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A very old farmer in Roswell, Mr. Johnson, claimed that on one evening when he was working in his corn field, he saw a flying saucer pass across his farm. Mr. Johnson never went beyond the fifth grade in his early school life. Furthermore, he can hardly read and write. He is also very ignorant of what the scientists and other specialists have said and written on the subject; hence, his report cannot be considered as true (Steelman, 2014).
Appeal to Tradition is a fallacy that only occurs when people assume that something is correct or better because it is traditional, older, or has always been done. This is not always true. For example, marriage has always and traditionally been between a woman and a man; hence, gay marriage should be banned and not allowed in the country.
The explanation for this fallacy is that often many traditions have stemmed from religious beliefs, and until individuals start to question the reasoning and logic behind such traditions, the gay community will continue to suffer. Just because certain practices were acceptable in past culture, does not make it acceptable today. This is the same case as in slavery, racism, corporal punishment, and sexism.
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