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A Progress of the Whole Persian Culture and its Cultural Heritage - Dissertation Example

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The paper "A Progress of the Whole Persian Culture and its Cultural Heritage" analyzes the information about the oppressing practices of the Islamic state. Many are performing plastic surgery not because they want to, but due to the situation, that forces them to do so…
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A Progress of the Whole Persian Culture and its Cultural Heritage
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To get a better understanding of how prescriptions of Hijab as mandative veils for women were connected with the Islamic regime in Iran after 1979, some additional details, both historical and social ones, must be provided. From the very beginning, Iranian events of 1979 had different names and, therefore, interpretations, among Western historians: 'Iranian Revolution,' 'Islamic Revolution,' '1979 Revolution.' (DeFronzo, 2007) (In the current paper we are going to implicate only the second one.) As a result of protesting activities, 1977---1979, the 'Pahlavi dynasty under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was replaced with an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
Furthermore, improvement of Hijab as mandative veils for women was closely connected not only with the beginning of revolutionary activities but rather with a national referendum, which accepted hybrid 'democratic-theocratic constitution' in the state ruled by the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, Grand Ayatollah, Imam. . From that time, term of Hijab became a right word for the female slavery --- instead of their 'moral dignities' from the point of the Muslim clergy. For sure, female 'modesty,' 'privacy,' and 'morality (i.e. moral qualities, symbolized by Hijab as for the clergy) were right things for the human personality, but, from the other perspective, these personalities could easily recognize by themselves what was wrong and was good; moreover, even the Qur'an had another word for the veil (e.g. khimar and jilbab), never requiring 'specifically … women to keep their heads or faces covered.
Ancient Persia as a Basis for the Iranian Cultural Heritage Ancient Persia had its cultural heritage thousands of years ago, which was extremely rich and very important for human civilization throughout its extraordinary cultural history and history of art. Thus, Iranian ancestors and their ancient history gave a lot to the world, as far as they contributed greatly to the cultural heritage of all humanity. Great monuments of the past, both in sculpture and painting, are telling Iranians the true history of Iran, showing their fundamental significance within the world's cultural history and history of visual art.

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