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Should Women Stay at Home or Go to Work - Coursework Example

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"Should Women Stay at Home or Go to Work" paper argues for the women to go out of their homes for the jobs and not to restrict them at their homes, so that society must become prosperous and progressive. The paper focuses on the argument that why women should not stay at home…
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Abstract Summary Women make 50% population of world. They are to be considered equal partners in the society. Access to the jobs outside their homes is the only instrument which can bring them power, prestige, equality and independence. The jobs for women have multiple benefits for the men and their families (Agnes, Michael 2007). This research paper strongly argues for the women to go out of their homes for the jobs and not to restrict them at their homes, so that society must become prosperous and progressive. Traditionally human society has been man dominated. Women have not been, historically, allowed to go out for jobs. Generally they were made to stay home at the will of their men (Marian, Yuma 1997). The job market has been virtually closed on women. This situation showed that women were not considered capable of doing job for money outside their homes. The whole burden of earning their livelihood has been the responsibility of men. This responsibility has also given them power to control the bodies for women (International Labor Office, 2001). So, the women remained virtually at the mercy of their men for their basic needs. The denial of jobs women had political, social and economic repercussions for the women in society. This had also negative impact on the men also. So, this research paper focuses on the argument that why the women should not stay at home and must go out for work. Introduction For the last few decades it was felt that this situation must be improved. The whole burden of earning livelihoods by the men created hundred percent dependencies on men. If there is a single man in the household then, the wife, mother, sisters, daughters and other male children are supposed to be fed by a single man. This situation created poverty, stress and ignorance in the society. In order to release this stress it was genuinely felt in the western societies that the women must also join the job market outside their homes and they should economically contribute to their house holds ( The feminist movement all over the world also advocated for women rights and women independence to bringing them into the process of economic development by allowing them access to jobs. Therefore, keeping the women at home and not allowing them to go for the job has become an old and obsolete idea. No modern society can afford such a rubbish and anti-development theory. Hence, keeping the women at home means ignorance, poverty disease and backwardness. The women who go out for job naturally contribute to the incomes of their families. They participate to the economic betterment of their society. The serving women are more confident economically independent and not parasite on their society (Walker, Rebecca 1992). Differences between the working women and house women and pathetic conditions of men dependent women Let us now discuss the essential differences between those women who go out for job and those who stay at homes for pursuing their house holds. Essentially in the modern times there is no match between the two categories of women. The women who remain at home lose the sight of society. They do not meet with a lot of people outside their home. They are bound to remain within the four walls of their house (Cornell, Drusilla 1998). They have to remain depressed and suppressed in their mind and heart. They are only responsible for cleaning, cooking, washing, sewing and serving the other members of their home. The life becomes very monotonous for them. They themselves become narrow minded. They become easily irritated. When they come of age, they become irritated. Ultimately they become a lot of psychological problem. They easily fall ill and usually complain of many physical ailments. They are often misused and ill-treated by the male members of society. In the traditional and poor societies they are often victim of domestic violence (Walker, Alice 1983). If some of such poor women are not victims of physical violence, but, they undergo the mental violence throughout their lives. The elements of their suppression and depression go into their children and negative attitudes are shown in their behavior also. This situation complicates further and this vicious circle does not break. The house hold women generally eat least and last. Therefore, their ages are generally lesser. This is mainly these women are dependant for their economic needs on their men, husbands, fathers, brothers and sons. So this class of women can broadly recalled enslaved class of women. Generally this class lives in poor traditionally poor Asian, eastern and Islamic countries. The benefits of working for the women Over the last five decades the situation is changing a lot. The women rights movements and feminist movements all over the world especially Europe and America and some of the eastern European countries, the women have come to know about their rights. They have got their confidence and decided to come out of the tyranny of the four walls of their house. They have come into the job market. So, a new woman has come out of the traditional shell of slavery. In comparison with a household women a serving women has added many positive attributes to the society ( The serving women have reduced the burden of economic and financial nature on the society. The same men love them more and give them due respect. The children born out of these women are healthier and more cared for. They have better education and better nutrition. Ultimately the society has benefited a lot from serving women. The serving women have lessened the burden on the pockets of their husbands. The dependency ratio in the society has also been reduced a lot. By going out in the society these women have become more familiarized with the job market, politics and media. They have been learning new skills and arts to have better jobs. The jobs adopted by the women are not limited for the low paid salary jobs in the offices and industries. But the high skills and high market end jobs like teachers, doctors, civil servants, engineers, politicians and business women have also appeared on the surface. The serving women have transformed the society in many ways. Now the women are seen even in Armies, air forces and navies. There are many women pilots also. The women are seen as members of the parliament, ministers and even the prime ministers. Coming out of the homes and joining the job market has radically aged the conditions of women in society. Now most of them are no more dependent on their men. Women and development have become synonymous (Sadiqi, Fatima 2003). The working women have become an asset for society. It is a strange phenomenon that the working women are less inclined upon reproducing more and more children. They have less time for such activities. They also want to enjoy their independent lives. Ultimately working women have been indirectly contributing to the population control in the society. It is seen that most of the working women themselves become advocate for population control. Reasons why the women have been traditionally denied jobs access Before making further more arguments in favor of working women in comparison to those who stay at home it is worthwhile to look into the reasons why, traditionally women were not allowed to go for job and why most of the willing woman could not join the job market 1- Male dominated society; men feeling themselves masculine and physically stronger thought that women were weaker in their bodies and therefore they were considered as the only object of subservient enjoyment and were therefore allowed to go out in the market. 2- Since the women were given lesser and lower status in the society, historically the men did not consider it appropriate that the women should have an equal or upper status by having access to jobs and thus economic independent. 3- The women bodies considered weaker and therefore indefensible were not allowed out in the market for jobs. They were considered vulnerable at the hands of exploitative and intimidating men (Echols, Alice 1989). 4- There was no legal protection for the women at the work places against men and they were always feeling endangered. The moral and ethical pressure on men to respect, protect, and saved women at the work places was not considered enough. 5- The women traditionally had no or less access to education and skills. Therefore they were not considered suitable for any jobs outside the walls of their household. They were, therefore, bound to remain stuck with the household chores like cooking, washing, cleaning, sewing and rearing children. These jobs have never been monetized. Therefore the men usually take them for granted (Gilligan, Carol 1977). 6- In traditional Islamic societies the women have been enslaved under the grab of veil. Therefore, jobs for women outside the house have been rendered practically impossible. Whereas, this concept about the working of women outside the household is totally un-Islamic (Alana Maria 2005). The orthodox and real Islam in the age of prophet of Islam teaches exactly the opposite of above mentioned version. Only the enslaved women and men were required to be veiled. The job markets were open for the women of Islam like trading and navigation. The women use to hold open courts. Even the slavery was declared null and void in the age of prophet. So there was no concept of present day veil for women. It is only the over possessiveness of men in the Asian societies where women have been put to chains and under the veil in the name of Islam. Conclusion It can therefore; this can be the argument that women must be allowed to go out for jobs. If they are still bound to remain at home, this would be great injustice to society. This would be just like moving the time anticlockwise. Women should be encouraged to learn new skills get higher education and compete for the best jobs in the market (Hum, Maggie 1990). The benefits of sending the women out in the job market are many and multifarious ( The working women make the society better. They enhance the economy of their country. They instill a new hope, courage, and confidence into the poor women of this world. The working women are candle bearers of women in emancipation in society. They help in reducing the poverty from the society by contributing into the incomes of their men (Honey man, Katrina. 2000). As said earlier working women are also helpful in the population control in poor countries. The married working women can give better child care and better child nutrition to their families. The women rights organizations and feminist movements have always encouraged the women to join the jobs. The job of women is not only instrumental in enhancing her economic and social status but it also politically boosts her image in the society (Mogador, Valentine2003). This is the movement of working women that has made possible the emergence of a lot of NGO’s that have been successfully advocating for the equal jobs, equal salaries and equal timings and protecting environment for women at their work places (, in every logic and sound argument the working of women outside their home is as much necessary as that of men. Women constitute 50% of world’s population. Denial to the job to the women outside their homes would simply mean that we want to live that in those centuries when man used to light fire by striking the stones. This is never acceptable today. Sources 1. Cornell, Drusilla (1998). Feminism, sex, and equality. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. ISBN978-0-691-02896-5  2. Hum, Maggie (1990). The dictionary of feminist theory. Columbus: Ohio State University Press. pp. 278. ISBN 0-8142-0506-2  3. Agnes, Michael (2007). Webster's New World College Dictionary. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-7645-7125-7.  4. Walker, Rebecca (1992), "Becoming the Third Wave", Ms (January/February, 1992): 39–41  5. Gilligan, Carol (1977), "'In a Different Voice: Women's Conceptions of Self and Morality", Harvard Educational Review 47 (4): 481–517, 6. Echols, Alice (1989). Radical feminism in America, 1967-1975. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 416. ISBN 0-8166-1787-2  7. Walker, Alice (1983). In search of our mothers' gardens: woman’s prose. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. pp. 397. ISBN 0-15-144525-7.  8. Marian, Yuma (1997). Dislocating cultures: identities, traditions, and Third-World feminism. New York: Rutledge. pp. 0415914183. ISBN0-415-91418-3.  11- 12- 13- 14- 15-International Labor Office, 2001. Women, gender and work : what is equality and how do we get there? Geneva 16-Honeyman, Katrina. 2000Women, gender, and industrialisation in England, 1700-1870 New York: St. Martin's Press. Basingstoke, Hampshire2005. Women, gender and Enlightenment ; New York : Pal grave Macmillan, 17-International Labor Office, 2001. Women, gender and work [e book] : what is equality and how do we get there? Geneva: 18-Sadiqi, Fatima 2003. Women, gender, and language in Morocco [e book] Lei den; Boston: Brill, 19-Modernizing women : gender and social change in the Middle East Moghadam, Valentine M., 1952- Boulder, Colo. : L. Rienner, 2003. 20- Aalia Maria 2005. Geographies of Muslim women : gender, religion, and space New York ; London : Guilford Press Read More

men who go out for job naturally contribute to the incomes of their families. They participate to the economic betterment of their society. The serving women are more confident economically independent and not parasite on their society (Walker, Rebecca 1992). Differences between the working women and house women and pathetic conditions of men dependent women Let us now discuss the essential differences between those women who go out for job and those who stay at homes for pursuing their house holds.

Essentially in the modern times there is no match between the two categories of women. The women who remain at home lose the sight of society. They do not meet with a lot of people outside their home. They are bound to remain within the four walls of their house (Cornell, Drusilla 1998). They have to remain depressed and suppressed in their mind and heart. They are only responsible for cleaning, cooking, washing, sewing and serving the other members of their home. The life becomes very monotonous for them.

They themselves become narrow minded. They become easily irritated. When they come of age, they become irritated. Ultimately they become a lot of psychological problem. They easily fall ill and usually complain of many physical ailments. They are often misused and ill-treated by the male members of society. In the traditional and poor societies they are often victim of domestic violence (Walker, Alice 1983). If some of such poor women are not victims of physical violence, but, they undergo the mental violence throughout their lives.

The elements of their suppression and depression go into their children and negative attitudes are shown in their behavior also. This situation complicates further and this vicious circle does not break. The house hold women generally eat least and last. Therefore, their ages are generally lesser. This is mainly these women are dependant for their economic needs on their men, husbands, fathers, brothers and sons. So this class of women can broadly recalled enslaved class of women. Generally this class lives in poor traditionally poor Asian, eastern and Islamic countries.

The benefits of working for the women Over the last five decades the situation is changing a lot. The women rights movements and feminist movements all over the world especially Europe and America and some of the eastern European countries, the women have come to know about their rights. They have got their confidence and decided to come out of the tyranny of the four walls of their house. They have come into the job market. So, a new woman has come out of the traditional shell of slavery.

In comparison with a household women a serving women has added many positive attributes to the society ( The serving women have reduced the burden of economic and financial nature on the society. The same men love them more and give them due respect. The children born out of these women are healthier and more cared for. They have better education and better nutrition. Ultimately the society has benefited a lot from serving women. The serving women have lessened the burden on the pockets of their husbands.

The dependency ratio in the society has also been reduced a lot. By going out in the society these women have become more familiarized with the job market, politics and media. They have been learning new skills and arts to have better jobs. The jobs adopted by the women are not limited for the low paid salary jobs in the offices and industries. But the high skills and high market end jobs like teachers, doctors, civil servants, engineers, politicians and business women have also appeared on the surface.

The serving women have transformed the society in many ways. Now the women are seen even in Armies, air forces and navies. There are many women pilots also. The women are seen as members of the parliament, ministers and even the prime ministers.

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