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Development of Communication Throughout The History of Humanity - Essay Example

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In this essay, an effort has been made to find out the path of communication development from the ancient to the modern age. The essay deals in the advent of communication through the ages and charters its growth path in accordance with the development of science and society…
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Development of Communication Throughout The History of Humanity
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Development of Communication Abstract Communication is the basic essence of the development of business in the modern world. However, the development of communication has not attained this stage in a short span of time. It has taken millions of years for men to attain this stage. In this essay, an effort has been made to find out the path of development from the ancient to the modern age. Science has played a key role in the development of communication. The communication in the ancient age consisted of sign languages and cave paintings, which transformed into the high-speed communication systems of internet and telephones in the modern age. For the essay, an analysis of the communication from the ancient to the modern age has been made. Introduction Communication is one of the most important ingredients, which has made the development of the humanity possible. The practice has evolved from the older days of the advent of the civilization to the modern days of economic prosperity. Naturally, the characteristics of communication have undergone a sea change. Communication deals in conveying information in order to make the people understand the essence of it. Communication is based on language, which has made it possible to convey information among different persons very easily. However, the advent of this useful medium has taken a long time to develop. In the early days of the advent of the civilization, the men used to live in caves and they were accustomed to convey messages by painting. The civilization soon developed a language, which made it possible to make communication easier. The written form of communication was based on the cave paintings and it soon developed into an integral part of Government communication. However, the communication was slow and the need for a faster medium was felt. This was the base for the rise of the postal system. With the advent of business activities and the development of the economy, the communication mediums developed. The postal system was made faster and communication between different people in different parts of the world was easier. However, the development of mankind was not static and soon, the very fast mode of communication- the internet developed where messages could be conveyed in seconds. This was preceded by the development of the telecommunications, which made instant communication over long distances possible. The development of the communication system has followed a general growth path and is accompanied by the growth of science. (History of communication, n.d.). The paper deals in the advent of communication through the ages and charters its growth path in accordance with the development of science and society. The medium of communication is a powerful tool in the modern business development and most of the activities of man are based on the means of effective communication. Evolution of communication This part of the paper deals in the discussion of the evolution of communication from the annals of history to the present day. During this long period, the development of communication has followed the trajectory of a growth curve and it has been assisted in its quest by the development of science and technology. In the earlier days, the need for quick communication was not essential and the methods were related likewise. Today the world is fast paced and there has been tremendous growth in the economy. With this kind of environment, it has become imperative that the communication is quicker. The technology has assisted the communication to be fast paced now. The development of communication through the ages can be listed as follows: Communication in the primitive period In the older days, the human civilization was dependent on hunting of animals. The civilization was not organized. However, the necessity of communication among the members of the civilization was felt even in those days. Sign languages developed through which men communicated within themselves. The men lived in caves in those ages and they developed cave paintings as means of communication. The paintings were done on the ceilings and walls of the caves. The system of the paintings came to be known as the Magdalenian art system and little remains today of this art form. The paintings depict pictures of animals and human hands. It was done with the help of various colors of which red was the most predominant. The paintings depicted various scenes of hunting and religious practices which brings us to the conclusion that they were used to provide knowledge about the subject. It was an integral part of the communication system. However, nothing much anout the paintings relating to its usage and purpose are known to the modern world. (Cave paintings, n.d.) Another important aspect during the primitive age was the advent of writing. The introduction of writing was a major boon to the development of communication. Writing formed an integral part of communication and it was a mere representation of the spoken words. With its development, the communication now crossed the barriers of time and space. It was possible for the mankind now, to send writing from one place to another and it could survive the annals of time. Through the primitive age, various forms of writing materials were used. Stone was one of the most important medium where writing was practiced. The writings were carved on stones with the help of hammers and chisels. Another important medium of writing was the stone. However, stones were not successful in surviving the difficulties of time. With the advent of time, metals were also used for writing. However, metals were expensive and only a handful of the people could afford recording on the metals. Another important type of material used for writing was ostraca or pieces of clay. They were hard and much like stone, they survived the annals of time. A temporary method of writing was developed on wax where writing was scribed into the material. A major development was made when Papyrus was invented. It was made from trees and had its inheritance in the Egyptian civilization. Another writing material made its appearance in this age called the parchment. It was made from the animal skin and was a popular source of writing. (The means of ancient communication, n.d.). The papyrus and the parchment was the backdrop for the invention of the paper in the years to come. During these period, there were rulers and kings world over who looked to extend the boundaries of their empire. Therefore, the need for fast transfer of messages became a necessity, as that put the rulers in an advantageous position. The base for the modern day postal system developed during this age. (History of communication, n.d.). Age of faster communication This age was marked by the invention of the paper. As discussed earlier that the Egyptians were using a developed process of writing in papyrus and parchments. However, the necessity for a better quality and transportable material was always felt. In this backdrop, in China, a man named T`sai Lun invented paper which was to revolutionize the world of communication. It was a light material and thus was easy to carry. Soon, it became popular in China. The art of paper making spread to all parts of the world and writing was easier. (The invention of paper, n.d.). In the wake of improving the communication process, the transport system made a remarkable progress. The motives of the rulers were the same and they wanted to extract financial gains. For this purpose, they developed the roads, which sped up the system of communication. (History of communication, n.d.) Pigeon post A surprising element in the history of communication was the development of the posting letters with the help of pigeons. People noticed that the pigeons returned to their bases from wherever they are. Thus, they developed a one-way postal service. One of the greatest exponents of this service was Genghis Khan who used lot of pigeons as messengers to ferry services of his conquests. (History of communication, n.d.) Printing press A major development in the field of communication took place with the advent of the printing press. Gutenberg developed the press, which was of tremendous help for communication. However, it has been argued that the knowledge of printing was available to the East earlier. Though writing was an important chapter in the history of communication the majority of it was to be completed by hand. With the advent of printing manuscripts could be printed and supplied to major parts of the world. Another important development during the invention of the printing press was its adherence to the Renaissance. The “Gutenberg Bible” was the first book to be published in Germany. The printing press spread its domains in the other countries of Europe in the 15th century and it was rendered useful by the people all over the continent. They were used to print huge manuscripts as well as small pamphlets of war propaganda. (History of communication, n.d.) Newspapers The 17th century marked the beginning of violent wars in Europe. There was a widespread curiosity among public to know the details of the war. With the printing press in place, the interested persons in gathering news satisfied the demands of the people by developing newspapers. The first newspapers are published in Germany and the concept soon spread to other parts of Europe. There was a gradual demand for news in the world and the newspapers were successful in satisfying the needs. In that context, the newspaper was popular and has been on a growth curve till this date. (History of communication, n.d.) Improvement of the postal system The postal system was improved from the early days of the messenger system and the speed of the communication increased. The letters were transported by means of transport and in England; the letters began to be charged. The charge varied with the distance and various other countries began to follow the system. Mail coacher run by horse began to be used as means of communication. This was the basis for the modern day postal system. England employed boatmen to ferry across the English Channel to quicken the communication process with France. In the country, the roads were dotted with outposts at regular intervals, which supplied fresh horses. (History of communication, n.d.) Invention of Radio This phase, which started with the invention of radio, marked a golden era in the field of communication. This was preceded by the invention of the microphone. With the help of these two inventions, the communication through radio developed. People could now hear news and events from the radio itself and the communication was fast paced. (Manohar, n.d.; The history of communication, n.d.) In the 20th century, radios were developed and the facility for multiple programs was added to the device. Telephone It was in the year of 1876 that telephone was discovered and since then it has changed the phase of modern day communication. Telephone has been a substitute of face-to-face communication. In its initial phase, the telephones were used for short distance communication and it was only in 1914 that conversations across the continents were made. (Manohar, n.d.; The history of communication, n.d.). Telephones were useful in making conversations without being close to each other. The telecommunication played a major part in the growth of the business and economic development in the coming ages. Television and motion pictures In the 20th century, two of the most important developments, which took place, were the invention of televisions and the development of the motion pictures. The motion pictures were used for the purpose of entertainment of the masses and gradually it was used in transmitting important messages to the public. The televisions were invented in 1926 and in the next year television flashed its first image. The motion pictures and the televisions worked in tandem in the development of communication in the modern world. Broadcasts began on television in 1939. (Manohar, n.d.; The history of communication, n.d.) Computers and Internet The biggest effect on the modern communication is of the computer and the internet. Though computers came into existence in the early part of the 20th century, it was not until 1945 that the first fully integrated computer was developed. In the initial phase, the computers were used for solving mathematical problems and the size of the devices was huge. They were used in business organizations for implementation of the problems. However, it soon became smaller and the computers made their entry into the homes of the citizens. Various companies began to produce computers for the utility of the home based consumers. However, computers were made an integral part of the communication with the invention of the internet. Internet was first started as a means of communication within the thresholds of the army. It continued to be in the domains of the Government for many years to come. In 1994, the US Government made the internet free for use by all citizens of the world. The communication became faster. Messages could be transferred at the click of a button in the matter of a few seconds. (Manohar, n.d.; The history of communication, n.d.) Cellular phones Though the invention of telephones took place much earlier and the services of the device were rendered useful, it was mainly static and could not be carried by the communicator. The cellular phones were developed with the help of radio technology used in cars. However, the cellular phones could not be used for long hours as it lost charge within a few hours. In the 1980s the telecom industry was granted the permission for the introduction of cellular phones and Motorola was the first company to launch a phone which was truly mobile in nature. (History of cell phones, n.d.) The above paragraphs depict the transition of communication of through the annals of the history. Through the ages, the communication became faster and technologically advanced. It was the need of the humans to develop the communication and abiding by the need, the devices for the communication were developed. The early ages saw communication through paintings and sign languages, which were the norms of the society. Today, with the growth of business and the economic activities the need for a faster communication has been felt. Therefore, the devices like the cellular phones and the internet has come into being. Communication in the modern age and its implications From the above paragraphs we have seen that the communication in the modern age became more faster. Various technologies like the telephones, radios, televisions and the computers developed during this age, which played a substantial part in the development of communication. The communication process in the modern age was in accordance with the development of the business and trading activities. With the development of the sea trade in the medieval age, the European countries began to reach out to the distant countries of the world and trade flourished. The European countries ruled countries to expand their empire and much like the earlier ages this was done for the benefit of the economy. The trading activities gave rise to a system of exports and imports. After the dawn of the modern age, most countries of the world became independent. However, it was felt that trade was an integral part of the economy and business began to continue between different countries. Trade between countries helped the development of the economy. There was another implication of trade. Various countries in the world have certain advantages in the production of certain goods or items. For example, if we take the case of the Middle East countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait we will see that they are large producers of oil. However, in the case of other goods, like tea, rubber etc. they do not have enough production. In this case, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have to import those items from the other countries. On the other hand, countries like Mexico and Canada do not produce oil but with large industrialization, they have a vast requirement of oil. From where will these countries take the oil? Obviously, they will trade with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. For these reasons, it is a necessity that countries trade among themselves. In this way, the balance of the economy of the world is maintained and the disparity of the production of different countries is balanced. The importance of trade also underlines the necessity of communication for obvious reasons. Without proper communication, trade between countries will not develop. In the present age, with the development of the business activities, various organizations are looking to open their branches in newer parts of the world. This is done to capture new markets and new territories. This in turn will develop the economy of the world. For the business organization, too, there is an inherent need for communication. It is a well-documented notation that communication is one of the major ingredients in the development of the business. Therefore, the process of communication is inherent to the development of the economy in the modern world. In the following paragraphs, we will see the implication of communication in the modern day trade and business and its importance. Telephones: It has been acknowledged that the invention of telephones has been one of the most important inventions of mankind. The earlier business deals happened over the mailing system, which took a number of days to complete. However, with the growth of the business in the modern world and with its expansion in different countries it has become imperative that organizations communicate quickly. Therefore, the inclusion of telephones has been a major boon for the modern day business world. Telephones are efficient medium for the internal as well as the external communication. The internal communication among the business enables the employees to communicate among themselves without wasting time. Different organizations communicate among themselves with the help of the telephones. The method of communication is faster and the feature of two-way communication enables the communicator to get response immediately. The business in the modern day has developed the telephone system to a large extent to suit the needs of the organization. For example, a company, which gets a large quantity of customer calls, has to implement the facility of call forwarding in the system for the satisfaction of the customers. The queries of the customers are to be supplied to the respective departments for which the system of forwarding calls is necessary. Therefore, the telephonic system of an organization determines to a large extent the efficiency of the company in dealing with the business of the modern world. (Thomson, n.d.) Computers: From the days of the invention, computers were deemed necessary for the business. In the early days, the computers were used for the calculation process in the large business. Nowadays, computers are an essential part of the business and employees rely on them for all kinds of information. The computers can store information relating to business, database etc. which are easy to process and can be retrieved easily. The computers in the internal business environment are connected with each other, which makes sharing information easier. Additionally, the computer can calculate figures, which increases its usefulness. (Hemphill, 15th September, 2004). Internet: Perhaps the biggest influence in the modern day communication system lies with the internet. Internet has made possible the process of networking among businesses and organizations. It is the fastest methods of providing and garnering information. The business today, thrives on information and the internet is an exciting prospect for the modern day business organizations. In addition to this, the business fraternity can communicate through e-mails and chats. The internet provides another dimension to the modern day business world. The internet is one of the most sought after media of advertising and marketing. In today’s world visibility is one of the most important factors for the development of the business and advertising through the internet provides the business organizations with this facility. Online marketing has paved the way for direct interaction with the people. Therefore, internet has been one of the major developments, which has helped in the transformation of the modern day communication system. (Importance of internet in business development, n.d.) Other devices: In addition to the previously mentioned technologies, the modern day communication has been boosted by other devices like fax machines, video conferencing etc. These are subsidiary equipments, which have made the process of communication easier. A new emerging method in the modern day communication is the video conferencing. This method is a two-way video as well as two-way audio communication system. Thus the persons can see and hear each other and is a development of the face–to-face conversation to suit the needs of the modern world. The method has been a revelation in the modern day business. (Videoconferencing, n.d.) The technology discussed above has made the communication quicker and easier. It is to be noted that the needs of the modern day business defined the need of the technology. The business world is truly globalized now and communication from any parts of the world can be done with other parts. Transactions have become faster and as a result, the business process has quickened. With the development of the business process and the transaction system, the scope of the business has increased. Overall, the economic system of the world has developed to a large extent. Conclusions The mode of communication has developed to a large extent from the ancient days to the modern world. The cave paintings in the primitive age are a distant memory now. However, the contributions of all the ingredients of communication cannot be overlooked in the development process. The cave paintings were done to communicate within a smaller community and teach the younger generation about the lifestyle. With the development of writing, the communication process developed further. Communication between places was possible with the transportation of the materials. The need of the society began to be quicker with the passing of the ages. Paper and the posting system developed which made possible for long distance communication. In the Medieval age, the printing press developed and books and pamphlets began to be printed. Important messages were passed through the pamphlets. It soon gave rise to newspapers. The gradual progression shows that the people began to be more curious about the happenings about the modern world. People began to search for newer and faster modes of communication, which soon gave rise to telephones and internets. The modern age is influenced by the globalization of the business and the development of the economy. The communication has played a key role in the development of the modern day business and it has been a major factor for boosting the economy. References: 1. History of communication. (n.d.) History world. Available at: (Accessed on 13th March, 2010) 2. Cave Paintings. (n.d.) The artchive. Available at: (Accessed on 13th March, 2010). 3. The means of ancient communication. (n.d.). Archaeology expert. Available at: (Accessed on 13th March, 2010) 4. The invention of paper. (n.d.). Available at: (Accessed on 13th March, 2010) 5. History of communication. (n.d.). Available at: (Accessed on 13th March, 2010) 6. The history of communication. (n.d.). Available at: (Accessed on 13th March, 2010) 7. History of cell phones. (n.d.). Available at: (Accessed on 13th March, 2010) 8. Thomson,J. (n.d.). Importance of telephone systems in business world. Article dash board. Available at: (Accessed on 13th March, 2010) 9. Hemphill,M. (15th September, 2004). The role of computers in business. MIS for the information age. Available at: (Accessed on 13th March, 2010) 10. Videoconferencing. (n.d.) Available at: (Accessed on 13th March, 2010) Read More
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