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IFTTT and Zapier What are the essential functions of IFTTT and Zapier? What is the major difference between IFTTT and Zapier? IFTT and Zapier basically have similar functions. In both, once gets an account with them, from which with connection to internet services, they can be able to create actions and triggers. In the event that a trigger condition occurs in a given website, implies that another action has been taken on another website (Croft 25).The difference between the two companies is that IFTTT seems to be more consumers focused whereas Zapier appears to be more business focused.
Furthermore, IFTTT offers free services just like Zapier’s starter account. Zapier often provides paid accounts which can be automated.2) Give a real example that IFTTT or Zapier can be used. The two usually perform automated repetitive action on two different websites at the same time. For example, when one is doing something on a given website, it usually triggers action on another website. Take for instance the action for uploading a given video in YouTube, such can trigger a tweet of the given video (Croft 21).3) Please describe how web services are combined in your example and give at least one benefit of the mashup.
Zapier and IFTTT usually combine various web services. For example, they usually support connections to google talk, YouTube, calendar and Gmail.Works CitedCroft, Derrick. IFTTT and Zavier. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
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