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The Goodfellas: Bonnie and Clyde - Essay Example

This essay "The Goodfellas: Bonnie and Clyde " discusses films that have arguably become America’s most popular form of narrative entertainment such that a wide target audience is drawn to the illustrations compiled in a movie than any other means…
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THE GOODFELLAS, BONNIE AND CLYDE ESSAY: THE PROMULGATED IDEAS ABOUT AMERICA Name: Tutor: Course: Institution: Date: THE GOODFELLAS, BONNIE AND CLYDE ESSAY: THE PROMULGATED IDEAS ABOUT AMERICA Introduction Many writers have reviewed certain events in American history as well as films that tell a lot about the main themes that make part of the country. One of the most famous writers known as Pauline Kael, who was a renowned New York Film critic from 1968 to 1991, was a controversial lady that often gave unconventional judgments in most of the films. A good example is her arguments that facilitated the complete cancellation of the first Bonnie and Clyde film for another version (McClain 2010). Regardless, true crime films, such as Goodfellas, Bonnie and Clyde, American Gangster, Catch me if you can and Casino all depict certain matters in relation to America. Seven of these important issues include; celebrating the concept of death hence participating in activities that create greater risks and chances of the same. In addition, there is the existence of crime and protected gangsters leading to the third point on the failed justice system. Similarly, there is the corruption of the police and the members of the society, the impact that capitalism has to the society, the fight against crime and the consequences of crime. Lastly however, there is the overall aspect that these factors create which is the pursuit of the American dream that is characterized of freedom, wealth and luxury. (Herr& Josh 2015) Discussion The concept of death and participating in experiences that lead to death is one of the major issues in America (Herr& Josh 2015). In reference to the large number of deaths per year as a result of gang attacks, shoot outs, robbery attacks, and homicides caused by the over ambition among the people of America. A good simulation is in the case of Bonnie and Clyde such that when the film was finalized, it was labeled and glorified as the film that “restored Faith in Hollywood audacity”. This is with disregard to the fact that the kind of crimes that these characters portrayed such as armed robberies, murders, evasion of the law and the use of the false documents are actual facts to a crime perpetrated in America and the same still exists. Another example of this issue is as portrayed in the Goodfellas (Herr& Josh 2015). This is in the case where a gang group, “the mafias” exist and operate as a shadow group which is as a sworn society secret, raising the question whether the motivation behind such an elaborate description was based on the Mafia culture within America (Canby 1990). These two are good examples of the level of disregard to the loss of life and factors that cause it in America as it has earned the acceptance to earn its place in films and theatres that are intended to educate and entertain (Herr& Josh 2015). The same mentality is therefore experienced in the everyday lives of the American citizens as there are heightened cases of homicides and other causes of death today. Secondly, majority of these films are based on perpetration of various heinous crimes for the sake of it or in other cases to satisfy certain self-sufficient desires (Herr& Josh 2015). In America today, it is clear that the US crime and punishment system has grown drastically for the past few years such that people are being jailed faster that the public can afford. This is in comparison to the 1980’s which had inmates as low as 24, 640 in number and the federal inmate population today that has risen up to 208, 000 (Al Jazeera 2010). The creativity and decisive tactics that are portrayed in some of these films therefore portray America as it actually is as seen in Bonnie Clyde where the films are exaggerated to show the extreme measures the pair uses to rob banks and to kill. On the other hand, the Goodfellas shows that most of the Mafias actions are a definitive statement on the gangster narrative as being centrally about a fear of losing one’s self and to one’s identity (Herr& Josh 2015). This basically shows that the movies acknowledge that criminal acts and committers of the same are bound to each other which in most cases are how America is established. From the high rates of crimes and the existence of groups that are well shielded and protected by the government itself creates the issue of the failed judicial system in America (Di Tella & Dubra 2008). For instance, the president and the government are seeking a reform for the federal prisons such that there could be a reduction on the number of incarcerated non-violent drug offenders (Herr& Josh 2015). This is a very important area as the films especially Bonnie and Clyde show that the culprits were some of the world’s most wanted people for many years and yet they managed to escape the law in numerous occasions. On the part of the Goodfellas moreover, the film is able to show that Goodfellas is able to de-construct itself because Henry has denied the status similar to that of a pure Italian blood (Herr& Josh 2015). This alone creates a heavily involved mob’s agenda, and explains that it “was just like in the old country only it was right here in America.” This demonstration and acknowledgement brings to perspective the point that the law itself does not foster the health and safety in many other cases (Di Tella & Dubra 2008). This is why there have been efforts towards the reduction of prison population and the same time keeping crime low despite the numerous challenges that are constituted in this case. The corrupt nature of the police force and the disinterest of the society to perform their diligent duty against crime is yet another common factor in America (Silver 2013). The failure of the justice system and the high crime rate in America can be largely attributed to the corruption by the Police and the members of the society (Dubra 2006). Often, the American entertainment has shown that the relationship between certain gangs and law enforcements hangs on a balance. This is because the illegal activities that the gangs carry out are protected to a certain extent as long as there is mutual agreement (Canby 1990). Looking at the context of Bonnie and Clyde, the story talks of one of the greatest manhunts of all times, the escapes from prison, and the assistance facilitated by the friends and families of the culprits (Herr& Josh 2015). In addition, the American entertainment system has gone ahead and celebrated the “figures” who took it up to themselves to “go the extra mile” in bypassing laws and commission of unthinkable acts. This has made them celebrated “homemade heroes” as people who played their roles however illegal in establishing some balance in the society (Dubra 2006). America today still has such people. These are those untouched by law and protected deeply by the same system that should incarcerate them (Anastasi 2015). However, such deals are not widely portrayed but mere observations that could result to harm upon those that grew too curious (Silver 2013). This point therefore once again shows how the films promulgate American ideologies. The fight against crime and the subsequent consequences on culprits is yet another ideology developed by these films (Di Tella & Dubra 2008). This is such that despite the corrupt nature of the police, the society and other areas of the law, there is still a system in operation that eventually catches up with unlawful acts (Anastasi 2015). Indeed, the American Justice System has changed over time even with signs of the death row practices slowly fading away and the lives all people gaining better protection around the world (Dubra 2006). However, based on analysis of events as depicted in articles such as “Breaking Out of the Prison Cycle” the extent of growth is yet to be determined (Silver 2013). Looking at the end result of many “criminal heroes” in America, the American Justice system is evidently at work as they have either been caught or killed (Canby 1990). Bonnie and Clyde were shot dead in 1934 and was a great moment in the justice system at the time (Silver 2013). In Goodfellas as well, the characters ended up in jail serving long terms and others died in pursuit by the police (Herr& Josh 2015). In most recent history in America, other prominent perpetrators of crimes have also died or rather been killed as a punishment for all the activities they have participated in (Lynch 2009). All these are other relevant areas that show that the American ideology on the need for justice and punishment for offences exists. The Racial aggression and regression in America is yet another contradicting but existing aspect that these films address (Dubra 2006). Aggression is in reference to the unequal treatment against people of certain ethnicities that appear to either receive poorer treatment than others on the basis racial superiority (Al Jazeera 2010). Numerous investigations on this case prove that certain malicious acts occur contrary to provisions of the law and often allow various forms of discrimination that contribute greatly to institutional racism (Rich 2014). Some of the cases of racial profiling are as seen in cases whereby while African Americans comprise 13% of the US population and 14% of monthly drug users they are 37% of the people arrested for drug offenses (Di Tella & Dubra 2008). On the other hand, the big issue with the police is that the traffic police stop blacks and Latinos at considerable times much higher than whites as observed in New York City (Di Tella & Dubra, 2008). On the other hand, there are instances that have shown great advancement away from racial profiling and mistreatments in various cases among them being the ability to have a black president in the United States of America (Anastasi 2015). Goodfellas shows that indeed there is regression and multiculturalism in America as there is the promotion of “a changing society in which whiteness is no longer given priority” (Ennis 174). The issue of racial equality and equity is a major factor in America and therefore, having the film industry demonstrate is a furtherance of the American ideology that creates a real perspective of what is expected. The pursuance of the ideal American dream is one of the largest aspects of most of these films. This is because majority of them have often characterized the American dream as a state of living in utter freedom where everything is achievable and attainable despite the presence of opposition (Rich 2014). It is a life that offers opportunities for greatness and success, as well as, great power over all systems that control how people relate to you (Lynch 2009). It is all about gaining as others lose, having what others wish they had, being untouched by the law and having the ability to possess the best of everything at all costs (Herr& Josh 2015). The lives and deaths of great dictators such as Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein for instance, are some of the most recent events in the world that demonstrates this (Anastasi 2015). Previous true crime films have facilitated this notion since the early days especially in Goodfellas with the use of scenes that incorporate the Mafias, their great powers and ability to decide whether or not an individual lives or dies (Di Tella & Dubra 2008). This is all a clear representation of wealth, class and identity that has furthered the facilitation of violence and other criminal activities in the search for societal appreciation derived from fear (Di Tella & Dubra 2008). The main figurers of representations as demonstrated in Bonnie and Clyde, also appeals to the “emotions of viewers” as it shows desired life of every couple in love working “against all odds” to achieve prosperity (Lynch 2009). Lastly, the introduction of capitalism which makes people more conceited and unstoppable in achieving what is in context accepted as great barriers of enjoying th dream to the extent that the simple desire is driven by anger (Lynch, 2009). What has made the circumstances of many film characters to appear unrealistically cool is the ability to make small opportunities worth the while even when the certainty of death is imminent. The film has gone to extent of getting praise because it has “helped change the tide of critical feelings about the couple and many other “misunderstood” people that live a life of crime (Herr& Josh 2015). In America today, the Bonnie and Clyde perception still exists such that the occurrence of similar events could lead to a great inspiration of a new film that reduce the killings, violence and theft perpetrated to mere entertainment and expression of culture (Silver 2013). Similarly, the advancement in technology and machinery due to capitalism has favored availability of better means of growing the criminal activities in America to extents much bigger than earlier portrayed in the historic films. Conclusion Films have arguably become America’s most popular form of narrative entertainment such that a wide target audience is drawn to the illustrations compiled in a movie than any other means. However, the question as to whether films reflect the social, economic, cultural and political views of the real events is not accurately determined despite the many deductions that claim otherwise. For instance, in the case of Bonnie and Clyde and the Goodfellas, there are certain modern day issues portrayed such as the misconception on the gain in killing, the existence of a crime, corruption, failure of the systems and the American dream. These films may be different in terms of how they are perceived because in other movies, the fictional issues are often brought to light to create a false and desired outcome while the real ones that bring controversy are censored. Generally, films such as Bonnie and Clyde and Goodfellas as shown above provide evidence that explain issues are they are, how they are best addressed and at the same time preserve and share historical events. These events are the ones that explain the changes in the future while used in comparison, the reforms and the far a country has come in terms of growth. It is therefore evident that Bonnie and Clyde and Goodfellas despite being controversial to what is considered right in the media field, have highlighted the struggles that face America hence bringing out the real message of the country as it is today. References Al Jazeera, 2010, Fault Lines ‘The Politics of Death Row’ Anastasi, KN, 2015. Columbus Day & Consequences: Re-examining Italian American Commemorations, Historic Anxieties, and (Some of) the Narratives They Silence. Tapestries: Interwoven voices of local and global identities, 4(1), p.18. Canby, V, 1990, “Goodfellas (1990) Review/Film; A Cold-Eyed Look at the Mob’s Inner Workings.” The New York Times. Web Visited on 30 May 2016 Di Tella, R, & Dubra, J, 2008, Crime and punishment in the “American Dream”. Journal of Public Economics, 92(7), 1564-1584 Dubra, J, 2006, Crime and Punishment in the" American Dream". NBER Working Paper Series, 12641. Herr, Josh, 2015 “Godfathers, Gamblers and Goodfellas: America’s Love Affair with the Mob”, The Fiscal Times, 2015. Web Visited on 30 May 2016 Lynch, M, 2009, Big Prisons, Big Dreams Crime and the Failure; Crime and the Failure of the American Penal System McClain, W, 2010, Western, Go Home! Sergio Leone and the" Death of the Western" in American Film Criticism. Journal of Film and Video, 62(1), pp.52-66. Rich, B, 2014, ‘Observations on the Nature and Extent of Injustice in the American Prison System’, The Journal of American bioethics Silver, T, 2013, “Breaking Out of the Prison Cycle’, Harvard Political Review, ‘Goodfellas’ at Twenty-Five and Its Gray American Dream, PopOptiq, Sep 21 2015. Web Visited on 30 May 2016 Read More

This is in the case where a gang group, “the mafias” exist and operate as a shadow group which is as a sworn society secret, raising the question whether the motivation behind such an elaborate description was based on the Mafia culture within America (Canby 1990). These two are good examples of the level of disregard to the loss of life and factors that cause it in America as it has earned the acceptance to earn its place in films and theatres that are intended to educate and entertain (Herr& Josh 2015).

The same mentality is therefore experienced in the everyday lives of the American citizens as there are heightened cases of homicides and other causes of death today. Secondly, majority of these films are based on perpetration of various heinous crimes for the sake of it or in other cases to satisfy certain self-sufficient desires (Herr& Josh 2015). In America today, it is clear that the US crime and punishment system has grown drastically for the past few years such that people are being jailed faster that the public can afford.

This is in comparison to the 1980’s which had inmates as low as 24, 640 in number and the federal inmate population today that has risen up to 208, 000 (Al Jazeera 2010). The creativity and decisive tactics that are portrayed in some of these films therefore portray America as it actually is as seen in Bonnie Clyde where the films are exaggerated to show the extreme measures the pair uses to rob banks and to kill. On the other hand, the Goodfellas shows that most of the Mafias actions are a definitive statement on the gangster narrative as being centrally about a fear of losing one’s self and to one’s identity (Herr& Josh 2015).

This basically shows that the movies acknowledge that criminal acts and committers of the same are bound to each other which in most cases are how America is established. From the high rates of crimes and the existence of groups that are well shielded and protected by the government itself creates the issue of the failed judicial system in America (Di Tella & Dubra 2008). For instance, the president and the government are seeking a reform for the federal prisons such that there could be a reduction on the number of incarcerated non-violent drug offenders (Herr& Josh 2015).

This is a very important area as the films especially Bonnie and Clyde show that the culprits were some of the world’s most wanted people for many years and yet they managed to escape the law in numerous occasions. On the part of the Goodfellas moreover, the film is able to show that Goodfellas is able to de-construct itself because Henry has denied the status similar to that of a pure Italian blood (Herr& Josh 2015). This alone creates a heavily involved mob’s agenda, and explains that it “was just like in the old country only it was right here in America.

” This demonstration and acknowledgement brings to perspective the point that the law itself does not foster the health and safety in many other cases (Di Tella & Dubra 2008). This is why there have been efforts towards the reduction of prison population and the same time keeping crime low despite the numerous challenges that are constituted in this case. The corrupt nature of the police force and the disinterest of the society to perform their diligent duty against crime is yet another common factor in America (Silver 2013).

The failure of the justice system and the high crime rate in America can be largely attributed to the corruption by the Police and the members of the society (Dubra 2006). Often, the American entertainment has shown that the relationship between certain gangs and law enforcements hangs on a balance. This is because the illegal activities that the gangs carry out are protected to a certain extent as long as there is mutual agreement (Canby 1990). Looking at the context of Bonnie and Clyde, the story talks of one of the greatest manhunts of all times, the escapes from prison, and the assistance facilitated by the friends and families of the culprits (Herr& Josh 2015).

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