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Promoting a Healthy Housing Environment for the Older People - Article Example

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In the report “Promoting a Healthy Housing Environment for the Older People” the author analyzes several strategies that the government has put in place in order to counteract the challenge of the housing so as to improve the health wellbeing of the older population…
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Promoting a Healthy Housing Environment for the Older People
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Promoting a Healthy Housing Environment for the Older People Devon is a county in England in the states of the United Kingdom. It covers an area of approximately 6707km squared. Its population is 1,135,700. Settlement in Devon is mainly in the city of Plymouth (Wahl, 2010, p. 13). The government of Devon has put in place several measures, and has been given the required resources to the wellbeing and the health board in order to improve on wide range sectors that are important in improving the health of the older population in the region. Greater health impacts that are faced by the local are due to poor housing on the wellbeing and health results of the old people (Hennis et al., 2009, p. 4). There are several strategies that the government has put in place in order to counteract the challenge of housing and the services that are related to housing so as to improve the health wellbeing of the older population. According to the social and health care act that was established in 2012, it created the wellbeing and health boards. The board has the responsibility of encouraging integrated work and developing combined strategies that are required in assessments, wellbeing, and joint health strategies. The government visualizes the board as a main point in making decisions concerning the wellbeing and the local health (Cattan & Tilford, 2013, p. 3). Individual housing situation Houses developed for the older people in Devon are designed to enable older people achieve greater independence and for their wellbeing. This is because they live freely in their own apartments that are designed and suitable for their conditions. There are a variety of housing options and care option. Some of the features that are prone in those houses are; the houses are accessible, this is because they designed for independent older people including those that are not physically fit. They are provided with Tele-care services where the majority of them run for twenty-four hours. These people do ensure and monitor their steps to ensure their wellbeing. There are provided with benefits such as communal services (Cattan & Tilford, 2013, p. 3). The houses are usually cost friendly and so majority of older people is able to afford them. There are also located in secure places. Their landlords, managing the house are professionals that are able to handle their business with the old people. The service providers, the tenant, the landlord and the Tele-care people are all human friendly therefore the environment is usually friendly for the elderly (Wahl, 2010, p. 13). Anti social behavior Anti-social behavior is the main major challenge in homes for the elderly. The main challenging questions are the measures that are taken to curb the behavior. In the year of 2012 there were partners that formed a project that they named as SND. They were to assist in enabling a proactive approach to neighbors based ASB. They were responsible for earlier interventions and supporting the victim, there are usually legal duties met to reduce the crimes and disorder behavior that do occur in the homes for the elderly in Devon. There are usually found at the crime and disorder act 1998.some of the major issues addressed are the anti-social behaviors and theft cases. There are various council services addressed on the issues. These are security patrols, anti-social behavior officers and they are expected to adhere to the security by design. This is to ensure that amongst themselves is continued planning developments (Cooper. L, 2010, p. 18). Successful services and services that are effective help in preventing the occurrence of problems and it also, enhances the wellbeing of individuals by enabling the whole system to work. Explaining the benefits to the individual and the practitioners will greatly help in solving the challenges that are faced by the people who lives in Devon (Harris & White 2009, p. 78). Health issues There are usually health services that are offered for the elderly in Devon community. Some of the services are day care treatments. These are done with the aim of preventing long-term health problems. Hay is also responsible in giving out orders for the cases that is the medical condition offered required the patient to be admitted in hospitals. There are also services such as rehabilitation and rabblement services. They involve several therapists that are used to help the elderly overcome their stressing issues. They all work together with the nurses and physicians. There are also services named as hospitals at home. They operate and offer all the possible hospital services in homes for the elderly in Devon. The majority of patients that they offer services to do suffer from heart failure and chest infection problems. These services are offered on a daily basis. (Vickerstaff et al., 2013, p. 8). Proper housing can play a key role in preventing the increasing necessary objectives of the public services such as the reduction of the need for individuals to go and reside in residential care homes, results to the need for impermanent residential care. This will also guarantee that the individuals who are released from health care centers are ushered into suitable accommodation instead of remaining in the health institution beds due to the poor conditions of their houses and to reduce the necessity for home care of the young and old persons, which require long-term care. Some of the housing conditions that influence the health of older individuals in Devon include cold weather. Many of the individuals who are older tend to be prone to a cold environment. This is because older people have a higher likelihood of having medical conditions that are existing. The individuals also have a high probability of being unable to purchase the required fuel to keep them warm during the winter period. As a result of the statistic carried, there has been a rise in the number of the old individual who dies in Britain because of the colder environment than in any other country in Europe. The decrease in temperature has resulted in an increase in death for the older people in with more than 1.35% (Cooper, 2010, p. 18). Peripheral location This is due to the poor thermal inefficient housing of the old people. The older people, who live in regions that are cold and damps, usually face a high risk of getting diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis. This can make the individuals to be unable to move thus complicating their movements when they need to keep themselves warm. Rheumatism can increase the chances of accidents happening such as falling and other fatalities, social isolation, and problems that are associated with mental health (Vickerstaff et al., 2013, p. 27). The quality of the indoor air is also a key factor that the government of Devon. A documentation report given by the global health organization indicated that those older individuals that reside in moldy and damp homes have high chances of getting health complications such as allergic rhinitis, infections in the respiratory system and asthma. If older people are exposed to houses that have dust, mites, allergies, and symptoms such as conjunctivitis and eczema can be triggered and a continuous exposure can result to asthma (Vickerstaff et al., 2013, p. 27). Research has proved that every five hours, an old person usually dies due to accidental fall. It costs the NHS more than three hundred million pounds every year to cater for the expenses of the old people that result from them falling. The designs and the type of houses the old people live create a high probability for the older individuals living there to fall and suffer injuries. This challenge can be addressed by ensuring that the houses that are occupied by the older people and constructed in a good design and for them to be provided with proper lighting to enhance visibility to the old people who are suffering from poor vision (Meleis2010, p. 22). For example, “Good tonal disparity between exteriors, the distinction between cupboards and floor can help direction. The distinction between the electrical switches, sockets and the wall will make it easier for older people distinguish them and also to locate them.” It has also been proved that house intervention that are not exaggerated can play a greater role in improving the health of older people, and this will reduce the need for social and medical care for this individual. The physical conditions of the house may also play a key factor in determining the health of the older individuals. Evidence indicates that wider neighborhood and the capacity of antisocial character such as the fear for criminal activities are of great importance. Exclusion and loneliness are becoming a reality for many older individuals as it is indicated by a report from the United Kingdom. The results from the research shows that more than 11% of individuals who are about 65 years and above mostly experience the challenge of loneliness and their neighbors, thus, making them commonly secluded through the experience of loneliness and isolation (Cooper2010, p. 32). Those who chair the wellbeing and health board are supposed to make sure that they take total advantage of the good housing can have on the wellbeing and health outcomes of the old people population. The members of the board should ask themselves if they have an understanding of the primary issues in housing the old individuals, whether they have the knowledge on how these issues affects the peoples wellbeing and health outcomes and finally, if they know what is required of them in order to solve these challenges (Sheets, Bradley & Hendricks 2013, p. 33). Recent examination for the federation that deals with national housing argues that solutions that are more efficient will be the one that addresses the wider determination of health such as housing, keeping away from a narrow preoccupation from the formal NHS services. Many factors are considered in influencing the old people wellbeing and health. These factors include the lifestyle choice of individuals such as the choice for individual to smoke and physical activities such as employment and education (Rootman 2012, p. 42). Another way to overcome the challenge is by bringing the health care services closer to the people of Devon. It has been proved that many health institutions in Devon are placed in towns where enormous acute hospitals are located. This is usually inaccessible to the people who are old. The Devon authorities are pushing the care services close to the old individuals to make it accessible in the local settings. The personalization of the social care will allow the individuals to reschedule themselves and arrange to access the services that will be closer to the people, thus cutting the cost of transport and reducing the chances of individuals to make journeys that are not required (Killoran, Howse & Dalley 2010, p. 107). Through the commissioning of services, the DCC strives to obtain the proper value of currency. Othercaring services that are for the society are charged, and the charges are considered fair to the individuals. The DCC accepts that it is important to implicate some charges for these services, as the services are vulnerable to the older individuals and the people who care for them. Even though this is advocated, several care and health services offers these services free to the people. The services that are being offered free include the rapid response, rembelement of social care, and the equipment that is used in offering the care services to the people (Irudaya et al., 2009, p. 68). The local authority and health partners should consider ways in which the JSNA has identified and ways in which it is driving ahead the commission’s priorities in researching in areas that they are required to improve the outcomes of health. Recent examination for the federation that deals with national housing argues that solutions that are more efficient will be the one that addresses the wider determination of health such as housing, keeping away from a narrow preoccupation from the formal NHS services (Vickerstaff et al., 2013, p. 35). If the government will be able to attend to the issues of housing related services that are not included in the JSNA the older individual will mainly benefit, as the government will have managed counteracting the health challenges that are associated with these factors. This will also enable the government to reduce the high cost of the economy, money that is spent in offering treatment to older people who suffer from injuries those results from accidents that occurs because of poorhouse designs. The public should also play a key role by accepting and incorporating the old individuals. This will provide social satisfaction rather that isolating them. Interacting and incorporating the older individual in the society will create peace and a loving environment to the people (Albert et al, 2010, p. 123). This will reduce the frequent visit to the institutions that gives wellbeing and care services. Physical and mental (emotional, psychological) health and safety Elderly people are faced with various physiological challenges. Some of these problems result in mental illnesses. Therefore, in Devon home for the elderly, there are usually psychiatrists. These doctors do treat mental diseases. Several counselors assist the elderly to overcome their troubling problems. There are services that ensure that these people engage in various exercises thereby enabling them to refresh their mind and manage their troubles. Health specialists do understand various behaviors and biological issues that do influence the health of the elderly. They therefore deal with physiological and emotional issues that face the elderly people. They are also responsible for designating a lifestyle that favors the elderly people. This includes the diet that they should take and what they should avoid. 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