Verbal and Von-verbal Interactions in Society Article - 2. Retrieved from
Verbal and Von-Verbal Interactions in Society Article - 2.
Non verbal communication plays a major role in determining the type of communication in various cultures. In some countries, some verbal cues are seen as offensive as opposed to others. In the work of Calero, it is of great essence to assess the different types of cultures in the course of communication, as culture is in itself is nonverbal communication (105). In low context cultures, verbal communication, in this case, will be more focuses on highly structured forms of communications as opposed to the high-context cultures that use simple language.
Culture greatly determines the kind of verbal or nonverbal interactions in society. Disruptive language concept works on the grounds that what a person feels that they are strong in are mere opinion confusions which in turn, turn out to be fact- inference confusion (Adler, Rosenfeld & Proctor 20). This is to mean that their strong points turn to be their weak points especially whilst communicating using language. Since language is ambiguous, mistakes like ‘why am I hearing you’ instead of ‘why am I listening to you’ may occur unknowingly.
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