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One Night Stand - Coursework Example

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This paper 'One Night Stand' tells that The world is changing drastically; thus, new trends and cultural evolutions are in place. Improvement of technology and commitment to work with many parents has led to cultural changes and religious beliefs. Relationships have changed due to the differences involving culture, religion…
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One Night Stand
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One Night Stand Introduction The world is changing drastically, thus new trends and cultural evolutions are in place. Improvement of technology and commitment to work with many parents has led to cultural changes and religious beliefs. Relationships have thus changed due to the changes involving culture, religion and improved technology over the last century. These changes have developed a new relationship strategy where the youths embrace sexual behaviors more than they did in the past. Sociologists, psychologists and other scholars have participated in major causes of cultural changes, sexuality and the dangers involved in various sexual behaviors, but the idea of a one night stand has not been taken seriously until several years ago. The lack of many scholars undertaking researches on this topic is confusing since the art of a one night stand can be traced back from 1920s. It proves that the scholars did not understand the art until recently when the casual sex phenomenon has increased rapidly. The aim of this research is to create understanding on one nightstand based on the cultural changes and technology. The essay will familiarize the readers on the different reactions to the people who engage in one night stands. It will expound on the historical background of this phenomenon. It sheds light on the cultural changes that has turned one nightstand to become the most popular relationship by youths in North America and other developed nations. The research will then use theoretical reviews on the causes of one night stands and their implications giving us detailed professional insight on the contentious issue. This research intends to use current trends and statistics in its description of this phenomenon. The trends and statistics are important for the research to tackle the impacts of one night stands in the society or the social groups that practice one night stands regarding its continuation at a macro level. The conclusion of the research will provide some suggestions for future research on this topic while recommending social policies that may help solve the problems or alleviate the problems of one nightstands. Definition and Description One nightstand has various names and definitions. The most common names for one nightstand is casual sex or hook ups. One nightstand has no universally accepted definition but it is a one-time sexual encounter between strangers or people not in a romantic relationship. This research intends to define one night stand as engaging in sexual activities outside a formal relationship without a traditional or cultural reason for doing it (Leitenberg, & Henning, 1995). This phenomenon has various sexual activities that are changing drastically as the historical background will prove. Most people think that penetrative intercourse is the only sexual activity engaged in one nightstand phenomenon, but kissing, blow jobs and other activities are also grouped in this category if the affair is casual or has no commitment. Describing this phenomenon is challenging before carefully understanding the evolution of sexuality and the changes in the last century that has promoted casual sex. Background of One Nightstands or Casual Sex The hook up culture began in 1920s due to various social shifts and technological changes. Technological changes led to automobiles and novel entertainments that involved movie theatres. The movie theatres provided the best place for youths to meet freely without parental supervision and the themes of novels and movies at the time changed to casual affairs. The youth would emulate the stars in the movies and thus changed the trend of dating and relationships. In the 1960s, the main dating strategy where a man would woo and court a woman for a period changed, as the youths were free to explore their sexuality. The popular cultural transformation during this era played an important role in changing the views on sexuality (Robertson 2001). Past researches on sexuality before this period shows that sexual intercourse was immoral for all unmarried people in the society. Parents in the previous era were more concerned on morals of their kids thus the kids were restricted in engaging in sexual activities. The changes both technologically and economically in North American society led parents working for long hours and the youths lacked enough cultural knowledge to control their sexual behaviors. The previous generation was more religious and religion inhibited sexual activities of the unmarried but in the late 1960s, sexual activities seemed acceptable. By 1975, people began to embrace uncommitted relationships and both women and men preferred casual relationships instead of marriage. The marriage rate decreased as it has been doing for the previous one and a half decade. Technological changes transformed the media image where casual sex was viewed as the best way for youths to enjoy their time with the opposite sex. The movies and songs during the rise of popular culture were more inclined on nudity and portraying the feminine beauty that would make women famous and appreciated by men (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael & Michaels, 1994). In 1990s, casual sex or one night stands became common and regular among the youth mainly university and college students. The media and movies portraying the use of drugs for instance, alcohol and exotic features of strangers made the youth curios of experiencing these fantasies. University and colleges were the only place that the youths could be free from parental watching and supervision, thus students who joined the learning institutions adopted the trend of holding house parties, clubbing and sexual activities (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael & Michaels, 1994). In 2000, data on the youths aged between 18- 29 years shows that between 60 and 80% of North American students have had some sort of one night stand experience. The changes in cultural and religious beliefs on sexuality have played a key role in the morality changes and sexuality. The youths since the emergence of popular culture, that promotes hookup culture, have adopted the living style of the popular culture thus through the pressure to fit in this society group, they engage in one night stands. Before the 1960s, religion played an important role in maintaining morality of the society, but the embracement of popular culture in the 1960s, have made people view sexual activities as a normal play. The internet promotes one night stands with many cites being created to lure the youths into casual sex (Eliot & Stilwell, 2010). These sites make it essay for strangers to meet for casual sex while advising the youths on the best strategy to achieve casual sex. Theoretical Review on One Nightstands/ Casual sex Sociologists and other scholars have recently aimed their efforts to identify the causes of one night stands and the reactions of the participants of the casual sex activities. There are different views ranging from cultural and biopsychosocial among other evolution factors to explain one night stand phenomenon. This research intends to cover as many theories as possible to create an understanding of the users of this study. The socio-cultural and psychological factors are mainly related to the interactions of cultures, personal experiences and the psychological factors that analysis the attitudes and willingness to engage in one night stands. This research aims at analyzing the different theories based on their assumptions on the determining factors of youths engaging in one night stands. Theories based on psychological factors contributing one night stands The main determinant of one night stand is the desire by the participant to engage in the physical aspects of one night stands that involves kissing, oral sex, intercourse and anal sex. According to Whitten, human sexual psychology is derived back from the Australopithecus. He claims that the humans are like other primates who seek to have multiple partners. He stated that just like the male Australopithecus, men are attracted to beautiful female for pleasure and propagation of the species. The women on the other hand, are attracted to healthy, fertile and within the reproductive age men to ensure that their children are health and possess the best genes. This notion is supported by Singh, who states that sexual intercourse in humans is based on similar reasons as those of our ancestors. He claims that one night stands in the modern world are instinctual thus act for the same reason as discussed in by Whitten (Kinsey, Pomeroy & Martin, 1948). Paul differs with these claims by claiming that an individual’s love style determines his or her perception on casual sex. He claims that people afraid of commitment will engage in one night stands to satisfy their sexual desires whereas they are not committed emotionally. These individuals use sex for fun, whereas people who love commitment use sex as an expression of intimacy. Lee supports Paul assumption and discusses the six love styles. He concludes that the people who are most inclined to participate in casual sex have exotic love styles, thus one night stands are the only relationship that they can exploit their passion and physical pleasures (Robertson 2001). Robinson stated that beliefs are the main determinants of engaging in one night stands. He argues that the mental acceptance that something is right or wrong determines the reaction of the individual that is; whether to participate or not. In his study on “Religious beliefs do seem to affect our sexual standards and behaviors. The more devout individuals are usually more conservative sexually. (However, in 1960 there were) already signs of a liberalization of religious attitudes regarding sex” (Arnett, 2013). He claims that this liberation led to the shifts of social trends. In this study, he uses data to prove that in 1965, 70% of women viewed premarital coitus as immoral, but in 1970 these numbers had decreased to about 34%. The decline continued as many females embraced popular culture thus in 1975, only 20% of female viewed premarital coitus as immoral. The view of this immorality also declined from 35% to 19.6% from 1965 to 1975 respectively (Arnett, 2013). Ryan, one of the most famous psychologist in sexuality, supported Robinson’s claims and states that before the popular culture, people were more religious and abided to the beliefs that sexual intercourse is immoral thus they maintained their chastity. Ryan blames popular culture that introduced sexual images in the media, thus changing the attitude and beliefs of the youth who fight tooth and nail to acquire sexual freedom thus, engages in one night stands that are easily acquired (Arnett, 2013). Ellis supports Ryan’s claims in his study of monogamy versus promiscuity, which states that youths from monogamous family gain values of responsibility, tolerance and patients, thus it is hard for them to engage in one night stand. This is different with youths, whose parents engage promiscuous relationships; the youth are more likely to engage in similar activities, for instance casual sex (Eliot & Stilwell, 2010). Self-esteem affects either positively or negatively according to Rosenberg. One night stand boosts the self-esteem of young men from their social groups regard them highly whereas women’s self-esteem is likely to be lowered after engaging in casual sex, as they feel used. Paul agrees with Rosenberg’s assumption claiming that men with high self-esteems are more likely to engage in casual sex whereas girls with low self-esteem fall victim of peer pressure to engage in casual sex to feel wanted but in the end, they are termed to have loose morals thus decline in self-esteem (Eliot & Stilwell, 2010). Theories on social factors contributing to one night stands The fact that men and women operate differently in the society makes it easier to tackle the social factors contributing to one night stands in two categories. According to Deborah, men seek status and power from social interactions whereas women aim to build relationships, though their connections with people in the society (Arnett, 2013). This assumption states that men engage in casual sex to show off to their social groups, thus gain higher status, whereas women engage in casual sex with the hope and believe that intimacy will lead to commitment and long relationship hence marriage. Robinson supports these allegations by stating that women engage in one night stands to boost their chances of feeling attractive and marriage but promiscuous women are criticized in the society. Men are not criticized in the society, thus are free to engage in casual sex hence the higher number of men engaging in casual sex than women (Arnett, 2013). The changes in the social setting according to Tyndale have contributed to the growth and embracement of one night stands. He claims that in the current world under the popular culture there is free flow of drugs in colleges thus the youth abuse alcohol at parties and engage in one night stands. According to the interdependency theory, youths engage in drugs when their relationships are not working. These youths have poor coping strategies, thus to calm their nerves and deal with their frustrations they use alcohol, which leads to casual sex in the bars and clubs. The above theories provides the basic reasons for the reasons that youths engage in one night stands. The theories may be contradicting in nature as all the scholars aim is to portray the different reasons that lead youth to engage in sexual activities. Psychological theories try to justify that the mental setting of the youths engaging in casual sex is based on excitement or frustration whereas social factor theories blames the society for the rapid growth of sexual activities among the youths (Robertson 2001). By using the two factors of the forces contributing to the high rate of one night stands, this research will be successful in laying the societal policies that will bring back morality among the youths. Current trends of one night stands Embracement of one nightstands amongst North American youths is rising at an alarming rate. In a past survey, 60-80% of the sexually active youths have engaged in casual sex in the previous year. This number is rising rampantly due to the improvement of technology and embracing of popular culture. Internet connections and with the many sites promoting one night stands the youths acquire casual sex easily (American College Health Association. 2010). The popular culture has changed the media and the main item of discussion and display are sexual oriented, the youths imitate their heroes in the movies thus engage in casual sex to fit in the popular culture. One night stands are associated with the youths thus, previous researches have been carried out in colleges portraying that more than half the students have engaged in casual sex since joining the institution. The data show that about 28% and 16% of boys and girls, respectively lost their virginity to strangers or people they are not in a formal relationship (American College Health Association. 2010). The continued increase in engaging in one night stands in colleges is connected to social settings where the students have access to alcohol. About 64% of female who engage in casual sex are drunk and more than 50% of the young men use alcohol to facilitate their success on having a partner for casual sex (American College Health Association. 2010). The rampant rise in casual sex is killing the dating art since the young men are addicted to casual sex thus view women as objects to satisfy their sexual desires. The habit of casual sex has led to decline of marriages, as men are not willing to commit to one woman whereas they can have multiple sex partners. Impacts of one night stands The rising trend of youths engaging in one night stands is worsening as it raises the rate of sexually transmitted diseases. In the data provided about 64% of the young women who engage in casual sex are drunk thus, they do not recall the essence of using protections during their one nightstands. The more than 50% of young men engaging in casual sex use alcohol as a tool or bait for the female partner this shows that a man infected with STIs will not use protection during intercourse thus transmitting the disease (Hyde, & DeLamater, 2006). There are higher rates of unwanted pregnancies among the young women who engage in casual sex than those who do not. These women tend to drop out of school due to the shame and since the man was only interested with sexual activities, the woman will raise the kid by herself. This leads to low economic status and increment of single parenthood. This process tends to be repetitive among most poor society where the probability of a kid whose mother suffered from early pregnancy will follow the same way. This limits the educational levels of the society in the discussion as the repeated trend continues to haunt the society (Hyde, & DeLamater, 2006). The unwanted pregnancy may lead to desperation of the girl who may opt to abort. The lack of resources leads to unsafe abortions that may tampers with the reproductive organs thus infertility or death. The psychological torment may lead to frustration and low self-esteem of the pregnant or infected woman thus she may commit suicide increasing the number of suicides among the young women. One nightstands have contributed with the increased irresponsibility among the current young men. The men are afraid of commitment, thus adopt casual sex as a reason to run from being responsible. This trend has led to many divorces in the past few years as the married men are irresponsible and unfaithful. Women suffer from psychological frustrations in the event they engage in casual sex having expectation the intimacy will lead to a long relationship or marriage since the men are there to have fun and satisfy their sexual desires (Hyde, & DeLamater, 2006). The only advantage in one night stands is the ability of the youth to explore their sexual desires but it is not enough to justify its value. Conclusion This research has provided data and theoretical analysis that portray the reasons behind the increased rate of youths’ engagement in one night stands. The social changes and technological improvement have also contributed to the change in belief that premarital coitus is immoral. This has brought more problems than benefits to our society. It is thus for the benefit of the society to adopt strategies and policies that will limit sexual activities portrayed in the media (Robertson 2001). This will ensure the decline of negative influences by the movies and other popular culture factors to the youths. This policy is difficult to implement given the growth of technology, but the parents and guardians have a role to provide good morals and conduct to influence their kids’ behavior. Continuous monitoring and educating the kids on good morals ensures that the kid will grow up being responsible, patient and is able to deal with frustrations, thus the kid will not easily be wooed to change his perception on good morals. This research has not clearly illustrated the current trends due to insufficient data, thus it is upon future researches on this topic to use other methods in data collection to ensure the research will provide reliable data on current trends on one night stands. References American College Health Association. (2010). American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment II: Reference group data report Fall. Linthicum, MD: Author; Retrieved from Arnett, J. J. (2013). Adolescence and emerging adulthood: A cultural approach. Boston: Pearson. Eliot J, Stilwell M. (2010). All the Lovers [Recorded by Kylie Minogue] On Aphrodite [CD] Parlophone Hyde, Janet, & DeLamater, John. (2006). Understanding Human Sexuality (9th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., & Martin, C. E. (1948). Sexual behavior in the human male. Philadelphia: Saunders Laumann, Edward O., Gagnon, John, Michael, Robert, and Michaels, Stuart. (1994). The social organization of sexuality. Chicago, IL: U of Chicago P. Leitenberg, Harold, & Henning, Kris. (1995). Sexual fantasy. Psychological Bulletin, 117, 469-496. Robertson P. (2001) Film facts. New York, NY: Billboard Books. Read More
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