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Partnership in Health and Social Care - Coursework Example

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From the paper "Partnership in Health and Social Care" it is clear that differences in policy levels allow collaboration to work and gain the status of being. The joined solution of policy levels assists in problem-solving through ideologies of collaboration…
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Partnership in Health and Social Care
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Partnership in Health and Social Care: Table of Contents Introduction 2 Strengths of Working within Partnership Relationship in Health and Social Care Services 3 Barriers to working within partnership relationship in health and social care services 4 Task 2 Information Pack 4 Analysis of the Models of Partnerships 5 Current legislation and organizational practices and policies for partnerships 6 Differences in Working Practices and Policies That Affect Collaborative Working 7 Task 3 Report 9 Executive summary 9 Outcomes of partnership 9 Methods of Partnership Outcomes in Health and Social Care 10 Results for Partnership Outcomes in Health and Social Care 10 Discussions 11 Conceivable Outcomes of Partnership Working For Service Users, Professionals and Organizations 11 Potential barriers to partnership working in health and social care services 11 Strategies of improve results for partnership working within social and health services 12 Conclusion 12 Recommendations 12 Task 1 Presentation Introduction In partnership philosophies, people directly affect issues, changes in makings of partnerships and research gathering. In addition, possibilities emerge and collaborate with plans in creating partnership theories. The perspectives form center organizations through working in research groups planning, analysis and evaluation process before organization views. The development of business theories requires partners’ commitment to processes of listening and understanding various perspectives and engagement relationships (Bowling, 2014, p. 3). The processes of how partnerships philosophies work together through comfortable and careful considerations of different important factors in health and social care. The group identifies meaningful and convenient ways of finding and maintaining broad analysis of health and social care (Brett, 2014, p. 4). Health and social care philosophies and practices entail various practices in nursing. The view presents practices in multiple perspectives’ of nursing scholars that work in centers by promoting practices, nursing research and educational frameworks. The philosophical theory in nursing presents demonstration in various health and social care settings by developing theories in nursing and research to care for patients with various illnesses. Additionally, philosophical ideas on nursing support educational frameworks that nurses need to embrace in increase their knowledge of how to care for patients by maintaining their health through social care. Postmodernism philosophical ideas on health and social care enable for quality treatments of patients with various diseases by establishing mechanisms, which use technology to prevent the illnesses. In health and social care, postmodernism brings together different medical practitioners to assist in solving medical issues successfully through collaborative initiatives. Strengths of Working within Partnership Relationship in Health and Social Care Services Social care in health is tackled more efficiently through a multi-disciplinary action. The need to form partnerships in health care allows various entities of medical care of different sections to work together in promoting quality health care and development of multiple patients. Moreover, minimal repetition of service provision of the various organizations is experienced since collaboration enables organizations to form common grounds when handling patients and caring for them in general. The production of counterproductive services within various agencies reduces since cooperation brings them together when taking care of patients’ health and social care (Cooke et al., 2015, p. 12). Working within partnerships allows for efficient use of stuff through cooperation and competition in the demystification of healthcare since collaboration bridges various gaps between service provision and fragmentation of health services. Connections enable cross-pollination of ideas and sharing of ultimate organizational structure to facilitate health and social care for patients (Department of health, 2005, p. 1). Barriers to working within partnership relationship in health and social care services Collaboration within partnership in health and social care services presents complexity of relationships when handling patients with social care. Various factors such as representation of wider public tokenism and excessive influences of vocal groups affect establishments on the care of health and social care services. Partnerships generate threats in professional identity and confidentiality blocking the provision of quality services in health and social care. Consequently, associations establish withdrawals by various participants in decision-making processes for health and social care of a partnered health and social care services. Ehrlich et al., (2015) (p. 3) argues that the barriers prevent quality provision of health and social care since the ethics and elements of quality health care does not apply to the partnerships. Task 2 Information Pack Successful partnerships develop through well-developed structures that promote participation of various health and social care systems. Partnerships in health and social care entail developments on models of organizations applied in care residence, current legislation, and organizational practices.The Association of policies for corporations and effects of the differences exists between working practices and collaborative working(Farrell, 2001, p. 5). Analysis of the Models of Partnerships The types of the partnership include stated attributes of various concepts that represent collaboration. The model case of associations includes assessment and collaborative planning, implementation of targeted action, changing conditions in communities and systems, achieving widespread change in behaviors and improvement in population health and health equity. The models promote education and service providers allowing people and organizations to join partnerships with shared commitments and visions. The examples establish collaborative arrangements that set up demonstrations to encourage success and failures. One of the examples of organizations includes partnerships for care (Ford, & Stepney, 2003, p. 17). The model of organization for care allows determination and implementation of action plans. The model for care has intimate insights of initiative and compared characteristics that define attributes of collaboration. The diagram below summarizes the analysis of models of partnerships in health and social care. The prevention of chronic disease model analysis partnership diagram Model cases for collaboration occur through social services of various departments that join local health services that identify training needs of stuffs. Mutual respect and trust is another model for partnership in health and social care. The model establishes strong networks with joint workings of plans and service delivery. Models on care and respect and trust allows for the establishments of health and social services agencies for interpersonal and inter professional encounters in health. Partnership models on modern health and social care agencies assist in the transition of communication within collaboration that establish health and social care agencies (Haywood et al., 2015, p. 3). The agencies enable the developed of quality partnerships that promote progressive communication through collaboration. The models of partnerships assist in establishing proper communication channels that appreciate parameters in various departments. Additionally the models of partnerships avail resources available for them to initiate programs in health and social care. Current legislation and organizational practices and policies for partnerships Partnerships working in health and social care need proper legislation and organizational practices and policies. Current legislations and organizational practices and policies require local considerations within guidance and codes of practice. The department of health provides information concerning departmental policies and changes in legislation implementation. Guidance and circulars have legal forces within Acts of parliament. Courts and health services with the association of local governments to ensure criticism within the government implement the legislations. Disability Discrimination Act 2005, Equality Act 2010 and Care Standard Act 2000 prevent different discriminations in health and social care. Equality Act 2010, allows for partnerships in various organizations and institutions in sharing resources for health and social care initiatives (Jagosh et al., 2012, p. 4). On the other hand, disability discrimination Act 2005 assists in the protection and care of people with disability. The Disability Act gives rights of employment, access to goods, facilities and services and the buying and renting of land and property through legislations. The legislations allow health and social care partnership to develop effectively by allowing free services of the above factors of Disability Act. The legislation in the promotion of partnerships develops strategies that assist caring for disabled persons through collaborative measures in sharing resources for health and social care. Care Standards Act 2000 provides administrative care for a variety of care institutions (Marmot el al., 2012, p. 7). The Act promotes health and social care in children homes, nursing homes, residential care homes and independent hospitals. The legislations promote democratic and reflective partnerships factors in health and social care developments. The Acts promote codes and ethical procedures that favor ethical partnerships in substantive ethical content. Additionally, legislative Acts in health and social care allow different organizations and institutions to promote missions and practices for quality partnerships in health and social care. Organizational practices and policies promote partnerships through health and social care services within partnerships. The practices and policies of health and social care enables different organizations and institutions to form structures of working phases that assist in health and social care of patients. Policies on the access to health records 2010, allows partnership through sharing of health records among various patients. Policies on the best practices of managing risks, principles and guidance enable for the implementation and assessment of risks of self and others in mental health services (Mcpherson el al., 2004, p. 5). Mental health services with partnerships gives opportunities for various treatments that affect different patients when caring for social care and health. Therefore, current legislations, policies and practices in health and social care give various medical practitioners an opportunity to collaborate with one another and provide medical services to patients. Differences in Working Practices and Policies That Affect Collaborative Working Differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working through changes in culture and values in health and social care professionals. Many difficulties develop through combined distinct service cultures and knowledge developed through the working interface of practices and policies in collaborative working. Working practices isolate single policies and documents that demonstrate various influences in collaboration practices. Working practices contextualize documents and policies that offset expectations of various ideas. Offsetting of documents affects collaboration since creative social actions develops within partnerships that may be positive or negative to health and social care issues. However, policy levels in collaborative working gains status of human beings in health and social care (Millar, & Hall, 2013, p. 5). The policies allows for proper treatment of human beings that enable for appropriate collaborative development in solving human health issues and social care. The differences that practices and policies in health and social care develop promote collaboration in mutual trust, openness and trust. Additionally, common understanding establishes through needs and replacement of tribalism and self-interest when the differences of working practices and policies develops. Differences in policy levels allow collaboration to work and gain status of being. The joined solution of policy levels assists in problem solving through ideologies of collaboration. Additionally, differences in the working practices and policies of health and social care develop collaboration in mutual trust, openness and honesty. Through a well-developed structure, policies utilize language collaboration and shapes economic interests of agencies. Miller (2007) (p. 4) suggests that the differences of working practice and policies in health and social care increases efficiency and effectiveness of health care through collaborative working. Besides, various working practices and policies promote collaboration between health professionals that links with positive outcomes for patients through collaboration. Therefore, differences in working practices and policies affect collaboration since cultures and various elements such honesty and trust establishes promoting collaborative working in health and social care (Minkler & Wallerstein, 2011, p. 8). Task 3 Report Executive summary The report entails the outcomes of partnership working when delivering effective health and social care services. The report evaluates the possible outcomes of partnership that works for users of services, professionals and organizations, an analysis of potential barriers to partnership working in health and social care services and devise strategies that improve outcomes for partnership working in health and social care services (Newman, 2005, p. 5). Outcomes of partnership Working in partnerships across social care and health with service users persists in the health and social care especially in the modernization of United Kingdom. The development of health and social care partnerships continues in the feature of the development of policy and legislative initiatives in the United Kingdom. Moreover, a major shift towards outcomes supports service delivery with the improvement of outcomes that focus on the value of people who sue service delivery. The purpose of this report is to develop various methods that generate the outcome of partnership for service users, organizations and professionals (Ouellet‐Morin et al., 2015, p. 3). Furthermore, an analysis of the potential barriers of partnership when working for health and social care presents in the development of partnerships. The devise strategies for the improvement of partnership outcomes in health and social care services demonstrate in the report to show the results of working partnerships. Methods of Partnership Outcomes in Health and Social Care A national organization and institutional survey was conducted using personal and telephone interviews to gather information on the outcomes of partnership in health and social care. Data was analyzed on 20 health and social care centers in the United Kingdom including 2010 national survey statistics on partnership in health and social care. The survey assessed and used data for survey and assessed for various outcomes of partnership for service users, professionals and organizations. Analysis of potential barriers in partnership of health and social care data was analyzed using presentations and charts to determine the various barriers of partnership outcomes. Survey done in organizations assisted in the development of strategies for the improvement of partnership outcomes in health and social care services with the collection of data in various for the best strategy (Petch, Cook & Miller, 2007, p. 34). Results for Partnership Outcomes in Health and Social Care Partnership outcomes in health and social care allows for proper coordination of activities among various people in controlling health and social care in organizations and institutions. Additionally, partnerships give opportunities for the continuity of sufficient stuff to work within the available resources. It includes proper considerations of long and preventive services that assist in partnership to enable for support of services in health and social care. The outcomes of partnerships for professionals, an analysis of barriers and strategies for the improvement of partnership allows different organizations to merge and control activities in health and social care appropriately (Scottish Executive, 2001, p. 4). Discussions Conceivable Outcomes of Partnership Working For Service Users, Professionals and Organizations The users of services, professionals and organizations in partnership assist in working for health and social care services. The possible outcomes of partnership assist in renewing emphasis and development of 1999 health act in England. Additionally, organizations enable the pooling of budgets in commissioning and integrating provisions with parallel development of community care and health Acts of 2002 (Weissman et al., 2014, p. 18). Therefore, the users of services , professionals and organizations in partnership assists in the development of various Acts that enable establishments of health and social care issues in the development of Health issues. The table below shows the effects of partnership for users of services Source (Miller, Whoriskey & Cook, 2008) Potential barriers to partnership working in health and social care services The barriers that develop in partnership working in health and social care services include threats to professional identity and confidentiality. Professional identity and confidentiality prevents some engagements in partnership working in health and social care services. Additionally, some professional persons require unique elements and conditions for the partnership that prevents the flow and development of health and social care services. Moreover, partnership working in health and social care services influences desire of individuals in making decisions that acts as barriers in partnerships. The role of boundary conflicts and inter-professional user services, professionalism and organizations act as potential barriers in working for health and social care since different professions have various ideas and issues on health and social care bringing diversity (Yeandle, Bennett & Buckner, 2007, p.16). Strategies of improve results for partnership working within social and health services Diverse strategies in improving outcomes for partnership working in health and social care services assists in diversification of health issues. Some of the strategies in improving outcomes for partnership include agreement on objectives, appropriate governance structures and joint working. Agreement on objectives allows for diversity that improves partnership when working for health and social care services. Development of appropriate governance structures allows various partnerships to work appropriately while diversifying health and social care services. Diversity in joint working allows for the improvement for partnership in health and social care services since various departments of health care come together and work jointly with a common purpose. Conclusion Partnerships in health and social care provide an opportunity for a diverse health programs. Diversity assists in solving various health care issues through partnership since decision-making processes and developments become easier with quality approaches. Recommendations Various health and social care organizations need to encourage partnership for resource sharing and developmental of ideas in health and social care within organizations and institutions. Bibliography Bowling, A. (2014). Research Methods in Health: Investigating Health and Health Services. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Brett, J., Staniszewska, S., Mockford, C., Herron‐Marx, S., Hughes, J., Tysall, C., & Suleman, R. (2014). 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Partnership in Health and Social Care Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 Words.
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