The situation of moral obligation does change the moment hunger is introduced. A famine or natural calamity that has occurred in a different region or country necessitates a strong moral obligation to help. The same feeling to help remains strong when we try to help our neighbors. The amount which we can spare to help may be an issue but extending help is not only by money. We can volunteer some work for our neighbor and for fellow beings kilometers away, we can volunteer for charity work if we do not have any amount to spare.
There are certain obligations that lead to more basic obligations. When we are granted citizenship by birth, the obligation expected from us or everyone is to be fair, responsible to society. That principle is applicable to educators or schools all over the world. As in America, California Education Code Section 233.5(a) lays the groundwork and calls upon educators to impress upon students the principles of character: "Each teacher shall endeavor to impress upon the minds of the pupils the principles of morality, truth, justice, patriotism, and a true comprehension of the rights, duties, and dignity of American citizenship, and the meaning of equality and human dignity, including the promotion of harmonious relations, kindness toward domestic pets and the humane treatment of living creatures, to teach them to avoid idleness, profanity, and falsehood, and to instruct them in manners and morals and the principles of a free government.
Each teacher is also encouraged to create and foster an environment that encourages pupils to realize their full potential and that is free from discriminatory attitudes, practices, events, or activities, in order to prevent acts of hate violence…" Share What You Can 1.2 billion People live in absolute poverty “ a condition of life so characterized by malnutrition, illiteracy, disease, poor surroundings, high infant mortality and low life expectancy as to be beneath any responsibly definition of human decency” (Robert McNamara, World Bank) “Six million children and even more adults-die unnecessarily every year.
Good people all over the world are doing their best to save them. You can too” (Time Magazine,Nov.7,2005) Once our basic needs are met, it becomes morally obligatory for us to leave something for the needy. The amount that has been ear marked for luxury can be changed to meet the needs of persons in need. The use of geography to determine the acts of charity should be stopped once and for all. The real reason for this no person in the planet Earth has the power to determine the place of birth.
That means a person living in distant Sri Lanka has every right of being helped just like our neighbor in America or in Australia. It is a fact that every step forward should be taken to create a tolerant world and narrow views of politics should not put blind covers on it. Honesty and selflessness are the two traits that can be shared by everyone irrespective of whether they believe in morality or not. To give up your time and energy to help improve the lives of others is one of the most commendable acts a person can participate in.
The world and media is always highlighting the lives of persons living life on the fast lane and it is easy to be lured into as sense of fantasy. That you cannot share what you do not have is a wrong conception. If you do not have money to spend on charity, then you might be feeling that you cannot or need not help which is wrong. You can extend help by spreading the message of people in distress which can make others help. The powerful concept of being responsible to the world should be driven home .
The concept of helping animals also falls into this concept of charity. The act of trying to save Panda should not be forgotten. Panda was an animal confined to China and the animal lovers all over the world has extended supported in keeping the project panda alive. (Peter Singer”, “Animal Liberation”). People all over the world were willing to help and understand the problems caused by melting down of ice in Greenland.
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