These youngsters can not and should not be allowed to go astray throughout their life. They are in prison at present, and their freedom of movement is curbed by their wrong choices, stroke of ill-luck or unfortunate circumstances. Read what Michael G. Santos says—how he landed in prison. “Because everyone involved was of similar age and opinion, we did not listen to those wanting to steer us clear of folly we were about to embark upon; I failed to grasp the seriousness of my criminal wrongdoing.
As idiotic and shortsighted as it sounds, neither my friends nor I then considered that our actions could actually lead us into the vice grip of the criminal justice machine.”(Santos, 2007, p.1) Prison managements all over the world have realized that punishment, though called for, for heinous crimes as per the provisions of law, does not afford an opportunity for redemption. It rather, leads to more damage to the personality of the prisoners. By indifferent and apathetic treatments, psychologically shaken prisoners get completely shattered and the hard core ones turn more and more vengeful and stonehearted.
With stiff attitudes, these youngsters, upon release from prison, turn into more violent perpetrators of crime. Thus, it is necessary that the prisoners be afforded an opportunity to change themselves from within. Solution to the problem: Cane to tame these youngsters, is not the permanent solution to the problem. The root cause of all crimes is the same. Mental imbalance! Negativities hovering in the mind! The system has to find the root cause and treat it there. The thought processes of the youngsters need to change.
When the thought process changes the action process will also change! When the thoughts are changed, the mind is changed; when the mind is changed, the man is changed; when the man is changed, the society is changed; when the society is changed, the Nation is changed! The present desperate youngsters need urgent and desperate remedies, but they also need to be the everlasting ones! Violence is not something new to the humanity. The pages of human history daubed in bloodshed, ask the crying question.
How to make the Planet Earth heaven-like? The answer is simple and straightforward. Eyes full of understanding, hearts full of love and the life that refuses conflicts—enough, these alone are enough! This implies, all attempts need to aim to change the hearts of men! The prison authorities are precisely doing the same through various activities, which are part of their psycho-analytical treatment module. These small activities have profound significance to touch the inner core of the prisoners.
The prison administration has specially designed a capsule course of three months, which every prisoner has to undergo, as per rules and regulations laid down in the Prison Manual. Specially trained counselors in moral and ethical counseling are appointed for the purpose. Some Non-governmental Organizations also assist the Prison administration in this noble task. Though not attracted to such exposures, a remarkable change is seen in the youngsters as for their attitudes, within a period of one week.
Difficult cases are segregated from the regular groups, which normally consists of 10-15 youngsters. One to one, intensive counseling is given to such individuals. The counselors are amiable, understanding and empathetic. They listen to their grievances and life stories and provide them doses of inspiration. Once they regain the composure they are assimilated in the regular groups. Special discourses: Step two is to expose them to serious topics related to human life, by directing them to attend discourses.
This is a combined exercise, wherein several groups join together. This program is held in the prison auditorium that has the seating capacity of 800 persons. Sometimes guest speakers are invited. Today’s cultural program, the dance-drama, in which all the participants are exclusively the prisoners, is scheduled to be held in this auditorium.
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