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Analysis of Syrian Rebel Photo Rhetoric - Assignment Example

The author of the "Analysis of Syrian Rebel Photo Rhetoric" paper states that focus on the pathos of the image reveals that the image is quite horrifying in the sense of the nature in which the rebel courageously combats the wounded through shooting…
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Analysis of Syrian Rebel Photo Rhetoric
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Analysis of Syrian rebel photo rhetoric The human crisis in Syria has been acclaimed as one of the largest human crisis to ever happen in the Arab country. Vicious images from the war tone country rent the news rooms with horrific underpinnings. This analysis is of an image of a rebel caught between bomb fire and combat field. He is seen dashing towards an adversary wielding his AK47 rifle. The atmosphere is filled with smoke and besides the area is filled with burning Lorries and cars. The area is one of high profile security but the bombing which is performed by two suicide bombers has managed to tear apart the security team killing more than 27 people (Times Photos Site 1) The image is portrays a lot about this country. Hocks (15) argues that historical relations to familiar conventions helps create a sense of familiar structure and allows the audience to recognize desired information quickly. This therefore puts the image in a specific context that helps the audience quickly familiarize with the background. For instance the political temperatures as deduced from the political killing are very high. The image shows a man trapped in a burning country through bombings. This is reminiscent of the blatant disregard to the respect of human life. The fire is wildly ablaze and the scenario that is revealed is one of scampering and unpredictability; therefore the information deduced is that most people are caught trapped in this confusion. Death and suffering are inevitable in such an occurrence. One viewing this photo will not fail to deduce the overall effect that is brought out by the events captured. Hocks (10) note that experience of hybridity works to the audience’s advantage by increasing the experience of pleasure through identification and multiplicity. Unlike the case in this scenario, the hybridity as Hocks (16) observes is adopted by the reporter and the image inflicts fright instead of pleasure as asserted. The reporting done by the reporter makes one draw a deep feeling of empathy for the victims. Hocks (6) notes that the writing or explanation can lead the audience to develop deep feelings about the image of discourse under observation. The reporter’s take on the killing of the 27 people through the suicide bomb that is detonated by the two members of the aligned rebels draws a chilling effect on anyone watching the image; thus a true reflection of Hocks proposition. The context of the image indicates the ravages of a war tone country, where life has been almost unpredictable. The dashing rebel soldier towards the Syrian checkpoint is indicative ofthe atrocity that the country is seething through. One automatically identifies with the scenario on the ground. The energy with which the man is running with towards the wounded soldier, (not to help but rather to kill and maim) is astonishing. It is blood chilling to note that such effort can be made towards the other person, just to ensure that they are out of life. The image shows burning tire, uplifted from a lorry that is burning partly ablaze. In the far end is the lighting of another bomb fire. Owing to the fact that is known of the Syrian rebel clashing with the government authorities, it is evident that this photo is reminiscent of the fighting that is taking place in the country. The photo goes further to illuminate quite a number of conclusions. For instance, the suicide bombing is lethal as it has killed more than 27 people (Times Photos Site 1). This means that the country is utterly in danger. Anyone who observes the image will definitely develop a sense of insecurity in the country. Insecurity in the country is at high stakes and the political temperatures in the country are high. The killing and shooting manifest a moment of incredible danger to human life and peace is obviously breached. The wielding of the rifle is illustrative of the danger. The gun is assign of danger and killing as the man in the photo is poised in a shooting position particularly aiming at something. The sense of rhetoric is brought out through the sub-conscious realization of the political instability as a result of viewing the image. Therefore the image fully communicates of the dangers and unpredictability of the situation on the ground. The photo also serves as a platform upon which we analyze the ethos of the society. It is directly evident that the image shows the moral rot and the disregard to the value of human life. The prevailing mass killing that are reminiscent of the war in Syria, have also a lot to tell in as far as the image is concerned. War, guns, blood and fire are symbols of shattering and danger. The country is wreathing in atrocities and life is threatened under such environment. The rebel community is unleashing dreadful mechanisms and the way the image portrays is really frightening. The image also has a clear deserted view except for the rebel who is seen rushing towards the wounded soldiers. This tells us that the country is deserted by the fleeing members. From the contextual positioning of the image and consideration of the time of occurrence, the image is in properly assertive of the atrocities that are taking place on the ground level. It is known that the fighting in Syria is intense and vicious; therefore the view is just an addition into cementing of the exact or actual happenings taking place in the Arab country. It is the impalpable moment that is denoted from the view. Therefore anyone viewing the image would immediately come into terms with the ground happening of the Syrian case. The rhetorical situation of the image is also self-exposing. The audience stance... “How the work visually gives the audience a sense of agency and possibilities for interactive involvement,” Hocks (10), is greatly utilized by the photo which on the contrary is of a natural orientation juxtaposed by human explanation. However the hybridity and transparency of the reporters underpinning evokes a familial encounter with the situation on the ground (Hocks, 10). One does not need to be informed of the actual happening through sound and voice. It is known that a reprisal where there is gun wielding, bombing and people running helter-skelter is coupled with big bangs, ricocheting of guns and utter confusion as human cries rent the air. This is the situation that is drawn from deeper analysis of the photo. The underpinning is terrifying and therefore the image may not be suitable to young children who are not used to such hard feelings. However the image is a true reflection of the happening on the ground, and the audience who view it may not be restricted. The exposition of such images to young children at an early age may have dire consequences on the society. Violence may be bred at an early age thus leading to a compromise of the ethos upheld by society. The exposure to atrocities manifested through the photo may indict one with hard feelings which may sometimes form the basis of character. This will to a large extent lead to a dysfunctional society. Focus into the pathos of the image reveals that the image is quite horrifying in the sense of the nature in which the rebel courageously combats the wounded through shooting. The lorry besides the man is perched up and the smoke is bellowing with fire ablaze. There is shooting everywhere in the air and the man is seen rushing towards the Syrian army with aimed shooting. The audience is thus affected by the emotive nature of the occurrences from the image. It is therefore emotionally involving and may elicit feeling of fright and empathy. The image is contextually appropriate and the media through which is broadcast is well placed in attaining audience from the vast majority who experience a test of the war through the image. The exposition that is given is of field combat. Viewing the image makes one have develop an insight into the happening on the ground.The understanding of the image is boosted by this context in a number of ways. One’s experience through the image automatically makes them associate the atrocity witnessed to actual scenes of war and marshal combat. This therefore is a contextually fit photo as the timings and the events captured tally adequately with the real occurrences in the country. Works cited Hocks, E. Mary. Understanding the Visual Rhetoric in Digital Writing Environments. 2003. National Council of English Teachers. Times Photos Site. The Uprising in Syria Rages On.2012. Web. Read More

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