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Waste Minimization in UK - Essay Example

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This research includes the fundamental components which constitute to achieving significant results in waste minimization and cleaner technology initiatives in the UK. Waste minimization clubs and programs have primarily contributed to such acquirements through local authority development policies and councils…
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Waste Minimization in UK
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Stabilization of existing waste production by means of a considerable legislation and recycling of materials and refuse are some of the objectives which assist in the attainment of a sustainable environment. Also, the results of conferences organized timely, have resulted in the determination of national programs for waste management and practices associated with them so as to raise public awareness and promote environmentally sound waste disposal practices.

Waste procreation being a deep-rooted facet, is an ineluctable aspect of human civilization. Production and utilization of consumer products, often, results in the generation of wastes as these are engaged with the processes daily functioning in industrialized countries and areas. Production of wastes is inextricably linked with increment in prosperity and consumerism. Hence, it would not be a surprise to predict the increment in global municipal solid waste quantities with even distribution of wealth and funds throughout the world.

According to Bruvoll and Tammegmagi, the increment of waste quantities is estimated to be 2.4 per cent at an annual rate (Bruvoll, 1998 and Tammegmagi, 1999). . However, the effects related with the management of wastes grade themselves in a range of both local and global concerns as they are far reaching. These concerns may comprise of depletion of virgin materials and the protocols that are supportive to the reduction in consumption of resources as introduced in order to conserve materials for future generations.

As per the determination of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in the UK, the municipal solid wastes or the MSW emergences constitute 29.3 million tons in the year 1999-2000 with an increment of 5 per cent (Wright, L).As years have passed by, with the evolvement of awareness in environmental concerns, sustainable waste management practices have been a call for implementation. As defined by Brudtland, sustainable development is the one which meets the needs of the present-day without any compromise with the ability of future generations so as to affront with their own needs (Brudtland, 1987).

Many scholars speak about Sustainable development as constitute to the maintenance of the comprehensive quality of life with a prolonged access to the natural assets with proper circumvention to the environmental damage whilst abiding to the commitment to growth (Tammemagi, 1999; Westlake, 1997; Bell, 1997 and Hill, 1998). Many conferences of United Nations have identified and agreed to the actions brought into consideration so as to promote sustainable development.

Stimulation of implementing such actions so as to preserve the environment contribute to the

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