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Sexuality and Society - Essay Example

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The American nation built on the principles of freedom and equalit.It is undeniably a great country to live in with an enormous global stature and influence,many developing and underdeveloped countries look up to it…
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Sexuality and Society
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SOC 3315  Sexuality and Society Introduction The American nation built on the principles of freedom and equality has developed rapidly in all social aspects. It is undeniably a great country to live in with an enormous global stature and influence, many developing and underdeveloped countries look up to it and aspire to provide the same facilities and social values to their citizens. With many facets of American society enhanced our lifestyles and reaffirmed our beliefs, there are certain aspects that do not conform and qualify as normal. The definition of normal has changed over the past two decades and things that were once defined as taboo by Christian religion and society are widespread these days, qualifying as normal and a part of our daily routines. The aspects that made our society and eventually the American nation a great are economic factors, amenities provided by government to American citizens, the justice system, democracy, human rights, religious and social equality and excellent political leadership. On the other hand there are some aspects in our society that have deteriorated to an alarming extent, aspects such as family system, entertainment media and violence in society threaten the viability of our culture and social system. Sex on television is not a new phenomenon, in fact over the past few decades’ sexual behavior, nudity and stereotyping genders has enhanced in our entertainment programs, movies and even in songs. This research report is based on a content analysis to determine the extent to which exhibiting sexual behavior has increased during the past two decades by studying two popular sitcoms (i.e. a sitcom from 90s is compared with a current sitcom of 2012). The subjects of research are Fresh Prince of Bel Air, a well known and famous sitcom that started airing from 1990 and Two and a Half Men although first aired in 2003 but is still in running. Theoretical Framework The main theoretical framework used for the purpose of this research is based on cultivation theory. Cultivation theory accepts the impacts of media and its consistency over the mind of audience. This theory depicts that television is a powerful medium with ability to alter perceptions and thinking process of its audience. Hence, viewers thinking process and inherent values also change with the external stimuli. Where these values and habits contradict with the pre-established social norms, frustration appears leading to violence, aggression and deviant behavior. Under this theory, TV is considered as a tool for developing an experience based on reality which made its viewer develop willingness to have similar living conditions as shown in the shows. As a result of this, the viewer develops habits which are coherent to the lessons of the television shows but may contradict with social values. Another concept related to cultivation theory is mainstreaming which stands for blurring, blending and bending of social lessons (Gerbner 3). According to concept coined by Gerbner, media especially TV projects lessons in a manner which results in cultural shifts. It is evident that over past two decades, the sexual outlook of American society has varied greatly. General public has developed a behavior which is coherent with the lessons taught in sitcoms and hence, reduced the differences between real life and fantasy. This pursuit of developing similarity between real life and television causes public to blend the lessons from television into their normal lives which further strengthens the concept of cultivation theory. Also, these concepts explain that whatever is projected on television is popular and desirable and must be opted for social conformity. Literature Review For the purpose of this research report and monitoring the similar behavior in the selected sitcoms, Sex is defined as dialogues or behaviors that point towards sexuality suggest sex or active sexual relationships but not limited to actual sexual occurrence (intercourse). According to cultivation theory television viewers after some time perceive the world as depicted by the television as reality (Gerbner, Gross, Morgan and Signorielli 60). As a result their actions and behaviors become inspirational and the content seen on television becomes a guideline for leaving their lives. This can potentially have both positive and negative influences, although sexual content seen on television mostly results in negative outcomes exhibited by children, teenagers and adults. It has been reported that American citizens watch a variety of television programs at least seven hours per day and most prime time sitcoms are filled with sexual content, behaviors and dialogues with more than 75 percent sitcoms containing some kind of sexual content (Kunkel et al. n.p). Several studies present that media has powerful influence on people’s sexual attitudes and norms although an actual impact on of sexual content on audience has not been measured conclusively (Starsburger, n.p). These sitcoms watched addictively are filled with behaviors and sexual content that is not realistic hence the audiences starts expecting the same from life and that results in much disappointment and despair. It is also important to note that sitcoms greatly stereotype and discriminate within genders, as most sitcoms are dominated by men while women are given roles that are tertiary or shown as completely dependent on men or are used as sexual objects only. It is also alarming that due to the sexual content of the programs telecasted teenagers engage in early sex while those teenagers whose parents restrict them from watching such shows do not show such signs, at least seven studies related to media contribution to early sex conclude on this hypothesis (Brown et al, 94). According to a study conducted by Kaiser Family foundation, the instances of sexual scenes on television have increased at an alarming rate since 1990s. This increase is estimated as double in during the past two decades focusing on prime time telecasts including popular sitcoms, reality shows and talk shows. A further careful analysis of family shows in between family hours revealed that the ratio of sexual orientation has increased since 1976. Where this debate has given rise to questions on the morality projected in these shows, it has also fueled the arguments against increased sexuality in sitcoms. Furthermore, it is found that revelation of too much sex actually gives rise to boredom instead of providing entertainment. Although most of the sitcoms use symbolism to project sexuality however the foreplay and sensuous display of physical affection (where most of it falls under the category of adultery) depicts extreme sexual behavior which also shows a greater degree of bias against women and portrays them as sex toys only (Hass, n.p). Although display of sexuality is meant to give multi-dimensional orientation to the characters of the play but providing sex-oriented behavior as a definition for a certain role and attaching success factor to it in order to glamorize it, makes the youngsters believe that display ‘cougar’ attitude will help them achieve physical and mental satisfaction (Hass, n.p). There are various researches which have supported the notion that the sexual content has increased on TV prime time shows over past two decades. In order to prove this hypothesis, these researches have correlated the TV viewing habits of the selected sample to the rate of pregnancy. According to study conducted by RAND (2004), it was found that teenagers’ wit higher habits of watching TV have shown greater inclination to have sexual contact with other individuals. These habits were correlated to the rate of teenage pregnancy over the years and there was a positive correlation found in the two variables. The study clearly stated that there is a direct impact of sexual display in Prime time shows over its viewers since those with higher habits of watching TV were two to three times more likely to get pregnant or impregnate than those who were not indulged in watching prime time shows. Similar prognosis is further supported by other researches as well. Other than pregnancy and development of sexual orientation, it was also found that increasing display of sex has given rise to frustration in teens leading to violence and aggression (Dambrot et al. 390; Park n.p.) It is important to note that media has transformed into a sexual educator over time. Teenagers and adolescents are more likely to watch it and increased frequency of sexual display gives rise to increasing sexual desires. There are several other studies which have related the sexual habits of adolescents to their exposure to television (Landau, n.p; Stern, 23; Bleakley et al. 461)). Other than sex being a normal behavior, these TV shows also display it as a risk free phenomenon. Resultant is unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and emotional and physical outbursts. There are also researches which indicated that teenagers have considered TV as a source of their sexual information. Where the information transmitted is biased itself, the perceived knowledge is also expected to be insufficient (Brown and Newcomer 80; Medley-Rath 30). Furthermore, there is a drastic disagreement between the lessons taught by the television and the social norms prevailing in the society. Taking example of American society, an average parent would consider sex at early teenage a highly unacceptable social behavior however most of today’s sitcoms explain it a perfectly normal and acceptable display of sexuality. Other than display of physical intimacy to a reasonable extent, an intercourse is also portrayed as an action expected from teenagers (Chandra et al. 1050). According to Brown et al. (60),“Previous studies have found that sexually related talk and behavior occurs from eight to ten times per hour in primetime programming, with two-thirds of all network prime-time shows including some sexual material”. This increased exposure leads to a sexual behavior initiating at early age and also with greater frequency and multiple partners (Ward 389). Research Methodology With many research methods available, it is essential to select a method based on suitability of the research objectives. For this particular research the methodology used would be explorative using primary data available from the viewed sitcoms on the subject and instances recorded in the two popular sitcom subjects. The limitations for such a methodology are known and are considered by the researcher although limitations related to authenticity of data are not applicable. It shall be ensured that research material used is from reliable and concrete sources. Fresh Prince of Bel Air The Fresh Prince of Bel air was NBC production that started airing from September 1990; it revolves around a youngster (Smith) who moves to his uncle’s mansion due to his fight in his old neighborhood in West Philadelphia. The main characters in this sitcom were Smith (the fresh prince), an Uncle (Phillip) and Aunt (Vivian) with once son (Charlton) and a daughter (Hillary). Both Will and his cousins inspire to have sexual relationship with other partners while sex life of uncle and aunt is also witnessed from time to time. The hit sitcom is based on the classical African American segment of society where rich Black family is often taunted and challenged by the street smart lead character that hails from the downtown Philadelphia. Two and a Half Men The sitcom Two and a Half Men revolves around three main characters; Alan Harper (Father), Charlie Harper (Uncle) and Jake Harper (Child). Alan is a dim wit and weak personality with childhood issues of his own, lives with his brother but has no say in the household matters. Jake is a lethargic child with low self esteem and no real ambitions, after his parent’s divorce he spends time with his mother and father but is more influenced by his father and uncle. Charlie Harper is an alcoholic and sex addict on a self destructive pattern, a confident and self righteous person but in a wrong way. He has no respect for the opposite sex and has no desire for a real relationship. Furthermore the mother of Charlie and Alan and grandmother to Jake is depicted as an old age women with an extremely well sexual appetite for young men ‘a cougar’. With strange women coming and going out of the house and drunken father and uncle, the sitcom is filled with sexual content and also reveals the actions of Jake towards sexual behavior exhibited by both Charlie and Alan. One complete season each sitcom was watched and instances where a sexual dialogue or behavior was exhibited was recorded. Variables and their Application The key variables used in this research are sexual behavior and frequency of its display. The sexual behavior is categorized into sexual dialogues and physical gestures. In order to operationalize these variables, two most popular sitcoms of 90s and 2000s are selected. Since the purpose of this research is to evaluate the general message disseminated through these sitcoms, therefore, gender, age and race are not considered as the criteria for evaluation. The specific sexual behavior that will be observed is use of sexual language and overall body language exhibiting sexuality. Results The research was conducted by watching eight episodes of these two sitcoms. In order to maintain uniformity, third seasons of both sitcoms were selected and viewed. The analysis involved viewing the episodes and observing the frequency of instances reflecting sexual behavior. It was noted that an actual sexual display in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air was limited to gestures and symbols. Where sexual orientation was required, mocking and meaningful facial expressions coupled with physical gestures were used. Bedroom scenes and actual scenes depicting physical intimacy such as kissing, laying down on the same bed or even presence in revealing clothes was limited to around five minutes with overall frequency limited to 12 instances. The overall story line of this sitcom revolves around a character that has spent most of his life in a middle class community and is not aware of the customers of upper society. So when he is made to live to with his rich uncle and cousins, the humorous amalgam to upper and lower society is resulted due to clash of values. Careful analysis of this sitcom would reveal that it considers interaction between male and females as a common norm. Dating, partying, dancing, sophisticated dinners etc., were shown as the norm of the upper society. However, a main criterion of judgment was sophistication and panache. Every character in the drama except the lead character reflected a sense of class coupled with limitations. Over-use of adult language and exposure of physical intimacy and gestures was rather limited. Even, if the scene or the story line demanded sexual orientation, meaningful dialogues were used. The most important lesson of the show was the significance of the institution of marriage. The elder characters of the show are a married couple who value their relations and have instilled the same values in their children as well. The young characters other than the lead character Will also show interest in developing relations with other gender beginning from dating and leading to marriage. One-night stands and adultery are beyond the story line of this show. Although Will who originally belongs to a middle class background shows interest in women but even he does not show consider them sexual toys but values their beauty and their significance for men. The overall story line revolves around clash of social classes with minimum involvement of sexuality. Another show analyzed for the purpose of this research was the third season of Two and a Half Men. The story revolves around two brothers and a little kid who is a son of younger brother. The two brothers have extremely different personalities with one similarity which is desire to have sexual contact with other gender. The elder brother is the most glamorous, eligible and desirable bachelor who has dated many women and has discarded them even after a single night constituting of sex. Where this character is the lead in the show, it shows low standards and morals when it comes to treating women with respect. The younger brother is also fond of women but does show a degree of respect to them. The child in the show is well-aware of sex and its meaning and often cracks jokes about it during the episodes. It was found that on the average the story line surrounds around sex only with more than sixteen minutes of overall show covering physical sexual display. This display constitutes of intimate kissing, bedroom scenes, gestures shown with hands, symbolism and also of limited clothing with indicates occurrence of intercourse or other sexual activity. On the other hand, a single episode has more than 18 minutes of sexual talk with references to private parts and sexual habits of the characters. Often reference is also given to the specific instances taking place in bedrooms. Even the child is well-aware of sex and asks meaningful and sometimes highly inappropriate questions about sexual activity in the most innocent manner. The third character is the mother of two lead characters who is an elderly woman married couple of times and has unlimited partners. Her age is reflected through maturity in sexual experiences instead of lessons of life. Half of duration of a single episode comprises of sexual orientation in which it is considered as the most glamorous activity and is correlated with success and desirability. Discussion & Conclusion Overall analysis of these two shows in the light of theoretical framework illustrated that duration of sexual display through verbal and physical gestures has increased three times in a decade. The overall landscape has shifted from sophistication, panache and morality to adultery, sexual predation, nudity and acceptance for vulgarity. When these frequencies were studied in the light of present researches related to sexual behavior in teenagers, adolescents and adults, it was found that an increasing trend in sexual activity leading to minor actions and intercourse is observed. Furthermore, these sexual habits are correlated to the frequency of exposure to television in prime time hours. Both the sitcoms had sexual behavior although the sitcom two and a half men is composed of excessive sexual content not only verbally but by physical actions as well. The acceptability of nudity in our society with same sex relationships as well as instances of teenage sexual relationships, early pregnancy and desire for sex has increased to an alarming level. The media of 1990s was worse than its predecessors of 60s and 70s, similarly the sitcoms of 2012 are not only disturbing but are destroying our society. Work Cited Bleakley, A., Hennessy, M., Fishbein, M., & Jordan, A. “It works both ways: The relationship between media sexual content and adolescent sexual behavior” Media Psychology 11: 443–461. Brown, J. D., & Newcomer, S. F. “Television viewing and adolescents’ sexual behavior” Journal of Homosexuality 21(1991): 77–91. Brown JD, L'Engle KL. “X-rated: sexual attitudes and behaviors associated with US early adolescents' exposure to sexually explicit media” Communication Res. 36.1(2006): 129–151. Brown, J. D, Jeanne R. Steele, and Kim Walsh-Childers. Sexual Teens, Sexual Media: Investigating Media's Influence on Adolescent Sexuality. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum, 2002. Print. Chandara, Anita., Steven Martino, Rebecca L. Collins, Mrc N. Elliot, Sandra H. Berry, David E. Kanouse. “Does watching sex on television predict teen pregnancy” Pediatrics 122.5(2008): 1047-1054. Dambrot, F. H., Reep, D. C., and Bell, D. “Television sex roles in the 1980’s: Do viewers’ sex and sex role orientation change the picture?” Sex Roles 19(1988): 387–401. Gerbner, G., Gross, L., Morgan, M., & Signorielli, N. Growing up withtelevision: The cultivation perspective. 1994, Print. Gerbner, George, and Michael Morgan. Against the Mainstream: The Selected Works of George Gerbner. New York: P. Lang, 2002. Print. Hass, Nancy. Sex and today’s single-minded sitcoms. New York Times. 1997. Web. 30 November 2012. Kunkel D, Eyal K, Finnerty K, Biely E, Donnerstein E. “Sex on TV 4: A Biennial Report to the Kaiser Family Foundation”. Kaiser Family Foundation. 2009. Web. 30 November 2012 Landau, Elizabeth. "Study Links Sexual Content on TV to Teen Pregnancy." CNN Health. CNN, Nov. 2008. Web. 30 November 2012. Medley-Rath, S. R. “Am I still a virgin?: What counts as sex in 20 years of Seventeen” Sexuality & Culture 11(2007): 24–38. Park, Alice. “Sex n TV increases teen pregnancy, says report”. 2008. Web. 30 November 2010. RAND Health. Does Watching Sex on Television influence teens’ sexual activity?, 2004. Web. 30 November2012. Strasburger VC. “Adolescents, sex, and the media: oooo, baby, baby—a Q&A” Adolescent Medical Clinic 16.2(2005): 269–288. Stern, Keller. Sex, Sexuality, Sexting, SexEd: Adolescents and the Media The prevention research 16.4(2009). Print. Strasburger, Victor. “Sexuality, Contraception and the Media”, Pediatrics 126.3(2010): 576 -582. Ward, L. M. “Understanding the role of entertainment media in the sexual socialization of American youth: A review of empirical research” Developmental Review 23(2003): 347–388. Read More
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