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The paper “Student Participation in Earth Hour Event” is an exciting example of the research paper on recreation. The major purpose of this study was to find the reasons as to why the students of the University of Western Sydney fail to actively participate in the Earth Hour event. …
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Extract of sample "Student Participation in Earth Hour Event"
Title: student participation
in Earth Hour event
Executive summary
The major purpose for this study was to find the reasons as to why the students of the University of Western Sydney fail to actively participate in the Earth Hour event. This report has sections such as literature review, touching on other peoples studies on earth hour, qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The literature review looks at what has been reported in earlier studies about the University of Western Australia and UWS students in earth hour.
One of the students of the UWS was then given the task of carrying out a survey on the students to try and unearth the reasons as to why many students in the University don’t take part in the event. This student did the study together with other people who helped in distributing questionnaires and carrying out the interviews. Surveys are better done when there are people to distribute tasks to; Reeves M. (2007:90).The survey was then carried out that prompted the writing of this report.
A sample of 40 students was taken from the students of all the University of Western Sydney campuses and questionnaires distributed to them. There was no special consideration when choosing the sample, meaning students were picked at random and all types of students were involved. Both interviews and questionnaires were applied in data collection. The data was then analyzed with the help of a lecturer by use of qualitative techniques such as regression analysis and has been presented in tables. Analysis of data was aimed at ruling out the impacts of the students’ participation and the impact of their lack of participation as well and the causes of their lack of participation, Vancouver S. (2010:9)
Environmental issues like changes in weather patterns were also considered. The respondents were expected to provide information on how they understand earth hour and the changes or improvements they prefer in future events. It was discovered that few students do participate in the event and the major reason is lack of proper awareness on the event. Some of them ignore it because they are yet to understand the major purpose of the event, Vancouver S. (2010:16).This report has recommendations that need to be implemented such as alternative sources of acceptable energy sources during earth hour and rewards to motivate those who take part in the event.
Aims and objectives of the study
The major reason that prompted the carrying out of this study was finding out and analyzing the factors which can help students increasingly understand and participate in sustainability of the environment on and off the campus. The University has embarked on expanded programs in environmental conservation activities. This is expected to create a big change in the climate globally, Reeves M. (2007:73).Environmental agencies within and without the country have already approved these initiatives.
The study was aimed at assessing how the students of UWS understand and take part in Earth hour and how their participation can impact the environment and how their efforts can be boosted.
Another aim was to do an assessment of benefits on the environment when many more students join the campaign on earth hour. It also sought to determine if the participation of the management of the University in Earth hour affects student participation in any way, Gorrie P. (2008:213).
Finally the study also aimed at examining the ways through which more students can be involved in sustainability and upgrading of the environment in and outside the campuses of the University.
Back ground and literature review
The earth hour event was started in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since its beginning, it has grown annually and now it is a world wide event that has millions of participants from over 1000 cities and towns in the world. This year’s event was held on the 27th of March which was on a Saturday. The major aim of the event this year was to ask people to try and asses their ecological footprint by use of World Wildlife Federation Australia ecological foot print calculator that helps users to know the ways through which they can reduce the amount of energy they use. The event is celebrated annually and one of the participants is the University of Western Sydney. This University of Western Sydney joined the public and other organizations in commemorating this event four years ago. Since then UWS has shown much interest in environmental conservation and climate change. It is leading in research in matters relating with changes in climate and renewable energy. Khánh C. (2010:17).
In that line of interest, the university has established a facility costing $40 million dollars on one of its campuses- Hawkesbury campus, Kelly A. (2008:13).This facility will be studying climate change effects and the increase in Carbon dioxide gas on the ecosystems of the world. Testing is also underway for the possibilities of solar energy that can be used to provide clean water for drinking and energy for other purposes on the university.
In the observation of the earth hour day, university students are expected to show their participation by switching off their lights and electric equipment and machines for one hour. The hour is set in the evening and for last year it was between 8:30 and 9:30 pm. A study was carried out by one of the students of the University on the involvement of the University of Western Sydney students in the Earth Hour Event. Data collection was done between April 14 and April 28. The study was meant to find out if the reason for the failure of the students to take part in the event is failing to have awareness about it; Vancouver S. (2010:13). The findings of the study will be used by the UWS and World Wildlife Fund to asses how successful past endeavors have been, in informing the world about the event and for planning in the future.
This report therefore presents the details of the study in which students of UWS were surveyed. Questionnaires were issued to a sample of 40 students; the data collected and analyzed using regression analysis in order to determine the reason for lack of student participation it Earth hour. A review of the literature about Earth Hour found that:
Although the Earth hour is a global event that has its roots in Australia, students in universities in Australia are yet to embrace it as fully as they are supposed to. The University of Western Sydney has been a participant in this event for more than 3 years now. It started its involvement in earth hour precisely four years ago. However its students still maintain a low response when it comes to the event. Auckland R. (2008:163). In the past events, students of UWS could not switch off their machines and or electric equipment for one hour to show their participation in the Earth Hour. A survey by Archives of management Institute at UWS shows that over 30 percent of the students did not participate in the last event; Auckland R. (2008:163).
Research Design and Methodology
We developed one short model survey questionnaire. The questions were around demographic variables like age, gender among others. We also asked open ended and closed ended questions. The sample consisted of 40 students from all the University campuses, each of whom was given a questionnaire. Each questionnaire consisted of 11 questions touching on the immediate past Earth hour event. The materials used for data collection were printed questionnaires and interviews as a primary source of data and reports of earlier studies by the University on the topic and the internet as secondary sources of data; Edmonton G. ( 2006:39). The internet provided the results for studies carried out by the Institute of Archives Management (AMI) from the University of Western Sydney. More information was collected from the internet from the studies done by the University of Western Australia Community on the reasons for poor or lack of student participation in Earth hour, an event which has been held in the country and outside the country for about four years, Vanouver S. (2010:12)
The students surveyed were interviewed on what they understand about Earth hour and asked to give their recommendations to the University that can help many other students to participate. The respondents were also expected to give the changes they would prefer in the coming event. The data was analyzed by use of qualitative methods such as regression analysis in order to understand the behavior of students in relation to Earth hour and the reason for that kind of behavior.
Through observing the body behavior of respondents, it also sought to discover why students consider environment and other related issues. More qualitative methods employed were group discussions, reflecting on field notes, unstructured interviews, use of reflexive journals, analyzing documents and materials, use of pictures and observation. Analyzed data and the findings are presented in tables. They featured sample sizes, the profiles of customers and the frequency or duration of use and how they relate to participation. Gay, L.R. Airasian P.W (1999:154).
Qualitative research section
This stage employed the use of interviews to determine the behavior of students when it comes to Earth Hour. A total of 40 students were involved in the survey. They were interviewed from their houses of residence since that is where they are supposed to switch off lights and appliances from.
Quantitative Research Section
Question 1-Gender
In the table above, only 45% of the respondents were male while 55% were female. More female students were surveyed as compared to the males. The result seems to suggest that more female students in the University are interested in earth hour and environmental conservation than males.
Question 2 -Age
The largest number of respondents was of the age of 20, followed by 24, 21 and 22 years. Only a few respondents were of 25 years and above. It looks like the age bracket of 19-25 is more actively involved in earth hour than other ages.
Question 3-Degree studied
The largest number of students takes hospitality followed by accounting, management and art. The least number of respondents came from business, law, finance and economics. The data seems to suggest that students of certain causes such as hospitality, accounting, and management have a keen interest in environmental issues as compared to their colleagues in other courses.
Question 4-Knowledge about Earth Hour
From the table above, the largest number of people surveyed indicated that they have no knowledge about earth hour while a lesser percentage claimed to have that knowledge. It seems that many students on the University are not aware of earth hour.
Question 5- How knowledge about Earth Hour was gained.
News papers
From the table above the greatest number of respondents said that they got information about earth hour from magazines. The smallest number knew through news papers while other means fell in between. It seems that magazines were more effective in providing information to the students than any other source of information.
Question 6- Meaning of Earth Hour
Environment improvement
Reduce carbon emissions
Educational purpose
Useless activity
Awareness of global climate
About the meaning of earth hour, the largest number of respondents think that Earth hour is meant for improvement of the environment, followed by those who say that it is for the awareness of Global climate. The least number thought that it is a useless activity. From the data it looks like the largest number of respondents had the right knowledge about the Earth Hour event.
Question 7-Participation in Earth Hour
From the table we can see that many respondents are not participants in earth hour. The percentage of those who participate is lesser. It looks like earth hour is not well attended and that many students avoided it.
Question 8- 2010 Campaign
The number of those who failed to participate in the 2010 event is far much larger as compared to those who took part. From the result it seems that earth hour was poorly attended.
Question 9-Action taken in 2010 campaign
Turn off light
Turn off appliances
Other measures
The table shows that the largest number of respondents did not take any action during earth hour in 2010. A very small percentage turned off their lights. From the above data it looks like the 2010 Earth Hour event did not attract many participants. It may have been ignored by many of the students.
Question 10-Energy conservation
Turn off light
Turn off appliance
CFC or LED bulbs
Daylight saving
From among those who took action, the table shows that the largest percentage turned off their lights. It seems that many students prefer turning off the light than any other kind of action to conserve energy. Turning off lights seems to be an easier way of taking action about Earth Hour.
Question 11-Promotion of Earth Hour
Not enough
Not enough
A very small percentage of respondents think that the promotion is extensive while a larger percentage (almost half) said it is average and a similar percentage said it is not enough. The data seems to suggest that many of the students say that the promotion of Earth Hour is not well done.
Question 12- Next year participation
From the table above we can see that the percentage of respondents willing to participate in next year’s event is higher compared to those who are not willing to do that. It seems that the students are changing their attitude towards earth hour and that next year’s event may have more participants than this year.
This research brought together students from all diversities mainly those who are taking business subjects. The business students showed much interest in Earth Hour event and this was due to their respective active participation in the research. This is a clear indication that these particular research instilled great interest and discipline among the business students who have the zeal to adventure in the field of research which can be related to the Earth Hour. Business students and those taking related courses are attracted to Earth Hour because they already understand the significance of environmental resource conservation; Gorrie P.(2008:31) which is a great contributing factor in development of many businesses across the world. Students with some personalities such as the highly out going ones develop interest and participate in Earth Hour easily because they are curious and experimental in nature. On the other hand those that are reserved don’t participate because they resist a lifestyle of too much involvement and would prefer to be conservative and not engage themselves in many activities.
Reeves M. 2007, Earth Hour-Always Earth: Now is the hour to tackle global warming, City of Sydney, Sydney Media.
Vancouver S.2010. Earth Hour won’t affect essential Canucks: UWS joins Earth Hour for the fourth year game, University of Western Sydney.
Gay, L.R. & Airasian P.W. 1999. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. 6th edition. New York: Prentice Hall.
Khánh C. 2010. Mr President joins Earth Hour in Hanoi, Vn Express,
Aveling N. 2009. "Earth Hour's bright lead-up". The Star Journal (Toronto).. Belfasttelegraph.co.uk. 2009-03-02.Retrieved 2010-05-04.
Marcker J. 2002. Our final hour. Amazon publishers.
Abs-cbnnews.com. 2009-03-28. Tyler, Nate. "Lights out San Francisco". From lightsoutsf.org. website. Retrieved 2010-05-05.
Oakland R. 2008. "Tel Aviv rock concert gets power from pedals". Toronto Star: pp. A1, A10. From thestar.com website, Retrieved 2010-05-05.
Winsa, P. 2008. "Someone get the lights". Toronto Star. From thestar.com/printArticle/350711 website. Retrieved 2010-05-05.
Gorrie, P. 2008. Toronto hits energy target". Toronto Star. From thestar.com/SpecialSections/EarthHour/article/407246.Retrieved 2010-05-06. .
BreakingNews.ie. http://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/mhojojmhcwoj/. Retrieved 2010-05-06.
Dubai slashes energy use for Earth Hour". Arabian Business.
Kelly A. 2008.Lights on, power use up for Earth Hour.. The Dominion Post.
Gorrie, P. 2008. "Where do we go from here?". Toronto Star. pp. A1,A17.
Calgary's Earth Hour effort uses more power, not less". Global Calgary.
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Edmonton G. 2006. Edmontonians cut power consumption by 1.5 per cent during Earth Hour". Edmonton Journal. Retrieved 2010-05-06. From canada.com/edmontonjournal/news/cityplus/story. website Retrieved 2010-05-06.
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