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Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency system - Term Paper Example

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The term paper "Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency system" presents a detailed analysis of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency system development. This report is basically aimed to present a discussion regarding the user experience analysis, human factors analysis such as HTA, etc. …
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Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency system
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 Table of Contents 2- Development Background 2 3- User experience analysis 2 3.1- User Centric Design 3 3.3- Architecture 3 3.5- Technology limitations 4 4- Human factors analysis 4 4.1- Hierarchical task analysis (HTA) 5 5- Usability evaluation 6 5.1- Simple navigation system 6 5.2- Consistent 7 5.3- Keep the interface and content clear and simple 7 5.4- Effectiveness 7 5.5- Reliability 8 5.6- Affordance 8 5.7- Qualitative evaluation of usability 8 6- Design issues 9 6.1- Cognition 9 6.2- Color 9 6.3- Recognition cues 10 6.4- Icon metaphor 10 6.5- Perception 10 7- Conclusion 10 8- References 11 1- Introduction This report presents a detailed analysis of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency system development. This report is basically aimed to present a discussion regarding the user experience analysis, human factors analysis such as HTA, usability evaluation and design issues. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency system is intended to develop the management and handling of the Sales Item calculation, a text search and a VED valuation based on various criteria. In this report I will discuss about the overall system development and my contribution regarding the effective system design and development. This report will point out the main recommendations that are placed for the effective systems design and development. 2- Development Background This system is developed basically for the enhancement of overall working power of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. This system will be used for the Vehicle Excise Duty [VED] calculation and management. The main aim behind this system development is to enhance the working power of the DVLA’s workforce. 3- User experience analysis In this section I will talk about the user experience analysis regarding the DVLA system development and handling. This system is intended to enhance the overall working power of the DVLA’s Vehicle Excise Duty processing. I will talk about the main criteria regarding the better user support and working efficiency. In the next sections I will talk about the main corrective actions those we have taken regarding the effective system development. 3.1- User Centric Design During this system development we have established that we will implement the overall system according to and on basic user requirements and specification. This system will be VED processing system that requires extensive user management and task handling. We have tried to incorporate the user centric design regarding the effective system development, in this way we will priorities the user requirements and the implementation of these requirements will rely on their interaction to the user, most frequently accessed section of the system are given more concentration and perfect touch by presenting more better user design. 3.2- User task flow In this scenario we have tried to implement the overall user task in way so that their management of the user tasks can be handled in a sequence. Its mean the user task execution must be managed through incorporating effective user task flow analysis. This analysis has helped us regarding the implementation of the overall system functionalities in a better way. This will also ensure that the implementation of tasks are appropriate and in sequence according to user demand and requirements. 3.3- Architecture During this system development we have adopted the usability factors and tried to incorporate them for the effective system development and design. We have tried to implement the 80 % of the usability factors regarding the effective user interface, task execution and functionality implementation. 3.4- Reliable In the next stage, we have tried to make the system more reliable for the user tasks. This system will be used and exercised by the DVLA for the Vehicle Excise Duty calculation and assessment. This is a sensitive task regarding the corporate working and performance, so we need a system that is capable to handle all the tasks in a way that overall working of the system is more dependable and reliable for the better corporate tasks management. 3.5- Technology limitations For this system development we have tried to point out the main technology limitations. This analysis has helped us to take few appropriate actions regarding the development handling and management. We have noticed that if a way of system implementation presents us more composite system implementation regarding the system development tool and way of system implementation, then we have also developed a secondary plan for the further system handling and management. 4- Human factors analysis For the analysis of the better system development we have incorporated the human factors analysis. In this analysis we have made use of the technique of the hierarchical task analysis. This technique is basically aimed to make certain that the developed system should integrate all the major functionalities regarding the better system tasks handling and management. 4.1- Hierarchical task analysis (HTA) The development of the DVLA’s system can be easily managed and tracked through the HTA method. In hierarchical task analysis we have divided the all most important, big and compound system working tasks. These splitting of task are done in a hierarchical way. The design at the back of this technique is the analysis of the complex tasks, so that we can handle and implement them in an easy way for the better working and task handling. In the DVLA’s system hierarchical task analysis we have separated the main tasks or the system working processes those will be performed by a user. Then we have elaborated the main levels of working detail. In this step we have tried to catch the main working parameters so can implement the system in better way. This also helps us for the determining the main decomposing of the user tasks into lower-level tasks and sub-steps, therefore shaping a hierarchy of DVLA‘s system sub-tasks. This method of system analysis is carried out in two main steps where in the first step we have clustered the groups of tasks those are related and have the similar functionality. In this way we are able to determine the similar jobs which need similar implementation behavior throughout the system development. This also helped us for the system testing and analyzing. The main reason behind this ease is the simple tasks structure and its isolation from the other jobs. This isolated development provides a more appropriate task execution and handling. In the next stage we have organized the simpler and more relevant DVLA’s system development tasks within groups. These groups will be implemented in a sequence; this way of system implementation will make certain that all tasks are executed to implement the system functionality. Here this way of the system development has helped through the development because we have a bunch of similar tasks. The implementation research and analysis was focused on the similar group of tasks. In this way the system implementation was easier and effective. In the overall DVLA system implementation we have got the hierarchical task analysis a better and effective for the overall system implementation, and testing. This way of system analysis has provided us more forced way of system development. 5- Usability evaluation The incorporation of the usability parameters in any system development provides a lot of advantages regarding the better system development and usage. In this section I will discuss the main usability parameters implementations regarding the better system development and handling. In the section I will point out the main factors of the system usability those are implemented to develop a better user friendly, error free and accurate system. 5.1- Simple navigation system In this scenario we have tried to make the system easy to navigate among the different system sections and modules. DVLA’s Vehicle Excise Duty processing system requires the assessment of the different conditions regarding the assessment of the VED of any vehicle. In this scenario we need to implement the main function of the system development in a hierarchical manner. This hierarchy of the task makes the overall calculation of the VED. In this scenario we tried to develop system that is easy to navigate among different levels of the calculation. 5.2- Consistent We have made the system consistent throughout the development. This consistency is regarding the system interface design, color scheme and navigation criteria. 5.3- Keep the interface and content clear and simple We have tried to make the system easy to use. For this purpose, clarity of the overall contents of the system is very essential. These make the system easy to use, handle and manage. The calculation of the VED and step by step analysis becomes easier through the incorporation of the clear and simple user interface and contents. 5.4- Effectiveness The system development is providing the better user support and functionality regarding the better system calculations and assessment. In this scenario we have tried to implement the accurate system calculations regarding the assessment of the VED. 5.5- Reliability The implementation of this system is more reliable because the development of this system has followed strict rules of system testing and assessment. The assessment of VED is critical organizational task, its effective calculation and correctness is very necessary for the overall system implementation. 5.6- Affordance The system that we have developed is more affordable, like that we have used Visual Studio 2008 for the overall development. This is an extensively available tool that has facilitated us in a better way regarding the overall system development and implementation. Besides we did not require a heavy system for this system implementation and execution, so that we have implemented an affordable system for DVLA. 5.7- Qualitative evaluation of usability The usability assessment provides a better way of system development and designing. Through this study we ensure that all main functionalities have been implemented. There is better implementation of their functionalities and it ensures the easy working, effective system handling, better user interface and accurate outcome. In the development of our DVLA’s Vehicle Excise Duty processing system the implementation of the usability parameters will ensure that our system is working according to standard way of VED processing. Here we have more effective use interface and working environment. 6- Design issues In this section I will present the detailed analysis of the main design issues regarding the effective system implementation. The system designing is backbone in the development of every system. In our system design we have followed a compliance way for the overall system designing and management. In the below section I will discuss about the main design issues and their implementation. 6.1- Cognition Main aim behind the better user interface design is its effectiveness regarding less complex interface. In this scenario we have to reduce the main memory work load of the user. This makes the working of system easier for the user. The feel of closure is very indispensable for the system user. For this purpose we need to reduce the main memory workload and provide less complex user interface. In this way the user interface becomes more effective and easy to use for the overall tasks. For this purpose we have tried to provide hints and on click help regarding each aspect of the system functionality. 6.2- Color The selection and implementation of the light colors is very necessary. The utilization of the dark and distracting color schemes makes the overall user interface more complex and un-workable, so we have used the light color scheme and made it consistent all the way through the application development. 6.3- Recognition cues In this scenario we have developed a consistent user interface. The use of similar pages, frames, buttons and other user interface items. This gives the feeling of similarly and after one or two time use the user becomes familiar with the system. We have also tried to make the system less complex regarding the overall working, so it seems easier to work with this system and manage the overall system working and tasks. 6.4- Icon metaphor The use of proper and consistent Icon metaphor throughout the application was our main priority regarding the overall application development. This makes our system more useable and easy to work with, in scenario of more similarity and less distracting feeling. 6.5- Perception In this system design we have tried to capture the user and client perception regarding the effective systems design. Here we have tried to implement the system in a way that client/user has suggest. This makes the user feel more effective when he/she uses the system. 7- Conclusion In this report I have tried to access all the aspect of the system development of Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. I have discussed the user experience analysis, human factors analysis such as HTA, usability evaluation and design issues. In this discussion I have tried to streamline the main aspects of the better system design and implementation. Here I have talked about the main usability parameters and their effectiveness regarding the better system design and implementation. The HTA analysis provided us a better way to access the structure of DVLA’s system. This assessment has given us a better way to develop the system for the user. The development through such analysis ensures that system will be implemented according to stated needs of the use/client. The critical analysis of the DVLA’s system design issues provides a way regarding effective development and implementation of this system. This system was more effectively designed for after the basement of major design issues and their proper implementation to bring the quality. I hope that this report will provide a deep insight into the overall system development and assessment analysis. 8- References 1. Beynon-Davies, P. 1999. ‘Human Error and Information Systems Failure: The Case of the London Ambulance Service Computer-Aided Dispatch System Project’, Interacting with Computers, (11)6:699-720. 2. Love, L., and Johnson, C. W. 2003. ‘AFTs: Accident Fault Trees.’,In H. Thimbleby, B. O'Conaill and P. Thomas (eds), People and Computers XII: Proceedings of HCI'97, 245-262, Springer Verlag, Berlin. 3. Moran, T. P., and Carroll, J. M. ‘Design Rationale Concepts, Techniques and Use’, Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, New Jersey, United States of America. 4. Preece, J. Rogers, Y. Sharp, H. 2002. ‘Beyond Human-Computer Interaction’, John Wiley and Sons Ltd , ISBN: 0471492787 Read More
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