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How are Night Vision Devices Beneficial to Society - Research Paper Example

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With the recent rise in technology, there has been the development of various devices. These devices have ensured that human capacity is enhanced in various activities. This discussion seeks to focus on how night vision devices are of benefit to society. …
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How are Night Vision Devices Beneficial to Society
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? Night Vision Devices al Affiliation Table of Content ……………………………………………………… Benefits Security and Law Enforcement ……………………… Wildlife Observation …………………………………. Recreation and Hunting……………………………………………….. Images Conclusion ……………………………………………………….. References How are Night Vision Devices Beneficial to Society? Abstract With the recent rise in technology, there has been the development of various devices. These devices have ensured that human capacity is enhanced in various activities. This recent growth is expected to relieve some of the work of human in the globe. Consequently, the level of efficiency and accuracy is expected to change to better as individual realize the dream of developing various technologies. Such technology that has existed is the development of night vision devices. These devices initially showed minimal benefit, but they have currently been enhanced to promote human function in a different field. One of the filed that has solely relied in these devices is the military. Military has benefited on this technology close to a century. This has enabled them to perform most of their vital operations in the darkness (Parush, Gauthier, Arseneau &Tang, 2011)). However, before the development of this technology the military carried out their main operations during the day (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This technology of night vision devices was markedly enhanced with the advent of World War II. At this period, both Germany and Britain developed a basic infrared sniper (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). However, few of these innovations were used during this reign. This is because this basic apparatus only assisted in offering a perimeter defense. Additionally, they were extremely heavy and required continuous replenishing of power (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This reduced their effectiveness and worth during this period. However, these challenges experienced at this time helped in development of improved technological materials. This led to the development of an advanced night vision technology (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). Most of the military leaders saw the usefulness of such technology beyond just operating under the cover of darkness (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This potential existed in the use of night vision goggles, helmets and weapons that was to help armies operate effectively under the cover of darkness (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This meant that there was to be an improvement that would ensure there was no need of IR searchlight (Schlessinger, 1995). This would ensure that the enemy could not detect the position of the soldier (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). The night vision technology can be traced back to 954 (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This happened due to the creation of photometric section of the battalion that was in the engineering section (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). The development began with minimal support and without properly equipped laboratories (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). However, even after these challenges the division began with developing of personalized devices that were intended to be used by soldiers in the fields (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This was meant to improve the offensive capability by the military personnel’s by proper navigation in the darkness (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). Later, the development was then transferred to enhancing the sensory aspect of the devices. Beginning 1940 and 1950s, the experts focused on improving the image cascade tube (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This tube had been developed in Germany during World War II. Various scientists were contracted for this project. Some of the scientist came from the Radio Corporation of America (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). The scientist helped in improving the ambient light technology of the devices (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). The first generation of these devices was used by the United States troops. This was a passive night vision device (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). After the use of these devices, other generations were developed. This was meant to improve efficiency and effectiveness. The first generation was effectively used during the Vietnam War (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This made the American troops effective in the Vietnam terrains as most of the enemies hidings could be established (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This was after the issuing of night vision devices to the troops that had been deployed (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This war was a basis for future technological advancement on the devices. The effectiveness of these devices was established and assessed on the battlefield. Personnel’s did this from the night vision (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). Some of the device that had been developed during this period include; starlight scope, and TVS-4 night observation device (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). The 1970s were characterized by the development of thermal imaging. This was meant to recognize the heat emanated by the target object (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). Prior to this period, the model of devices with this capacity were extremely expensive. The technological advancement saw scientists involved with these projects develop infrared night vision equipments (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). The hallmark was the development of thermal imaging systems during this period (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This led to high performance and real-time focus, and this was first applied by the military in various fields (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). This enhanced capability helped in navigation through smoke, fogs and other obscure conditions (Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, n.d.). The rest of the period focused on improving this technology. This has led to the development of various makes of the night vision devices. The proliferation of these devices has made them cheaper. Consequently, there has been access to these devices by the civilians. This paper seeks to focus on how night vision devices are of benefit to society. Security and Law Enforcement Initially, these devices were only used by the military. This was rampant during the World War II where participating countries tried to outwit each other with the use of technology (Paul, n.d.). However, these devices have found other uses especially after inventors in the private sector adopted the technology (Paul, n.d.). After the proliferation of the devices, there has been the development of various services offered by the devices. These devices are used by private investigators in various operations (Paul, n.d.). They have used these devices to unearth various secrets that occur in the society. The other main users of the devices are the military and law enforcement officers. This has been by using goggles and night vision scopes (Paul, n.d.). Moreover, private investigators primarily use the devices for their inspection needs (Paul, n.d.). This is because most of their work involves darkness. The night vision devices such as goggles help them to follow their mark at night and from a distance (Paul, n.d.). This offers tremendous benefits to clients whom aims are to obtain certain information. This offers career opportunities to the investigators. Moreover, these devices are used in various security services. These services include military and other types of operations (Night Vision Systems, 2011). They are also used in night patrolling and site safety. They are used effectively at night without light (Night Vision Systems, 2011). Additionally, these devices have been used by the military for various assignments. For example, United States operation forces captured Osama Bin Laden using the devices (Smith, 2011). They specifically relied on night vision goggles fro this operation. These devices have been described as of enormous benefits to the United States security forces. These devices have improved vision capabilities in various battlefields. This was the case in military occupation, in Iraq and Afghanistan (Defense Daily Staff, 2012). They have also been beneficial to various governments. This is seen in an effort by India defense ministry to employ the use of equipments (Zeenews, 2012). Wildlife Viewing These devices have been of enormous benefits to the nature lovers. They use these devices to view wildlife after the darkness (Paul, n.d.). This has been possible using night vision goggles and scopes. They are able to see most of the creatures that only emerge from their hidings after darkness. Such nocturnal creatures include owls, bears, fox, and coyotes (Paul, n.d.). This has also helped in analyzing the behavior of some creatures using these devices. This is because; during daytime, it is difficult to track creatures at a short range. Most of them flee to their hidings. Most of the animal behavior scientist have relied on these devices and have been able to analyze almost all animals that exist in the wildlife. In deed, these devices have opened space to nature observers to experience more pleasure through buying of the equipments (Paul, n.d.). Hunting and Other Recreational activities These devices also provide substantial benefit to the hunters. This activity solely relies on speed, vision and precision (Night Vision Scopes, n.d.). These devices have met these specifications. Hunters have for a long time engaged in their activities without precision. However, with the improvement of technology, they have employed the use of these devices. They usually rely on night vision scopes and goggles for their hunting spree (Paul, n.d.). These services have been offered efficiently by coming into the market by Bushnell and Zeis (Paul, n.d.). This technology has been successful for viewing wildlife in the dark. However, this activity is prohibited in some countries and states. However, the devices offer hunter unrivalled opportunity to observe their prey (Paul, n.d.). This helps in tracking area and activity of the wildlife. Moreover, these devices have helped in the development of many of recreational facilities. These activities are usually done in the night when most of the individuals are free from their daytime activities. Such activities include watching of wildlife at night (Schoby, 2011). At this time, most of the animals tend to roam at night by concealing themselves in the darkness (Night Vision Scopes, n.d.). This also helps hunters who hold their activities at night. This can only happen through these devices at night. Consequently, these devices have helped hunters to carry out their activity with precision (Night Vision Scopes, n.d.). This is because they make sure the target visibility is enhanced to the benefit of the hunter. Most of the devices are attached to the rifles of the hunter (Night Vision Scopes, n.d.). Visual Images How Night Vision Devices Works Image 1: This is an example of the thermal image. It shows that such image appears in black and white with the application of the technology. Image 2: An example of amplified image. Source: (Sofradir, n.d.) Conclusion The role played by night vision devices is remarkable to today’s society. These devices have transformed the life of human being in meaningful ways. The most significant change has been on the security apparatus. These devices have also transformed leisure activity, wildlife viewing and even hunting. These benefits make these devices one of the most notable developments to have taken place in the 20th century. References Defense Daily Staff. (2012, Oct 14). Night Vision Gives US Troops Edge. Defense Mail. Retrieved from Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate. (n.d.). History. Retrieved from Night Vision Scopes. (n.d.). Hunting at Night. Retrieved from Night Vision Systems. (2011). Night Vision Goggles. Retrieved from Parush, A., Gauthier, M., Arseneau, L &Tang, D. (2011). The Human Factors of Night Vision Goggles. Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 7, 238-279. DOI: 10.1177/1557234X11410392 Paul, M. (n.d.). Never Be Left in the Dark with Night Vision Goggles and Scopes. Articlecity. Retrieved from Schlessinger, M. (1995). Infrared Technology Fundamentals. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. Schoby, M. (2011). Successful Predator Hunting. New York: Krause Publications, 2011 Smith, J. (2011). National Security [Report]. Retrieved from Sofradir. (n.d.). Night Vision Systems (Images). Retrieved from Zeenews. (2012, April 02). Night-vision devices for Indian Army approved. Retrieved from Read More
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