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Health Promotion Strategies for Addressing Unsafe Sex among People Aged 14-20 Years - Case Study Example

The paper "Health Promotion Strategies for Addressing Unsafe Sex among People Aged 14-20 Years" reports about community-based skills and behavioral strategy focuses on the need to provide the youth with essential skills for developing positive behavioral attitudes towards safe sexual practices…
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Health Promotion Research Report Name: Institution: Health Promotion Research Report Introduction Health is a resource that facilitates individual with the ability of living meaningful, happy, productive, and satisfying lives. The society through different stakeholders provides a range of treatment services to help in the restoration of health. Understanding the cases of poor health provides Knowledge on the possible action points for the prevention of illness and the promotion of good health. Unsafe sex among people aged 14-20 years has been considered as an impeding health disaster if effective mitigation strategies are not developed. The main objective of this report will be to provide an in-depth study on the health promotion strategies that can be used in addressing this issue especially in developing countries. Health promotion strategies for addressing unsafe sex among people aged 14-20 years Social marketing campaigns Social marketing campaigns as a health promotion strategy is based on the underrating that communication is an essential aspect in promotion of health. In the contemporary society, the media is considered as that can be employed directly through deliberately designed media tools or indirectly through the stimulation of editorial comments and interests on particular issues (Okonofua et al, 2011). Social marketing campaigns enable the incorporation of strategic marketing practices in ways that influence social behaviour. The methodology employed in this strategy does not generate benefits to the marketer but to the target audience (Shuey et al, 2010). Being an audience target approach, social marketing campaigns in the health sector focusses on segmentation, targeting and positioning. The integration of these elements with regard to the target audience provides this strategy with a platform of producing the desired response from the target audience (Okonofua et al, 2011). In addressing the issue of unsafe sex among people aged 14-20years old, social marketing campaign can be applied in three phases. These include the development of focus groups on different social networking sites to provide a discussion platform for the target audience. A website can also be developed and used as a central point for the acquisition of essential information concerning health care (Okonofua et al, 2011). In addition, media campaigns can be effective if delivered in movie theatres, buses, and fitness and sports centres. The objective of designing and delivering information through different media channels is based on the understanding that the target audience is the youth whose tastes and preferences are defined by technology, entertainment, and recreation (Shuey et al, 2010). To reach out to majority of this population through social networking campaigns it will be important to design programs that are relevant to their needs. These media campaigns will provide a platform of increasing awareness on sexual health issues among the youth (Hogan et al, 2012). In addition, social networking campaigns will ails increase awareness of the health risks associated with unsafe sex while at the same time promoting the use of existing public health facilities to address health concerns. International healthcare agencies such as the World Health Organization, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, and the Global Health Technologies Coalition will be essential in the promotion of this stagey. This is because of their ability to coordinate and direct health activities on an international platform Peer-to -peer strategy This health promotion strategy is founded on the principle of participation. The application of this principle in health promotion is based on the understanding that it is essential in the generation of genuine improvements on health equity (McDonald et al, 2011). In addition, through the principle of participation, with regard to the issue of unsafe sex among the youth, participation can be used as a process that leads to empowerment and the promotion of health (Turner, 2010). When used in addressing unsafe sex among the youth, peer-to-peer strategy can be an essential approach in the development of peer-based programs for the youthful population to act as major players in the provision of information for other youth people. Peer-to peer approach in the promotion of safes sex among the youth is characterized by variety of application often summarized as peer eductaion (McDonald et al, 2011). The diversity of the interventions applicable through this strategy targets a multitude of population groups with the objective of achieving different goals due to the age differences among the target population (Svenson, 2011). Peer-to-peer approach can be considered as an effective strategy in addressing the issue of unsafe sex among youth aged 14 -20 years because of its ability to integrate an assortment of terminologies and concepts in the realization of its objective. Through this approach, selected personalities for program implementation can be divided groups that provide peer support, peer mediation, advocacy, and tutoring (McDonald et al, 2011). The application of the participatory principle in peer-to-peer strategy is essential because it ensures the development of a program that actively involves the target audience at all stages of the program. This includes the design, delivery, and the implementation (Svenson, 2011). Through such involvement, it becomes relatively easier for the target population to embrace and own the program hence realizing the intended objective. The use of peer to per as a health promotion strategy with regard to the reduction of the prevalence of unsafe sexual practices among the youth is based on its efficiency compared to other strategies (Turner, 2010). Its efficiency is based on the premise that the youth have a tendency of discussing personal and sexual issues with their peers instead of adults such as their parents. Existing evidence suggests that peers are often credible and non-judgmental sources of information. Peer to peer strategy therefore formalizes and centres conversations among peers on health promotion (Svenson, 2011). Through this approach the enables information sharing based on experiences and extensive research peer to peer approach enables the development of a youthful population that is informed of the risks associated with unsafe sexual practices. In addition, it also facilitates the development of an empowered youthful population with the urge of living healthy lifestyles (Burmaster, 2012). An additional advantage of this approach to the promotion of health in developing countries is that it provides an appealing way of reaching the marginalized young people and other hard to reach communities that face difficulty in accessing mainstream health cares and support services. The prevalence of unsafe sex in marginalized communities can be relatively higher due to insufficient information concerning the danger of the practice (Svenson, 2011). However, through peer-to-peer programs it will be relatively easier to access information because the stagey provides alternative services, which include outdoor and nature-based programs for the marginalized. In such communities, peer-to-peer programs are positioned as preventive measures, which assist in the reduction of possibility that a person will require urgent medical attention because of the circumstances (Turner, 2010). The Ministry of Health, The World Health Organization and the global Health Council will be essential partners in implementing the strategy. School based abstinence The introduction of this health promotion strategy is based on the understanding that sexually active teenagers have become a growing concern because of threat of early-unwanted pregnancies and the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted infections (Barth et al, 2011). The introduction of school-based programs was for delaying the initiation of sexual activity among school going children. Schools play an essential role in the provision of the youthful population with information and Knowledge base that provides them with a platform of making informed decisions, which are essential in shaping their lifestyles (Thato et al, 2011). Schools are not public health institutions, however, through government initiatives, it can be possible to introduce polices targeting schools as platform f promoting health. The schools are the only institutions, which have regular contact with a large proportion of teenage population. Majority of the target population access these institutions before initiating sexual activity (Christopher and Roosa, 2011). Sex education in schools is one of the most effective strategies of addressing the issue of unsafe sexual practices among the youth. While advocating for abstinence among school going children, sex eductaion programs can also help in the provision of information a d answers to questions regard sex (Cagampang et al, 2010). This will help children in the development of essential decision-making and problem-solving skills with regard to matter related to sex. By encouraging abstinence as a safer sexual practice, it will be possible for learning institutions to develop abstinence-oriented curricula with the objective of generating positive and desirable outcome with regard to an increase in the likelihood of responsible sexual behaviour (Barth et al, 2011). Other than encouraging abstained among the youth, school based programs can also be designed with the objective of increasing knowledge and encouraging sexual risk reduction strategies for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Through STI-related knowledge, it will become possible for the youth in schools to acquire information on the best practices that shape safer sexual behaviour while at the same time reducing the prevalence of new STI infections among the venerable youthful group (Barth et al, 2011). Through the design and implementation of school based abstinence approaches, it will be possible for the youth in the target community to develop other attributes that are perceived as essential in the decision making process. Students receiving comprehensive sexual eductaion in schools develop significant levels of self-efficacy on matters related to sex (Cagampang et al, 2010). The effectiveness of this approach to the realization of the objective of addressing the issue of unsafe sexual practices among the youth emanates from its cost-effective nature. The program combines sex eductaion with other related aspects such as HIV and STI prevention (Cagampang et al, 2010). There have however been question regarding the ability of this approach to addressing the issue of unsafe sexual practice among the youth in marginalized societies. This is because in most of these societies, many young people do not attend schools because of insufficient resources and finances (Christopher and Cate, 2010). The existence of a large population of such individual may be a challenge to the implementation of the strategy. However, in such societies, it will be prudent to institute programs and strategies that can address the issue at school and community level to ensure that all those targeted in the health promotion strategy receive the intended information (Christopher and Roosa, 2011). The ministry of health and the World Health Organization, due to its ability to provide leadership and incorporate relevant government bodies and health agencies can ensure effective implementation of the strategy. Community based skill building behavioural strategy This strategy is based on the understanding that many youth in different communities often struggles to acquire information on high quality sexual services that are essential in enhancing the promotion of their safety with regard to sexual risks (Mitchell et al, 2014). These include limited awareness on eligibility and availability of local services, inconvenient service hours one way of overcoming these barriers is through community-based skill and behavioural strategy, which operates on the objective that creating awareness and equipping the youthful population with appropriate behavioural approaches. This increases the possibility that the youth will develop positive attitudes towards the practice of safe sex (Mitchell et al, 2014). Being a health promotion strategy, the community-based skill and behavioural approach increases the possibility of youth involvement in safe sex education by providing a platform for building a relationship between the youth and the providers. These providers create a rapport with the youth by providing counselling services, health promotion information and this is critical in the creation of a satisfying and mutual relationship with regard to improved awareness and techniques of behaviour change (World Health Organization, 2012). Effective implementation of community-based skill and behavioural strategy requires the incorporation of relevant government and government agencies within the targeted communities. In addition, it also requires the involvement of local stakeholders such as the youth to ensure the identification of the existing needs and the best solutions to these needs. The Ministry of Health, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, and the National Collaboration Centre for Infectious Diseases. Together with existing community-based organizations, it will be possible for these organizations to pool the appropriate resources in the development and implementation of a skill and behavioural strategy targeting the youth. Conclusion Unsafe sex among people aged 14-20 years has been considered as an impeding health disaster if effective mitigation strategies are not developed. Social marketing campaigns enable the incorporation of strategic marketing practices in ways that influence social behaviour. The methodology employed in this strategy does not generate benefits to the marketer but to the target audience. Through peer-to-peer strategy information sharing is enabled based on experiences and extensive research peer to peer approach enables the development of a youthful population that is informed of the risks associated with unsafe sexual practices. School based abstinence operates on the understanding that schools play an essential role in the provision of the youthful population with information and Knowledge base that provides them with a platform of making informed decisions, which are essential in shaping their lifestyles. community based skills and behavioural strategy focuses on the need to provide the youth with essential skills for developing positive behavioural attitudes towards safe sexual practices. References Barth, R., Fetro, J., Leland, N. and Volkan, K. (2011) Preventing adolescent pregnancy with social and cognitive skills. Journal of Adolescent Research, 7, 208–232. Burmaster, E (2012), Youth to Youth: A review of peer program theoretical underpinnings, forms, functions, and process- and outcome-related findings 2010-12. A literature review, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Cagampang, H., Barth, R., Korpi, M. and Kirby, D. (2010) Education Now And Babies Later (ENABL): life history of a campaign to postpone sexual involvement. Family Planning Perspectives, 29, 109–114. Christopher, S. and Cate, R. (2010). Factors involved in premarital sexual decision-making. Journal of Sex Research, 20, 363–376. Christopher, F. and Roosa, M. (2011). An evaluation of an adolescent pregnancy prevention program: is `just say no' enough? Family relations, 39, 68–72. Hogan D. R, Baltussen R, Hayashi C, Lauer JA, Salo­mon J. A. (2012). Cost effectiveness analysis of strategies to combat HIV/AIDS in developing countries. BMJ.;331(7530):1431-1437. McDonald, J, Ashenden, R, Grove, J, Bodein, H, Cormack, S, Allsop, S (2011). Youth for Youth: A Project to Develop Skills and Resources for Peer Education: Final Report, National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Adelaide. Mitchell, K.J.; Ybarra, M.L.; Korchmaros, J.D.; Kosciw, J.G. (2014) . Accessing sexual health information online: Use, motivations and consequences for youth with different sexual orientations. Health Educ. Res. 2014, 29, 147–157. Okonofua FE, Coplan P, Collins S, (2011). Impact of an interven­tion to improve treatment- seeking behavior and prevent sexually transmitted diseases among Nigerian youths. Int J Infect Dis. Vol:7(1):61-73. Shuey DA, Babishangire BB, Omiat S, Bagarukayo H. (2010). In­creased sexual abstinence among in-school adolescents as a result of school health education in Soroti district, Uganda. Health Educ Res Vol. 14:411-419. Svenson, G. R. (2011), ‘European guidelines for youth AIDS peer education’, ed. Department of Community Medicine. Lund University & The European Commission, Malmo, Sweden. Thato R, Jenkins R.A, Dusitsin N. (2011). Effects of the cul­turally-sensitive comprehensive sex education pro­gramme among Thai secondary school students. J Adv Nurs. 2008;62:457-469. Turner, G. (2010). ‘Peer support and young people’s health’, Journal of Adolescence, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 567-72. World Health Organization. (2012). Making Health Services Adolescent Friendly: Developing National Quality Standards for Adolescent-Friendly Health Services; World Health Organization: Geneva, Switzerland, 2012. Read More

To reach out to majority of this population through social networking campaigns it will be important to design programs that are relevant to their needs. These media campaigns will provide a platform of increasing awareness on sexual health issues among the youth (Hogan et al, 2012). In addition, social networking campaigns will ails increase awareness of the health risks associated with unsafe sex while at the same time promoting the use of existing public health facilities to address health concerns.

International healthcare agencies such as the World Health Organization, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, and the Global Health Technologies Coalition will be essential in the promotion of this stagey. This is because of their ability to coordinate and direct health activities on an international platform Peer-to -peer strategy This health promotion strategy is founded on the principle of participation. The application of this principle in health promotion is based on the understanding that it is essential in the generation of genuine improvements on health equity (McDonald et al, 2011).

In addition, through the principle of participation, with regard to the issue of unsafe sex among the youth, participation can be used as a process that leads to empowerment and the promotion of health (Turner, 2010). When used in addressing unsafe sex among the youth, peer-to-peer strategy can be an essential approach in the development of peer-based programs for the youthful population to act as major players in the provision of information for other youth people. Peer-to peer approach in the promotion of safes sex among the youth is characterized by variety of application often summarized as peer eductaion (McDonald et al, 2011).

The diversity of the interventions applicable through this strategy targets a multitude of population groups with the objective of achieving different goals due to the age differences among the target population (Svenson, 2011). Peer-to-peer approach can be considered as an effective strategy in addressing the issue of unsafe sex among youth aged 14 -20 years because of its ability to integrate an assortment of terminologies and concepts in the realization of its objective. Through this approach, selected personalities for program implementation can be divided groups that provide peer support, peer mediation, advocacy, and tutoring (McDonald et al, 2011).

The application of the participatory principle in peer-to-peer strategy is essential because it ensures the development of a program that actively involves the target audience at all stages of the program. This includes the design, delivery, and the implementation (Svenson, 2011). Through such involvement, it becomes relatively easier for the target population to embrace and own the program hence realizing the intended objective. The use of peer to per as a health promotion strategy with regard to the reduction of the prevalence of unsafe sexual practices among the youth is based on its efficiency compared to other strategies (Turner, 2010).

Its efficiency is based on the premise that the youth have a tendency of discussing personal and sexual issues with their peers instead of adults such as their parents. Existing evidence suggests that peers are often credible and non-judgmental sources of information. Peer to peer strategy therefore formalizes and centres conversations among peers on health promotion (Svenson, 2011). Through this approach the enables information sharing based on experiences and extensive research peer to peer approach enables the development of a youthful population that is informed of the risks associated with unsafe sexual practices.

In addition, it also facilitates the development of an empowered youthful population with the urge of living healthy lifestyles (Burmaster, 2012). An additional advantage of this approach to the promotion of health in developing countries is that it provides an appealing way of reaching the marginalized young people and other hard to reach communities that face difficulty in accessing mainstream health cares and support services.

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