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Mass Consumption in Society - Research Paper Example

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The aim of the paper “Mass Consumption in Society” is to evaluate a concept that encompasses the qualities of an individual or society, which dictates what is regarded as the norm in behavior, classified as either acceptable or dishonorable. Culture usually involves the arts, language, mannerisms…
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Mass Consumption in Society
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Mass Consumption in Society What is material culture? Culture is a concept that encompasses the qualities of an individual or society, which dictates what is regarded as the norm in behaviour, classified as either acceptable or dishonourable. Culture usually involves the arts, language, mannerisms, education, careers, and occupation among others. By considering the origins of the word, culture defines a way through which a community or individual derives distinction from the chosen way of life, while representing the experiences as well as the actions conducted in different scenarios. Culture in most instances does not have any tangible element, but it often describes how the people interact. Anthropologically, culture integrates human phenomena that have no genetic linkage, under a system where behaviour is learnt and is characteristic to a certain community or society, without any biological derivations incorporated into the approach. Material culture is a concept that is strange to define, since in layman language it simply implies the physical objects, goods or possessions of a human being. Anything that a human being can interact with via the five senses is regarded as an object and can be incorporated in the definition of material culture, which draws components such as cities, towns, art, gardens, houses, cars, and electronics. In some arguments, human motion is also incorporated in the definition of material culture, such that dance is also included in the list of materials. In considering the definition of material, anything that has shape and form can be included in the argument for what should be considered in the description of material culture. Different scholars have made proposals on what material culture entails. In some arguments, such as Glassie’s, material culture is unusual since culture is immaterial (Prizer 2009: 41). By considering various scholars and previous works, the meaning of material culture can easily be lost. A paper by McClearly describes material culture as products of a culture (McCleary 2012: 1). The description follows the premise that it is the subjects, humans, culture that determines the products (materials) that are produced to be used on a daily basis. She further proceeds to claim that material culture’s importance is in the information that can be extracted from the ‘stuff’ which includes the place, time, and the nature of the people who shaped the culture. There is a relationship that is described by McClearly showcases the interdependence of culture and produced material, such that the material affects the lifestyle of the people, while the people determine the products to be manufactured, mass produced or otherwise. Material culture, considering the above perspectives is best captured in the patterns of shoppers and acquisition of material products, mainly what most people refer to as wealth. Different communities’ material culture is based on several factors, though the economic strength of the region is the highest facilitator. Material culture has a direct relationship to the economy of the people, as well as the degree of trade associated with the community in question, as a result material culture gives scholars insight into practises of society that other studies cannot. Market forces also influence the culture, as it provides parameter by which the products can be quantified, such as rarity, and pricing. The features and traits of products also contribute to the trends and hence culture of the community, such as the quality of the product, level of brand power and strategies of advertising and promotion. Article Criticism Article: A History of Conspicuous Consumption by Christine Page The article considers the consumer behaviour and patterns of consumption that are aimed at a display of wealth and status in society. The article focuses on the modern American conspicuous consumption that is common with several generations of the region. The article considers the roots of the consumption behaviour, since it has a number of repercussions, while considering the market’s response to such consumption behaviours. The response targets the market in prosperous and post-affluent societies. The flaunting of one’s success is a major discussed topic, thus spending money is argued from different prospects. Several scholar have come up with various theories explaining how the consumer behaviour of the American society, such as Duesenberry’s “demonstration” or “bandwagon” effect, the “snob” effect, and “invidious distinction” behaviour (Page 1992: 83). The main objective of the article was establishing the reasons that drive the society towards conspicuous consumption, considering the possibility of personality or innate human desires. The article employed a historical investigation approach primarily. In the methodology to the article, the research conducted was based on the collection, analysis and synthesis of data. The article considered articles sourced from different studies associated with the consumption behaviour, including economics, sociology, and marketing. The research is then compared to current socio-economic findings with considerations to the current social and economic, aimed at understanding the changing influenced by the patterns of consumption. The findings of the research article are derived from the collection of hypothesises by other interested parties. The author claims that the conspicuous consumption of the American behaviour is explained by various theories derived from disciplines of sociology, economics, and marketing. The analyses done through interdisciplinary studies are the most promising platform by which the American spending behaviour can be understood. The author states that the conspicuous ownership of material in the American community has not disappeared, but has gone through changes over time with new players coming into the market. Invidious distinction is the reason behind the consumer behaviour of the American community. The research reveals two main reasons behind the continuous conspicuous material culture, which are a need to stand out from the rest, secondly to be accepted in a particular group. Material culture in the United States of America has been intertwined with sociology, economic status, and group mentality to give rise to the conspicuous spending culture. These claims root from the spending trends of the American community. The assessment done is dependent on a number of articles that analyse the lifestyle of the subjects, with respect to their acquisitions, socio-economic status and ability. The approach used in the article is methodological, considering the history of conspicuous spending. The author captures different periods from which the behaviour is noted, and this seems to have been a trend in several generations, which is further fuelled by the increase of opportunities where the subjects can earn more. Success of the community, in general, is directly related to an increase in the conspicuous spending. Material culture of the Americans is indicative of a group approach towards acquisition of products. There seems to be necessities that each group must have, and satisfaction comes from the acquisition of the object, and striving even a step further to be unique. Individualism is exhibited in the trends of the American community, but with a certain degree of communism encouraged. The American community encourages social trends that dictate different attitudes and approaches to material culture. What the community considers common and natural with respect to property and possessions, irrespective of financing, is based on trends, in fashion, parenting, entertainment, and economy. Some of these aspects are derived from the entertainment industry, while others are communicated through social networks, irrespective of how the culture spreads; one common contributor is social movement. When a product has been popularized in the community, to adhere to the definition and belong to the group, there is a pressure to adhere to the social trends. The analysis done by the article is based on secondary research, conducted by different scholars with different objectives, which revolve around the customer behaviour. The claims made in the article are not supported by data generated from either of the articles and research conducted, but rather a deduction of the author from observations made. The claim has not been subjected to any testing, and as such remains but a theory trying to explain the material culture of the subjects. This does not in any way disapprove nor support opposing views, but highlights the unsubstantiated claim to the culture. Developing a questionnaire from which responses would constitute data that can be subjected to hypothesis testing can easily provide a comprehensive claim to the cultural trend. The research can be subjected to different arguments aimed at disapproving the claim, such as the culture being based on community needs due to extremities such as climate, and topography. The worthiness of the article is strongest in hypothesis formation, when considering the scientific approach. The article deduces the reasons that might be given by to explain the material culture of the society. The validity of the article can be found in sociology and economics, as it captures the trends of spending but, considering the approach used in researching, the findings of the study cannot be adopted in cultural studies as the article does not support the proposals with comprehensive data on the community. The study has no variables to the community, and if the consideration is the whole community, then a probability approach must be considered, since not all people in America practise the same culture. Data developed with the contribution of hypothesis testing such as by using the normal distribution curve can be used in making estimates on the people expected to have a certain trend with respect to material culture. Future research may link the consumption behaviour to other trends such as crime in the industrialized societies, finding out why some people may be willing to steal. The explanation of culture and its relationship to material is theorized by several scholars and Bourdieu, and the Frankfurt theories are an example of the existing conflict of ideas. Material culture, based on the challenge expressed above, an understanding of material culture is yet to universally agree. The scope of the study when the topic is investigated is unfathomable, since every society interacts with materials, considering the definition of material culture. Bourdieu’s and Frankfurt school’s theory state modern capitalism as a challenge to material culture studies, as it is complex and has a historical and structural significance to the studies. Consumers and the culture Investigations of customer material culture behaviour in retail locations normally manage recognizable proof of customers and their purchasing material culture behaviour designs. The point of such studies is to learn who purchases where, what, when and how. Furthermore, such studies try to research customer reaction to deals advancement gadgets. The consequences of these studies are valuable in the arrangement of a cluster of advertising issues. These studies are picking up significance in advertising examination. It is protected to anticipate that enthusiasm toward them will increment incredibly in the following decade. This paper compresses the author's involvement with such studies in supermarkets. Then again, the standards and methods talked about here are likewise relevant to different sorts of retail locations. The ‘why’ of customer material culture behaviour is a different and exceptionally troublesome subject; it is not treated here. Information of customer material culture behaviour must go before any attention of the purposes behind the material culture behaviour. The terms customer and buyer are not synonymous. A customer is a buyer of an item or an administration; a customer is a consumer of an item. Incapacitated invalids in clinics are sustenance buyers yet, barely nourishment store customers. Buyers of rodent toxic substance are not the customers of the item. The purchasing material culture is the behaviour of the customer. In so far as the creator, has created or characterized the thoughts and procedures managed in this paper are impacted by the needs and inclination of the purchasers for whom the items are obtained. On the other hand, we are fundamentally concerned with customers' purchasing material culture behaviour instead of with a shopper inclination. The strict meaning of customer as buyer, substantial as it might be, is off and on again unrealistic on the grounds that it is not generally easy to distinguish a buyer in a store. A spouse and wife shopping together may speak to two customers, or one customer and one group bearer, and it is not generally conceivable to tell which will be which. In this way, essentially every individual who enters the store is a potential buyer and speaks to a unit in the store's customer activity. Distinguishing proof of customers tries to discover who the customers are. It is not sufficient to study purchasing material culture behaviour designs without knowing whose purchasing material culture behaviour is included. Thus, it is important to recognize the opposition and birthplace of customers. This incorporates numerous attributes, for example, sex, age gathering, colour, financial and instructive status, occupation, religion, nationality birthplace, et cetera. Both utilization and purchasing material culture behaviour are influenced by these attributes and the relative noteworthiness of each of these qualities shifts enormously, contingent upon the way of the issue. The degree to which any one or these customer attributes ought to be concentrated on can be resolved just on the thought of the reason for which the information is to be utilized. In contemplating customer material culture behaviour in retail locations, it is for the most part illogical or unnecessary to discover the majority of the customer qualities identified here. Supply of helpful information on customer cause, which in the sense utilized here, is a piece trademark. Source lets us know whether the customer is a vast city flat occupant, a suburbanite, a ruralite, a transient, et cetera. The food buying material culture behaviour example of a customer who exists in a congested flat range of an extensive city is uniquely unique in relation to the rustic customer who has a huge vegetable arrangement and a home cooler. To purchase is to buy. To shop is to visit business foundations for review or buy of products. Consequently, shopping is a component of customer material culture behaviour in purchasing. A customer submitting a request via phone is purchasing, not shopping. Thus, it might be alluring to institutionalize on the utilization of the term purchasing instead of shopping when the totality of customer material culture behaviour is under thought. Additionally a refinement ought to be made between purchasing propensities and purchasing material culture behaviour designs. Propensity is an inclination to an activity which by redundancy has gotten to be spontaneous. An example is an outline or sort. Every customer has his or her own particular purchasing propensities. Purchasing material culture behaviour examples speak to the configuration of material culture behaviour of an expansive number of customers. A run on stores to purchase and crowd —in light of a deficiency alarm or to propose apportioning is not a purchasing propensity; it is an indication of the flaws in our training, in our confidence, and maybe even in our much of the time lifted up lifestyle. To the retailer, such panicky customer material culture behaviour is extremely irritating. Customer purchasing propensities or material culture behaviour examples are not for all time settled, and surely not allowed, despite the fact that a few propensities relentlessly oppose changes. Numerous components are working in the mix to change customer sustenance purchasing material culture behaviour designs. Among these are the vehicles, the store and organization toward oneself, the advancement in the improvement and promoting of solidified nourishment, arranged flour blends, tan and serve prepared products and thought crisp drain; the expanding accessibility of suitable offices in the customer's home for protecting these and other exceedingly perishable crude and arranged sustenance; and the general population's open air to less demanding and less time intensive methods for living. Comparative and maybe considerably more claimed changes are influencing customer purchasing material culture behaviour examples of non-sustenance things. By and large, customers isolate their buys among various stores. They shop in more than one retail establishment and in numerous claims to fame stores. Indeed in purchasing sustenance there is a division of buys. Numerous customers don't purchase their meats or new foods grown from the ground where they purchase their dry goods, albeit all these merchandise may be accessible in the same store. The forte sustenance store, the milkman, the produce peddler, and the "gap in-the-divider" are all getting an offer of the aggregate nourishment business. Where customers have the decision of obtaining the same products in various stores, their support faithfulness to any one store is in no way, shape or form changeless. Witness the fabulous opening of another market! Large portions of the customers who head to the opening are forsaking old support loyalties. Henceforth, length of support additionally merits study. Investigations of customer purchasing material culture behaviour designs regarding spot of procurement are helpful in selecting store areas, in picking wholesalers for an item, and in promoting things Purchased. Each customer buy and each store deal comprise of an exchange of one or more particular products. Nobody customer buys all the distinctive things available to be purchased in a store. Over a time of time, a customer will buy a significant determination of the aggregate things accessible in the store, yet that choice will change to some degree with every customer. Consequently, in mulling over customer purchasing material culture behaviour designs it is important to discover (a) what things and (b) how much of everything customers buy. The buy of numerous need things is basic and pervasive. Extravagance things, for example, caviar or avocado pears, are bought by a generally little gathering of customers. The buy of a few things has a solid local division, corn meal or live lobster, for instance. Then again, rarely does a customer buy more than one watermelon at once. The measure of everything obtained relies on upon numerous variables, of which the accompanying are likely the most critical: number of purchasers for whom the thing is planned; perishability of the thing; stockpiling necessities and offices accessible; obtaining power and prepared money; unit of offer; and cost (Gartman 1991: 435). Purchasing considerations The presentation of new items and changes in dietary propensities likewise influence the customer's decision of things and the sum acquired. As formerly called attention to, in so far as the customer is the obtaining operators for a family or various shoppers, the buys reflect the qualities of every last one of purchasers included. From the distributor's, makers and maker's perspective it is vital to study what things and how much of every the customer purchases by brand or quality, by size or weight, by cost, by kind of compartment, and via season. Time and Frequency of Purchase Store operations ought to be adapted to work with the customers' chance of procurement example. Store purchasers and merchandisers must continue plan with it. Stock must be accessible in the store in sufficient supply if greatest deals are to be attained. Hardship to him whose Christmas trees touch base to market on December twenty-sixth! In considering the time of procurement examples, it is important to relate these to the seasons, climate, and provincial contracts. Each retailer knows as a matter of fact that his volume of offers is not consistent on a daily basis. Moreover, the varieties are extremely proclaimed, particularly in the sustenance business. Endeavours by retailers to alter customer time of procurement material culture behaviour designs, with the perspective of enhancing administration to customers or raising productivity of the operation, have in no way, shape or form been totally fruitful. The long lines of customers holding up fretfully to be weighed out in general stores amid rest periods rather than the purchasing latency at different times delineate a proceeding with troublesome store operations issue made by the customers' opportunity of procurement pattern. Recurrence of procurement depends essentially upon the sort of item included. In the process of a lifetime, a man infrequently buys more than two wedding rings most men attempt to deal with the first obtaining, regardless of the fact that it doesn't end up being a remarkable deal anticipated. A vehicle which in American life has gotten to be essential to the quest for joy is turned in for another model each few years. Then again, the dependent joys of cigarettes go up in smoke so quickly that the recurrence of procurement is by and large an everyday execution and, purportedly, men will walk a mile for their most loved brand. Recurrence of procurement additionally differs among customers. Some shop in sustenance stores day by day, others just once a week. The extent of the aggregate buy, the quantity of things and the amount of everything purchased all fluctuate with recurrence of procurement. The all the more oftentimes a customer visits the store, the more is that the customer presented to the effect of offers limited time gadgets utilized as a part of the store. Whether a customer purchases on a money and convey or on a charge and conveyance premise, whether a customer shops alone or is joined by another person, and whether a customer strolls or rides to the store are a percentage of the components in system for procurement (Setiffi 2014: 243). The essentialness of giving satisfactory stopping offices is to suit the customer who shops or who might want to shop via auto needs no elaboration. Indeed retail establishments are building extension units to meet, in addition to everything else, the stopping issue. Size and recurrence of procurement in markets are doubtlessly influenced by the mode of set out to make the buy. Couples shopping in markets purchases more every exchange than does a lady or man shopping alone. The same applies in other sport stores. Numerous ladies will welcome her spouse to help her select a buy; the spouse impacts the decision and every now and again favours the obtaining of a more extravagant thing. The purchase The individuals who have products to offer use numerous gadgets to actuate utilization and to advance buy of these merchandises. The deals special gadgets utilized as a part of stores can be assembled under the accompanying headings: a. Exhibitions b. Estimations c. Demonstrations d. Deals Talks Exhibitions: In so far as would be prudent or reasonable, customer products are bundled to make eye advance when put on a showcase. Consequently, the shape, size, name and bundling material of the item all have an impact in deals advancement. The way in which a thing is organized on a rack or table, in a showcase case or window, the space and position given to it, and the sort of purpose of offer special material (blurbs, signs, and so on) utilized for support are additionally impacting components. Estimating: Regular and deal costs, blend bargains, coupons, prizes, challenges, and unit valuing where the value cited is for two or more units of a thing are all evaluating gadgets to advance deals. Demonstrations: This gadget plans to impact customer sale enticing them to look at the different benefits of the item. Deals Talks: Whether communicated orally or in composing, in notices or by a deals assistant, the point of all deals tasks needs no clarification. Organization toward oneself marketing has to a degree shaken the retailer's confidence in the viability of the store deals assistant. Yet, the enchantment of a winning identity, a generally turned expression, and even a well-disposed grin of an appealing blonde are still strong traits or gadgets for bringing on money registers to ring. Investigation of customer material culture behaviour in light of offers advancement gadgets in retail locations merits significantly more consideration than has been given to it so far. Much vitality and cash is used on deals limited time gadgets without authentic information of what these truly finish. In this discernment, each merchandiser stays at freedom to enjoy his individual pet convictions, preferences, and hunches. Where there are no truths, there is much guess. Lately impressive consideration has been centred on motivation purchasing, purchasing which probably was not arranged by the customer before entering a store, however which came about because of a boost made by a deals limited time gadget in the store. The reviews on drive purchasing in sustenance stores which have arrived at my consideration are excessively few (and these experience the ill effects of an excess of imperfections in examination procedure) to be more than only suggestive, preparatory acquaintances with this subject. This, in any case, does not hamper the boldness, of the energetic customers of this distributed information on motivation purchasing in their publicizing and deals talks. Maybe it is an alternate indication of "where to know little is to set out effectively. Socio-economic aspect In a well-run business, records are continued numerous working and promoting results, however few organizations, and this applies even to the most dynamic come anyplace close making greatest utilization of these records. Numerous a deals director may be roused with the by items which a talented examiner could distil from these records (Trentmann 2004: 398). Inventory of what was sold, when, and at for what value it was sold in a store or gathering of stores are a summed up history of customer purchasing material culture behaviour designs. Stores with acknowledge and conveyance and for organized individual deals exchange records are in the ownership of information from which a wide show of customer material culture behaviour examples can be resolved. The more finish and exact the records are and the more extended the period they cover, the more significant they can be. Merchandise development records ought to show units sold by brand, size, style of bundle, and cost. Dollar deals information is alluring by offices, by weeks, days and times of the day. Customer deals exchange records are alluring by offices, measure of procurement, and (if possible) by things acquired. Most money registers can be altered to hold a definite copy duplicate of each deals receipt. Such "enrol tapes"— demonstrating the aggregate sum of the buy and the cost of everything by offices are valuable in investigating customer buys in general stores, despite the fact that just the cost yet not the name of a thing is recorded on the deals receipt. Where the craved store deals records do not exist, it is important to situate up a methodology to get them. The specialist able to examine such information will know how to secure the records. The sex, colour and age gathering of a customer, can be effortlessly watched either as the client enters, leaves or shops in the store. By perception, it is likewise conceivable to realize what a particular customer does in the store. An extensive variety of customer exercises are perceptible without the customer realizing that such perceptions are consistently made. This is all to the great, as nothing ought to be carried out to meddle with "typical" customer material culture behaviour. In a few studies, it is important to take the customer in the store keeping in mind the end goal to watch different exercises; however this is the most intensive section, dealing with a troublesome and excessive technique. The checkout stand is the static spot in the store for watching the amount of particular things obtained. Unless the specialist has had broad involvement with such customer perception examines in stores, it is important to detail strategies deliberately, to pre-test them, and to verify that the spectators are altogether prepared for the work. All watched information need to be recorded. Such records ought to be made in the code at whatever point conceivable. The recording is possible in the record book, on a suitable structure, or on an extraordinarily outlined imprint sense card. The information is prepared physically or mechanically. Making the choice Some data on customer qualities and purchasing material culture behaviour is most promptly realistic by talking with customers in the store. Addresses on mode of make a trip to the store, recurrence of visits and length of support are effectively asked and promptly replied. Numerous other comparative immediate and straightforward inquiries can be taken care of effectively in-store meetings. The best time to examine store customers is at the finish of the buy. Such talks with expand next to no time and are reasonable. Not to ruin something to be thankful for, notwithstanding, one ought to abstain from asking an excess of inquiries at one time. At the point when asked thoughtfully, a customer will once in a while decline to give his or her personal residence. This vital bit of data is crucial to focus the customer's geographic beginning and the exchanging region of the store. From this, and with the support of other accessible information (enumeration, town arranging, and so forth.), it is oftentimes conceivable to determine, surmised, or construe different qualities, for example, salary gathering, social levels, and nationality causes. Once in a while it is attractive to catch up a store meeting with an alternate question in the customer's home, with or without revealing for whom the data is consistently acquired. The customer's location is imperative for such a subsequent meeting; name important where customers live in multifamily staying units. Investigations of motivation purchasing rely on upon customer talking within the store, supplemented by perception. The customer is talked with on entering the store and again after the fruition of the buy. The examiner learns whether the customer has a composed shopping rundown or a mental rundown. The things counted on such records are recorded. On finishing of the buy, the things obtained are checked against the recorded things. Oversights, substitutions and augmentations are noted. The hindrance of this technique is (i) it relies on upon spontaneous review which, best case scenario is fragmented and (2) it is not able to separate between (a) drive, (b) delay of choice, and(c) considered choice at the purpose of procurement. The housewife who has no shopping rundown (composed or mental) may even now be think in the decision of the things which she does buy A more attractive system stays to be formulated for the investigation of motivation purchasing. Controlled Experimentation Stores offer an exceptional research facility for directing controlled examinations to learn the material culture behaviour and reaction of customers to items, routines and gadgets. From the realities found by such little scale tests it is conceivable to achieve wide conclusions. In controlled experimentation two (or more) gatherings of tantamount stores are chosen. One of these gatherings is assigned as the control bunch and alternate as the test gathering. In the control bunch "nothing new" goes on. In the test, the changed condition is the component or variable to be tried. This component can be an item, a strategy or a deals advancement gadget. The component is presented to the store customers, and it is foreseen that their purchasing material culture behaviour will be influenced by it. Results are measured regarding deals delivered not on the premise of assessments. Contrasts in results between the test and control store gatherings are translated to be because of the one variable in the trial. Where an issue includes more than one component, it is important to choose a few practically identical store gatherings and behaviour various tests all the while, or to run, in progression, an arrangement of trials in two gatherings of stores, each one test testing one and only component. The system of controlled experimentation is extremely demanding. Moreover, there is no controlled experimentation without stringent controls. It is an entangled, moderate and lavish strategy, yet one which justifies a conspicuous place in the advertising scientist's toolbox. Conclusion This paper attempts to show what lines and with what strategies investigations of customer material culture behaviour can be made in retail locations. Conceivable employments of the results for the arrangement of promoting issues have been proposed or showed. To define completely and methodically the numerous pragmatic uses to which such studies can be utilized by makers, producers and wholesalers would oblige an arrangement of articles—maybe a book. This article is expected to fortify the individuals who can pick up the most from such studies to exploit the opportunities for adapting all the more about customer material culture behaviour in the commercial centre. Bibliography GARTMAN, David. (Sep., 1991). Culture as Class Symbolization or Mass Reification? A Critique of Bourdieu's Distinction. American Journal of Sociology, 97.2, 421-447. MCCLEARY, Ann. (2012). ‘Methods and Theory of Material Culture Studies.’ History 6202, University of West Georgia. PAGE, Christine. (1992) ,"A History of Conspicuous Consumption", in SV - Meaning, Measure, and Morality of Materialism, eds. Floyd W. Rudmin and Marsha Richins, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 82-87. PRIZER, C. Timothy. (2009). Pining for Turpentine: Critical Nostalgia, Memory, and Commemorative Expression in the Wake of Industrial Decline. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Folklore/ Proquest. SETIFFI, F. (2014). Society’s Visible Patrimony. A Sociological Approach to Understanding Consumption and Material Culture. Italian Sociological Review, 4.2, 235-251. TRENTMANN, Frank. (2004). Beyond Consumerism: New Historical Perspectives on Consumption. Journal of Contemporary History, 39.3, 373-401. Read More
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