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The Architectural Design of the Broad Art Museum and the Concept of Digital Fabrication - Research Paper Example

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The paper describes the design process of materials through the use of digital technology that plays an important role in terms of cost saving and reducing the overall development time. Rapid advancements in both computer hardware and software have opened new frontiers in the field of architecture…
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The Architectural Design of the Broad Art Museum and the Concept of Digital Fabrication
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The concept of digital fabrication has had a tremendous impact in the field of architecture. The design process of materials through the use of digital technology plays an important role in terms of cost saving and reducing the overall development time. Rapid advancements in both computer hardware and software have opened new frontiers in the field of architecture. Exponential development in information technology has led to the renaissance of architecture exemplified by renderings that are glossy and futuristic (Mitchell, 2008). The ease of manipulation of concepts in fabrication has been made possible through the availability of software such as CAD /CAM. Digital fabrication processes have enabled new methods of visualization and architectural representation. It is possible to use digital fabrication to obtain three dimensional renderings from computer models. The Non Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) are a kind of mathematical spline curves that can be manipulated through a control polygon. The origin of NURBS can be traced back to the works of Pierre Beizer on the numerical control. Computer Numerical Control (CNC) makes it possible for one to slice up any shape and fabricate it to the desired form. However, software based on NURBS makes it easier and intuitive to undertake digital fabrication processes. NURBS based programs offer a robust framework to represent a shape and then the designer can modify it. The NURBS software development environment offers a filtering medium through which the designers’ intentions and directions can be actualized. The mathematical principles behind NURBS based programs imply a link between the material systems and processes (Piegl & Tiller, pp 12-15) . This brings forth the digital processes into the material making which was traditionally a hand and tool based job. A lot of information is contained in a NURBS surfaces than a mere representation of an object. Essentially, the NURBS model has embedded information that can be used to offer insight into the fabrication process of an object. Therefore, it is imperative that NURBS surfaces can directly play a critical role in facilitating the actual fabrication of a surface. This means that the traditional approach to fabrication as a purely hand and tool job is less advantageous as compared to the benefits that the digital platform offers. Notably, digital fabrication has had a huge impact in the fabrication processes. Computer controlled fabrication makes it possible to allow for accurate fabrication of architectural designs at different levels. Computer fabrication can be used to generate small monolithic and homogenous objects that can showcase how an architect’s design will appear in reality (Callicot, 2007). This enables designers to evaluate their designs and ideas using tangible representations. The fabrication of three dimensional representations makes it possible visual inspection of otherwise abstract ideas. Also, digital fabrication makes it possible for the designers to engage in design for manufacturability and assembly of buildings. Digital modeling in combination with computer controlled fabrication machines can produce accurate physical surface models. Although the limitations of the computer controlled fabrications have to be put into consideration, digital fabrication processes offer a link between the design process and the final physical realization. This is an important development given that the traditional fabrication processes could not be evaluated easily. The process of fabrication using hand and tools was a costly and a time consuming affair. To some extent, it required multi disciplinary efforts and the architect might not be completely in control of the development process (Whitehead, p. 25). NURBS and Meshes NURBS surfaces are essentially mathematical representations of curves and surfaces. It should be noted that NURBS can represent complex free form surfaces that are smooth. NURBS have simple texture in the mapping scheme which makes surfaces to retain a smooth shape in their entirety. On the other hand, meshes render a three dimensional surface as a complex combination of discreet facets. Essentially, meshes are surfaces that are composed of numerous triangular surfaces. It is possible for the meshes to be rendered as smooth surfaces by the use of advanced programs. However, meshes are inherently made of multiple flat facets that are intertwined. It is easier for a computer to render meshes as the different facets that make up the final object are deemed to be independent. This means that the computer processes each triangle or polygon of the mesh independently and then combines the facets to render the final object. This is similar to the process in which a digital image is rendered (Betchtold et al, 2000). An image is split into millions of minute pixels which are rendered as a series of colored points. The image appears to be smooth form a normal view but if it is sufficiently zoomed, the granular nature of the image can be observed. Actually, a mesh portrays the object in a more complex form that takes cognizance of the individual components that make up the object rather than a generalized view (Bailey et al, p. 18). It should be noted that NURBS are far more accurate representation of an object than a mesh. This is because NURBS is made up of rectangular patches of curves that are mathematically defined. Surface modeling systems that use NURBS can be used to represent curved surfaces. The NURBS programs store the parameter values that are required to define the curves (Bailey, pp 18-20). The use of mathematical formulae to define the curves ensures that an accurate representation of the given surface is obtained. However, an approximate approach can be used to represent curved surface. This can be attained by the use of planer facets that join together to render the final surface. The planar facets that are used are mainly triangular but they can be of various shapes. Triangles are planer in nature and therefore it is easier to use them as components in building the surface desired. The use of triangular planers to approximate surfaces is appropriate as they are adequate for many purposes. The small facets help to minimize the computational power that is required in surface modeling. Also, the use of the triangular facets is viable in situations where a precise representation is not desired. Hence, generation of meshes from NURBS is important in easing the process of digital fabrication to obtain the desired surface. The shapes used in the meshing play a role in determining the method used in the interpolation of vertices. The approximation of a surface by a mesh of triangles, the points produced rest on the plane that is defined by the triangles. Interpolation of the vertices is done in a linear nature between the vertices of the triangle defined by the three points of the triangles. On the other hand, the approximation of a surface by the use of a mesh of quadrilaterals may not necessary have vertices that lie on the same plane (Kolarevic, 2003). This implies that a linear interpolation of the vertices produces a bilinear curved surface. Quadrilaterals are a viable option in the creation of meshes that represent a curved surface. It should also be noted that the quadrilateral plane facets produce curved surfaces that are more accurate than those meshes that are produced by triangular planar facets. The role of meshing in the digital fabrication of surfaces is to make the process of design easier. Notably, the process of rendering objects in NURBS is hectic since the immense computational power is required. In essence, use of meshing is important in making quickening the process of fabrication although it sacrifices on the element of accuracy. Meshing patterns can be used to represent surfaces in a computer model with a physical representation. This makes it possible for the representations at various scales. If one desires a small physical representation of a surface, the meshing can be used to generate the required surface (Iwamoto, p.36). On the other hand, the meshing can be used to realize full size building components that can be manufactured in full scale. Various ways can be utilized to implement curved surface representations from curved surface patches. A bilinear patch can be generalized to be bound by four arbitrary curves B-spline geometry is important in the understanding of the process of meshing and NURBS. The correspondence of digital and material processes is possible through the use of meshing and NURB programs. Piecewise construction of the facets of a surface can be used in the evolution of b-spline curves to NURB surfaces which can then be transformed into mesh network. The other method of creating mesh networks is through the creation of Coons surfaces. Coons can be defined mathematically as a patch that can be used to represent a curved surface. The combination of patches and triangulated facets is an important in developing a materially informed technique of rebuilding conceptual NURBS surfaces into piecewise bi-cubic patches (Schodek, 2005). The origin of NURBS surfaces is based on its relation to material processes. This is a departure from the traditional of developing free form surfaces and then forces the tools for fabrication onto the material. In this sense, the material’s properties are not given consideration. This implies that traditional fabrication is not entirely based on the relationship between the material and a given design. The integration of differential geometry is critical for the pairing of material properties and the fabrication processes. Specifically, a digital technique of developing conceptual NURBS geometry into piecewise surface patches are then flattened based on the material thickness and density. From these flattened patches, a material technique is developed to intelligently remove material to allow the rigid flat material to re-develop into physical surface patches (Schodek, 2005). The goal of this research is to develop digital and material techniques toward intelligent construction based on the correspondence between digitally driven surface and digitally driven material processes. The application of this technique as a rational and flexible system is to support the dynamic response of form and material toward such performative aspects as structure, daylight, ventilation, and thermal properties. Rationalization Rationalization can be defined as the resolution of rules of constructability into project geometry to attain the desired goal. In essence, rationalization is the process through which a designer or architect translates their ideas into realities that are viable. A design process involves the attainment of geometric configuration that meets a given set of parameters. After the geometric configuration has been created, a production strategy has to be put in place in order to obtain the final physical representation of the constructible design that is desired. The process of obtaining a constructible design may be broadly categorized into pre-rationalization and post-rationalization (Serriano et al, p. 190). In a pre-rational design, the construction system is defined well in advance before the actual design process of a given surface begins. The computational system for the constructible design well defined within a set of parameters. The creation geometry is confined within certain limits that are possible in the system that is adopted. Imperatively, the designer or architect is given some latitude to fulfill his or her design desires but within a restricted environment. Suffice to say, an architect cannot embed design ideas that are not supported by the adopted system. This means that pre-rationalization imposes conceptual limitations to the design process since the architect is restricted. For instance, a given NURBS based program may offer facets that are of a particular shape. The facets may be quadrilateral or triangular. This implies that the designer is ideally restricted to base his or her design process on the given shapes that are programmatically provided. It is not possible for the architect to deviate to other shapes like polygons since the adopted system cannot support it. The pre-rationalization approach plays a great role in defining the kind of fabrication process that can be used (Kolarevic, 2005). In the case of facets that are quadrilateral and flat, the final fabrication process has to be done using two dimensional fabrication processes. In order for a given geometric configuration to be realized through digital fabrication, a detailed geometry is required. A system of elements can then be obtained from based on the detailed geometry that is provided. Also, the digital fabrication process can be integrated with the iterative design process and the elements required may grow exponentially. This is as a result of the fact that as the design process advances, more geometric configurations are added and this add some details to the given surface. The description of NURBS surface is defined systematically to create a supporting framework of ribs. Programming techniques can then be used to extract the geometric information that is contained within each NURBS surface. This is the final information that is used to generate templates that are used in the digital fabrication process (Piegl and Tiller, p. 48). It should be noted that digital fabrication has played an important role in redefining the traditional architectural design process. Through the adoption of digital design principles, a designer can closely integrate the design process and the physical representations that are obtained. This makes it possible for the material qualities to be tied to the design process. Traditionally, the fabrication process was essentially a hand and tool job that could only take place after the design process. However, digital fabrication makes it possible for the design process to be iterative. This is because the architect or designer can be able to test the designs in a piecemeal and progressive manner. Therefore, digital fabrication makes the design process to be closely tied to the material properties. The final outcome is also much more likely to lie within the set parameters of the designer and limit costs and the chances of waste. Case Study: The Bird’s Nest China The Beijing National Stadium which is universally known as the “Bird’s Nest” was built as the primary site for the twenty fourth Olympiad that was held in Beijing in August 2008. The stadium was built to act as a practical venue of the Olympics and also as an icon in architecture. The engineering and design process of the stadium utilized the latest technologies and best practices in the architectural field (Michael, 2008). The original design concept for the Bird’s Nest was based on the creation of an instantly recognizable symbol of China’s cultural heritage and economic renaissance. Also, the stadium was meant to be the most exciting venue in Olympic history. Fundamentally, the stadium design had to begin with the bowl. This is critical since the design of the bowl plays a critical role in the determination of the other aspects of the stadium. The design of the bowl is important in determining the shape and structure of the roof which gives the external appearance of the stadium. The stadium was designed with a very compact bowl leading to less distance between the spectators and the track where the events occurred. The design of the bowl is a complex affair given that any small adjustment in terms of the design and the cost of building. The Arup team that designed the stadium used computer software to generate the initial model of the stadium (Chan, p.27). The computer software, Arupsport, used parametric modeling to define the geometric constraints and other limiting factors. After the initial model had been attained, the computer software was used to explore and test various options through the adjustment of parameters. Figure 1: The Beijing National Stadium (Chan, 2009) The roof structure was designed to showcase the technological prowess of the Chinese as well as their culture. The brief for the design of the roof was to come up with an iconic concept that would make the structure a landmark piece of architecture. The roof design was inspired by the local Chinese pottery and scholarly stones. In fact, it is the design of the roof that gave the stadium its nickname as the Bird’s Nest. In as much as the roof structure seemed to defy structural logic, its structural soundness was vigorously tested by computer software. The use of computer software was critical in the success of the Bird’s Nest. The design team utilized CATIA platform that was developed by Dassault Systeme. The software was the only tool that would be reliably used to handle the complex surfaces and geometry requirements of the design. One of the geometric conditions for the design of the stadium was that it had to have a continuous box profile over the entre façade. This is a great challenge especially considering its difficulty in terms of fabrication. The design process of both the bowl and the roof had to be integrated so as to obtain a coherent architectural form (Chan, 2009). The utilization of CATIA software enabled the designers to implement the entire project in a single environment. All the components and elements involved in the design and construction of the Stadium were assembled in one place. The model combined the structural elements together and every design decision was analyzed in relation to the other components. Notably, the interactions between the various elements were monitored in a single environment. This means that the designers were able to experiment and test their design ideas in an integrated environment. The concept of virtual prototyping was important in ensuring that all elements were assembled and tested in a virtual environment before being implemented as physical realities. Thus, the use of CATIA software that is based on NURBS surface enabled the designers to work progressively. The geometry of the structure was adjusted progressively with time as the design model underwent iterative development process. Physical prototypes were also critical in the success of the project. After each stage of the project, the design team came up with a physical prototype to check whether the design was structurally sound. One of the techniques utilized to generate physical prototypes was three dimensional wax printers. The computer software used in the development process produced NURBS surfaces. The NURBS surfaces were then converted into meshes. The generated meshes were then fed to the three dimensional printers to produce a physical representation. Rapid prototyping of the physical representations made it possible for the design team to construct a structurally sound building in a cost effective manner (Chan, 2009). The design ideas were quickly analyzed through digital fabrication processes. In conclusion, the design and construction of the Beijing National Stadium utilized digital technology to a great extent in almost every aspect of its development. The designers and architects of the Stadium from the Arup Group used CATIA software as an integrated environment for the development process. CATIA is a parametric package that is based on development of NURBS surfaces. The use of computer software helped in ensuring rapid prototyping through the use of digital fabrication. Case Study: Broad Art Museum, Michigan State Campus The Broad Art Museum Project was designed by Zaha Hadid Architects. The Art Museum was designed to become an architectural masterpiece that would stand out in a unique manner. Zaha Hadid Architects won an international design competition to design the Art Museum of Michigan State University. The Museum was meant to provide an iconic space for large installations and galleries dedicated to contemporary culture (Mitchel, 2011). In essence, the architectural design of the Museum and to show its intimate relationship with artistic values. The ground breaking for the Broad Art Museum was done in March 2010. Figure 2: The Broad Art Museum, Michigan State University (Mitchel, 2011) The design project for the Museum was challenging based on the fact that fabrication process had tight constraints. The fabrication process was based on a tolerance of 1mm and this meant that the development process had to be extremely accurate. Therefore, a digital model was adapted by the design team. Every element and component of the project was tested for the defined tolerances. The entire façade system was designed in an integrated manner to ensure that the strict parameters were met. It should be noted that the skin panels for the Broad Art Museum were of a complex nature. Computer Numerical Computation (CNC) was utilized to develop precise and custom finishes. Each element of the panel was measured to precision through the use of computer programs. This task required the integration of the interfaces and the development of the shapes in an integrated environment. Digital fabrication was important in ensuring that the tolerances in all the panels were precise and uniform throughout. The digital integrated environment centrally analyzed all the data in every step to ensure that the subsequent fabrication processes were accurate. Therefore, the final components produced were perfect and uniform. The use of digital technology was also extended to the multiple aspects of the development process. Survey technology played a significant role in determining the final positions of the skin panels and other hardware. The use of NURBS surfaces clearly indicated the placement of the skin panels and the measurements were translated into physical representations in an accurate and precise manner. On top of this, the iteration process on a digital platform was effective in ensuring that the design remained consistent throughout. Notably, the development of the façade’s signature feature was mainly aided by the digital and verification processes (Smith et al, 2012). The other important design feature of the Broad Art Museum was the daylight modulation. The designers had to develop louver fins that were could integrate perfectly with the building’s large façade. Therefore, digital fabrication was used to implement the fin system components that lead the fabricator to continuously the data. The components were analyzed using laser scan devices. Three dimensional models were integrated into the digital model and the information obtained was used to adjust the fabrication process of the subsequent components. Also, the traditional additive nature of fabrication on site was not used in this project. The digital fabrication process ensured that the fabricated materials were shipped to the site as perfectly built geometry. The geometry designed in the digital fabricators was used as the guideline for the placement of connections on the building’s structure. The architectural three dimensional models helped the fabricators to install the fin louvers into perfect positions. In conclusion, the architectural design of the Broad Art Museum in Michigan State University utilized the concept of digital fabrication. The designers of the project, Zaha Hadid Architects, creatively used digital technology to develop a compelling architectural piece. The complexity and high accuracy requirements of the project could only be accomplished by the use of digital fabrication to ensure that precision is not compromised. Bibliography American Institute of Steel Construction. AISC/ANSI 341–05. Seismic provisions for structural steel buildings. AISC, March 2005 Bailey, P, et al. The Virtual Building. The Arup Journal, 43(2), pp15-25, 2/2008. Bechtold, M. et al, ed. 2000. New Technologies in Achitecture: Digital Design andManufacturing Techniques. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Design Books. Callicot, N. 2007. Computer Aided Manufacture in Architecture: The Pursuit of Novelty. Oxford: Architectural Press. Chan, C, et al. Miller Park. The Arup Journal, 37(1), pp24-33, 1/2002. Iwamoto, L. 2009. Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques. Princeton: Architectural Press. Kolarevic, B. 2003. Digital Production / Fabrication. Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA). Kolarevic, B. ed. 2005. Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing. London, England: Spon Press. Michael, G. 2011. Digital Fabrication Principles. New York: Pearson Press. Mitchell, W. 2008. The Use of Rapid Prototyping for the Conceptualization and Fabrication of Architecture. Massachusetts: MIT Press. Piegl, L. & Tiller, W. 1995. The NURBS Book. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. Schodek, D. et al., eds. 2005. Digital Design Manufacturing. New York, NY: Wiley. Serriano, P. 2003. Form Follows Software. K. Klinger (Ed.) ACADIA 2003: Connecting-Crosscroads of Digital Discourse (pp 185-205) Indianapolis, Indiana. Smith, W. and Gregory, S. 2012. The Evolution of Architecture: New Frontiers in Evolution. London: McGraw Hill. Whitehead, H. 1999. Laws of Form: Architecture in the Digital Age. New York: Hybrid Space. Read More
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