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Social Stratification Social stratification occurs through a variety of means. One of the commonest ways through which social stratification occurs is through the seclusion of different classes. The social class stratification is one of the widest forms of social strata that exist. Social classes are defined through the respective incomes of the individuals in question. Secondly, slavery and a caste system are other two social stratification methods, and they all differ in a variety of ways. Class, defines boundaries between the rich and the poor, widening the gap between both parties and thirdly, it prompts increased poverty and crime in various regions of the society.
Contemporary slavery also exits in the form of violence against lowly paid house helps, human trafficking and involuntary prostitution. Crime and majority of the social evils are all consequences of social stratification. What do you think should be done about the US crime issue? What Sociological theories support your theory? The crime issue in America is one of the worst traits about the country. With its population being a mere eight of China, it is horrifying to understand that America has more criminals in custody than China.
In fact, the nation has the highest number of prisoners in the world. This shows that the crime rate in America is relatively high. Resolving the issue of crime in America can take several approaches. One of the critical ways of resolving crime in America is the creation of informal jobs in majority of the low-income neighborhoods. Chinese criminal rates are relatively low in China because of distribution of wealth that is equitable (Watson, 2010). The crime rates in low-income neighborhoods are resiliently high and the possibilities of the crime rates reducing in the near future is still uncertain.
Arguably, crime rates in the low-income neighborhoods are high, yet these areas have too little to offer for the crime perpetrators. As such, owing to insufficiency in money or property that can be stolen, youths engage in repetitive crime with the hope of earning a fair income. Unemployment in these neighborhoods is equally high. The creation of informal jobs that require minimal qualifications and yet are increasingly high paying would be the best strategy employable as a way to ensure that crime rate reduces in America.
Gun control and the elimination of private prisons has also been argued to be a possible remedy to the crime issue in America, but employment of youths in low-income neighborhoods would be the best strategy employed. One social theory that is applicable in this case is the Social Disorganization Theory that states that the most crimes are committed in low-income neighborhoods, whereas crime in high-income neighborhoods there is a relatively low crime rate. Crime has also been rated to be high among people from a certain culture, because of their ethics and virtues.
How do Slavery, Caste and Class systems of social stratification differ? Slavery exists in contemporary societies in a mild form, but one that still casts the poor in brackets where they are made to work for minimum wages, and as much as the government laws do not classify it as slavery, in reality it still is (Henslin, 2012). In a majority of African countries, slavery and lowly paid labor exists, whereas in Asia, sexual slavery, where girls are forced into prostitution unwillingly is still slavery in its broadest dictionary.
Human trafficking and violence against girls in a number of Asian is defined as contemporary slavery (Rodriguez, 2010). This differs from a caste system, since the stratification is not based on attributes. Even the beautiful Indians are still cast into slavery. A caste system puts people of certain origins and physical attributes as superior to people who lack these attributes. The greater form of a caste system is the issue of racism. A modern caste system also exists in the form of job preferences for people from certain races and not those from other races (Watson, 2010).
This is a caste system, such as the rap industry, which is mostly an African American genre. Similarly, caste systems in the society are not based on financial capacities, but rather on the physical attributes of the individuals in the society. Additionally, the discrimination against disabled people also exists in a caste society such as ours. Class systems on the other hand are based entirely on financial capacities of the people living in these societies. The economic background of the people from a well off background, for instance puts them in a much higher class whereas the poor are discriminated against, and dwell in similar neighborhoods.
The class stratification does not recognize race, but rather their income levels as well as their preceding generations’ net worth. Most people range in the middle-class bracket. Arguably, the caste slavery is also associated with class in that a majority of the people in slavery falls in the low class bracket. The caste system however, is different from the class system since financial capacities and income levels are not the key consideration, as much as they might have a minor impact. What three ways is social class having an ongoing impact on your life?
Social class in contemporary world has a number of impacts on life. Financial classification for instance in any given society is noted to have negative impacts to the lower classes, since it defines the dating classes and the restrictions to socialization freedom with any one that people decide. The social restrictions are not the sole effects of social stratification in terms of class, but it also leads to the preference of people from a certain background, whereas people from another background are treated badly.
Gender profiling, racial profiling and other similar differences are also because of social classes (Sturm & Gibson, 2012). Social classes also lead to cyclical wealth and cyclical poverty in most nations. Social classes in different regions of a given country promote poverty, which is geographically oriented. For instance, most people in slums live poor lives forever, whereas people in rich neighborhoods often live to be richer. In addition, social classes affect students in school psychologically.
The social strata in the society are later on transferred to schools and similar organizations where people of a certain class socialize together and are treated as special in a given way. Additionally, it is also arguable that a majority of the social evils, such as criminal activities increasing in the areas where the social class is low. The social amenities and housing is also of poor standards in low-income areas, and so is security. Social stratification is presentable as one of the worst aspect of the society, and everyone, including myself, feels its effects.
References Henslin, J. (2012). Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, Core Concepts. Bakersfield, CA: Pearson Education. Rodriguez, J. (2011). Slavery in the Modern World: A History of Political, Social, and Economic Oppression: A History of Political, Social, and Economic Oppression. Santa Barbara, CA: ABO-CLO. Sturm, D. & Gibson, D. (2012). Social Class and the Helping Professions: A Clinician's Guide to Navigating the Landscape of Class in America. New York: Routledge. Watson, J. (2010). Class and Social Stratification in Post-Revolution China.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
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