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Flying cheap - Movie Review Example

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It is therefore sure that operators within the airline travel sector, just as it is the case with other forms of business try to maximize profits while minimizing on the costs. This…
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Flying cheap
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The ‘continental connection flight’ 3407was a commuter flight and is exactly the recreation of the documentary by Young and which depicts the errors with the pilot as well as the first officer to have caused the crash (Genzlinger, para 1-5). The documentary depicts evolutionary process in the regional system of airlines with the special focus on the relatively small airline companies such as the Colgan Company. The movie depicts the operations of the rather small airliners carrying the big names like ‘continental’ on them despite their failure to meet at least the minimum standards of operation in safety as well as training for the crew members.

The plot features a former Colgan Pilot’s description of his daily routine at Colgan as a pilot. Many short routes coupled with lots of ‘landings’ and ‘take offs’ as well as meeting and braving bad weather are basic daily experiences to any pilot with the company. This according to him is so tiring and often presents a very long day to the pilot and crewmembers. As the documentary features, passengers often make a misinformed perception whenever in a plane for a flight while thinking that they are safe at the hands of the ‘well able and experienced pilot and crew members in control’ while the reality may prove otherwise.

The story line adopted in the documentary is an investigative plot where it investigates how regional airline couriers especially those operating as low cost flights have steadily changed the entire air travel industry with increased awareness of competition and the need for incentives such as the cheap flights. However, the investigation line is on whether the adoption of such strategies and the need to realize higher profits is in any way related to compromises of safety standards as observed in airline operators.

This is confirmed through the strategic feature of the continental connection flight, which crashed in 2009 outside Buffalo. The documentary records

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