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Queer Theory about Ones Self, Sexuality, and Society - Essay Example

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The author of the "Queer Theory about One’s Self, Sexuality, and Society" paper states that homosexuals do have an identity of their own especially when it is biological and therefore they are not a set of people to be isolated, despised, or oppressed…
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Queer Theory about Ones Self, Sexuality, and Society
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QUEER THEORY Annamarie Jayose’s remark that “Queer is less an identity than a critique of identity” has evoked a variety of responses and it has forced many to think of the actual social identity of a homosexual- whether it is innate or something constructed as a result of the individual’s own free choice. The fact that homosexuality and lesbianism have spread so fast in the 1960s and 1970s as a life style, and that there are many ‘male partners’ and ‘female partners’ living together have made people to reconsider their stereotyped concept that hetero- sexuality is the only possible, moral and natural sexual identity one can have. The constant pressures and demands by the guy and lesbian activists have made the public listen to their voices and needs. Many guys and lesbians strongly feel that they have bisexual or multi-sexual urges within their innate genetic structure. The queer theory tries to answer questions relating to this type of innate or developed sexual orientation from a theoretical viewpoint, based on the assumption that each individual has his/ her personal freedom to identify his sexual status as a heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, or queer. The queer theory thus brings ideas about one’s self, sexuality, and society. Thus, queer is an issue that directly deals with the innate identity of the people who are involved in it. The issues connected with gender, sex and sexuality has posed a great variety of questions and there have been many an attempt for sexual and gender equality. Heterosexuality as it is accepted by the society and protected as sacred by the religion, do not create much of fuss. However, any discussions on homosexuality or lesbian relationships are frowned at by the common man as it is considered as something immoral and unnatural. At present, the tendency is to use the word ‘queer’ to depict the homosexual relationship from a more theoretical point of view. As Warren Hedges, remarks “queer theory assumed that sexual identities are a function of representations. It assumes that representations pre-exist and define, as well as complete and disrupt sexual identities.” (Warren, 1997). Factors like Bi-sexuality, multi-sexuality, homophobia, Masculinism, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, and the religious- socio attitudes towards these issues are generally associated with the queer theory. Many people have the wrong notion that queer theory deals exactly with gay and lesbian studies. It is merely a product of gay and lesbian studies and it means that the identities of people are not fixed permanently and that each individual can decide what his identity is. Many reasons are attributed for the homosexual urges in the individual and the ultimate question asked is whether homosexuality is biological or is it simply a matter of individual free choice. Sexual exploitation during the adolescent or childhood stage is been identified as one of the reasons for dislocated, perverted sexual identity. Many guys and lesbians are initiated into their sexual roles due to sexual exploitation. Bisexuality, it is believed that, is inherent in the individual. The wide spread influence of lesbian and guy movements have resulted in an increased rate of bisexuality. These movements stemmed from the basic notion that one’s choice of his/her sexual life is not something to be imposed by the society or religion. It has to be chosen freely by the individual himself: “A sexual and gender liberation movement based on ideas could encompass everyone who shares the goal of free choice in the areas of sexuality and gender expression, regardless of their personal sexual or gender identity” (Liz, 1994). Thus, from  humiliation, shame, and public censure, homosexuality has become a way of life, rather a life style and things have gone to the extended of proclaiming publically that one is proud to be a gay or lesbian. Sexuality, which was considered as something to be suppressed and expressed only in private, has become one of the most common needs.    The moral questions connected with the queer theory need to be analyzed now. The Christian religion, which considered sexuality as something sacred and emphasized on fidelity to a single partner through the sacred institution, marriage, opposed strongly this upcoming importance and influence of guy or lesbian relationship in the community. Thus, the church considered homosexuals as immoral, whose sins caused harm to themselves and others in the society. Despite all these criticism and oppositions, homosexuality spreaded as a way of life, which causes shock and alarm to the common public? It is interesting to note that many gay people have identified their sexual role as a queer and they feel it highly satisfactory and natural to be a guy: “most guy people take their sexuality to be fairly fixed, something which is unlikely to change. Often, they also perceive it as something about which they had very little choice.” (Marc, 2000). Thus, the argument is that the tendency to be a guy or lesbian is something innate in people and any attempt to constrain their innate sexual usages may lead to psychological disorders. Another contradictory argument is that homosexuality is only a matter of the individual’s free personal choice,  which has nothing to do with the biological make up of the individual, and that this is only a mere excuse to cover up their immoral life. A more convincing argument is made by Amy. T. Goodloe when she concludes that both biology and personal choice contribute to the formation of one’s sexual identity. “For the most part, then, we can conclude that both biology and personal choice are potent forces in the process of developing radical theory to not only promote an understanding of the complex and interrelated nature of sexuality, but also to point to the political and personal advantages of advocating sexual liberty for all, so that no one continues to suffer at the hands of the restrictive ideology of the Religious Right.” (Amy, 1954). The growth of science and its findings also convince one of homosexuality as a genetic sexual orientation rather than a sin, which is to be detested. Homosexuals are to be treated with sufficient tolerance, care, and sympathy. As Rev. Dr. Mona West points out, “It is time we bring philosophical and rational thought- especially what the sciences have told us about sexual orientation and identity development- into conversation with the Bible. It is time we listen to the experiences of God’s gay and lesbian children who know with all their hearts that God has created them just as they are.” (Mona, 2007). Sadomasochism and Fetishes Both Sadomasochism and fetishes have also contributed to homosexuality. Sadomasochism and fetishes, by and large, fall into the same category and could be viewed as one behavioral pattern. While fetishes deals with sexual attraction to inanimate objects like human hair, clothing, or any other part of the body, human or otherwise, sadomasochism is causing injury to others for no apparent reason. It is a common theory that fetishes get attracted to inanimate objects, as a route of an alternate pleasure source. Fetishes also nourish feelings of the sense of power since they have control over the destiny of the object and thus, could do whatever they please: “By fetishistic practices and the mastery over an inanimate object, which comes to symbolize for him the desired sexual object, the individual apparently safeguards himself and also compensates some what his feelings of inadequacy.” (Fetishism, 2003). Thus, both Sadomasochism and fetishism can lesd a person to sexually perverted behavior that can result in finding satisfaction or sadistic pleasure from homosexuality. It is believed that the early breeding and conditioning of our personalities during younger days cause our sexual preferences. Life conditioning is determined by good or indifferent experiences of childhood, which play a significant part in the molding of the respective personalities. However, some people with strong personalities overcome indifferent childhoods to change themselves to a very positive outlook, free of Personality disorders and resultant distorted thinking. There is another theory floating that sadomasochism and fetishism are mental illnesses, and need to be psychiatrically treated. However, this theory cannot gain acceptance since many people having this condition are perfectly sane and normal and they consider what they are doing as perfectly normal.  A confession of having a sexual preference, however deviant, is not demonstrative of mental illness. To the society, it may constitute deviant behavior, but to the concerned individual, it is suggestive of normalcy. He feels that his actions are right, and the actions of society are wrong.  Coming to another aspect, that is of a common occurrence called depression, a depressive person need not necessarily, be a sick person. Due to certain external stimuli, like stress, despair, and trauma, caused by societal or non-societal reasons, it becomes a normal outlet for release of pent up emotions, which manifests as depressive behavior. The other theory is that pain is another form of pleasure through which a person receives satisfaction. However, pain is the opposite reaction of pleasure and there are many masochistic practices, which are not physical pain- inflictive. Therefore, any theory put forth that views masochism from a pleasure/pain perspective would not be correct. The areas of sadomasochism and fetishism are intriguing, and they have baffled even seasoned psychiatrists and criminologists. According to the Freudian viewpoint, mental diseases are caused by intense suppression of sexual desires and non-manifestation of the inner feelings and desires: “Theory is based on learning theory that paraphilias originate because inappropriate sexual fantasies are suppressed.” (Sexual Masochism) Thus, it may be said that awakening of sexual desires are based on non-permanent suppression of instincts, desires. It underlying fact is that that since a person does not like to get himself injured, he suppresses his sense of pain while inflicting pain on others, and this is the basis of sadomasochism. People do not wish to be pushed around; therefore, they repress their feeling of bossism. In the case of fetishes, it is seen that the feeling of sexuality passes from the individual to the objects, since, while living humans and beasts are capable of reaction, the objects are devoid of any kind of reaction. We now come to the Freudian theory of sadism and masochism which he describes as “the most common and the most significant of all perversions.” (Race and Pedagogy Project: University of California, 2005). According to him, while masochism is marked by a quiet and non-dominant attitude, sadism, that is inflicting pain on others, is an overt and active instinctive pattern of behavior. The recipient inflicted the pain, undergoes a sexual experience, and as the infliction mounts, donor also gratifies his sadistic urges. The sadomasochism process goes on until both attain full satisfaction in their orgy. Performativity Performativity is another factor concerned with the Queer theory. The roles performed by a hetero- sexual and a homosexual are entirely different in a society where homosexuality or lesbianism is not socially acceptable. As Bryan Mckay remarks: “This is not to say that maintaining a heterosexual identity requires less imitation and play than maintaining a homosexual one, but rather that the performative actions required in establishing a heterosexual identity are far more "socially acceptable" than those required in establishing the "opposite.” (Bryan, 2006). It needed some real courage and conviction from the part of a Queer to do so. Judith Butler did have that courage and she had no hesitation to proclaim her identity as a feminist and as a lesbian. She also states how the queer theory differs from feminist theories. : “I would say that Im a feminist theorist before Im a queer theorist or a gay and lesbian theorist” and “I have some problems here, because I think theres some anti-feminism in queer theory. Also, insofar as some people in queer theory want to claim that the analysis of sexuality can be radically separated from the analysis of gender, Im very much opposed to them.” (Extracts from Gender as Performance: An Interview with Judith Butler, 1993). Thus, only an activist queer can stand for his sexual identity against all odds. Homosexuality is treated differently in different nations and communities. For example, in United States, homosexuality is accepted as a ‘different lifestyle’, whereas in a country like India, it is highly rejected. However, all throughout the world one comes across many homosexuals who do not have the boldness to reveal their identity either because of social censure or because of religious beliefs. To conclude there is no doubt that the queer theory does highlight the uniqueness of homosexuality and it is even scientifically proved that the sexual urge of an individual towards the same sex is more innate than constructed, developed, or acquired. My argument here is not it support homosexuality or to negate other factors like sexual exploitation, Sadomasochism, Fetishism, bisexuality and other sexual disorders which can also contribute to homosexual behaviors. Nevertheless, my point here is to state that homosexuals do have an identity of their own especially when it is biological and therefore they are not a sect of people to be isolated, despised, or oppressed.                  Works Cited Hedges, Warren. 1997. Queer Theory explained. SOU English Department. (accessed June 15, 2007).  Highleyman, Liz. 1994. Identities and Ideas: Strategies for Bisexuals. (accessed June 15, 2007).    Lance, Marc. 2000. Identity Judgments, Queer politics. Radical philosophy. Znet Inter Active. (accessed June 15, 2007).  Fetishism. 2003. Disorder Information Sheet. PsychNet-UK. (accessed June 15, 2007).  Sexual Masochism. 2007. (accessed June 15, 2007).  Race and Pedagogy Project. University of California. 2005. (accessed June 15, 2007).  Mckay, Bryan. 2006. Playing with Gender: Judith Butler and Gender Performativity. (accessed June 15, 2007).  Extracts from Gender as Performance: An Interview with Judith Butler. 1993. Interview by Peter Osborne and Lynne Segal, London, Radical Philosophy Ltd, 1994 (accessed June 15, 2007).  Dr. West, Mona. 2007. The Bible and Homosexuality. Metropolitan Community Churches. UFMCC. (accessed June 15, 2007).  Goodloe, Amy. 1954. Choices, Biology, and the Causes of Homosexuality: Towards a Radical Theory of Queer identity. (accessed June 15, 2007).    Read More
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