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Interprofessional Working: Management of Healthcare Institutions - Essay Example

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The author of the "Interprofessional Working: Management of Healthcare Institutions" paper refers to the patient as Mr. S for confidentiality in line with the NMC code of professional conduct. The rationale for choosing Mr. S was because I participated in the delivery of care.  …
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Interprofessional Working: Management of Healthcare Institutions
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Interprofessional essay Reflective account on interprofessional working is important to the economic growth of any nation, and any country intendingto strengthens its economy cannot afford to ignore efficient and effective healthcareMoreover, a good healthcare in a nation saves that nation a great deal of money on healthcare expenditure.(Day, 2006) For the purpose of this essay, I would refer to the patient as Mr S for the purpose of confidentiality in line with the NMC code of professional conduct(NMC2008). The rationale for choosing Mr S was because I participated in the delivery of care. So I decided to take the opportunity to learn more from her ailment. Studies by research institutions and individuals have pointed out that a strong healthcare system in a country has an overall effect of lowering the total healthcare costs and generally bettering the population's health(Hyde and Cook 2004) primary care, where the physician and the the patient establish a long-term relationship in order to properly coordinate the patients overall care, has particularly been identified as a major contributor to nation's health, a weak healthcare system could lead to an increase in healthcare cost and a poor population health outcome.(Hyde and Cook, 2004) To lower the overall expenditure on healthcare for a country, the country must shift its orientation towards an effective healthcare system. A good healthcare system has been associated with higher life expectancy compared to a weak one(leathard 2003). Moreover, countries which have good healthcare infrastructures have shown favourable Another key role for the pharmacist involves supervising and training of interim pharmacist, participating in inervice training and charging patients medicines. The pharmacist is also responsible for outdated drugs, drug distribution and runs the pharmacy cart. The pharmacist also answers question and dispenses drug information to the rest of the medical staff and hospital personnel. Radiological technologist The radiological technologist generally carries out radiographic process to help in diagnosing injuries and diseases. This professional works hand in hand with patients and their families, maintaining a cooperative relationship with the staff of various departments. The radiological technologist carries out radiolographic process following the physician's prescription. This role involves determing proper techniques by selection of the right exposure time, current and voltage. The radiological technologist also helps out in positioning of the patients in order to properly view the affected part> he or she gives instructions to patient on the right physiological arrangement for a given process. He or she prepares and administers contrast media to patients through body cavities or veins, while maintaining techniques charts in the room as required by some state laws(Miller and Swensson 2002) This professional also assists in teaching of proper anatomy procedures, equipment operation and xray physics, while at the same time ensuring the equipment are properly maintained for their efficient operation. The radiological also operates mobile radiographic equipment used to carry out some procedures all through the hospital such as emergency rooms, recovery room, cardiac care unit and intensive care unit(Hyde and Cook 2004) He or she also contact nursing station to confirm patient schedules, restriction, any special equipment and requirements, while assessing the patient condition before he or she administers a contrast media or performs the radiographic procedure. He or she also helps in charting the patients medication and completing any xray request for billing. Radiological technologist ensure that the necessary consent forms are signed before the examination commences and monitors quality assurances and recording efforts of the department. In addition to the above roles, the professional may be called upon to perform computerised tomography, ultrasound, radiation therapy, general radiation processes as well as other specialised procedures like venograms, arteriogram and angiogram. Moreover, the professional may also be called upon to carry out the process in the operation hall. Recreational therapist The recreational therapist plans, direct and coordinates medically approved recreation programme for patients in institution such as nursing homes and hospitals. These professionals propose the right recreational activities after properly assessing the patients condition. Recreational therapist carryout observations, analysis and recording of the patients progress, reaction and participation in the course of treatment sessions and adjust treatment programs if the need arises. He or she develops treatment plans aimed at meeting the needs of patients basing on the therapy objectives, patient interests and assessment of these needs. The recreational therapist also has the role of encouraging patients to create leisure activities, while conferring with treatment team members in planning and evaluation of therapy programs(Miller and Swenson 2002) these therapist also encourage their patients who have special circumstances and needs to get some new skills and involve themselves in health boosting activities such as gardening, arts and crafts, games and sports Recreational therapist give instructions to their patients on techniques and activities such as art, music, dance, sports, or relaxing techniques intended to meet the patients specific psychological or physical needs. They also help in assessing their clients interests, needs and capabilities through the use of information from the patients themselves, their family members, medical staff and medical records. Moreover, they assist in the planning, organizing, directing and participating in treatment activities and program to help in their rehabilitation and intergration into the society preventing any further health problems. Finally theses therapist also carry out preparation of charts and reports, and submitting them to reveal the patients evidence reactions of any regression or progression. The nurse The nurse interviews patients as well their families in order to obtain the necessary history to help in making accurate assessments. They assign triage priorities based on the available information as well as observations, while initiating therapeutic and diagnostic measures as designated by standing protocols (Thompson et al, 1997) He may also call for crises interventions if need arises, while at the same time communicating and acting as a link between the patient, their family members and healthcare professionals in such a way that dignity and confidentiality are respected (Ross and Mackenzie, 1996). The nurse develops concise, descriptive and legible charts that indicate the patient's progress and performs nursing procedures efficiently and safely. The nurse has a great responsibility of ensuring that the health's infection control procedures are understood and adhered to, it is also the responsibility of the nurse to comply with the set policies and standards and participate in obligatory in-services if necessary(Saxton and Leaman, 1998). In addition, the nurse is exposed to most patients elements that include communicable diseases and bloodborne pathogens. Moreover, he or she is exposed to many hazards such as medical preparations, ionizing radiation and toxics substances in addition to a stressing and constant changing working environment(Thompson et al, 1997) Medical doctors Medical doctors, also known as physicians perform diagnoses and treat injuties, disease and any other disorder a patient may have. They work in promoting sound health and preventing illnesses while supervising other healthcare workers like technicians, nurse and physician assistants (Ross and Mckenzie, 1996) Most physicians care for their patients directly while a small portion work in other areas not related to patient care such as research or administration. A good number of physician are general practitioner concentrating on the family's primary healthcare(Saxton and Leaman, 1998) The rest of the physician who provide patient care are specialist working in particular branches of medicine such as surgery,psychiatry, ophthalmology, gerontology, dermatology, paediatrics, obstetrics or gynaecology and anaesthesiology(Leathard 1994). Physicians specialising in internal medicines are known as internists since they carry out diagnoses and treatment of problems of internal organs like the lungs, heart and liver, and not usually perform surgery. They are involved in the management and treatment of common medical problems like pneumonia, influenza and more complex chronic and serious infections Gynaecologists , or obstetrician concentrate mainly on womens health: their general care, pregnancy, prenatal and postnatal care. During pregnancy, they monitor the woman's health and also that of the developing foetus. They also carry out diagnoses and treatment od diseases affecting the female urinary and reproductive organs, as well as breast and rectal organs. In addition, gynaecologist may give medical time to prepare accounts, reconcile balance sheets, oversee budgets control and monitor cash flow. They lead or work on projects in liaison with other team members across the healthcare institution. Having identified the various roles played by the managers of healthcare institution will help in shaping the future of management of these institutions. It will assist in the incorporation of new ways aimed at delivering health care that is more patient- centred efficient and cost-effective. With full knowledge of the roles carried out by the various professionals in the management of healthcare institution, it will be easy to incorporate information and communication technology in management(Hewison, 2004) The management of future healthcare institution will require executives with high professional knowledge and skills founded on modern trends, method and tools(Keagy and Thomas, 2004). Small hospitals will have to turn into horizontally integrated systems, with small, autonomous physicians having to give way to large group practice characterised by prescribed treatments procedures(Hewison 2004). This knowledge will help healthcare executives to plan on how they will streamline their functions to revolutionize the healthcare industry, such as adopting modern healthcare management systems. This will go a long way in ensuring they remain competitive in the technologically advanced future Healthcare is increasingly becoming technology oriented, leading to a rise in the costs. Although the new twist has led to a better quality of life to a portion of the population in the middle class and the poor are experiencing immense pressure due to the developments. By understanding the roles played by the various professional, it will be much easier for healthcare for healthcare providers to develop their own local technologies to manage healthcare and bridge disparities created by the global technological changes. Some of the modern technologies that can be used that can be used to achieve this include information technology, Biotechnology and nanotechnology that includes MEMS. Since these technologies are already in existence at various development phases healthcare providers can utilize them even if they were not created for the same purpose . for healthcare providets to remain relevant in the future, they will need to incorporate modern healthcare management systems such as informatics, therapeutics and diagnostics Conclusion Management of healthcare institutions incorporates a variety of profesions with various skills, knowledge and experiences necessary to run their particular departments. These professionals form a team, with their skills and knowledge complementing one another. The healthcare industry has come to therealization that great opportunities lie ahead for this industry, but only when they plan and incorporate modern trends in technology into their management. Their management teams must streamline their functions in order to remain relevant in the fast changing world. References Barrick, I (2008) Transforming Health Care Management Strategies, Jones and Bartlett Publishers Brown, M(1992) Health care Marketing management, Jones and Bartlett Publisher CEEPHC (1979) Modern methods of management Applied in Health Institutions council of Europe Day, J (2006) Interprofessional Working, Nelson Thornes limited Gray, B et al (1986) For-profit Enterprise in Healthcare, national Academies Press. Harris, M (1997) handbook of Home Health Care Adminstration, Jones and Bartlett publishers Hewison, A (2004) Management for Nurses and health Professionals. Blackwell Publishing. Hyde, J and cook, M (2004) Essentials of physician Practice management Wiley Leathard , A(2003) interprofessional Collaboration Psychology Press Leathard, A(1994) Going inter-professional-Working together for Health and Welfare Routledge Miller,R and Swensson,S (2002) Hospital and Healthcare Facilitu Design, WW Norton Ross, F and Mackenzie, A(1996) Nursing in primary Health care policy into practice, Routledge Saxton, J and Leaman, T(1998) Managed Care Success Reducing Risk While increasing Patient satisfaction, Jones nd Bartlett Publishers Read More
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