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Criminological Theory and Sanctions - Essay Example

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While considering the various criminological theories, it would be appropriate to weigh in the reason why an individual has committed a particular crime when passing any sentencing. This is so since some individuals may not be controlling themselves, when they are committing a…
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Criminological Theory and Sanctions
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Criminological Theory and Sanctions Answer to question While considering the various criminological theories, it would be appropriate to weigh in the reason why an individual has committed a particular crime when passing any sentencing. This is so since some individuals may not be controlling themselves, when they are committing a crime. For instance, when individuals commit the crime of murder, it would be unfair to give the same sentence to both; a person whose reason for crime is explained by psychological theory and a person whose reason for crime is explained by sociological theory.

The above is best exemplified when taking into account the “Social Process Theories” (Lilly, Francis & Richard 24). Through social process theories, it would be understood that, a criminal with psychological problems would lack the “inner containment”, which results in an unstable mind, and thus, a lack of “outer containment” too. However, an individual whose crime is explained through sociological theory is stable in mind and does not lack “inner or outer containment”. Therefore, the reason for committing a crime should be considered when imposing a criminal sanction.

Response to studentI agree with my classmate that the reason for any criminal act should be taken into consideration when giving a criminal sentence. As stated from the response, psychological problems are the main reasons as to why the level of crime should be considered in a court of law. My classmate has gone to the extent of explaining that, probably a mentally ill patient might have missed being treated, and this would have caused the current criminal state. My classmate has based the argument on a criminological psychological theory, which is good.

However, she could have included another criminological theory to explain the question better. Works CitedLilly, J R, Francis T. Cullen, and Richard A. Ball. Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE Publications, 2011. Print.

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