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Topic: How does Technology Affect the Law, How does the Law Affect Technology? The 20th century has been the time of technological advance as it hasgive way to the emergence of numerous technical devices which human can ever imagine. The electronic and technical devices like telephone, computer, television and cell phone have not only made the life of common men entertaining but also have given new dimension to their ideas and imaginations. These scientific marvels have made our life easier, but also have made us pay a big price unknowingly.
Generally, many people tend to forget how badly these electronic and technical gadgets can hamper their health gradually. The world currently is so abundant with technical devices that each and every activity of a person is entwined with some technical device. We can find that cell phone is the most widely used technical device all over the world and in US itself, 9 states has come up with ban on using hand held cell phone while driving. These states are California, Delaware, New York, Oregon, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, Washington and Utah.
The use of cell phones, while driving school bus is strictly prohibited in 19 states of US. For example, mobile phone which is an integral part of people’s life can also be our enemy if not used cautiously .So governments of particular countries implement law to protect the health and safety of public who act careless and ignorant in the matters of technical devices. According to (Goodwin,16-20)“It is important that the restrictions apply to all mobile phones, including hands free phones; it is the co-cognitive distraction and not simply the and not simply the physical aspects of the mobile phone use” In New York alone 5,500 people died during 2009 and half million people were injured seriously of distracted driving, for reasons also being texting, cell phone use and surfing.
Since February 2011, New Yorkers will be given two points if they text or converse on cell phones while driving. In many states of US there is law which prohibits the use of two ear-phone devices, when used with audio devices or mobile phone to protect the safety of public. It is also now become easier and effortless for younger generation and adults to manipulate and misuse internet at their will. Since the US legislature is seriously thinking to restrict use of internet to secure the national interest of the country.
However, parolees convicted of vicious crime have been restricted on internet use, so that they do not indulge in violent crime and molestation of innocent people via web. US Environmental protection department has also imposed restriction on portable air conditions for their spread of hazardous chemical to environment .The main aim is to minimize the bad impact of negative chemicals on the environment on their use , disposal and recycling . Also this kind of restrictions is coming on television sets which harm the ecology and environmental balance of the environment.
As per,(Silva)“California may becoming closer to reality as legislators may be targeting all televisions over 40-inches in screen size for possible restriction or elimination from the marketplace due to "excessive" energy consumption”. Same is the case with face book, which has changed the social life of millions of people around the world. According to survey, more than 7, 50,000 people are using internet sites illicitly, which is only meant for teenagers and adults. Mostly children between the ages of eight and 12 are not following the age restrictions imposed by social networking sites like Bebo , My Space and Face book by a survey .
It is also seen that some appliances people use in kitchne can be harmful to human body and nature. People will be amazed to know that microwave oven which we find in 90% of American homes can have negative impact on their health. So the Russians restricted the using of microwave ovens and issued an international warning towards the health hazards and the environmental health hazards microwave can deliver. Another new innovation is the e-books which makes the life of travelers more entertaining and occupied.
The use of e-book while boarding an air craft is not suggestive, to use such electronic devices can interfere with the operation of the aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration have passed law which restrict s the use of any portable electronic device during take – off and landing of aircraft. It is very important for the government of specific countries to monitor and evaluate the effect and impact of new technology on the public health and environment. This is because the health, safety, and environmental protection are the major concerns of the government rather than the flamboyance in using the electronic devices .
Work Cited Goodwin, Arthur. "Guidance for implementation of the AASHTO Strategic ." NCHRP. 500.14 (2007): 16-20. Print. Silva, Robert. "California Energy Restrictions on Large Flat Panel Televisions Get Closer to Reality." The New York Times Company, 28003 2009. Web. 9 Apr 2011. .
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