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The timing provides ample time for the audience to make up its mind on what takes place on stage. It is an improvement from the 5 drawings because it includes a number of activities. It implies that the character could be having substantial weight (Ratner, 295). It allows the audience to see the character undertake preparations for jumping. In seven drawings, the character is held in midair. The action creates suspense in the animation, which is a significant aspect of literature.
The scenario is an improvement from 15 drawings. It allows the audience to view additional activities. It allows the audience to substantiate the weight of the audience. First, the movement of the coyote can be easily noticed as walking or running (Ratner, 295). It then lowers itself down swiftly in order to prepare to jump. It then exposes itself in the air to jump. The coyote successfully suspends itself in the air to create an effect on viewers. The timing also allows the audience to study the relative speeds of the coyote and roadrunner.
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