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Windmill Energy in Natchitoches - Research Proposal Example

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The paper "Windmill Energy in Natchitoches" describes that the recent rise in the prices of fossil fuels and nuclear energy alongside global warming that is responsible for the increase in atmospheric temperatures has led to rising in demands for cleaner and cheaper energy sources…
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Windmill Energy in Natchitoches
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INSTALLATION OF WINDMILLS IN NATCHITOCHES, LOUISIANA TO PRODUCE ENOUGH ELECTRI TO A LARGE TOWN BY Sign: A research proposal submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree in (……) Supervisor’s name: Sign: Abstract The project is about installing windmills in Natchitoches, Louisiana. It details on the impacts of using fossil fuels and nuclear power as a source of electricity. It also provides solution to the problems associated with use of other sources of energy in the production of electricity. In expounding the essence of wind energy, it expounds on how the project will be funded. It also expounds on the project description by providing detailed information about its objectives, administration, importance, and budget. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1 problem statement 1.2 solution to the problem 1.3 Funding requirements 1.4 Expertise of my organization 2. The statement of need 3. The project description 3.1 Objectives 3.2 Methods 3.2.1 Administration 3.2.2 Sustainability of the project 4. Budget of the project 4.1 Organizational information 5. conclusion INTRODUCTION With the recent rise in the prices of fossil fuels and nuclear energy, demands for cleaner and cheaper energy sources has increased. The demand for renewable energy has contributed immensely towards the growth of wind energy industry. Nations such as the United States have shifted away from using fossil fuels. However, the success of wind energy industry depends greatly on wind turbines. A wind turbine is a technological device used in converting energy present in the moving wind into mechanical energy. Occasionally, the mechanical energy that rotates the shaft is converted by a wind turbine generator into electrical energy (Rivkin1). The generators are usually fixed at the top of the towers in order to maximize the output of wind energy turbines. To enhance their activity, generators are usually joined to the rotors by gears that multiply the speed of the generator. Currently, there are two types of turbines that aid in the generation of electricity, and they include horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT) and vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). Problem statement Currently, the world is suffering from global warming which is responsible for not only the melting of polar ice, but also to the increase in atmospheric temperatures. This problem is also eminent in the U.S; over 38% of greenhouse gas emissions are from the power sector because of great reliance on coal as a source of power (Windindustry, 1). Additionally, it is evident that a great percentage of the U.S knows the essence of wind turbines despite their low contribution to the power sector; windmills contribution to power sector is only 4%. Thus, there is still need for measures to be put in order to deter the use of coal as a source of power. Solution to the problem statement Windmills convert kinetic energy present in the moving wind into mechanical energy which is then converted into electrical energy via aid of wind generators. In tandem to this, the potential of wind energy is very significant. For instance, “it can supply more than 20% of the U.S and world electricity” (Windustry, 2014). In implementing this project in Natchitoches, Louisiana, over 2 million people will benefit significantly. To enhance its success, this project is not only required to last for 15 years, but also to use majority of the informed residents from that area as staff members. Additionally, it will be crucial for some of our experts in the production of power to be part of the staff members. Funding requirements For this project to be effective we will install 13,000 MW of wind power. This will cost us approximately $1963000 because of relying on NGback-up balancing. Though expensive, we are assured of producing 3.64 TWh/yr, an energy generation that will aid significantly in the future running of this project. Being an environmental conserving project, we are also assured of support from not only the government, but also from other non-governmental organizations. Expertise of my organization My agency has an appealing track record in addition to having experience and support network for effective operation of assets. Its members are not only well versed with technical appliances, but also well experienced in diverse operations; elements required for effective financial performance. THE STATEMENT OF NEED Many people that support use of coal in the production of electricity have come with critics of solar and wind power. Majority of them believe that there will be lots of problems for renewable energy when the sun and wind fail to shine and blow respectively. However, the negative effects of using coal as source of electricity by-passes these challenges. This is evidenced by a report given by Synapse Energy Economics in 2013. According to this Society, use of coal, nuclear power, and natural gas in the production of electricity pose an environmental challenge greater than the one impacted by the absence of the conditions that enhance success of renewable source of energy. The life cycle power of coal is also extremely high. To solve this, taxpayers cough a lot of money through increase in health problems that are caused by pollution. Additionally, it is evident that the price of electricity from other sources such as nuclear power and fossil fuels is prone to fluctuations. This is as a result of erratic mining and transportation costs. Fortunately, there are potential areas in the U.S that can enhance the production of power without polluting the environment. For instance, the location and weather of Natchitoches is conducive for the installation of windmills. The large open lands will not only play a significant role towards enhancing the production of power by windmills, but also allow the operation of vehicles that will be operating on electricity derived from the wind energy. Additionally, the use of wind power will aid significantly in buffering the costs associated with the production of electricity because the cost of fuel used to propel the components of the windmills is fixed and free. Installation of windmills in Natchitoches will also create job opportunities and also contribute immensely towards growth of economy via adding tax bases. It is also evident that use of windmills as source of electricity will contribute to conservation of the environment. For instance, the turbines will not produce any emissions such as mercury that contaminate water bodies. Unlike other sources of electricity that relies on nuclear energy and fossil fuels, windmills will not emit greenhouse gases alongside production of electricity. It is also evident that installation of windmills will not hamper with land used for agricultural activities. The implementation of this project will also aid in the reduction of electric bills to the consumers. Thus, to reduce the rate of pollution and misuse of land and resources it will be crucial if other competitive organizations will emulate our views and expound on the use of wind energy in the production of electricity in other parts of the U.S. THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION Objectives i. To lower the cost of electricity ii. To maximize the production of electricity via wind energy iii. To reduce pollution by Methods Administration To enhance the success of this project, a project administration function will be set up. The administration will include a team of project sponsors, 3 managers, and some team members. The project administration will employ experienced project practitioners who will take the responsibility of employing individuals who have full understanding of how projects need to be run. It will also coordinate project resources, manpower, information and equipment (Rivkin 75). The practitioners that will be employed by the management will perform site screening and selection. They will also monitor wind and record crucial data for the running of the organization. Additionally, the practitioners will ensure that the land used is compatible to the designed project alongside meeting the engineering feasibility assessment. The implementation of this project will also rely on the consultants opinions. The three managers will manage different areas; that is one will be in charge of finance, another one will oversee the usage of windmill equipment whereas the third will be a human resource manager. The selection of the managers will be based on their ability in achieving electrical engineering operational objectives by participating in the provision of engineering information. It will also depend on the recommendations provided by the subject to different organizational plans alongside implementing strategies that will enhance increase in productivity and quality. Additionally, individuals ought to be good in implementing change in order to be assigned managerial responsibilities. Being a project that requires continuous supervision, we will employ 200 people who are well versed with production physics. A half of the 200 employed people will work during daytime whereas the rest will be working during night shifts. Each group will monitor and ensure that all wind blades are rotating at the right speed and in the right direction. The payment of the employees will depend on their qualification and contributions towards the success of the project. However, those who will work during the nights will be earning more than those who will be working during the day. Additionally, the managers will be paid according to their contribution to the success of the project. Engineers and practitioners will also be paid according to their qualifications and contributions to the organization. The profit of the project will be shared among the investors according to the amount of their investment to the project. The process of generating electricity from wind energy is a bit complex but effective. It dictates for the conversion of kinetic energy present in the moving wind into mechanical energy that drives the shaft fixed into the wind generator. To maximize the production of electricity, careful designs of the blades will be used in maximizing the efficiency of the turbines in electricity generation (Tong 20). The shape of blade tips and general profile of the blades will be shaped in a way that will maximize the amount of mechanical energy produced. Additionally, the blades are tilted in order to maximize wind power output. Efficient wind generators will also be determined by calculating the efficiency of gearbox, generators, and electric appliances then used in converting the trapped mechanical energy into electrical energy. Power converters will then be connected to the generators to convert the produced electricity from AC to DC or DC to AC. Additionally, the convertors will be used to convert electric voltage from voltage n to voltage I depending on the voltage required by organizations and residents. To reduce the chances of using other sources of energy for production of electricity, implementation of this project will rely on vertical-axis turbines that work with wind from any direction; that do not require yaw controls for their efficiency. Sustainability of the project Some critics have been raised over the viability of wind power towards the generation of electricity. For instance, some enemies of environmental sustainability argue that wind generators have very short life spans. Some also argue that the blades used currently are not durable as compared to the old wooden blades (Schaffer 101). However, these people seem not to know the essence of using light blades in the harvest of wind energy. Despite their short-term durability, it is evident that light blades have contributed significantly towards increase in amount of electricity produced by the windmills (Tong 81). It is also evident that continuous maintenance of the generators aid in the management of the windmill machines. Small turbines are prone to wear and short lifespan. However, the turbines that will be used in this project are not only big, but also durable. The chosen turbines can last for over 20 years if well maintained. The short duration is as a result of the loads impacted on parts such as blades and towers that are connected towards the end of a hoist. Fortunately, a wind turbine can pay for itself after serving for 3 years, with the rest 17 to 20 years generating only profit. So after wearing out it can easily be replaced without any loss. BUDGET OF THE PROJECT The cost of wind energy and solar energy has decreased significantly over the past years. The three methods used in analyzing the cost and the performance of the designed project include Installed capital cost, specific capital cost, and life-cycle cost of energy (Engel 178). Installed capital cost is the simplest method of measuring the viability of a project. It includes planning, purchase of equipment, and installation costs of a wind system. Therefore, this cost will include wind turbine, tower, installed site, maintenance, and other inclusive infrastructure. For instance, the cost of our project is approximately $1963000. This is as a result of using turbines with two blades and other current materials such as aluminum and other synthetic materials. Specific capital cost unites the installed cost and strength of wind resource with the productive power of the wind turbine power curve. It is the cost that procures, install and ensures the generated power is beyond a kilowatt-hour per year. On the other hand, life –cycle cost of energy incorporates all elements of cost. That is, installed capital cost, cost of maintenance, and cost of major challenges and replacements. However, “the total costs for installing commercial scale wind turbines vary significantly depending on the number of turbines used, cost of financing, construction contracts, location of the project, alongside other factors” (How much do wind turbines cost? 2014). Table 1 Capital statement and energy production on 13,000MW wind farm Sr. No. Particular Parameter 1 Wind farm capacity 13,000 MW 2 Installed Capital Cost $1963000 3 Annual Capacity Factor 21% (From initial year of operation) 4 Annual O & M cost Rs. 1300M 5 Sale price of electricity (MSEB) 3.50 Rs./kWh 6 Discount rate 11% 7 Project life time 15yrs 8 The annual energy yield 3.64 TWh/yr 9 The gross annual income for first year $263651.90 10 Levelised Replacement Cost 20% on the annual O & M cost for the first year 11 Annual Fixed Charge Rate (FCR) 12% Organizational information Darwin Power is an energy conservation organization based in Atlanta, Georgia. It was started as a Power Company and started operating in early 1990. Darwin Power is owned by an investor who works towards ensuring that it serves over 2 million customers in Georgia. It provides employment to approximately 800 workers. The corporate office is located in 251 Street near Ralph McGill. The administration of Darwin Power consists of four managers, 10 consultants, six engineers, four investors, and six team members from other groups. The selection of the members of the administration depends entirely on the qualification and contribution of individuals towards the success of the organization. The managers oversee the activities that take place within the organization and identify potential opportunities for advancement. It also provides pieces of advice to its employees alongside managing their daily activities. The consultants advices the management on what to be done in order to enhance the success of the Power whereas the engineers ensures that all the equipment used in the industry are working towards meeting the designed objectives. Darwin Power has an appealing track record in addition to having experience and support network for effective operation of assets. Its members are not only well versed with technical appliances, but also well experienced in diverse operations; elements required for effective financial performance. Darwin Power has built many windmills, including the Great Alabama Windmill in Georgia. Currently, it is working towards ensuring that it has built another windmill in Natchitoches, Louisiana. In building this windmill, the company is assured of serving over 2 million people that reside in that area. It also believes in providing an alternative source of power for the vehicles that operate within Natchitoches. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the recent rise in the prices of fossil fuels and nuclear energy alongside global warming that is responsible for the melting of polar ice and increase in atmospheric temperatures has led to rising in demands for cleaner and cheaper energy sources. The demand for renewable energy has contributed immensely towards the growth of wind energy industry. However, the success of wind energy industry depends greatly on wind turbines that can supply more than 20% of the world electricity (Tong 75). To enhance this, environmental conservative projects such as the one proposed by Darwin Power Company need to be incorporated. Many costs also have to be incurred in order for any project to be effective. For instance, installed capital cost, specific capital cost, and life-cycle cost of energy need to be considered before starting a project. Organizations carrying out projects also need to be having enough expertise in the area outlined in the project. Administration is also one of the factors that need to be addressed for successive performance of any organization. Fortunately, the installation of this project will enhance the reduction of electricity prices to the consumers because of the low cost incurred in the production of electricity by the wind energy (Rivkin 37). The project will also create job opportunities to the community members around the plant. Additionally, implementation of this project will aid significantly in the reduction of pollution of air and water bodies (Windustry 1). It will also provide an alternative source of energy to the vehicles that operate within secluded places such as Natchitoches. In tandem to this, this project will also aid in the reduction of overreliance on fossil fuels and nuclear power that are prone to extinction (Windustry 1). In addition to these, it will also aid reduce the depletion of the ozone layer and as a result, contribute to a reduction of melting of the polar ice and increase in temperatures. Works Cited Engel, Mitch. Noble Windmills. Indiana: iUniverse, 2010. Print. Rivkin, David. Wind Turbine Systems. New York: Jones and Batlett Publishers, 2011. Print. Rivkin, David. Wind Turbine Operations, Maintenance, Diagnosis, and Repair. New York: Jones and Batlett Publishers, 2012. Print. Schaffer, Mrvin. Tilting At Mekong Windmills: A Historical Narrative. Indiana: Xlibris Corporation, 2011. Print. Tong, Wei. Wind Power Generation and Wind Turbine. Southampton: WIT Press, 2010. Print. Windustry. ‘Why Wind Energy?’ Windustry. (2000-2014): Web 22 April 2014. Read More
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