the approach which is taken throughout time.
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How Fair Is the Congressional Redistricting Process Architecture Dissertation
17 pages (4802 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Congressional restricting is a method by which the United States creates electoral boundaries to align with population fluctuations throughout the country. These population fluctuations are determined by the most recent U.S. census data. States each have their own laws regarding the boundary-development of these legislative districts but ultimately must meet Federal regulations.
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Enhancing Learning Through Architecture: Natural Light in Learning Environments: A Research Proposal Architecture Thesis
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 5 , Thesis
Enhancing Learning Through Architecture: Natural Light in Learning Environments: A Research Proposal Introduction Use of readily available resources to enhance human experience and lifestyle is a practical way to implement in man’s daily activities. Short-term and long-term results and advantages can be gained from this practice.
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Compare Chartres Cathedral and Canterbury Cathedral Architecture Term Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
According to the research findings Canterbury Cathedral and Chartres Cathedral are the signs of the Medieval Ages and the intrinsic nature of combined Gothic and Romanesque styles. The presence of chapels, pointed towers, curious images carved inside the building, divine images, the evidences from Baptists times, the images of royalty and superficial looks of magnates reflect historical events of the Medieval Ages.
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A Survey of Architectural Theory Architecture Essay
15 pages (4107 words) , Download 2 , Essay
An architect does not arrive at his, or her finished product solely by a sequence of rationalizations, like a scientist, nor does he or she reach them by uninhibited intuitions, like a musician or a painter. He or she thinks of forms instinctively, and then attempts to rationalize them; a dialectical process controlled by theory. This theory can only be studied in philosophical and ethical terms.
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What The Word 'Green' Means In Architecture Today Definition of Green Architecture Architecture Term Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Term Paper
Environmental living is a coined term in today’s society, specifically because of the need to begin changing the environment and hazards which are created. To continue with becoming eco – friendly, many architectural designs have begun to change the structure to match these needs.
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Comparing Architectural Styles Architecture Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Comparing Architectural Styles Introduction In this era of advanced technical knowhow society as well as culture has also undergone numerous changes. Such changes have also touched the field of architecture. In due course of time there have been many creative innovations especially in the architectural style.
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Reclaiming nature: How We Can Come Closer to Nature with Organic Architecture Architecture Essay
26 pages (6500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research study will develop an understanding and definition of organic architecture and how this works to develop an alternative experience to the use of architecture. The experience with organic architecture is one which only creates a statement that develops a creative value to nature, as opposed to leading one back into the natural.
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Asbestos Exposure In Buildings Architecture Essay
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Asbestos is a pale-colored, fibrous mineral formation with a storied history. It is perhaps the fact that it was once so popular as a building material that colors our current sense of urgency regarding its toxicity. Asbestos was known to the ancient world, named in a variety of sources as a material useful for lamp wick's, fireproof clothing, and in buildings as a source for fireproof curtains.
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A Comparison between the Pantheon and the Coliseum Architecture Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
From this research, it is clear that Ancient Rome was marked with a lot of features, which evidently expressed its early civilization. Most importantly, the civilization was in terms of the culture, traditions, and religion, which were practiced by its citizens. Architectural constructions marked the ancient Roman Empire on a large scale.
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Responsive / Biomimetic designs for climate change adaptation and mitigation Architecture Literature review
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The study presents that most of the solutions achieved via evolutionary processes amongst organisms are never perfect in solving human problems. However, for professionals of the built environment to solve more pressing problems stemming from climate change, they have to consider how similar problems have been solved by various living organisms or even ecosystem within similar climatic conditions.
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Th Reasons to Become a Professional Architect Architecture Research Paper
11 pages (3225 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Architecture is the art and science applied to designing and putting up buildings and other physical structures. Architectural in relation to building involves intensive planning, designing, form construction, and ambiance that replicate various fictional, social, technical, and other artistic works.
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Planning and the Law Architecture Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper illustrates that houses and industries drastically sprung up and were built side by side without proper zoning. The haphazard construction of the houses and industries encouraged the spread of various diseases causing devastating outbreaks of typhoid and cholera in the industrial towns which led to lose of many lives.
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Local Development Framework in England Architecture Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research has examined urban conservation as a significant part of urban development. The Local Development Framework of Hackney Wick Area, with a reference to Greenway, and the masterplans of local development framework to transform the Olympic Park into six neighbourhoods have been discussed to exemplify the concept and purpose of local development frameworks in England.
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English Country House Architecture Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Based on this research owning a country house was seen as a symbol of pride and affluence in earlier times but maintaining such houses in the original grandeur has become very difficult for its owners. Hence most of them are being turned into local museums or being taken up by private trusts. The remaining houses are striving for their maintenance charges by holding corporate events or as film shooting sets.
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Architectural design of Taj Mahal from scratch to the completion of the structure Architecture Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the study a literature review and a methodological study of Taj Mahal was conducted with an objective of exploring the architecture, materials, construction techniques, the geometrical applications in addition to all intricate details in the construction of Taj Mahal. The findings of the research justifies the power or architecture as demonstrated by it contribution in the creation of the Taj Mahal.
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The Altar of Zeus Architecture Term Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The Altar of Zeus: A Crucial Look at its Aesthetic Form and Socio-Political Substance Name Year Level – Section Professor March 13, 2012 The Altar of Zeus Introduction Regarded by many as one of the most outstanding pieces of architecture from the Greco-Roman Era, the Altar of Zeus is a huge rectangular structure currently found in a museum in Berlin, Germany.
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Liverpool Old Cathedral as a magnificent architecture Architecture Assignment
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This essay discusses Liverpool Old Cathedral as a magnificent architecture. The monument has seen an elaborate period of 74 years of British history, during which it the construction of the same saw multiple changes than what it was in the original design. The architecture is magnificent with its grandeur style and design.
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The Development Of Ideas In Creative Process Of Zaha Hadid Architecture Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
TIn the history of the ancient civilizations of the West and East, the Renaissance and European Gothic, art and architecture were largely intertwined. However, with the turn of the 19th century, the class of merchants rose to power, and art began to lose significance.
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Light and shadow in prayer Architecture Dissertation
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Abstract Architecture is an art of design that takes in consideration of designing artistic models to enhance the conditions of the environment. It uses the natural available material to compose equipments that of great importance to human being and environment itself.
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The Construction of Frankford Avenue Bridge Architecture Essay
12 pages (3186 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Holmesburg men completed the construction of this bridge in 1967. After many years, the route through the bridge transformed into a major traffic route. In 1740, the bridge was widened. Because of changes in the transportation mode and traffic flow, there was the need for the bridge to be renovated.
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Usage of ornaments and traditional aspects vs. Simplicity and no ornaments Architecture Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Usage of ornaments and traditional aspects vs. Simplicity and no ornaments The world is rapidly evolving and the field of architecture has undergone transformation over the years. In a fast urbanizing and globalizing world, the demand for architectural designs has grown enormously.
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Pier Luigi Nervi and Santiago Calatrava - Protagonists of an Engineering-based Architecture Architecture Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
A protagonist is a lead character or the player of a chief role in a certain aspect such as a play, a movie or an industry.Pier Luigi Nervi and Santiago Calatrava are chief players in the Engineering based architecture industry. They play a very major role in the industry.
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Compating Two Architecs Architecture Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Comparison between two architects (Usage of ornaments and traditional aspects vs. Simplicity and no ornaments) Name: Institution: Introduction In a fast evolving world, the field of architecture has undergone significant changes over the generations to meet the demands and desires of the society.
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St. Vincent's Concept Statement Architecture Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name Professor Institution Course Date Architecture Introduction In the architectural field there are various things that come into play when the designing of buildings or any particular piece of construction is being considered. The thing that is of primary importance in this case is to do with the design of that will be set forth in this same regard.
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Relationship between Serving Space and Structural Elements in Louis Kahns Laboratories and Museum Architecture Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Man’s needs are not satisfied by every structure. It takes the skills and expertise of an architect like Louis Kahn to satisfy the needs of users through the architecture of the structure. Louis Kahn has been one of the most famous and innovative modern architects across the globe.
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The Term Planning and Design Architecture Essay
12 pages (3239 words) , Download 2 , Essay
After the collapse of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and the Carolingians and Merovingian’s took over the city of Paris in the 9th century, which they destroy and brought it down through the Vikings. At this point is where the architecture started to come up, and it was the era of King Philippe August way back in the 12th century.
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The Dark Side of the Domus Architecture Essay
13 pages (3456 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Generally, The Dark Side of the Domus is an essay that provides an evaluation of the conception of the dwelling which has developed into something of a prevailing paradigm within the architectural hypothesis. It analyzes the idealistic underpinnings of the notion of the exertion of Martin Heidegger.
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Work Pressure and Challenges among Medical Doctors in Private Clinic in Hong Kong Architecture Dissertation
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Work Pressure and Challenges among Medical Doctors in Private Clinic in Hong Kong. The quality of healthcare services offered by the hospitals as well as healthcare centers in Hong Kong is considered to be quite noteworthy by international standards. The country has nearly 13 private hospitals that have been associated with the United Kingdom in order to offer international healthcare authorization to the local communities.
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Architects of building with gargoyles in New York City Architecture Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Schermerhorn Building is one of the most popular gargoyle accentuated building and was designed by a great architect named Henry J. Hardenbergh. He was born in New Jersey and worked as an apprentice in New York with a architectural firm for five years before opening his own practice in 1871.
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