A standard has to be maintained along with setting up higher benchmark every time the customer visits the restaurant and ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience for the customer with higher satisfaction level. Q-2 What is meant by “sexualised labour” and discuss using relevant examples the extent to which “sexualised labour” is prevalent in the contemporary hospitality industry? Ans. Sexualised labour is a common term used in today’s world. Relationship between a host and guest can be fuzzy at times especially when one involves a male and a female at other end.
Sexualised labour involves organisations employing workers’ sex appeal as a selling point for purposes of commercial gain (Treacy & Wiersema, 2005). Organizations to gain commercial gains use the sex appeal of women so that they are able to attract people towards their service or product. Sexualised labour is very prominent in the hospitality setting. Organizations based on the sexual appeal of people look to attract people and also use it as a strategy of retaining young recruit so that better services can be provided.
To deal with the issues and to ensure that women have a sex appeal a dress code is prescribed which will thereby help to attract people. Women in the hospitality industry are looked upon in three different dimensions which are offering of food, companionship and lastly and the prominent one as sexual appeal. Women act as a mediator between the guest and the host through sexual relationships. Further for example, in the Arctic region husbands offered their wife to their guest to develop sexual hospitality which is still prominent in those regions.
It is to be noted that sexual hospitality is not a prominent factor in the commercial hospitality in today’s world. However there are still a lot of examples and incidents where women use their skin to attract and retain more and more people (Prahalad and Hamel, 2010). Women in the hospitality industry through ancient times and right to the modern world are still implied to be seductresses who could easily attract people based on sexual appeal. Not only women are only considered as sexualised labour in the hospitality setting but are looked upon various other role of providing food to men and companionship to please guest.
Thus, we find that due to various factors of which money plays the biggest role, women are still looked upon sexualised labour in the hospitality industry from the traditional world to the modern world. Q-3. Identify consumption trends in contemporary Australian society and discuss 3 market opportunities these trends present to the hospitality industry? Ans. Consumption trends in contemporary Australian society varies from complex enjoyment to fashion and latest trends, from spicy and crunchy food habits to addition to alcohols and use of drugs.
Consumption trends vary from social, cultural and psychological aspects depending upon different tastes and preferences of individuals. Travelling and tourism has shown significant growth in the Australian society with increase in consumption of wine level, hotel industry and sharp rise in the number of pubs, cafes and cafeterias. Customers are more inclined towards better hospitality environment for example private clubs and pubs where a cordial relationship is maintained between the host and the guest.
There are lots of market opportunities which this trends highlights in the hospitality industry particularly in the Australian society. People are becoming health conscious and growing obesity has affected the demand for different kind of food which provides an avenue and direction to work and improve the quality of service. Hospitality in relation to travel and tourism industry can be looked upon as an emerging opportunity in the Australian society. There are a large number of domestic and international travelers whose needs and demands are satisfied by various travel agents however the same lack hospitality and the same can be grabbed as an opportunity to deliver higher satisfaction with warm greetings and higher hospitality to attract more and more customers and build higher profits and returns.
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