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Analysis of the Movie CrashRacism has been a menace to the American society since time memorial and still poses a big threat to peaceful coexistence and societal harmony in a country with the global highest racial diversity. The movie Crash is a movie set in Los Angeles and revolves around racial stereotyping and societal absurdities. Racism, an extension of stereotyping and prejudice, is quite evident in the movie. Racism occurs when a particular group of people (race) develops an inherent perception that they are superior over other races.
In the movie, the white undercover cop shot the black undercover counterpart and it is revealed that he had gunned down two other black men in the past, which is a pointer towards his hatred of black people. racism gets to its peak when the advisor of the District Attorney together with the black detective get busy at making sure the white cop is incarcerated and charged with racism without even conducting investigation into the matter and giving the white cop a chance to defend himself.Racism can affect the society significantly if allowed to thrive.
It curtails harmonious living among people of different racial backgrounds. Racism also leads to inequality in resource distribution, where the “superior” race receives a larger share of the national cake than other races. This breeds animosity between races. Also, racism does not allow all citizens to contribute to societal building because it promotes a group to feel superior over others, which jeopardizes the chances of working together to better the society. Finally, racism is a killer of morality in the society.
It perpetuates moral decadence through stereotyping and prejudice among society members.
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