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BBC Radio's Development - Essay Example

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The paper "BBC Radio's Development" tells us about the development of internet radio. The move comes as BBC Radio & Music Interactive announces its fourth month of internet radio figures and re-launches the hugely popular Radio Player…
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BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery BBC AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNET RADIO In one of its Press releases that appeared on January 30, 2005, which was tagged (BBC Pod casting Sparks Fighting Talk), said "The BBC has extended its pod casting trial to Five Lives' Fighting Talk, allowing listeners to have Christian O'Connell's verbal sparring show automatically downloaded to their computer for use on their portable mp3 player. The move comes as BBC Radio & Music Interactive announces its fourth month of internet radio figures and re-launches the hugely popular Radio Player. Fighting Talk has been available as an mp3 download for three months but now follows Radio 4's In Our Time in offering pod casts to give audiences more control over how they listen" (BBC Pod casting Sparks Fighting Talk) Additionally, in another strategy to boost the existing of Internet Radio in the BBC, and in order to develop its more and more, in 2005, another improvement was made at the station of the upgrading of the internet radio delivery. A press release from the Radio station on this aspect also said "BBC New Media today announced the next phase in the development of the BBC's integrated Media Player (imp): an extensive three month content trial that will begin in September 2005". (BBC Announces imp content trial). BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery However, the imp is a system using by BBC, which allows people to download programs in the television and radio department of the station by the use of internet. The imp devised that was launched in the BBC, also marked another turning point toward the development process for the Internet Radio, because its gives viewers especially those living in United Kingdom, a very good opportunity to catch up programs that were already done in BBC in the past 7 days, and get the programs download in their computers at homes. Moreover, as it's continues development of process of the internet delivery in the BBC Radio, the station had opened more of its radio and television schedule, as part of another phase of imp, were over five thousand individuals participated fully in the trial within the UK. They had done that through selecting programs they had wanted internet, which they might have missed. In order to achieve the above objective efficiently, the BBC had liaised with some key companies in the technical perspective that assisted them with the technical know-how. These companies were Siemens Business Services, Kontiki Inc, and many other that joined hands with the station so they would make the dream become a perfect reality. Meanwhile, the BBC board of governors had implemented the imp system in order to make evaluation on whether it has any commercial advantage in the UK, so they would BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery make an assessment on public value. It was tested between September and December 2005, which only focused primarily on the UK users. THE GRADUAL DEVELOMENT OF BBC RADIO WEBSITE FROM 1997 T0 2007 Since December 1998, the BBC Radio website begins to take a new look gradually every year, based on its quality, quantity, designs and many aspects that any web site needed to give a glittering looking to viewers. In fact there are a lot of changing in terms of design, content, classification, online broadcasting, interlinks, viewing rate, interactivity if carefully compare the updating process done in all these years. Though the assessment will not cover the entire updating process, but the little that can be seen, will testify the assertion made so far as regard to the BBC Radio website. However, between December 1998 to April 1999, the BBC Radio had carried a unique posture in terms of its design, contents, and all its looking were the same, while the web site between these periods looked that the Radio BBC in the web site had just began to take a new dimension, especially that its does not look very attractive and there was no color or any attractive designs. Meanwhile, in March 2000, there was a little improvement in the fields of online broadcasting, links etc, which added a partial new looking to the BBC Radio web site. BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery But from April 2000 the BBC Radio web site had took another looking with many changing and development if compared with the preceding looking. First, the entire web site designed was completely change, with additional color looking. The site had carried one color designed as its master background, while other color supports the master, which gave it a very admiring looking. There were also additional contents, apart from the links to sub- stations of the BBC, there were other contents that were not appeared in the web site hitherto. These contents were Listen Now, Asian Network, Local Radio, Quiz and others not mentioned that also provided additional links, online broadcasting, classifications, and others. In 2001, the BBC Radio website began to proceeded to another dimension of development, in which it's have a new different looking with additional development in all the perspectives mentioning above, especially in design. Because its changed in color as part of the design, and additional links. While in the same year under review, in early November, the web site also got a new technicality with a highest improvements comparing with other looking hitherto. The web site looking was changed to multi-color, with different links, online broadcasting, and many more. Meanwhile, since the year 2001, the BBC web site has continued to take an almost unique looking and everything, only that few changes were being made here and there to adding it more attractive to viewer's across the globe. Even in the beginning of 2007 to BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery date, the web site still looks almost the preceding posture of the past years, while as stated above, only few changes can be seen in terms of design, classification, links, online broadcasting, and other aspects that make it to be a web site. BBC AND NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGY According to a statement made by Ashley Highfield, BBC Director of New Media and Technology in 2006 said the concept is one of the key factors facing the media and its staffs. Ashley said "The presentation defined a clear vision for the future. Ashley Highfield says: "Everything we do here is around technology innovation, to keep the BBC relevant in the digital age. All the audience-facing services the division is planning to launch fall into three main categories: Find, Play and Share. Internally, all of the initiatives are about transforming the production process and enabling program makers" (BBC's Director of New Media & Technology defines vision for the future) Thus, BBC Radio in its determination to give the media a looking of technological advancement, its therefore vowed in recent years to streaming the media toward that dimension, through the use of devices such as Pod casting, that involves files that distributed in the internet using syndication that can be use in radio and computers. BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery These also involve the applications of mp3, mp4, ipod, digital technologies, mobile phones and others. The BBC Radio on its effort to adapt to this technological advancement in the broadcasting sector had made downloading trial using mp3, which at the end resulted successful. "BBC Radio's downloading trial (using mp3) has been a success with more than 70,000 downloads of Radio 4's In Our Time in November and the latest 'pod casting' service proving popular with technology-savvy listeners". (BBC Radio mp3 take off). BBC radio however, had made that test using mp3 in order to assess the yearning of people on the need to download. Thus, the statistic made during that period, has showed that over 50,000 people were recorded to download in ten weeks time. Additionally, BBC Radio has also recognized that people that were listening to radio hitherto through other aspects, have changed to adapt to the modern technology and accept the new device. BBC also adapt to introducing the mp4 as its does to the mp3, in order to adapt to the new broadcasting technologies that goes with internet. The mp4 also works as similar as mp3, its reduces music and audio files without in any form affecting the quality of the audio. Moreover, by introducing and using of the device, its helps listeners to get the station as easier as possible. BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery Ipod is another device that BBC introduced to streamline the new broadcasting technologies. "Announced by Apple boss Steve Jobs, the device will be able to store about 100 songs and play them out randomly like the iPod Shuffle". (Apple Unveils ipon phone hybrid). More over, as it is noted that as BBC Radio vowed to ensure that internet radio is widely accepted in a simple way, according to the statement on the ipod once again, which will pave way for teeming listeners to get a digital radio through BBC. The new device has adversely increased the value of BBC radio in its move toward to an extreme stage in the digital media. Another aspect of the new media technology using by BBC in its transformation of internet development, as new media delivery is the mobile phone, which is also using now to listening to the BBC radio effectively and efficiently. The device is invented by the station to allow listeners to listens to its programs, especially musical and its related through mobile phones. The BBC technology expert in recent years realized that there is the need to invent ways of listening radio through internet via mobile phones, in their zeal toward a rapid development of internet radio. According to one of the BBC experts on the above subject, he has this to say on the new development of mobile phone internet radio: "This post concerns an experimental BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery internal-BBC-only project designed to allow users to bookmark, tag and rate songs they hear on the radio using their mobile phone. It was developed by Matt Web and me (with Gavin Bell Graham Beale and Jason Cowlam) earlier this year. Although the project is a BBC project, all the speculation and theorizing around the edges is my own and does not necessarily represent the opinion of my department or the BBC in general". (Re-inventing Radio on Phone tags). BBC Radio has realized that there is rapid increase globally as regarding to radio programs via the internet. To this end, the station vowed to make it possible for the mobile user to grabs from the internet issues in the station, such like information about the station's schedule, features and competitions, and above all to listens to programs from the internet in their mobile phones, through a specific technicality of text of some numbers. One of the typical examples ought to be sighted as regarding to the Internet Radio development through the use of mobile phones is the activities of BBC-Radio 2, that also device to allow users listens to its activities via mobile phones. In one of its statement putting in its web site, BBC-Radio 2 states "Once there, you can browse the Radio 2 schedule, read more about forthcoming programming highlights, and see inside the new Radio 2 studios via the webcam. You can also win tickets to Radio 2 BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery Events, play Steve Wright's BIG Quiz, look at the latest pictures of guests on the Chris Evans show and browse photos of Radio 2's presenters, programs and past live events". (Radio 2 on your Mobile) For realizing that the world has turned to a digital era, BBC Radio also not relenting to continuously adapt to enhance its technology perspective for the good of its teeming listeners across the globe, as part of its turning completely to internet radio delivery. The BBC Radio station did not relent each and every time consulting top computer Industries seeking for more technological advancement in the media. Additionally, the station always uses its reporters across the globe, seeking for information's on the technology there, so they would adapt and enhance their own. One of the adapt digital technology in the BBC Radio is the Digital Audio Broadcasting 'DAB' Digital Radio, which is a new transmission system bringing the benefits of digital to the world of radio. BBC Radio has stated the advantages of DAB Radio, as parts of its determination towards enhancing digital technology in its internet radio broadcasting delivery. One of the advantages according to the statement said: "The robust nature of DAB transmissionsdoes away withthe problem of the hissand fade(multipart interference) that can spoil analogue radio transmissions. This is particularly good news for listeners to BBC Radio Five Live who can now hear the latest news and sport without all the usual BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery problems associated with Medium Wave reception. DAB signals are also far less likely tobe affected by adverse weather conditions or local sources of interference - like pirate radio stations. DAB technology allows broadcasters to transmit far more radio stationswithin the same comparable amount of radio spectrum compared to FM. It was this extra capacity that allowed the BBC to launch the five 'digital only' services in 2002 - in addition to our established stations: BBC Radio 1 to 5 as well as the BBC World Service. The flexible nature of our national DAB radio multiplex means that the BBC can createsecondary services - allowing us tooffer Radio 4's Long Wave content via DAB, and double the coverage capacity of Radio Five Live with its sister channel; Five Live Sports Extra. As well as music and speech - DAB transmissions also contain data information.A DAB set utilizes a screen, on which various kinds of information can be displayed. ". (BBC Digital Radio). Digital Audio Broadcasting was invented by teems of manufacturers and other broadcasters. While BBC pioneers DAB digital radio station was built in 1995. Accordingly, the above system is designed to work through the use of MPEG and COFDM that change music from the sound signal into digital code. The device has an adverse effect toward saving broadcasting to be corrupted during any period of BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery transmission, by the bas weather condition, including other problems that will result to a poor reception during the programs. The DAB signal invented by BBC Radio, as parts of enhancing its digital technologies, also brings new development to the FM stations there, because the DAB helps in reducing lots of disturbance and unwanted interference caused to the FM programs reception. DAB also served as a filter that makes the reception very clearer without having interference at the long run. DAB technology of the BBC Radio also helps a radio listener to know the name of the program listening through a special screen made in DAB that containing information's on whatever listeners are hearing from the BBC Radio. Example if it is music listening, DAB helps to show the name of the track listening, an email address, and many more interesting development brought by the device. In the year 2002, toward its efforts in pushing the BBC Radio to digitally advance in order to meet the challenges of our time, the BBC in conjunction with a Boston Company 'INTERNAT BUSINESS MACHNS', completed the phase one of the station's nationwide digital production, which was implemented in 22 BBC local Radio in the whole UK. Further statement of this development states: "The new all-digital system enhances workflow efficiency for the BBC radio stations and significantly improves day-to-day radio production processes. Users now share information easily across local networks and BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery create even higher quality programming packages. Sandy Milne, Digital Projects Manager, and English Regions, said: "This major investment by BBC English Regions has enabled us to replace obsolete analogue equipment with state-of-the-art digital technology. It means that Local Radio can get even closer to its audiences by being able to deliver services in a more localized way, as well as improving reliability and enhancing production values."" (BBC ROLLS OUT DIGITAL RADIO PROGRAM WITH IBM AND JUTEL). Since the implementation of the phase one of the BBC digital for its local stations as of that year under review, there was a change from the radio automatic equipment of 14 BBC local stations, with replacement with IBM/JUTEL devices. Meanwhile, in its reports made available in the web site, on 5 March 2007, Associated Press (AP) said British Broadcasting BBC, jointly with IBM of Boston once again signed to work on many digital projects, all under BBC's strategy on more digitalized its activities, toward enhancing its broadcasting especially through the internet radio delivery. The AP report further said "International Business Corp. already has a working relationship with the BBC in areas such as training and development support, the companies said. Financial terms were not disclosed. BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery Among the first projects will be the use of IBM's research system, known as "Marvel," in creating multimedia interactive searches to access BBC's children's content. Combining the BBC's massive TV and radio archives with IBM's research into video and audio search technology, should help unlock "huge latent value in our long tail of content," said Ashley High field, BBC's director of future media and technology, in a statement". (IBM, BBC sign digital Technology Deal) BBC RADIO PROGRAMS AND THE INTERNET Since the BBC Radio has considerably vowed in digitalizing all its programs, which paved ways for listeners to get them very easily through internet, there is the need to make an assessment on how the station using internet as a new media technology in boosting itself, including promoting itself to the far peak in the broadcasting industry globally. As it is well known that now people can listen to BBC Radio programs live, or getting their programs on line after broadcasting. How these developments do helps to make BBC worthy of emulation We can now make selection of some BBC programs and make objective analysis on them. THE WORLD TODAY: One of the interesting programs in the BBC Radio that captures the attention of the listeners across the world is 'The World Today', a program that adversely contributed in no small measure toward promoting the station in the eyes BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery of the people. The program is giving and insight of the event happening across the world at the right time it is happening. The program is also an expert in bringing analysis of the world affairs more than any programs in other stations. Listeners can listens to such programs live, while they can also get the programs later through downloading and listening again processes. Another technological aspects that promote the BBC Radio through its 'THE WORLD TODAY' program, is the provision of a link named 'Program Finder', which helps listeners to quickly reach to the area they are aiming to get in terms of the world current news, such as news and current affairs, African Perspectives, and many other programs that brings the world at a glance. WORLD HAVE YOU SAY: This another interesting program in the BBC Radio that gives listeners opportunity across the globe to interact live from every Monday to Friday, where they are given chance to express their views live without interruption. In fact, the program is not a small measure has added more glamour to the BBC that people are given an open door to expressing their view to be listening by millions of people across the world live. Thus, the station is promoted as a result of the free-expression given to all, irrespective their religion, regions and so on. FIVE LIVE SPORTS EXTRA: This sport programs that also tells listeners the sporting developments live, through the Internet Radio. This program is listening through the help of DAB radio device and much other aspect of technologies. Additionally, provision is made for downloading the sporting activities, including a provision for the latest sports BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery headlines from across the world. More over, "Sports Extra was set up by the team behind Five Live to bring you more sporting action. It's as simple as that. The station offers additional commentaries from the FA Barclays Premiership,Coca ColaLeague, Scottish Premier League and cup football - plus cricket, rugby, Formula One, tennis and golf. And it uses digital radio technology to put you in the thick of the action". (Five Live Sports Extra) Further more, the BBC Radio programs in all angles, have already turned from the old era of transmission to a newly technological aspects of transmission through the internet delivery. For this purpose, the Radio stations has got lots of listeners and admirers across the, who always wanted to listens to programs either live transmission, or else download and listens after the transmission. Indeed, BBC Radio is already equal to that challenge. BBC RADIO AND THE CHELLANGES OF NEW MEDIA DELIVERY Despite all its advantages already mentioned, and how the internet digital transmission of BBC Radio upgraded the station to a highest peak in terms of broadcasting, yet there are BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery other problems which the integration has caused to the BBC, which we would asses now, and find anticipated lasting solution to these problems. To begin, one of the problems facing the BBC Radio in its pursuance to, we begin with the technologies challenges that BBC facing in that part of the world. One of the great challenges is that, the BBC task of ensuring that the programs they are producing are highly qualitative, and above all must go along with technological advancement without heading to failures, as the station is within a highly competitive approach in the new media delivery. Ashley High Field, BBC Director of New Media Technology had stated some of the problems and challenges they are facing in the new phase of broadcasting. Said he: "the BBC had to ensure that, along with producing world class programs, it also had to be highly technologically innovative in offering audiences platform-neutral, universal access to its content. To keep pace with the unprecedented rate of change, it was imperative that the BBC worked with partners such as Microsoft, on a non-exclusive basis. BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery "We have a duty of universality," said High field, "so it's vital that we innovate through a number of strategic partnerships with technology companies and distributors such as Microsoft, Apple, Sony, Home choice, NTL and Telewest". (New Media). Apart from hat he has mentioned above, BBC Radio is facing other challenges toward an effective application of digital apparatus in the new media technology delivery. The Digital Audio Broadcasting DAB, as one of the digital equipment using by BBC Radio has been reported to have its negative effect in the transmitting aspect. There was lots of tasting made in order to ensure its effectiveness and quality so its will face the challenges of the time. Unfortunately, according to a report "A large number of DAB receivers have been tested at Kings Wood Warren since the test lab was first opened. These have ranged in quality from very good to quite poor, and it has been observed that the worst units have often had very similar defects despite coming from different manufacturers". (Digital Radio-Common Problems in DAB Receivers). THE FUTURE OF BBC RADIO Since few years back, the BBC Radio began to foresee its future, the challenges ahead of the future and ways to suit the existing of new media delivery that emerged to be very competitive in all developed countries. Even in the year 2004, the station has organized a seminar which some heads from the various department of the station, Commercial Radio BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery Companies Association, some members of the public, etc. "The seminar looked at the future of BBC Radio and how radio fits into the delivery of the purposes of the BBC. It examined each of the national networks, the nations and regions, as well as cross cutting issues of independent production and spectrum efficiency". (Seminars) BBC radio also in its zeal to adequately prepare for the future has made some preparations and agendas for the years ahead. The management of the station realized that Radio is widely accepted more than the television stations in everywhere, both locally and internationally. People in the local perspective in UK, BBC learnt that they are participating immensely in their local affairs, while they are also yearning to know about other happening around the world. While additionally BBC has observed in recent years that due to their capability in feeding their people with interesting programs, the people have since begin to avoid the commercial station, now listening to BBC as their alternative. Thus what is the future of the station in order to maintain its status locally and internationally In another development in one of its press releases, the BBC management also highlighted another key factor of turning the station to a highest peak in the near future. The press released which was published in their web site, in 2006 states: "The BBC today unveiled Creative Future, a new editorial blueprint designed to deliver more value to BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery audiences over the next six years and turn the BBC's public purposes laid out in the recent Government White Paper into quality content for the on-demand world. The plans build on opportunities created by new and emerging digital technologies and confront the challenges of seismic shifts in public expectations, lifestyle and behaviors and on building new relationships with audiences and individual households". (Creative Future: BBC Addresses Creative Challenges of On-Demand) To this end, BBC has vowed to ensure that in the future the use of digital technologies in broadcasting world is highly accepted by the general public, while its will remain unrelenting in ensuring that the relationship between the station and the general public both locally and internationally is highly cordial. Additionally they plan to ensure that its removes any misleading information that people receives about the station, so they would have large audience globally. The future of BBC Radio according to a team of expert should be focusing on what this world will be in the year 2012, and what people will need from the BBC by then. In this respect, the station has line up some key future ambition as follows: "Relaunching the BBC's website to include more personalization, richer audio-visual and user generated content BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery Create a new teen brand delivered via existing broadband, TV and radio services, including a new long-running drama and comedy, factual and music content Create easy access points for audiences via broadband portals around key content areas like Sport, Music, Knowledge Building, Health and Science Start commissioning more 360 degree cross-platform content Shift energy and resource into continuous news on TV, radio, broadband and mobile, making BBC News 24 the centre of the TV offering, moving talent to it and breaking stories on it Improve the quality of Sports and Entertainment journalism and appoint a specialist Sports Editor Create one single, pan-platform BBC Music Strategy and develop big events like this Autumn's first BBC Electric Proms as well as more personalization enabling people to create the equivalent of their own radio station Take entertainment seriously, learn from the world of video games and experiment with commissioning for new platforms In Drama - create fewer titles with longer runs, find creative space for outstanding writers and cherish the programs audience love best like East Enders, Casualty and Holby City BBC Radio's Development of Internet and New Media's Delivery In Comedy - improve the creative pipeline across all platforms, pilot more shows, find new talent and build the big hits for BBC ONE Give sharper age targets to the CBeebies and CBBC brands and integrate all children's content - including online and radio - under these brands Pilot a Knowledge Building online project called Eye witness -History enabling people to record and share their memories and experiences of any day over the last 100 years". (Creative Future: BBC Addresses Creative Challenges of On-Demand) On the final note of this essay, we can say that, the BBC Radio has vowed strategically toward enhancing the internet radio as part of the new media delivery, with a tremendous optimism in the near future. References BBC Pod casting Sparks Fighting Talk, Retrieved March 19, 2007, from BBC announces imp content trial, Press Releases, Retrieved March 19, 2007, from BBC's Director of New Media & Technology defines vision for the future, Retrieved March 19, 2007, from BBC Radio mp3 takes off, Press Releases, Retrieved March 19, 2007, from Apple unveils iPod phone hybrid, Retrieved March 19, 2007 from Reinventing Radio: On Phone tags, retrieved March 20, 2007, from Radio 2 On Your Mobile, Retrieved March 20, 2007, from BBC Digital Radio, Retrieved March 20, 2007, from BBC Rolls Out Digital Radio Program with IBM and Jutel, Retrieved March 20, 2007, from IBM, BBC sign digital technology deal, (Associated Press, March 5, 2007), Retrieved March 20, 2007, from Five Live Sports Extra, Retrieved March 20, 2007, from New Media, Retrieved March 20, 2007, from Digital Radio-Common Problems in DAB Receivers, Retrieved March 20, 2007, from,39024759,60032771p-39000458q,00.htm Seminars, Retrieved, March 20, 2007, from Creative Future: BBC Addresses Creative Challenges of On-Demand, Press Release, Retrieved March 20, 2007, from Read More
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