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Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum - Essay Example

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This essay "Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum" discusses Madame Tussaud’s wax figures. They are priceless pieces that illustrate the value of modern art. The figures shown on the website look photographed, and seeing them would entice anyone to come to the museum to take pictures with figures…
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Madame Tussauds Wax Museum
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The first thing that one can notice in the wax figures is shape. Unlike other figures that one can see in museums and parks, the wax figures at Madame Tussaud’s are shaped to reveal the identity of the model. They are not just plain figures striking a pose or statues holding a symbol of identity.

Rather, they are shaped to imply their personal character, the way people know them in the movies. For example, Robin Williams smiles and holds out his left hand to the audience, suggesting a jolly and welcoming attitude, whereas Denzel Washington has his right hand stretched out across his abdomen, which connotes his serious character and masculinity. Meanwhile, Johnny Depp’s pose is likewise serious but his figure is a little too stiff, which makes it less realistic than the other two figures.

Also, I believe that the jaws of Depp are not as wide as that of the figure. Nonetheless, Depp’s figure also draws attention because of its color. See Figure 1. Figure 1. Robin Williams, Johnny Depp, and Denzel Washington wax figures at Madame Tussaud’s museum. One important aspect that deserves attention is a line. Notably, the lines applied in the wax figure of Robin Williams are excellent. They are well-planned, varied, and meaningful. The lines are most visible on the face of the actor, especially on his forehead, thus suggesting old age.

The wrinkles very in-depth to add to the facial expression. The lines for the lips are curved in a natural way to make the figure look realistic. Likewise, the lines from the side of the nose down to the lips are accurate to suit the age of the actor. Overall, the lines on Williams’ figure make the artwork truly interesting and excellently realistic. The lines on Denzel Washington’s face are also amazing. They are minimal, which suggests a youthful character. Also, they are stiffer than Williams’, thus achieving the serious look of the actor.

The lines around the eyes add to the realism of the figure. They help to make the facial expression more vivid and deep. The lines on Washington’s fingers could not be more perfect. They appear as if molded directly from the model. Of less quality in terms of a line in the figure of Johnny Depp. Depp’s facial lines are not as realistic as those in the other two actors. There is a perfectly equal balance between the lines on the left side of the face and on the right, which makes the facial expression look stiffer and fake.

Even the lines leading to the jaw are too deep, making them look awkward and a little too emphasized. The textures of the wax sculptures are perfect. They vary to achieve a realistic look, and they work well with the lines. There is an obvious effort to create a perfect look, thus each line of the figure is carefully complemented with a shiny texture at the right spot. 

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