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AFLP is the method that is employed for the DNA fingerprint. AFLP makes use of selective PCR in order to make the restriction fragments drawn from the whole genomic DNA more intense (Vos P, 1995). Figure 2 relates the broccoli, turnip and pak choi to the Brassica genus. In addition to that, the pak choi and turnip form the same subgroup because of their relation to the Brassica rapa. Since Radish belongs to Raphanus, which is a totally different genus, it forms a separate group. This finding was consistent with its use as an outgroup control.
Outgroup plays the role of a reference group that helps identify the altering link between the various groups of interest and itself. This enhances the efficiency of the phylogenetic analysis software in assessing the dendrogram which is the phylogenetic tree. It also enhances the functioning of the program by separately dealing with the group of interest and the outgroup.
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