2.3products offered by key players Apart from extensive information given by different players in the sports industry to its potential buyers, it has come to our attention that they also offer some valuable products to the players, spectators and even organizers. Chauhan (2016) outlines that; the key players in the sporting market have for an extended period helped in the construction of the hospitality sector. This helps in the accommodation of different travelers. Moreover, the author gave an example New Delhi in Indian is endowed with the greatest reception areas in which the fanatics of different games can rest.
Moreover, Chauhan underscores the stakeholder such has the government has enhanced the infrastructural development so as to provide the humble resting point for the clients all over the world. This infrastructural development is more outlined in the Brazil with a stadium which can host relatively a billion people watching different types of games across the continents. Through this, most of the business activities go high simply because of a vast number of buyers available in the area. Therefore, the economic capability of the countries which hosts the games is improved significantly. 2.4 target group in sports industry Sports tourism is one of the fast growing ventures in the world today due to its occurrence in the regular basis.
Bruch, (2012) reiterates that individuals are the most targeted in this field of sports. The marketers perform their duties using various social media with the aim of reaching a good number of people who can as well volunteer to visit some locations with a view of watching sports as well has known the place. Furthermore, this author states that most of the people are not so much exposed to the understanding that going overseas to watch sports is a form of adventure. As a result, their emphasis is to present such sort of the mechanism under which can firm an inspiration to travel abroad and watch games as a form of the tour. 2.5 Is sport a shape or niche of tourism?
It is very imperative for the reader to have an insight pertaining whether sports is a niche is an independent type of games. Chauhan (2016) outline that games are more of a niche than a kind of tourism. He explains this by addressing that; most people usually visit a place not to view its exemplary beauty but how players are competing in the field. Thus, their glance to the beauty of the sight comes after their satisfaction regarding games. He continued to emphasize that those who visit a place for relaxation have plans unlike the ones visiting a destination with an aspiration of watching which comes as a result of an upcoming event, not in one's plans at all. 2.6 supply chain in sports venture Most firms in the world can operate only in the environment of the economy.
Premkanna (2016) sees this as a change to the corporate responsibility which is related to the expansion and the contraction in the sports industry depending on the key players. The field will have maximum profits and its performance seen if at all it strives to maintain the best services regarding infrastructures and the hospitality. Chapter 3: Research Methodology 3.1: summary of the empirical study Diverse methodologies were used in sourcing of the most relevant information concerning the sports tourism.
The analyst used both the secondary and the primary sources of information so as to ensure that nothing is left out of work done in this field of tourism. The primary data was mainly concentrated on interviews of different marketers who for an extended period have practiced an impeccable role in ensuring that this industry grows. Moreover, it is incumbent to outline that secondary sources of information were also used intensively (Ghezelsefloo et al. 2016). For instance, publications, journals magazines, and the literary texts were maximized in understanding different aspects in this field of economy.
Business journals from various clubs which sponsor and own a variety of games were also used in the tabulation of the result of this research work.
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