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The first factor in examining the experience of working in low-wage jobs is that of housing. The houses are unaffordable in the city and this group of people has to seek trailers or out of townhouses that are over 30 minutes drive (Ferguson 279). They also have to consider transportation as not all can afford a car and money for gas with the low wage of between $6 and $7 per hour. This is in addition to child care and insurance.
According to Robin Leidner, in what ways is work at McDonald’s standardized?
The employees at McDonald’s including even the managers have a routinization of their work from the moment they come into work to when they will live. The routine is the same in all McDonald's outlets (Ferguson 470). Since no one is allowed to do anything out of the ordinary, then it is safe to say that their work is standardized.
Compare Mitchell Stevens’ discussion of the admissions process in elite colleges to your experience of applying to college.
I applied to numerous colleges majority of which were far away from home. All these admissions were declined citing various reasons such as I was from far, I lacked athletic ability among others but they all advised that I should seek a college closer to my home area and which had fewer restrictions. Children from rich homes and with athletic backgrounds from my home were however accepted and this process fully agrees with the author’s discussion.
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