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Energy Resource Challenges In the video, Visualizing Environmental Science, the has talked about quite a few sources of renewable energy. Ever since the energy crisis of the 1970s, people have been drawn towards the use of renewable energy, and several options which were not given much thought previously, found importance in the wake of the crisis. Firstly, the author mentions wind energy which uses which uses windmills to turn wind into energy. Secondly, there is solar power which uses photovoltaic cells to focus the rays of the sun into a narrow shaft of light which turns an engine and produces electricity.
Thirdly, author mentions liquid fuels and the practice of turning food into fuel. For instance the cellulose in corn is used to produce ethanol. However, at present, there is a shift from the use of food grains to that of the stalks and stubble left after harvest, thus not compromising on the loss of grains to the generation of power. The National Renewable Energy Lab uses a plant to turn leftovers from the harvest and many other non-usable things into energy. Finally, the author talks about the use of wood chips to generate power.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that renewable energy sources have several advantages, there are also a few challenges to their effective use. For instance, in the case of solar power, a solar concentrator is required which may be difficult to keep ones backyard. Also, in the United States, the cost for energy is very low and hence the renewable energy industry faces stiff competition from fossil fuels. Thirdly, in order to make a difference with renewable sources of energy, it has to be on a large scale.
Lastly, there is also a lack of urgency with regard to the utilization of renewable sources of energy. One form of renewable energy not mentioned in the video is Hydroelectricity, in which water is harnessed for generating energy. Among the challenges of using non-renewable energy are firstly, these sources of energy are finite, they will one day be depleted if they are used continuously. Secondly, fossil fuels create pollution. Thirdly, fossil fuels cannot be recycled. Refernces – Linda R. Berg. Visualizing Environmental Science.
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