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The Main Characteristics of Fire and Rescue Services in England - Term Paper Example

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The author of this report attempts to highlight the main characteristics of the fire and rescue services in England by focusing on the Buncefield incident and to put forth the effective action plan to deal with the large scale incidents in the future.  …
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The Main Characteristics of Fire and Rescue Services in England
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 Report: Incident command Table of contents A. Abstract……………………………………………………………………….........................A I. Introduction………………………………………………………………………...................1 II. Methodology……………………………………………………………………......................2 III. Discussion.................................................................................................................................3 1. The necessity of effective incident command systems in major incidents......................... 2. The levels of Fire and rescue service management command and large scale incidents........................................................................................................................................... 3. Emergency Services structure: Gold, Silver, Bronze commands....................................... 4. The importance of risk assessment and action plan during and after major incidents........................................................................................................................................... 5. The possible role and responsibilities of public agencies in Buncefield incident............................................................................................................................................ 6. The necessity of effective coordination of media during major incidents......................... 7. The role of prompt communication and information sharing during major incidents........................................................................................................................................... 8. Analysis: Importance of practical decisions during and after major incidents................ IV. Findings.................................................................................................................................14 V. Conclusion and recommendations........................................................................................15 VI. References.............................................................................................................................16 VII. Appendices..........................................................................................................................18 A. Abstract This report attempts to highlight the main characteristics of fire and rescue services in England by focusing on Buncefield incident and to put forth an effective action plan to deal with large scale incidents in future. Several aspects are considered like necessity of effective incident command systems, levels of Fire and rescue service management command, Emergency Services structure in England, importance of risk assessment and action plan, role and responsibilities of public agencies, effective coordination of media, and communication and information sharing. The main conclusion is that the success in dealing with Buncefield incident proves the efficiency of incident management/ disaster response system in England. Moreover, the report identifies some important drawbacks of Fire and rescue service management. I. Introduction 1 The Buncefield fire occurred at Hertfordshire Oil storage Terminal on 11 December 2005 forced the fire safety authorities in England to re-evaluate the effectiveness of fire and rescue services and to take effective measures to prevent any major incident in future. Fire and rescue service management plays crucial role in dealing with natural/manmade disasters, terrorist attacks and domestic insurgencies. Earlier, in England, the responsibility of fire safety was bestowed upon local authorities. But now, the responsibility of fire and rescue service is handed over to the community as a whole. Besides, it helped the authorities to learn a valuable lesson on how to manage emergency response during and after major incidents. Thesis statement: An attempt to evaluate Fire and rescue service management in England by focusing on Buncefield incident and to put forth an effective action plan to deal with large scale incidents in future. II. Methodology 2 The methodology is the backbone of a report because it maps out the methods used for research and data collection. The investigation to gather information/ data will be strictly based on secondary sources. The extensive availability of secondary data in the form of books, periodicals, news papers etc is an advantage to the same. Besides, the report will be qualitative than quantitative. III. Discussion 3 1. The necessity of effective incident command systems in major incidents The aim of incident command system is to render its service during manmade and natural disasters. Its crucial role in managing large scale incidents provides utmost importance to it in disaster management scenario. The role of an effective incident command system as the central command is to coordinate operations of different agencies. In addition, incident command system plays the most important role in resource management, communication and information sharing among different agencies involved in disaster response. During large scale incidents, it is difficult for any single agency to deal with the whole process of disaster response. Xie (2008, P.131) states that emergency response in U.K. is undertaken by a special trained group namely HAZMAT which is under the direct control of local fire stations. The Buncefield incident, declared as major incident by authorities proves the efficiency of fire safety authorities in England. Utmost care and importance given by different agencies involved in the response mission was capable to extinguish the fire. So, effective functioning of emergency response depends upon an effective incident command system. An effective incident command system with formalised administrative structure leads to consistent and efficient emergency response. There are five major components for the smooth functioning of an incident command system. They are: 1. Command: The authority of disaster response during and after a major incident is vested upon a central command, i.e. the Incident Commander. This helps to co-ordinate the process of disaster response under a single authority. During a major incident, functioning of the central command positively or negatively influence the process of disaster response. 4 2. Planning section: This section deals with the planning of disaster response during a major incident. Besides, it is essential to form a separate planning section for any major incident. The most important function of Planning Section is to formulate Incident Action Plan and other functions include plan response activities and resource utilisation. 3. Operations Section: The main function of the Operations Section is to implement the Action Plan. 4. Logistics Section: The main function of a Logistics Section is to extend its services to incident responders and to supervise material distribution. 5. Finance Section: The role of Finance Section is to deal with financial operations of incident management. So, one can see that it is essential to form effective incident command system to deal with large scale incidents. 2. The levels of Fire and rescue service management command and large scale incidents The Legal and Administrative bodies of Fire and rescue service in UK are separate which complement the smooth functioning of the system. Besides, it is in the form of decentralised mode of power distribution. The new threats originating from manmade disasters and the rapid spread of terrorism and increase in terrorist plots force the central command to initiate changes in its operational procedures. Herndon (2007, p.47) makes clear that the scope of disaster response is not limited to the sphere of structuring or planning response, but it extends to the sphere of recovery after the disaster. The responsibility of emergency response during an emergency is vested upon Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) under Fire Authority. The FRS is the fire fighting body which renders its service during emergencies in United Kingdom. The Fire and Rescue 5 Authority consists of legislative, public and administrative bodies. The layers include central and local government agencies. In UK, The structure of Fire and rescue service management command includes the following sections. Brigade Level or FRS: This level is the highest level of Fire and rescue service management command in UK. Commands: The Brigades are divided into commands for the smooth functioning of the system as a single unit under the central authority. For instance, London Fire Brigade. Area: Considering the area under the commands, brigade divisions are further divided into areas. For instance, the London Fire Brigade is divided into South West, South East etc. Divisional: Small geographical areas are under the control of divisions. Borough: The smaller divisions are further divided into Boroughs under the direct control of local councils. So, one can identify that different levels of Fire and rescue service management command to deal with large scale incidents in UK function under a single authority for its smooth functioning as a single unit. Ward (2005, p.291) makes clear that high standard incident management system helps the incident commander to control the whole process of disaster response with ease. 3. Emergency Services structure: Gold, Silver, Bronze commands The Gold, Silver, Bronze commands is the hierarchical framework to deal with major disasters in UK. Gold Command: The overall control of resource management is vested upon the commander of the Gold command. The role of Gold command is not to provide its services on site, but to 6 control the whole process under the Gold Commander. The Gold command formulates the plan to deal with the incident. Silver Command: The role of Silver Command is to utilise the resources used to deal with the incident. The Silver Command is under the Silver Commander, who is in charge of resources. The role of Silver Commander is not to involve directly in the incident, but to achieve the aims formulated by the Gold Commander. Besides, the Silver Command co-operates with other organisations which are involved in rescue missions/disaster response. Bronze Command: The Bronze Command implements the Action Plans in a real time situation. The role of the Bronze Commander is to involve directly at the incident site. The Bronze Commander works with other staffs who are involved in disaster response. When the incident is proclaimed as major, the whole area will be divided under different Bronze Commands. Comparison among these three commands makes clear that the overall responsibility is vested upon Gold Command. The Silver Command is less powerful than Gold Command and its role is in decision making. The Bronze Command is theoretically least powerful but practically most useful at the incident site. Besides, proper co-ordination and co-operation among these commands leads to success in dealing with major incidents. 4. The importance of risk assessment and action plan during and after major incidents The process of risk assessment and formulation of an effective Action Plan is important to deal with large scale incidents. One can see that proper assessment of risk leads to effective handling of the situation and is a part of risk management. Besides, it is an innovative way of investigation to unearth a recognised threat. On the other side, Action Plans are based on 7 deliberate action plans which act as the theoretical side of disaster management scenario. The scope of Action Plan is wide in larger scale incidents like Buncefield. The Buncefield incident is one of the examples that can be put forth as a proof of effective risk assessment and formulation of effective action plan to deal with major incidents. For instance, during Buncefield incident, the authorities were well aware of the far reaching consequences like health hazards due to chemical contamination of drinking water. Vince (2008, p.38) makes clear that Buncefield incident caused large scale damage to properties and the emergency services authorities advised to evacuate a large area for safety. So, the authorities declared the site as a major incident and formulated site emergency response plan to deal with the critical situation. The Buncefield incident was declared as major and its overall cost prove the same (See Appendix 1). For instance, the largest item in the table is sector cost on compensation claims. The second item largest sector that faced problem due to Buncefield incident is aviation. Comparing with other sectors, the sector cost for Competent Authority and Government response, Emergency response and Environmental impact (drinking water) is less. The situation was critical because it caused immense damage to properties. So, immediate response including evacuation and fire fighting was undertaken by a number of agencies under the central command. Besides, immediate response based on site emergency response plan helped to limit the number of injuries to 40 and no fatality was reported. The below image is helpful to grasp the severity of Buncefield fire (see Appendix-2). The uninterrupted technical support along with wide support from the local public helped the authorities to reach the site within 10 minutes after the incident. But the Great Britain: Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (2006, p.59) criticizes 8 that lack of personal discipline from the side of some fire fighters during the rescue mission resulted in unwanted undertaking of tasks beyond the action plan. So, risk assessment and action plan is utmost important in dealing with large scale incidents. Moreover, Buncefield incident is the best example to prove the effectiveness of risk assessment and action plan during and after major incidents. 5. The possible role and responsibilities of public agencies in Buncefield incident Coppola (2007, P.367) makes clear that some international development agencies show keen interest to involve in disaster mitigation, disaster preparedness and recovery during and after major incidents. The role of different public agencies in cooperating with the disaster response efforts during Buncefield incident was limited because of limited prior experience in fire extinguishing and technical knowledge. But the fire fighting Emergency Services in UK helped the Health Protection Agency to deal with health and environmental problems. On December 12th, 2005, in Hemel Hempstead, the sky was covered with flames and smoke (see Appendix-3). Different agencies worked hard for immediate evacuation and to provide alternative accommodation facilities for thousands in Herd Hempstead. In addition, the role of Herdfordshire Constabulary, the territorial force for planning services in Herdfordshire played a vital role in evacuation process during the Buncefield fire. The local authorities and the Salvation Army were ever ready to render their services to provide accommodation facilities for thousands. Besides, the information made available by Hertfordshire Direct Website was really helpful to collect information about the incident. The Hertfordshire Health Protection Agency advised to close the local schools near the area. Smoke plumes covered the atmosphere and large scale evacuation was inevitable for Leverstock Green 9 area near Buncefield depot (see Appendix-4). The effort undertaken by fire fighters was helpful to extinguish multiple fires which lasted for three consecutive days. The inter-organisational level co-operation and co-ordination during disaster response was effectively fulfilled by the Gold Command level. For instance, the cooperation among 31 brigades like London Brigade, Yorkshire, Essex etc, was under the Gold Command. The below given map will help one to have a clearer idea about the location of Buncefield incident (see Appendix-5). But when one considers the lower levels of disaster response, there was utter confusion and less co-ordination among different brigades. In addition, there existed communication gap among different agencies that involved in disaster response. The lack of specialised organisations which can tackle the situation with ease worsened the situation. So, one can see that the role of public agencies in Buncefield incident was limited due to less experience in fire fighting and technical knowledge. The possible role and responsibilities for the same is to provide voluntary rescue work at the incident site, information sharing, providing accommodation facilities for the people who are evacuated from the site, medical treatment etc. The major role, i.e. fire fighting was undertaken and effectively fulfilled by the Fire and rescue service management command. 6. The necessity of effective coordination of media during major incidents The media plays an important role during major natural/manmade disasters. The effective coordination of media leads to information sharing which helps the smooth functioning of incident management and to take effective steps to deliver immediate relief. In addition, effective coordination of media during major incidents like Buncefield incident is helpful to coordinate different agencies under a single authority. The media can grab global attention towards major incidents. For instance, media coverage on major incidents occurred in every nook and corner of 10 the world is helpful to attract attention from international agencies like Red Cross. One can see that the role played by the Red Cross in disaster management is noteworthy. The effective coordination of media during major incidents leads to deliver humanitarian aid during and after manmade or natural disasters. So, one can see that coordination among different media agencies leads to inter-organizational cooperation during major disasters like Buncefield incident. Major incidents must be dealt with utmost importance and care because it may cause far reaching consequences. The role of media along with emergency workers plays the major role during and after the incident. In addition, Media/Public Relations department can play leading role in contingency planning and law enforcement in disaster site. The media briefing centres can broadcast information on incidents. Harrison (2009, p.330) makes clear that incident cite radios play an important role in information sharing during rescue missions. But media must be handled properly by the central command. For instance, overall coverage or reporting of any disaster, natural or manmade may negatively influence public opinion on disaster response. Moreover, media coverage can hinder the progress during disaster response attempts and can add stress to response teams. When the media cover every nook and corner of the incident, it may badly affect by creating additional trauma to the viewers. The images of any incident that are broadcasted by the media may cause short/long term trauma to the viewers. So, ineffective handling of media during major incidents leads to further problems and effective coordination of the same supplements the process of disaster response and incident management. 7. The role of prompt communication and information sharing during major incidents 11 The role of prompt communication and information sharing during major incidents is vital. During major incidents, innovative modes of information sharing like public TV broadcasts are advantageous in sharing updated information with the public. Besides, prompt communication among different agencies involved in rescue missions is helpful to handle major incidents with ease. For instance, prompt communication is vital in evacuation process and fire fighting. One of the causes of failure while dealing with major incidents is communication gap among agencies involved in rescue missions. Prompt communication with the central command is crucial and it is helpful in decision making process. When one evaluate the scope of information sharing during major incidents, one can see that it leads to better decisions during disaster response. Walsh (2005, P.19) opines that proper communication during an incident is deeply indebted to the successful dealing of the same. In addition, it is helpful to incorporate cohesive feeling among the members of disaster response teams/agencies. But it is important to point out that failure in regional coordination of information sharing leads to failure in disaster response. Information shared among fire fighters and other rescue team members leads to practical solutions and it supplements teambuilding process. At the same time, information sharing during major incidents positively influences the monitoring process. For an individual fire-fighter, prompt communication and information sharing is helpful to understand one’s role and responsibilities. Prompt communication and information sharing during major incidents leads to effective handling of evacuation process, rescue services, and fire-fighting. Furthermore, it is helpful to deal with natural and manmade disasters with equal importance. 8. Analysis: Importance of practical decisions during and after major incidents 12 Analysing practical decisions during and after major incidents, one can see that it helps to reduce economic burden due to major incidents, possible casualties, environmental problems and health hazards. In addition, practical decisions are helpful for time management, which is vital during major incidents. From another angle of view, practical decisions help to recover from major incidents. Cote (2003, p.175) makes clear that the incident management systems in USA provide training to its team members to deal with all types of incidents. During a major incident, is difficult to follow the traditional system of disaster management. For instance, successful handling of Action planning, implementation, immediate evacuation, fund allocation, alternative transport systems, medical treatment to the needy, resource management etc is strictly based on practical decisions during and after major incidents. The emergency response cost of Buncefield incident was high (See Appendix-6). The table makes clear that the total cost of emergency response was £7.4 million. The emergency response cost of Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue and Hertfordshire County Council were high. The Hertfordshire Prosperity and Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce suffered less economic loss. The most important stage during a major incident is disaster response. Here, practical decision apart from traditional system of disaster management like immediate evacuation is helpful to save valuable human life. Graner (2007, P.169) is of the opinion that fire fighters will be the first responders in almost all major/minor incidents. During major incidents, it is impractical to rely much upon the theoretical part of disaster management. Practical decisions on resource management and rescue missions are helpful to save time during major incidents. Besides, practical decisions lead to dynamic recovery plans. So, during major incidents, it is important to provide authority to emergency 13 responders to take practical decisions. Practical decisions reduce the scope of exhausting local resources which are helpful for effective disaster response. IV. Findings 14 The main findings are given below. 1. The traditional mode of fire and rescue services proves to be outdated and useless in dealing with major incidents. 2. The fire and rescue management command in England proves to be successful because it is capable to inculcate innovation into its structure. 3. The hierarchical structure of power distribution within the sphere of disaster management is effective in dealing with major/minor incidents. 4. The success in dealing with Buncefield incident proves the efficiency of Gold, Silver, Bronze commands. 5. Ample co-ordination and co-operation among commands, public agencies and media proves to be successful in dealing with major incidents. 6. The role of risk assessment and Action plan is important in disaster response/ disaster management scenario. V. Conclusion & Recommendations 15 Summing, Fire and rescue service management plays an important role in disaster response and disaster management. Rapid spread of terrorism and manmade hazards generate more challenges to Fire and rescue service. But the role and responsibility of an individual fire-fighter is not to keep oneself aloof from disaster response but to face the challenge with courage. The effective dealing of Buncefield incident proves that fire fighting strategy in UK is effective to deal with major incidents. It is important to incorporate innovation to the sphere of fire fighting and disaster response. Earlier, major incidents were closely related to nature but now human encroachment upon nature leads to manmade disasters. The role of practical decisions is utmost important during major incidents. The scope of further research in the field of disaster management, mainly Fire and rescue service management is vast and will help to tackle minor and major incidents in future. Besides, ample importance must be given to the safety of individual fire fighters who serve the nation without considering their safety in critical situations. VI. References 16 Coppola, Damon P., 2007. Introduction to international disaster management. USA: Butterworth-Heinemann. Cote, Arthur E., 2003. Organizing for Fire and Rescue Services. USA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Graner, Ron., 2007. The Fire Chief's Toolbox. USA: Fire Engineering Books. Great Britain: Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, 2006. Buncefield: Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service's review of the fire response. United Kingdom: The Stationery Office. Harrison, Steve., 2009. Media Space 20+ Years of Mediated Life. London: Springer. Herndon, David N., 2007. Total burn care. 3rd ed. China: Elsevier Health Sciences. Vince, Ivan., 2008. Major accidents to the environment: a practical guide to the Seveso II directive and COMAH regulations. United Kingdom: Butterworth-Heinemann. Walsh, Donald W., 2005.National incident management system: principles and practice.USA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. 17 Ward, Michael., 2005. Fire Officer: Principles and Practice. Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Xie, Jian., 2008. Addressing China's water scarcity: recommendations for selected water resource management issues. Washington, DC: World Bank Publications. VII. Appendices 18 Appendix-1 Buncefield incident: sector cost Sector Cost (£ million) Site operators (compensation claims) £625 Aviation £245 Competent Authority and Government response £15 Emergency response £7 Environmental impact (drinking water) £2 Total £894 Source: - Appendix-2 19 Source:- Appendix-3 20 Source: Appendix-4 21 Source: Appendix-5 22 Source:- Appendix-6 23 Buncefield incident: emergency response costs Cost (£) Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue 3 807 000 Hertfordshire County Council 2 291 000 Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce 10 000 Hertfordshire Constabulary 409 000 Hertfordshire Prosperity 12 000 Dacorum borough Council 880 000 7 409 000 Source: - Read More
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