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Learning Session Approach - Essay Example

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The paper "Learning Session Approach" provides an overview of the author's special teaching approach, which included all the teaching and learning process management aspects. It is stated that professionals should reflect on their practice and learn from it so as to make rectifications and modifications. …
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 in consortium with Adult Education College Bexley, Barking & Dagenham, Bexhill Sixth Form College, Bromley College, Canterbury College, Carshalton College, East Kent College, Greenwich Community College, Hadlow College, Kensington & Chelsea College, Community Learning & Skills (Kent), K College, Lambeth College, Lewisham College, Mid Kent College, Medway Community Learning, College of Haringey Enfield & North East London, Reigate College, South Thames College and Sutton College of Learning for Adults and delivered in Kent Police, Police Service Northern Ireland, West Midlands Police Service, Dorset Police Supervised Teaching Experience (STE) Form 2013/14 Part 1: PLANNING A copy of the STE form with this part completed will need to be given/sent to the observer prior to the session. Trainee’s name STE Date STE Time 10pm Course taught/subject Health and Social Care No of students expected 30-35 STE no. 1- 8 3 Module Working in Partnership Observer’s name Observer Status Mentor Consortium College *Delete as appropriate, or add relevant status Documentation checklist Group profile All previous STEs and documentation are within my STE file and available for observer to read at this STE Register if appropriate I have completed the general information section SoW and Lesson Plan I have identified my targets and completed this form General Information: 1. Session context (environment, group size, gender balance, support needs, group dynamics etc.) There are about 30-35 adult learners from a mixed diverse group. This group is quite interactive although some have been out of education for a very long time. They require simple and clear explanation. There is a mixture of male and female. During the session learner may require explanation repeatedly. They are quite responsive and have to keep them focus to the lesson. I will also focus on applying learning theories to encourage learners and promote their understanding by modelling and reinforcement of existing knowledge that they have. 2. How does this session relate to the focus of the current DTLLS/PGCE module? This session relate to the module by having an understanding of my role and responsibilities as a lecturer. It gives an opportunity to apply learning theories to enhance teaching and learning. It is also related in terms of my lesson planning; structuring my session by recognising learner’s needs and apply relevant learning theories to promote learner’s understanding and learning through observation and modelling. 3. What do you hope to achieve and how in relation to session learning outcomes? To introduce the four models of working in Partnership in Health and Social Care. Make learners understand the relationships and significance between the four models of working in partnership. Ensure learners understand local strategic partnership and local area agreement. Delivery of lecture and explanation, assessing their knowledge through formal assessment, question and answers and group discussion. 4. Explain and justify your teaching approaches and strategies. (Include specific reference To supporting learners’ language, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills as appropriate). With my group of learners I make sure my power point presentation is very clear, ask questions throughout the lecture, group discussion in order to keep them interactive, get all learners involve and concentrate. I will use examples in order to make them reflect on their practice and previous lecture. I also give them more explanation and definition of key words used in the text. This is because some of my learners are non native speakers. I will build learner’s confidence by praising them and encourage them to interact in class activities. I will also encourage peer learning by making learners observe their colleagues through modelling and imitation. 5. How you will assess the students learning? (Including explicit reference to subject learning, literacy, numeracy and ICT). At the beginning of my lesson I will conduct a recap exercise of previous lessons by giving all learners a questionnaire and conduct a peer assessment. At the end of the lesson I will conduct a formal traffic light assessment. Learners will bring their work for formative feedback and upon receiving their feedback, they will be able to reflect on their own work and work toward achieving a higher grade. I will also ask learners questions throughout the lesson (Q&A), group discussion, observation, self assessment, peer assessment, nominated questions. 6. What resources do you intend to use and why? Power point. The reason I use PowerPoint as all learners already have access to the college VLE and most of them print the lecture slides and bring it with them. Some of them will have their ipads and laptops. Using PowerPoint is a good practice of delivering the lecture as learners could get a lot of information while delivery and it also keep me on track and focus on the particular topic. I will also make appropriate use of the smart screen. Developmental targets: You MUST include ALL targets from previous STEs. If this is your first STE, include self-assessment targets. Targets are identified and informed through self evaluation, peer evaluation, student feedback, mentor feedback and/or CCCU observer feedback during your teaching practice. These should form part of your on-going action plan in section D of your PDP. Target No. Target Identified by? How will you address this in this lesson? Examples of evidence of achievement 1. Add more detailed structure to your lesson plan I will add more detail in my lesson plan and ensure that it is well structured. FULL MET 2. When leading from the front for any sustained period ensure that a) you use targeted questions frequently and b) that you also make use of short classroom assessments (one minute problem solving; quick summaries ….) When leading I will walk around as I will use a pointer presentation and I will also use targeted question more frequently. After delivering each point I will carry out short assessment to check learners understanding. FULL MET 3. Make sure slides are big enough if you want students to work with the detail (or provide a handout) I will ensure my slides are more visible to my learners. FULL MET 4. Break down the aims and objectives for the day for/ with the students from the beginning of the lesson I will include this in my lesson planning so that I can emphasise to break down the aims and objectives. FULL MET 5. Guide students to interactively summarise large paragraphs shown in the class presentation, by introducing highlighted paragraphs, key words. I will increase learner’s capability and confidence by encouraging them to summarise large paragraphs. I will also use the smart screen to highlight key words. FULL MET 6. Need to be clear about the format in which students are required to present their work for the day, i.e. do they need to write an essay, report, short reflective account etc., and also how these connect, if at all, to their final submission At the beginning of my lesson I will guide my learners through a structure of what kind of work they are required to produce. FULL MET 7. The aims and objectives of the day – i.e. the assessment criteria- should be mentioned more than once at various key moments of the session. During my lesson I will reflect back on the aims and objectives to ensure learners are still on track of what they are learning and check their understanding by modelling. FULL MET 8. Invite students to provide in class answers by using more than a few sentences and attempt to engage the whole class as opposed to only few/ the same students. I will allow learners to response to questions and give them enough time and I will also reinforce learners interest and engage them throughout my lesson. FULL MET 9. Outline the class rules from the very beginning of the class and remind these throughout the session. At the beginning of my lesson, I will clearly outline the class rules so that the class will not be disrupted during the lesson. FULL MET 10 The class/ group exercise(s) should clearly outline: a timeline the roles and responsibilities of learners, i.e. who is contributing to the task, who is moderating, who is writing things down. An interpretative framework for learners to use during the exercise, e.g. how will they judge/ qualify the ‘risks’. When conducting activities, I will give learners clear instruction of the task and time limit and how their work will be assess. FULL MET 11 It should be clearly stated from the beginning when will formative feedback be provided, including moments throughout the session when peer feedback and/ or self-reflection will be used. At the beginning of my lesson I will inform my learners of when formative feedback will be given so that they can have their work ready. FULL MET 12 Part 2: OBSERVATION: To be completed by the observer. Comment on strengths and areas for development. Include explicit reference to trainee’s targets and use of strategies relating to literacy, numeracy and ICT where appropriate. Planning planning and sequencing of activity, links to scheme of work, variety of teaching and learning activities matched to intended learning outcomes; planned use of resources; differentiation; planned assessment of learning. He had provided a very detailed Lesson Plan, which was closely followed throughout the teaching session. He made a very good use of planned resources, i.e. overhead projector. Class exercises were planned and introduced at an appropriate time in the learning process. At the beginning of the lesson, there was conducted a very useful Recap session, which has been skilfully connected to the present class aims and objectives. The aims and objectives for the session were clearly presented on the white board. However, these aims and objectives should have introduced from the very beginning of the session. Learning and Teaching management of learning environment; clear expectations for learning and behaviour; activities match to learning outcomes; effective use of resources; learners challenged; learners engaged; flexibility and adaptability; learner progress; effective communication; quality of dialogue; consideration of barriers to learning; supporting learners’ language, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills as appropriate; appropriate use of technology. Class activities were matched to the learning outcomes and students were engaged effectively in the learning process. He has effectively conducted a recap session at the beginning of the class, where an open dialogue with learners was promoted and also effectively managed. Learners were actively invited from the beginning of the lesson to share their work experience and knowledge. References to real life work situations were made throughout the session and have clearly engaged learners. Class rules were clearly outlined and followed through throughout the class. He had also effectively captured students’ contributions on the board as a way to engage class participation and also as a way to provide effective group feedback. A written test and an extended Q&A session were also delivered very effectively on the day session learning outcomes/ assessment criteria. Peer-feedback was introduced very effectively and students have enjoyed and benefited from the exercise. An interpretative framework was given to students, i.e. the framework of ‘Have you learned something?’ Specialist Learning and Teaching evidence of secure subject knowledge that develops learners’ understanding and skills, use of subject knowledge to find different ways of explaining or teaching approaches to ensure that all learners make expected progress, use of teaching and learning strategies appropriate to the subject specialism, appropriate use of technology. Technology has been used in an effective way, whilst specialist knowledge and information has been introduced by establishing appropriate links to the practical experience of the tutor as well as of the students. Assessment for Learning evidence of a range of appropriate assessment methods matched to intended learning outcomes, use of formative feedback in assessment for learning; peer and self assessment. Group peer feedback was encouraged throughout the session. Professional Values awareness of inclusive practice in relation to learners, including supporting learners’ language, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills as appropriate, appropriate links to workforce and community, evidence of differentiation in planning and delivery, commitment to improvement of personal and teaching skills, response to targets set in previous STEs. As mentioned above, appropriate links to the workforce community have been effectively made. He is fully committed to the improvement of personal and teaching skills and has taken on board previous targets, as evidenced through the lesson plan as well as his class practice/ performance. Part 3: REVIEW To be completed by all observers To what extent were trainee’s developmental targets set in previous STEs met during this STE? (see PART 1) New developmental targets agreed with trainee following this STE and to be carried forward to the next STE: 1) After breaking down the lesson aims and objectives at the beginning of the lesson, use then these various elements as a vertical spine of the session, i.e. at different moments throughout the lesson. 2) The ‘assignment explanation and task that needs to be carried out’ needs to be initiated at the beginning of the session/ lesson. 3) Avoid having individual conversations in the class, which are not heard by the whole class. Feedback and differentiated assistance (included for the students arriving late) should be provided by including everyone in the class. Overall summative comments Very well done! For mentor only to complete I confirm that the lesson was at least satisfactory (please indicate with X) YES X NO Signed – Mentor Signed – Trainee =================================================== PART 4: THIS SECTION IS RESERVED FOR COLLEGE AND CCCU TUTORS (NOT TO BE COMPLETED BY THE MENTOR) Part 4: GRADE. To be completed only by college tutors and CCCU tutors (not mentors). X Outstanding The trainee has performed to a high standard consistently during the observation. Good The trainee has performed to a good standard consistently during the observation. Needs improvement The trainee has performed to a satisfactory standard during the observation but requires further development. Unsatisfactory The trainee has not consistently performed to a satisfactory standard during the observation and requires significant development. Signed – Tutor Date Signed – Trainee Date Part 5: POST-STE EVALUATION. To be completed by the trainee following the observation. Reflect upon the STE, for example, did you meet your original objectives? (learning outcomes, focus, approach etc.) Did you implement and/or meet your DTLLS targets? How? Why not? How did you deal with the ‘unexpected’? What did you learn from the experience? Would you do anything differently? Why or why not? How would you do this? You will need to justify your answers fully. I achieved my original objectives because I was able to follow my detailed Lesson Plan closely, throughout the teaching session. In addition, I used my PowerPoint presentation appropriately, planned and introduced class exercises at the right time, during the learning process. I also presented the aims and objectives of the lecture clearly, on the white board. I was able to engage students in the learning process effectively by matching class activities to the learning outcomes. I conducted a recap session at the beginning of the lecture. This allowed me to promote and manage open dialogue with the students, where I invited learners to share their work experience and knowledge. I made reference to real life work situations during the lecture and made good use of learning handles by introducing concepts of zero risk and engaging students in reflection and discussion. I conducted a formal traffic light assessment at the end of the lesson. Students submitted their work for formative feedback, given that constructive feedback stimulates learning. I ensured that feedback provided recommendations for improvement and that it was provided when behaviour was still fresh in the students’ minds (McClure, 2013, p. 9). I therefore, allowed the students to reflect on their own work and work towards achieving a higher grade, after I had given them feedback. I also carried out observations, asked nominated questions and allowed self-assessment and peer-assessment among learners. I realised that my teaching approach enabled me to meet my DTLLS targets. Through my lesson plan, which included all the teaching and learning process management aspects that I intended to apply, I always carried out initial assessment by conducting a recap of the previous lecture and engaged all the students, besides allowing them to reflect on their understanding. I delivered the teaching and learning session in an appropriate manner, making proper use of appropriate resources. I supported students by providing simple, clear and repeated explanations. I was inclusive, taking into consideration the whole range of abilities exhibited by my students. I was flexible in my approach and planning of sessions to deal with unexpected appropriately. I explained concepts clearly and offered repeated explanations to some students to ensure that they fully understood. I have learnt, from this Supervised Teaching Experience, that a well structured and detailed lesson plan enables one to teach and manage the learning process appropriately. Continuous and frequent assessment stimulates students’ understanding. Clear indication of when formative feedback is to be provided and the moments throughout the session when peer feedback and self-reflection will be used is beneficial. I will break down class/group exercises more clearly for students so as to enable me manage them easily, in future. Group work and discussions, where students can help each other should be encouraged (Petty, 2004, p, 542). I will also harmonise my lecture objectives with the aims and objectives of the lecture provided on the white board and those introduced through the PowerPoint presentation. I will always include a brief guidance and discussion session at the beginning of each session to break down the daily aims and objectives with my students, more consistently. A reflection on one’s teaching approaches provides an opportunity to make necessary adjustments and improvements. Professionals should reflect on their practice and learn from it so as to make rectifications and modifications (Harvard and Hodkinson, 1994, p. 48). Experiential learning theory allows one to comprehend, reflect and integrate an assessment process in one’s teaching and planning and implementation process (Frankland, 2007, p. 378). Teaching and assessment methods that suit a broad range of learning styles should be used. References Frankland, S., 2007. Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Assessment. Dordrecht: Springer Publications. Harvard, G. R., & Hodkinson, P., 1994. Action and Reflection in Teacher Education. Norwood: Ablex Publishing Corporation. McClure, P., 2013. Making Practice Based Learning Work: Reflection on Practice. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 June, 2014]. Petty, G., 2004. Teaching Today: A Practical Guide. Cheltenham: Thornes Press Ltd For College tutors and CCCU tutors only (not applicable to Mentors) -Guide to grading based on the Teachers’ /LLUK standards Minimum standards achieved. Requires improvement to be good. Good (in addition to points in “requires improvement”) Outstanding (in addition to points in “requires improvement” and “good”) Planning Plan individual lessons that are appropriately structured to support learning. (4) Plan for use of a range of teaching strategies and resources. (4) Plan a range of approaches to teaching and learning (4) Plan to take into account the needs of groups of learners and individuals. (4) Use well-chosen, imaginative and creative strategies that match individuals’ needs and interests. (4) Plan flexibly to respond to learner progress during the lesson. (4) Teaching and Learning (including specialist) Set appropriate expectations of learners and most learners are engaged in their learning.(1) All learners make at least satisfactory progress in lesson. (2) Show sufficiently secure knowledge and understanding of subject and subject pedagogy. (3) Some support for learners to develop English and mathematics (3) A range of teaching strategies and resources are employed (4) Learners are usually engaged (4) Some use of distinctive strategies to support learners with additional needs and reduce barriers to learning (5) Acknowledge equality and diversity in teaching strategies and resources (5) Apply strategies appropriately to promote positive behaviour (7) Consistently set high expectations of learners and most learners are enthused and motivated. (1) The majority of learners make good progress in the lesson (2) Make good use of their secure subject knowledge to deep learners’ knowledge and understanding. (3) Support learners to develop English and mathematics (3) A range of approaches to teaching and learning are used (4) Learning is sufficiently differentiated to support individuals to achieve learning outcomes (4) Use of a range of effective strategies to support learners with additional needs and reduce barriers to learning (5) Support learners in developing awareness of equality and diversity (5) Manage behaviour effectively so that disruption is unusual (7) Create an atmosphere highly conducive to learning and generate high levels of participation and commitment to learning. (1) The majority of learners make very good progress in the lesson (2) Draw on in- depth subject knowledge and subject pedagogy to capture learners’ interest. (3) Successfully exploit opportunities to develop learners English and mathematics (3) Imaginative and creative strategies are used and thy match individuals’ needs and interest. (4) Use of effective and different teaching approaches to support learners with additional needs and reduce barriers to learning. (5) Fully incorporate social and cultural diversity (5) Manage behaviour with ease to that there are high levels of engagement and co-operation (7) Assessment Use a range of formative and summative assessment strategies designed to support learners in making progress. (6) Use a range of assessment strategies and adapt teaching within the lesson in the light of learners’ responses. (6) Systematically and effectively check learner’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where intervention may be needed and by intervening, make notable impact on the quality of learning (6) Professional values Review and reflect on own planning and teaching to make changes so that learners progress is sustained. (4) Show an awareness of the challenges and opportunities of teaching in a diverse society (5) Carry out systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of the lesson including its impact on learning through the use of the STE documentation and through this improve practice (4) Show a good understanding of the challenges and opportunities of teaching in a diverse society (5) Engage in highly reflective and critical evaluation of their lesson through the use of the STE targets and completion of the STE paperwork prior to the lesson. Use this reflection for further improvement (4) Show a full understanding of the challenges and opportunities of teaching in a diverse society (5) Read More
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