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Analysis of the Movies Troy and 300 - Movie Review Example

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The author of this paper "Analysis of the Movies Troy and 300" discusses theory reflectivity observed from the movies Troy and 300. The paper highlights certain features and imagery to induce specific feelings and actions or behaviors that are reflective and can be vividly seen in our society today…
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Analysis of the Movies Troy and 300
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Analysis of the Movies Troy and 300 Analysis of the Movies Troy and 300 People tend to move away from reality. They always achieve this through living lies or other people’s lives. The characterization in film has provided a very rich platform for individual to escape reality. The media has employed the use of certain features and imagery to induce specific feelings and actions or behaviours that are reflective and can be vividly seen in our society today. The theory reflectivity can be vividly observed from the movies Troy and 300. Throughout history, war has existed. Nevertheless, there has always been a cause to every war. Men have fought for different things such as power, glory, love, or honor. Trojan War is an excellent example coming from the Medieval times and depicted by the Homer in his epic tale Illiad that inspired the producers to dedicate the whole movie to this story (Paul, 2013 p56). The film Troy belongs to the genre or the category of epic movies. In its beginning, it depicts a situation in Greece 3500 years ago. The movie 300 is also of the epic genre which revolves around king Leonidas and his 300 Spartan warriors. There are many similarities and differences portrayed in these two movies (Paul, 2013 p83). The setting of the movies is ancient and the warriors are dressed in the ancient war attires. Whereas Troy depicts many warriors on both opposing sides with a single hero Achilles on the Trojan side, the movie 300 depicts only 300 warriors from the Spartan side and 300,000 warriors on the god-king Xerxes and his massive Persian warriors. The focus of the film Troy is the story surrounded the Trojan War that originates and diverges from the ancient myth; 300 is a Spartan-Persian war story from an ancient myth. What the movies tend to accomplish is to recover the past and obtain some information regarding the past and present generation. The Troy’s cinematography extraordinary and great overhead shots are made to show what is really happening that induces self-reflectivity in the audience. The cinematography shows the tensions that that the two nations feel to each other by covering prevailed feelings between leaders and common people (Burnett, 2008 p50). Good shots, graphics, and shots enrich this representation. The way the director shoots and portrays the fighting during the war is high skilled, and a lot of casting that was done for the film shows how precisely they chose everyone (Paul, 2013 p56). 300’s cinematography is unique in a bias way that some people even regarded it as controversial. There are great influences the two movies have in an individual. They bring memories of the past cultures, ways of life and wars. Troy exhibited some sense of status quo on both opposing sides. On the Trojan side, we see Hector with almost the war prowess Achilles had and even though Achilles killed him at last, he was given an honorable burial of a hero. One is left feeling the mortality of the past. The ultimate death of Achilles leaves the audience who simulated heroism heartbroken with the sense that even heroes die. This is not the case in 300 where there is a great manifestation of inequality. Leonidas victory is manifested throughout while the Persian solders which were massive in numbers kept on losing. The Persians are shown as weak and disorganized that realistically, Iranians (Persians) did not welcome the movie with passion but with range. This is an example that they felt looked down upon even though they did not exist at such a time. It is the very essence of reflectivity they are subjected to after watching the movie that affects their egos (Paul, 2013 p107). Editing in both Troy and 300 greatly contributed to their superb outcome. The directors only chose the good shots to include in the fighting scenes. Analytically, every fight has a reason, and the clarity of the shots make it possible to recognize who is fighting and the role or importance of the heros involvement in the fight. Such a great cinematography and editing, give the reason why it is hard for the audience to go through the story without being drawn into it. Being consumed into the media in this way is the dream of any film maker as it even boosts sales. Therefore, it is evident that people hate reality and would constantly want to be withdrawn from it. The media has been able to influence people’s lives in very may forms. Self-reflectivity can be in simple terms described as the representation of a representation. In other words, a film construct can easily draw one from reality to the fiction that it is. Troy is a film about war, rage, revenge, sexual desire, and pride, the themes of Love, Death, the Gods, Honor, and Sacrifice. As one gets drawn into the movie, these are the feelings that get instilled into the individual. For instance, someone gets simulated into the lives of the characters especially the ones they are pleased or are interested in and the ones they pity. It is into the nature of a man’s psychology to represent the one that you are not as one explores or experiences their lives. The essence of self-reflectivity applies to the movie 300 which is also epic and close to troy in setting and themes. Since the film is epic, it shows us the images and life of the past that are very different from the present lifestyles (Paul, 2013 p83). As one watches, he or she begins to move backwards through time and feel the taste of ancient times. This feeling can remain in an individual for a very long period of time after the experience as one keeps on reflecting on the moments witnessed through the movie. There is a great connection and intertextuality between people and entertainment media. We see the difference in the backgrounds, make up, and the costumes of the actors that clearly portray or bring about the spiritual, physical, and social environments of the past that becomes really a part of the audience perception and thinking. The designs of the costumes used by the female characters are laid in accordance to those ancient times, whereas the male costumes are interchanged to match the times when they fight, when they put on the warriors costumes, and when they are at home and free. Because of this, you might see people at some occasions especially during the Halloween dressed in the same manner and feeling the same way as the depicted characters in the movies. 300 is directed and produced in an exact manner that depicts the time and life of the ancient Sparta and Persia from the economic aspects and even the art works. Throughout the movie, we see different applications of items to give this expression such as equipment which was used during war at that time, carts, horses, and boats for travel (Paul, 2013 p131). The director also applied the use of makeup. In most cases, with the help of make-up, we see the exhaustion, power, tiredness, and fear in the warriors when they are fighting and the wounds and bloodshed that the warriors suffer from. They are shown in such a manner that the audience totally loses the touch with reality and the whole futuristic sense is lost. Even though no one existed at that time, after the movie, the audience is left with nothing but to feel that they probably existed at that time. Troy gives a totally contrasting feeling with many of the futuristic movies like AI and Doomsday or even Total Rekall. Whereas the futuristic movies would make someone to feel like ‘big lase guns and electromagnetically flying cars’, Troy leaves one feeling like ‘spears and arrows and horses” (Maguire, 2009, p45) The representation of the media is vast and strongly rooted. We see the youths imitating what they witness in the cinemas in terms if actions and even dressing. The media is the agenda and the trend setter when it comes to fashion and behavior that many teenagers of today term as “cool”. At the beginning, the costumes/outfits worn by Odysseus give the hint that he is a high rank personality with his battle gear and posse behind him (Maguire, 2009, p78). This shows that he has authority over Achilles and Patroclus who are currently shot in blue clothing for mere sword play and training but not sword fight. Patroclus is shown in dark outfits, a symbol of foreboding of his future in battle and that he is not as strong a fighter as Achilles is. These scenes are very important to the audience as they give information on the Achilles’ skills, the wit of Odysseus and the Patroclus’ tendency or attitude to follow and listen to Achilles anywhere and in every word respectively (Maguire, 2009, p93). This kind of dominion and loyalty is witness vastly among the movie goers especially the teenagers and youths whenever they dress in attires in order to outstand others and whenever socially weaker or minors walk through the footsteps of the socially recognized and senior individuals. In acting and performances, the director has created a number of good fights and stages of war throughout the entire film. Furthermore, we are able to watch good skills of acting and fighting especially in the characters like Achilles and Hector, who are depicted in the film as very good fighters (Paul, 2013 p63). People reconsider their stand when it comes to fighting and defense after watching the movies. They can probably buy swords instead of guns with an instilled belief that they can do just as well. Sometimes this kind of reflectivity can be deceiving and therefore harmful. The media is very decisive and many men have found themselves into its influence. The depiction of Sparta and Spartans in the movie 300 has influenced the lives of many into our society today. Since they were great heroes, groups of people from dance groups to gangs have called themselves ‘Spartans’. We see people call their neighborhoods and territories ‘Sparta’ (Wood, 2012 p56). This is a very good example of intertextuality between people and media. They tend to adopt the ways of the apparent world depicted in the movies. The two films have successfully brought the ancient heroism into the mind of the current generation. The theme of Heroism is greatly portrayed with Achilles who is one of the main characters and great heroic fighters in the entire movie (Paul, 2013 p142). Initially, in the first 20 minutes of the movie Troy, we are introduced to many characters including Odysseus, Achilles, and Patroclus. The scene starts with a panoramic shot of an area that is isolated and in ruins (Mazur, 2011). This vividly sets the mind of the audience the war and heroism in ancient times. Achilles is immediately portrayed as a great warrior with legendary fighting skills; and many people leave the movie theatre and surprisingly nickname themselves Achilles. In 300, great teamwork is observed among the 300 warriors. They eventually manage to take the massive troop of 300,000 Persian warriors(Wood, 2012 p67). The self-reflectivity derived from this scenario is positive as the audience get to reflect on teamwork and therefore become effective and productive at work. It speaks to the audience that productivity is not in the numbers but in proper communication and coordination among the individuals involved in a task. The representation of the media through the theories of reflectivity and self-reflectivity can also be negative. Like in the movies, only individuals with mature minds who cannot be affected by the intensive and extensive violence exhibited in the movies troy and 300 can be entrusted with watching it. Otherwise, underdeveloped minds are discouraged to watch these movies as they can evoke violence in them. The theme of love is used especially in the movie Troy which gives the audience a clear picture of ancient love. This is shown strongly between Paris and Helen especially when they decide to live together and face the odds in spite of all the dangers and extreme consequences this poses (Winkler, 2007, p106). This can be reflected into the today’s society resulting to many teenage elopes where young girls escape from their homes in order to live with their boyfriends elsewhere it is this depiction from the movie that a young lady will employ in order to escape the realities of today. In conclusion, the film Troy and 300 have a number of societal impacts. Troy’s strong characters exhibit strong attributes that would be admired by the audience. The Trojan War was ignited by different desires of a man’s heart. The 300’s warriors fought for honor, for their country, for pride, for victory, for destiny, and for passion (Paul, 2013 p185). To some extent, the movies seem to justifie the cause of violence especially in Troy. Hector fought for his brotherhood love and for his country Troy, and this instills the territorial and defensive attribute into the minds of our society (Winkler, 2007, p76). Agamemnon, on the other side, initiated the war for the extension of his kingdom’s influence. Menelaus fought for honor when his wife was stolen by Paris, Hector’s brother. In 300, Leonidas is entirely was portrayed fighting for honor and immortality. This is even shown in his speech to his fellow soldiers when he tells them that he would rather fight besides them (his brothers of the sword) than any other army consisted of thousands of warriors (Wood, 2012 p34). He calls them lions and confirms to them that the reason for their fight is immortality. He urges them that they deserve immortality, and that is what they should go to the war and get. In summary, the film tends to educate the society that there is a need to have a reason for every war or fight. In the movie Troy, the center reason of the Trojan War is love for a woman. Some other motives just took advantage of the former. What is more, the film justifies war with this reason. It also exhibits to the society the need of honor and respect even between enemies. We see Achilles kill Hector, Priam’s son, and later even offers a decent burial for his son granting twelve mourning days before they could resume to the war. Fighting for love requires bravery, and this is passed to the society when Paris gives an offer to Menelaus. He suggests that instead of the whole multitude fighting for their differences, they should save the fate of others and solve it by the edge of their own swords. He gives this offer with bravery in spite of the fact that he neither has fought nor killed anyone before (Paul, 2013 p166). Apart from this, the film negatively passes the act of unforgiveness to the society. Regardless of Hector admitting that he did not kill Achilles’ cousin on purpose and that he thought it was Achilles he was fighting with, Achilles gives him a blind ear and proceeds into killing him. Like many epic films that involve legendary heroes, Troy is characterized by a sad and a disheartening ending. The fate and death of Hector, the leader of the finest army from the East and who is portrayed as a man of wisdom, love, and integrity, is grievous. Achilles also faces the same fate when Paris kills him Essay 2 The Truman show (Peter Weir 1998) The Truman show movie directed and produced by both Peter Weir and Scott Rudin is a well-structured representation of reflexivity and self-reflexivity theories. This film rated PG is one of the suitable and inspiring movies for most of the underage individuals. In this movie there are no sex gratuitous violence, no sex scenes but it a real idealistic movie based on media personality intertextuality. This movie’s empirical intertextuality evidence lies in its nature of not being hyped as a purely comedy production. This is through the various scenes in the Truman show movie that appears to be taking place in the real life situation in various media houses (Klemnens, 2007 pg. 109). This movie in addition is composed of a heady sarcasm of the American consciousness which solely consists of a send-up of the prurient media addict the society has become. When this moving picture opens with a close-up of Truman Burbank gazing at himself in the mirror of his newly appointed into medicine cabinet. The reflexivity and self- reflexivity theories are brought into existence and pulled in through his the wild imagination of this individual’s private prologue. The rub in this movie and the intertextuality move is realised by the viewer in the Truman’s prized and idiosyncratic products moments of his life. One of the reasons why this film is of a diverse influence in the most of the media houses is because it vehemently succeeds in reminding of individuals to hate them in whatever activity they undertake (Rayner, 2003 pg. 112). However slightly, every time we see Truman snapped through a “button-cam”, the media personnel are reminded of the coverage vices whenever they carry out their field work activities. This film released in 1998 as an indigenous media representation motion picture urged viewers to reflect on the ethical related issues on the modern day media as well as television related programmes. This movie is a much more entertaining one though it dwells mostly on the correspondence of the painstaking Hollywood formulas. The Truman movie, one of the productions of Peter Weir apart from Master and Commander movie of the year 2003 is a movie that does not relate to Hollywood formulas but gives out a complete opposite in relation to the point of view of the media houses. Truman Burbank’s personality does not show any form of compliance and conformity to that of a typical traditional Hollywood hero. In the opening part of this film, Truman is shown as being ordinary and unimportant personality when he is looking at his reflection in the mirror. His insanely muttering action in this scene of the movie represents an uncultured ancient media representation in most of their olden day’s coverage. Truman is not the usual Hollywood hero. He is not too well built, handsome or even cleaver to be a unique media representative other than just an ordinary individual. He is brought out as the “ordinaries epitome” of the media. His character totally differs from that one of a traditional Hollywood hero because of his true representation of a normal media character. Truman movie generally looks at the media broadly through the main character that is Truman Burbank. This movie shows vice expectations from the media houses Hollywood being one of them. Truman through this movie is ordinary but depicted as being totally different from the other actors. He is demonstrated as being different through his diverse characteristics by different central behaviours. Example is when the bus breaks down the bus driver apologises but Truman vehemently declined this and unvaryingly gets off the bus. This shows not only the uniqueness in this individual actor in this move but a broad overview of the persistence that should be portrayed by the media in order to finally reach greater heights in as far as media house production is concerned. Truman as well as the other actors such as cheese and chalk maintains that he is the only true man as opposed to the others due to his transparency and accountability nature of tackling variety of the arising issues experienced throughout this film. This film through the chronicles of the life of Truman was initially unaware of his life in a constructed realty television and broadcast around the clock to billions of people transversely across the globe. Truman is therefore exhibited and marked a true media representative of the media through his suspicion of his perceived reality (Southerlan, 2000 pg. 111). He finally embarks on the mission to discover the truth about his life as a media personality, a quest which represents the media broadly in relation to the expected codes of conduct by the media personalities. Bibliography BURNETT, E. (2008). History through film. Volume I Volume I. Raleigh, NC, Lulu Press. KLEMENS, N. (2007). Peter Weirs "The Truman Show": The ultimate hidden Camera SpecialMünchen, GRIN Verlag GmbH. MAGUIRE, L. E. (2009). Helen of Troy from Homer to Hollywood. Chichester, U.K., Wiley-Blackwell. Paul, T. (2013). Film and the classical epic tradition. Corby: Oxford University Press. RAYNER, J. R. (2003). The films of Peter Weir. New York, Continuum. WINKLER, M. M. (2007). Troy from Homers Iliad to Hollywood epic. Malden, MA, Blackwell. SUTHERLAND, V. (2000). The Truman show directed by Peter Weir. Glebe, NSW, Pascal Press. WOOD, M. (2012). Film: a very short introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Read More
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