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Subjective and Personal Truth - Essay Example

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In the following report “Subjective and Personal Truth” the author discusses the matter of what is the Truth. Different perspectives yield different understandings that are dependent upon cognition through experiences which have been undertaken…
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Subjective and Personal Truth Truth much like light subjected through a prism has different colors. It may seem at a glance that there is only one definition to one thing but upon scrutiny it is revealed that there are peelings to everything because of the different realities. The matter of what is the Truth then becomes subjective and personal in meaning. Different perspectives yield different understandings that are dependent upon cognition through experiences which have been undertaken. It is quite obvious that with a number of the photographs presented that a literal evaluation cannot be employed. It contains a lot of figurative explanations that delves deeper into analyses of symbols. The use of trees and elements which can be easily found anywhere became a main theme for the basis of the project. It was premised on the idea of using common things and associating them with the concepts for a more substantive examination of the provided criteria. By manner, the idea is to establish congruity among the pictures and provide a multi-layered value to the pictures. Our basic understanding of epistemology involves what is knowledge “in the mind” and the existence of reality “in the world.” This opens up many dialectics in psychology and sociology which directly correlates itself into public administration. The question this aims to answer is how we process our conception of the world into our minds and how this progression takes place. This modern approach inevitably uses an objective scientific method approach in its full potential to absorb knowledge of the world. Recognizing Kant, Arthur Warmoth in his article explains that there is no direct link “between an independent, objective world ‘noumena’ and our experience ‘phenomena.’ All we have is a set of interpretations of our perceptions and experiences that lead us to believe that a world exists ‘out there.’ If that connection is always hypothetical, what is it that actually guarantees the ‘truth,’ or in constructionist language, the ‘authority of knowledge’?” The argument of social constructionism is that the knowledge community together with the people’s accord of the Truth is the authority of knowledge (2000, par.2-3). The picture of the cascading water to me is a perfect symbolism for what a good policy is all about. When we look at the picture, the water flows down from the top to the bottom evenly. A good policy doesn’t only pertain to the written document itself but more particularly to how it is enforced and the acceptance and recognition of the people on its effectiveness and convenience. The entry on poor policy has a more literal approach to it. Whenever we see a stop sign the reaction becomes immediate. The same effect goes for a bad policy because instead of being beneficial to the constituents, it becomes a hindrance and oftentimes costs too much. This is almost always due to the dubious intentions of policy makers. The concept of a leader is very important in social development. John Maxwell puts it best when he said that “everything rises and falls on leadership.” A leader influences instead of instructs. It is not merely the capability to obtain a position but to be able to encourage followers without coercion. It is more than just a status. A position does not necessarily denote that a person automatically becomes a leader but just as he discussed, there are different kinds of leaders from learned to talented (Maxwell, pp.1-3). The pictures that pertain to the types of leaders were among the first that I was able to determine. I had a clear mindset on my construction of what a leader is which made it easier for me to associate it with regards to the assignment. A good leader is more than just being firm in his convictions, it also includes doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons. The picture was not only of a tall tree but it can also be seen that it is also pliant. This I believe is an important factor that is oftentimes overlooked about leaders. The ability to bend and adapt to the situation is definitive of a leader. To the know the real character of a person I believe that all you need to do is give him power, there you will be able to comprehend how he is with power. This is the making of dictators. All of them were just men until they had a taste for massive power. Then everything falls down as they claw on to power as if their lives depended on it. They had to do everything to keep that power and drink the elixir of being on top. Subject a person to a crisis and you will also know if he is a true leader. Under such circumstances rules no longer apply. It does not matter if he is a charismatic leader or not. Perhaps there is even a question of his competence, but once something grueling happens it is going to be a make or break moment for him. Crises become determinant of a true leader. It is very much like Rudy Giuliani who is flawed with his personal life but was able to shine through with his handling of the 9/11 tragedy. He was haunted with issues of his adultery but all of that took a backseat because of his crisis management skills. He had the difficulty of ensuring a win for his re-election and the constituents were already doubtful of his lackluster performance when the attack on the World Trade Center happened. He was able to shine through and show why he is the man of New York. When everyone was dumbfounded with what happened he was constant on his handling of the situation. As the attack of terrorists was imminent, the city was in many ways prepared for such an event. This was the strong point of Giuliani’s administration. A security force tightened the operation of rescue and retrieval. He was for how he handled the situation, in contrast to the president of the United States himself. Images of Pres. George W. Bush not knowing what to do in the classroom with the children when he received the news perpetuated the news and the internet. On the other hand, New York city Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has received numerous awards in leadership. It has also paved the way for him and his new career as a crisis management mentor. He travels around the world lecturing on the subject and as a consultant to other countries for their preventive and reactive measures of such situations. The strong leader to be related to a fire hydrant was very interesting as it is not commonly tied together yet I think their characteristics are the same as I perceive it. When I imagine a strong leader it is being able to objectively solve problems. Because of his desirable characteristics he commands the respect of people. A weak leader is a product of egocentricity. Instead of working for the common good, personal interest always comes first. This type of leader is afraid of undertaking new projects because he may deem it to be too difficult so he would rather not take the risk or exhaust his efforts. In effect he loses his chance to maximize his contribution during his tenure in office. This beats the purpose of what being a leader is all about. The trees are indicative of what an administrator is and what he should be. The main function of an administrator is implementation. The different shapes of stones which the tree casts upon reflect the different types of people that an administrator handles. The photograph for a poor administrator was unintentional. I took the picture without directly associating but when I looked at it I realized that the lighting suggests coherence. The shape of the branch of the tree also contributed to how it was selected. The wheel feels like a cliché for an explanation but it is still very much an accurate description of the category. With regards to the intractable and pressing problem, it may be observed that there is consistency to the proposition. Both are problems pertaining to waste management. This is because of my belief in the need for educating the people in the matter of going green. This is a domino effect as garbage becomes something that haunts us surreptitiously. It is one of those things we are oblivious of until the time comes when landfills overflow and there is nowhere to put garbage in. The same goes for proper waste segregation wherein what commonly happens is that recyclable materials are not recycled and trash are not segregated which accounts for the problem of waste disposal. All these harmful practices lead to the merit of the different environment-saving campaigns we often see. The panoramic views offer a polarity in explanation to their association. I personally like the framing of the pictures from the sunset to the cobblestones to the almost Stonehenge type of formation for these categories. Their explanations are relevant and up-to-date. They fit in like a glove between the pictures and the entry. The picture of the lighthouse was assembled with community activist because it strikes a cord with the need for check and balance in politics. It serves as guide for what is right. A lighthouse works at night to guide the boats safely into shore. The same goes for a community activist who lights up the way so that others may follow. The graffiti on the other hand was inadvertent. I have heard of the term ‘fisking’ somewhere and when I saw the writing it was almost dumb luck. The graffiti in itself is already a policy obstruction. With the word ‘fisk’ spray painted, it evolved into a profound justification. The last types of people are very important in the society, the mentor, the teacher and the communicator. They are the ones that bridge the gap between the people and the leaders and administrators. When we take a closer look at it, it is the outcome from a theoretical to a practical outcome. The idea that to be a good leader one must first be a good follower echoes the truth that keeps the process of governing a sensible endeavor. All leaders have their own icons that they look up to and thus they try to emulate. This characteristic is apparent and leaders often give off such an impression because it reins true. Pres. Barack Obama as he himself has indicated is a great fan of Pres. Abraham Lincoln. In terms of the austere sensibility and strength of character we can say that he really does yield an atmosphere of the characteristics we associate with Lincoln. There is no wonder why he chose to follow in the footsteps of one of the greatest presidents of the world. This aspect also manifests itself in terms of policies. Obama, just as Lincoln did, established a group of advisers that composed not only of his most ardent allies and supporters but also of his detractors. This was one of the most interesting facts about the presidency of Lincoln that inspired Obama. It is virtuous in that not many people would want to surround their selves with people who criticize them publicly. This humility in accepting the criticism of others reinforces the leader’s capacity to go beyond his ego and recognize the merits of the opinions of other people. The teacher is one of the unsung heroes of society. It is very seldom that we recognize the importance of teachers in our children’s lives. They are the light that guides them into a great future. A teacher can strengthen the potentials of a person or he can break him in a way that his character will not be able to recuperate. This is why teaching is considered a vocation, less pay more job. The standing amount of education signifies the priority that we give to education. But we also need to consider that education takes different forms and other lessons are learned outside the school. We all have that one person that we look up to. Someone that we would like to duplicate. This is in fact a form of perpetuation of the values that we deem to be honorable. Even the worst types of people have a mentor or a model. It is only that they are moved towards the wrong direction that they came to believe what they have. This is why it is important to ensure that the people that we grant the capability to shape the future leaders of the world should be worthy for many are impressionable. An ideal teacher and communicator lead the way. They serve as the guiding light for future leaders of the nation. The picture of the ideal teacher is composed of blocks of marbles that lead to the center. I imagine it to be the teacher at the core, much like in a classroom where he is at the center. Continuously guiding the students towards becoming the best they could possibly become. Sometimes there are teachers who are egotistical that they do not want their students to exceed them. They impede the growth of other people so that they could serve their personal egos. It has to be remembered that the true measure of a teacher’s effectiveness is through his students’ limits, how they are able to go beyond the horizon of what he has taught and expand his world and views. These pictures were a great way to evaluate my understanding of the people that make up the community. It was a reflection of my own social constructs. It made me realize the important things that are regarded in the community that I am attached to. On a bird’s eye view I could say that I have a clear-cut understanding of the traits that are regarded as important and the negative traits that are considered to be ruinous in society. This in turn gives an accurate insight on what I see and what I would like to see. The common ideas and perceptions of strength in character, quick and precise decision-making and people skills of leaders and administrators are incorporated into the assignment. The same goes for the perceptions on weak and ineffective leaders and administrators who exemplify the direct opposite characteristics. The viewpoints on the different problems are mainly based on what is suggested by the media and the most current campaigns perpetuated through different forms. These are basically what we observe and absorb on a regular basis. This information is in a manner of speaking pounded on us. Communication is most vital of all our capabilities as human beings. It has the capacity to shape us, bend us and define us. Objectivity can only go as far as one can take it. Our views in a way have already been shaped before we even know it. As social construction exemplifies, it is not only limited to tangible things and concepts but includes our beliefs concerning them. Through social forces we are able to yield notions that are mostly preconceived in relation to previously developed social constructs. The core ideas are borne out of necessity and any alteration would have made a significant difference in our belief about it. Our interests become the signifying stimulus for our truth concepts. Words are powerful tools that contribute to the shaping of our social constructs. The hegemony of how we perceive parts of our history is a clear determinant of these factors. For example, ‘Remembering Pearl Harbor’ is a substantial representation of this thought where in this case the celebration of a pivotal event in World War II manifests our view of the event. It wasn’t ‘The Fall of Pearl Harbor’ or the ‘Pearl Harbor Bombing,’ it was simply: Remembering. Under scrutiny it directs to the notion of it as a time of commemoration and of tribute. It is not a disconsolate event but rather a matter of fact. It is not tainted as an event that should be forgotten as it is a blot in the history of the nation but a statement. It was neither understated nor overstated. “In reflecting on debates over cultural specificity or universality, a number of commentators have noted that constructionist claims of cultural specificity often hinge not on genuine empirical disagreement about what is or is not found through history and across cultures, but also on a strategy of individuating the phenomena in question in ways that do or do not involve contextual features that vary across cultures” (Mallon, 3.2.1). The same cannot be said for the same time period in Japan. World War II is said to be removed from their history textbooks. It is not included in their teaching materials which translate to young people who are not completely aware of it or who only have a subjected knowledge and view of the noteworthy war. It is only recently that their younger generations have accumulated further facts on it because of technology. This is another great case in point of how social construction dominates who we are and how we think. The nation deems its Truth void of the point in their history where they unwillingly accepted defeat. Given the pride as a palpable trait of the Japanese, it was a great blow that during that time their emperor disgracefully vowed to impede additional destruction from the havoc that happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It will always be how we open ourselves up to the different realities which determine our view of many and all social, political and economic concepts and ideas. In this age of instantaneous technology, it is no longer a limited social construction process. The ability to filter and decide on our influences turns into a personal selective decision. Knowledge as Arthur Warmouth writes it is in the mind while the countering reality is what exists in the world. The integration of a scientific approach which emphasizes on rationalization comes to terms with the practice of modern philosophy. Cognitive psychologists regard social constructions import through knowledge’s ecological validity. At the same time, the focal point is reallocated to social ecology from a biological one. This does not exactly limit ideas because of social constructs but epistemological fundamental as its end product (par. 1-4). Through the assignment I was able to literally put a picture to my basic perceptions of people that make up the community and the nation in general. It allowed me to re-evaluate my ideas on the ideal characteristics of people that make up the government and contemplate my general conviction of what a public administrator is and how he should be. There was the realization of a need for a personal assessment of a prospective future ahead including my insight on a clearer career path in the field. Such as the subject in general is untraditional, it calls for a critical understanding of its value and perspective in relation to the practice of public administration as a discipline. One of the major points of the subject is the acceptance that different societies function through different social constructs. This has many underlying effects that need to be considered in order to fulfill a person’s duty to the public. This means a lot of things that calls for the attention of the public administrator as a leader. We cannot regard all groups of people to be the same. The administrator should consider all of the factors that may differ on from place to the other. This indicates that proper motivation is achieved through awareness. He must discern what makes one society to be different and consider their social constructions before he can move on to implementation. Otherwise, there would be a miscommunication and he would not be able to do his job. This is a challenge for an administrator. This psychological approach opens up the possibilities that I would encounter in my career. My ability to adapt depends on my grasp of these dynamics. This also exposes me to the room for growth that I should be willing to take head on. Instead of being limited to the traditional methods and thinking by which public administration adheres to, these concepts reinforces that there are many things to consider and that needs to be addressed. All of which are important to strengthen the growth of the people and its governing body through a tedious but worthwhile process. The amalgamation of leadership and administration is the ideal upshot of a good practitioner as I have concluded. The traits of a leader together with the traits of an administrator create a force to be reckoned with. It also demonstrated my concern over the environment which I regard as a foremost problem in a micro and macro world view. My hopes in what I wish to attain became more apparent. To be able to develop my people skills, administrative capabilities, motivational competence and policy enforcement cogency has become something I strive for. It is imminent that there are also other issues that need to be addressed. Social construction and other postmodern concepts open up different possibilities. It creates a deeper analysis of people and realities. This creates new challenges that should be utilized to be able achieve its full potential in governance. Bibliography Read More
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