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No: Frustration, Conflict and Deviance Stress in a strict environment, like at work, is one of thebiggest sources of getting frustration or anxiety. At eHRAF, employees may get frustrated by working on computers online as they are required to adhere to a specific method of working. Frustration in the workplace becomes a serious issue leading a conflict. Its reasons include politics in office, strict environment, negative work culture and dis-satisfaction of the employee. So, every work place or office must have a better and acceptable environment in which employee should feel comfortable to work.
Anxiety and anger in the workplace is a major cause of conflict and violence. Employees use to calm themselves by doing valiant acts and deviance at their office with colleagues (Landy and Conte 112). It’s a painful reality and may not be easy to find the root cause of conflict following by an individual’s anxiety. If an employee is in any of above mentioned mental statuses, he will not comfortable to work with his colleagues and start behaving harsh. Stress or frustration lead anger and starts conflict with harsh conversation.
A valiant conversation is a primary sign of deviance at workplace or office. Deviance is a result of one’s behavior and reaction of different things that reflects his mental condition and anger. Stress and frustration is the enemy of one’s career and livelihood if he is unaware about managing it. Violence and criminal activities are not acceptable any workplace by the society. Society is a sensitive group of many people and thus, it can be easily destroyed by an individual or by a group of some people through their anger, stress and frustration leading to conflict and deviance (Royal and Agenew 34).
Works CitedLandy, Frank J. and Conte, Jeff M. Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational. 3rd. California: Altamont Pass, 2010. Print.Royal, Mark and Agenew, Tom. The Enemy of Engagement: Put an End to Workplace Frustration--and Get the Most from your Employees. USA: Hay Group, Inc., 1967. Print.
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