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Data Collection and Analysis on 4 Large Scale Organizations in the United Arab Emirates - Example

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Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Figures and tables 1 Contents 1 2 3.0. Data Collection and Analysis 3 3.1. Data sources 3 3.2. Type of data collected 3 3.3. Data analysis 3 3.4. Data description 3 3.5. Study biasness 11 3.6. Hypothesis testing 11 3.7. Conclusion 13 3.8. Reference 14 Figures and tables Contents Table of Contents 1 Figures and tables 1 Contents 1 2 3.0. Data Collection and Analysis 3 3.1. Data sources 3 3.2. Type of data collected 3 3.3. Data analysis 3 3.4. Data description 3 3.5. Study biasness 11 3.6. Hypothesis testing 11 3.7. Conclusion 13 3.8. Reference 14 3.0. Data Collection and Analysis 3.1. Data sources To find the benefits, challenges and solutions to outsourcing, this research conducted a cross-sectional survey on 4 large scale organizations in UAE. In this study, large scale organization was defined by number of manpower over 100 and localities that the organization serves or is spread more than a location (table 1 and Table 2). The four organizations where data was collected are Abu Dhabi municipality, KFSH hospital, organization Y and organization X-airline where the last two organizations were conducted over the phone and requested the questionnaire to be forwarded to them via email and chose not to disclose the name of their organization. 3.2. Type of data collected To allow sufficient information gathering the questionnaire (open and closed Appedix 1b) allowed the respondent to provide both qualitative and quantitative data (Tashakkori, &Teddlie, 1998). This has been excellent in this research findings as both types of data help in getting into the at most know how in reference to the research interest. 3.3. Data analysis The data was collected and run through an SPSS 11.5 program for synthesis. 3.4. Data description From the collected data, 100% of the surveyed organizations according to the definition of this research on size were large scale (table 1). Therefore, the organizations were valid to carry any further research and hence information collected from the organizations deem fundamental to the research objective of this study. Table 1: Geographic Distribution Table Geographic spread Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid A location - - - 0.0 Limited 2 50 50 50.0 Wide - - - 50;0 Very wide 2 50.0 50.0 100.0 Others 0 0.0 0.0 100.0 Total 4 100.0 100.0 Table2: manpower rate manpower rate Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 100 to 250 - - - 0.0 250 to 500 - - - 0.0 500 to 750 2 50.0 50.0 50.0 750 to 1000 - - - 50.0 1000 to 5000 2 50.0 50.0 100.0 over 5000 - - - 100.0 Total 4 100.0 100.0 From the literature review (Insight Into, 2012, Tripathi, 2012 & Raina, 2012), different enterprises outsource different services, such as manpower, equipment, materials and other items. These services were found vital to the organization which were of key focus in this study and at any given time they did outsource either or all of the four categorized types of service. While materials, equipment and tools were outsourced in reference to the need of the different organization, manpower was outsourced in reference to formal level of education and experience. From the survey the highly categories of employees outsourced included professional consultants, professional specialist and formal and experienced (figure 1). According to the organization plan, this outsourced employee could either be employed either as; part-year, annualize or seasonal, casual, contractual part time, contractual full time, permanent part time and permanent full time. This different employment strategies were found to apply in 75% of the four organizations while 25% did not employ people as part-year, annualize or seasonal at any given time of the year (table 3). Figure 1: Categories of manpower outsources by different organization Table 3: Outsourcing Modes Table manpower rate Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Part year, casual, Contract part time, Contract full time, Permanent full time, Permanent part time 3 75.0 75.0 75.0 casual, Contract part time, Contract full time, Permanent full time, Permanent part time 1 25.0 25.0 100.0 Total 4 100.0 100.0 The survey sought to find out whether outsourcing was anything that the organization would choose to do without. For the four organizations all did agree either strongly or just agreed that outsourcing was inevitable (figure 2). According to (Insight Into, 2012) the main objective of outsource is to cut cost and make the business remain competitive. This survey did investigate whether this fact was also true among UAE organization. From the finding, the survey found the following factors as the main thirst for outsources; cost efficient, cheap and competitive labor, efficient and effectiveness of outsourced equipment and the desire for a given business to remain in the competition race forced these organizations to outsource service from other countries (figure 3). The wish of the organizations surveyed is that; they will get well serviced equipment, efficient durable warranty guaranteed from the company they outsource from. These findings did therefore; support the facts in the literature review regarding reasons for outsourcing (Insight Into, 2012). In addition, the aim of these organizations in outsourcing man power is that they expect to get a competent, efficient, effective and a person ready to learn and build the company. This can also be said that such employee will increase business performance and hence make increase its competitive advantage (Vazirani, 2007). Figure 2: Outsourcing vitality in the organization Figure 3: Why outsource According to Kvedaraviciene & Boguslauskas (2010), cultural differences were a key hindrance to outsource. In this study, this same challenge was also highlighted especially in the health system. Respondent1 “Health sector in Dubai is sensitive issue because most people are Muslims. Therefore, cultural differences impact greatly on the health system”. In addition, other challenges raised by this survey were: “some outsourced equipment if only used by outsourced manpower remains underutilized upon the professional contract termination. There is also overreliance on other countries for specific manpower, hence developing the spirit of overdependence”. In other Organization, respondent 2 “some outsourced manpower may deem unsatisfactorily professional and threat of job loss for the indigenous employees within an organization”. Despite the challenges that come with outsourcing as found in this survey, all organizations indicated that they were so far satisfied with the service they outsource at any given time. This therefore indicates that the curiosity and the heart to continue outsourcing by different enterprises are not likely to seize in the near future. In addition, following the outsourcing challenges this study realized that despite the fact that the different organization outsourcing is vital and most likely inevitable, the rate at which outsourcing is done lately can be reduced if not actually cut off a fact which was supported by 75% of the respondent. The study found that, “training” of the indigenous persons within different countries in UAE was the most raised strategy. Another respondent still added that “In many organizations outsourcing is inevitable, however, I also tend to think that if the local systems could be regulated such that both manpower, equipment, materials and tools are affordable, efficient and effective then using the service within ones country would be the best idea to avoid some challenges that comes with outsourcing more so cultural differences”. Nevertheless, 25% of the respondent said there was no way they could either reduce or evade outsourcing (figure 4). Figure 4: Is it possible to reduce or cut off challenges faced through outsourcing? 3.5. Study biasness According to (Uhrig, 2008), study bias is the tendency of the study to only focus on achieving specified objective. This study was actually bias as it only looked into organizations within UAE specifically in Dubai and Abu Bhahi which are areas of robust economic growth and where outsourcing could have been inevitable. In addition, the study used a very small sample size a fact which cuts down the capability to generalize the results and even to do more calibration mostly applicable in data analyses. 3.6. Hypothesis testing Hypothesis is laid claim that something in the study is expected to give specific outcome. Chi-square was used to test the hypothesis laid in chapter one whether outsourcing poses challenges to the practicing organization (Tashakkori, & Creswell, 2007). The hypothesis was found to be positive. In that despite the outsourcing organization affirming that they were all satisfied with what they outsourced still outsourcing came with its challenges that would otherwise need to be addressed (table 4). Table 4: Satisfied with outsourcing versus challenges Test Statistics satisfied with outsourcing what are the challenges Chi-Square 7.000a 17.150b df 4 3 Asymp. Sig. .072 .000 a. 0 cells (, 0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 10, 0. b. 0 cells (, 0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 2.4 3.7. Conclusion This section looked into primary data in finding out the authenticity of the literature review information regarding outsourcing benefits, challenges and solutions. However, the sample size was too small to be able to make excellent analysis as required in surveys or do more maths as most questions gave status quo outcomes. A big research sample size would therefore, be recommended in future. 3.8. Reference Uhrig, N. “The nature and causes of attrition in the British household panel survey”. ISER Working Paper 5/2008 Tashakkori, A. & Creswell, W., J. “The New Era of Mixed Methods”. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, (2007): 1 (3). Tashakkori, A., &Teddlie, C. Mixed methodology: Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage (1998). Vazirani, N. “Employee Engagement: SIES College of Management Studies”: Working Paper Series, Nerul. (2007). Read More

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