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Discussion Questions - Essay Example

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Du Bois’ concept of the color line was in reference to the role played by racism and race in society and history (Gordon, 2000). However, unlike the original use of the phrase in earlier literary, academic and non-academic theories, Du Bois does not confine…
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Discussion Questions
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Discussion Questions Discussion Questions Essentially, W.E.B. Du Bois’ concept of the color line was in reference to the role played by racism and race in society and history (Gordon, 2000). However, unlike the original use of the phrase in earlier literary, academic and non-academic theories, Du Bois does not confine it to the racial isolation that was extensive in the United States after slavery was abolished. He portrays it beyond the context of the relations between the lighter and darker races in the United States and extends it to Asia, Africa and islands in the sea, giving it a universal outlook.

The color line may have been the foremost problem from a particular era up to, and including, recent history, but does not continue being so in the 21st century. The scenario changed with the enacting of the anti-segregation law. There was evidently a period of overlap, which gave the phrase a dual meaning. The first was the de facto inequality in the lives of African Americans and the rest of the citizens in the United States. The second was the color line notion that the law created, manifested in perverted teachings, cultural patterns and prejudice (Chang, 2002).

However, the presence of modern laws against discrimination is an essential consideration as to why the color line is not the foremost problem today. Individuals of all races and both genders are getting employment opportunities in private and federal institutions and admission into social facilities. In this sense, the color line cannot bear the same social impacts it had several decades ago and, therefore, is not the foremost problem. Other social vices such as crime and drug abuse are rated as bigger problems in the contemporary world (Juguo, 2001).. ReferencesChang, N. (2002). Silencing political dissent.

New York: Seven Stories Press.Gordon, L. (2000). What does it mean to be a problem? W.E.B. Du Bois on the study of black folk, in Lewis R. Gordon (ed.), Existentia Africana: Understanding Africana existential thought. New York: Routledge.Juguo, Z. (2001). W.E.B. Du Bois: Quest for the abolition of the Color Line, New York: Routledge.

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