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Is Money the Factor That Can Improve Society - Assignment Example

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The paper “Is Money the Factor That Can Improve Society ?” presents modern definitions of money, wage, effects got by supporters of the minimum wage, lean production system, as well as meaning and subjecting to the labor law, psychology involved in money measure etc.  …
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Is Money the Factor That Can Improve Society
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This essay will specify the points on which it will be dealing, starting with Hamlet's soliloquy as it shows the torture of the spirit in introducingfacts and thoughts into its world outside its body which it is eager to activate but has much restraints causing its deactivation, which come mostly from society rules and from public ethics and respect of the law, which, if abandoned, would chaotically lead into people of riot and Hamlet, in this figure of everyday street man, is a common figure of all of us living in modern London and Britain. The meaning of lean: ( There are nearly as many definitions of lean as there are lean practitioners and consultants. Nonetheless, a few basic principles are common to most, if not all, definitions. In short, the aim of any lean initiative is to eliminate waste. Muda, Japanese for waste, can come in many forms--all of which either add nothing to the finished product or nothing for which the customer is willing to pay. A few examples follow: Transportation. Any required transportation of products or parts adds nothing from the customer's perspective. Therefore, it should be minimized or eliminated. It's common for plant redesign or reorganization to be among the first steps in a lean effort. Overproduction . This occurs when a part or product is manufactured before it's needed--either before a customer has ordered it or before it can begin the next process in the production system. This results in a backlog of material that must be stored, which adds unnecessary expense and inefficiency. A truly lean enterprise isn't dependent upon speculative market forecasting for determining production runs. Work in progress. WIP can be caused by overproduction, poor scheduling or long and uneven cycle times. Lean companies ensure that each manufacturing process takes roughly the same amount of time by adjusting the processes themselves or the resources dedicated to each. Additionally, suppliers must be held accountable for reliable delivery of their shipments. Also inherent to a lean production system is the idea of continuous improvement. The lean executive recognizes waste in any form as a singular enemy, the fighting of which is his or her primary responsibility. Because every process includes some waste, the elimination of all waste is an unattainable goal. On the other hand, lean optimists recognize that this truth means the benefits of a lean system--if diligently pursued--are inexhaustible, too. Meaning of wage: Wages are what a worker gets from money or solid appreciation of their work. This differs according to education and constitution the worker belongs to and works in. It is negotiable and thus the worker could offer more for his working time the more the appreciated he is and the effect of such behavior is the giving efficiently into the work done. If improperly done, the law has the right on the side of the customer and employer to cut down the wages until proven better in the way of handling the work(referring to the worker)if the worker does not efficiently prove him or herself worthy of the wages they get they are either fired or demoted or given a lesser salary or wages than the primary wages they have been given before the time of the inefficiency. The fact that workers could be differentiated among due to racial or religious backgrounds is uncontroversial but is not the purpose of this essay unless referred t o later on when wanted. Meaning of effect: When a worker deals with the surrounding environment they are affected upon and affect upon and this is directly proportional or inversely proportional according to the manner that the environment is dealt with and how the worker is dealt with. The main thing is that the more appreciated the environment is to the worker the more efficient the worker works and thus the increase of productivity and quality and quantity of the product. But is the wages a measure of such appreciation sometimes ,if not under constrictions of strict law rules or employers who employ their relatives and friends who could not efficiently work in their positions, the wages to a great sect, if not most of the sect, deal with wages as being the best thing to measure the way that performance in such field by the worker has been progressing. The worker applies his methods of working and of relieving anger onto the work if the wages are not properly suiting him or her and the increase in inflation of prices and economy of the country-especially if the worker could not fly abroad and work in better communities where work stress could be lesser and wages more. This only occurs the higher the person promotes him or herself in the ladder of society for the doctors and engineers are not paid like coal mine workers and those in meaner industries. Also, the manner of handling the money is a manner of character which provides the background of how the fact of dealing with such material could reflect the person's personality on how to behave with money and consequently the surrounding and the effect of money upon them. Money: Money is the measure in modern society of all actions, whether moral or related to physical actions: a strong man or woman who could earn better are preferable than earnings in the weaker bodies of people. Money is the face of the understanding of the outside world communications and business and wages that go lower than the acceptable could affect how the money handler deals with the society and how they act with the fact that money is everything and that without it it reaches the side of being 'unable to breathe without.' Life is short and the more money you get out of it the happier you leave it with the only consolation that the moments coming will not be worse than the ones you've been living in wealth and good health if possible. Money is the reference to intelligence and philosophies vary as to whether money is about materialistic measures or spiritual matters measured as to how to obtain it to move on better in life. Many people relate money to the spirituality of their being, i.e that they will be able to help and save lives and promote their welfare the more money they earn and this is what they think that money could do for them. Money, does it change personalities or do personalities change the outlook of the person on money It is in a dual manner and mutually money and the person interact to show the meaning of finance and another way of seeing it is by seeing the way people deal if money is lost after a time of having an amount of it-people commit suicides and borrow and go into debts and rob and kill to get the money they need. So is money an issue of ethics and characters or is it a legislative issue where people see it as something hard and bright and glistening to own where everything is possible when it is owned in great amounts Money and psychology: Psychology is the study of the reactions of humans towards all elements consisting of lives in form of beings and non-beings in relation to the studied element(the human).psychology is therefore the study that applies its analysis to the way that people behave trying to alternate the way they think and understand themselves and each other to be able to conceive better thoughts and remove themselves and shift out of the circle of problems(mental, emotional and physical) which they put themselves in whether intentionally or intentionally. But is it true that nobody puts themselves in unintentional behavioral modes People realize their actions and what they realize they offer to their subconscious to operate upon and act by and thus find a manner of behavior they submit to the conscious as being 'uncontrollable'. Money is the bias elements but the effect of people's minds on things delude them to become such and such who behave in a manner which could be criminal or unemotionally stable people. When psychology is involved in money it measures the effect of meanings on the confrontational behavior of people towards things. Such behavior relies upon pre-conceptual understanding of things and what they are to the person who is acting. A person is either a positive or negative reactor partially or completely by means of understanding what they confront or deal with. Confrontational behavior is the behavior that one puts themselves in mode of when dealing emotionally with things that go against what they want to believe in or want to deal in accordance with. Money is emotionally dealt with and thus problems occur and rise and inflate and cause unbalance of community measures and rise in crime. But is money the only factor that could help improve society and is the wage the best way to show appreciation of hard work Appreciation and hard work and wages and income: Most workers do not appreciate sweet words of thank you's but appreciate more money value of their work. The worker is right here since the moral value of works are declining and the money value is being the current value of works (it did exist in ancient times but not as the present manner of existence).money is more and deeply appreciated by both employers and employees. The employer finds it the best way to show how good the work they give is and the employee sees it as a manner of saying 'you're the best to work with me here in this field' from the employee, besides its being a better appreciator of economic changes than the way the 'thank you' could have been. Money is better regarded as the 'utiliser of minds, the behavioral conducts and the appreciator of all measures of dealings between people, worker and industry owner. 'It has been seen that this era is a monetary and financial era more than it is a spiritual era. Even to be spiritual and attend spiritual classes or go see the world and study spiritualism is expensive and not all people could handle such things and thus regard it as a 'waster of time and money' on basis that what you cannot get is what you do not need. Ethics are a major problem in regarding things and dealing with them for money has sucked in the full scope of our looking at things and how we understanding what is the relation between subjects and objects from our view of things from especially from people's perspectives or from our relation with the perspective of people who see it in this way. Sometimes one believes that what they regard and what they can do gets them the bets of life and more than what they want, need and expect. This is untrue for reality shows otherwise. Money could not buy everything but it sure does compensate for damage loses and ability to retain a better life when winning a lawsuit against someone. This is a way of getting a better income -by black mailing people to have more money and better salaries. Meaning and subjecting to the law: Law is the normal way to get what you want and desire on time and in a legitimate manner./money is the issue that law deals in basically ands all the arrangement of works and ethics and behavior is in relation to money(a contract between two is the simplest thing that law deals with). Law differs from country to country and dealing with law differs from person to another. Some people are above the law and others are ugly ducklings. Sometimes when dealing with law people tend to circulate and back stab each other to get to what they want without being harmed majorly, and sitcoms do not seem to be getting someone to this point except with people who do not deal with it in an unserious manner. Money laws are regulated to assure the welfare of those who work and that they get their compensations and retirements so that they could live decently and in better ways after resigning or leaving work. But is work left even after the minimum wage laws show income inequality Meaning of income: ( 'Labour law or employment law is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which addresses the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organizations. As such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers and employees'. 'Labor law arose due to the demands of workers for better conditions, the right to organize, and the simultaneous demands of employers to restrict the powers of workers' organizations and to keep labour costs low. Employers costs can increase due to workers organizing to win higher wages, or by laws emposing costly requirements, such as health and safety or equal opportunities conditions. Workers' organisations, such as trade unions, can also transcend purely industrial disputes, and gain political power - which some employers may oppose. The state of labour law at any one time is therefore both the product of, and a component of, struggles between different interests in society'. 'A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily or monthly wage that employers may legally pay to employees or workers. More than 90% of all countries have some kind of minimum wage legislation.[' Benefits: (( Supporters of the minimum wage claim it has these effects: Increases the average living standard. Reduces worker exploitation. Creates incentive to work. (Contrast with welfare transfer payments.) Does not have budget consequence on government. "Neither taxes nor public sector borrowing requirements rise." (Contrast with negative income taxes such as the EITC.) Minimum wage is administratively simple; workers only need to report violations of wages less than minimum, minimizing a need for a large enforcement agency. Stimulates consumption, by putting more money in the hands of low-income people who spend their entire paychecks. Increases the work ethic of those who earn very little, as employers demand more return from the higher cost of hiring these employees. Decreases the cost of government social welfare programmes by increasing incomes for the lowest-paid.[11] Prevents in-work benefits (e.g. the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Working Tax Credit) from causing a reduction in gross wages which would otherwise occur if labour supply is not perfectly inelastic.[11][Confusing - Please clarify] Can increase the economic efficiency of the economy where labour markets exhibit a high degree of market power on the part of employers. Provides a "shock" which forces employers to use a high productivity strategy rather than a high labour turnover strategy, therefore improving the stock of human capital in an economy. Stimulates economic growth by discouraging labor-intensive industries, thereby encouraging more investment in capital and training. The primary purpose of the minimum wage is to give higher income to low wage earners, but the minimum wage isn't the only policy that attempts to accomplish this goal. Several policy alternatives such as a negative income tax or earned income tax credit give benefits to low wage workers in a method that many economists believe is more economically efficient. Under a classical analysis of a minimum wage, some low wage earners are helped by the higher minimum wage, some low wage earners lose their jobs because of the higher minimum wage, and businesses employing low wage earners face higher labor costs. A benefit is delivered to some low wage workers at the expense of other low wage workers and businesses employing low wage workers. On the other hand, a negative income tax or earned income tax credit benefits a broader population of low wage earners, and society as a whole bears the cost. This is more economically efficient because, a low tax rate on the broader economy causes less deadweight loss than a high tax rate on a small section of the economy. The ability of the earned income tax credit to deliver a larger monetary benefit to poor workers at a lower cost to society was recently documented in a report by the Congressional Budget Office. Ethics are naturally everything in an industry. Especially when it involves the hybrid making of automobiles which are like putting Fords and Toyotas together to form a third breed of industrial automotives. The operations could take shorter times if the cycle times could be automated and the fact that they take long times for the changeovers could be limited and the availability will increase and the quality pass rate would increase if the assembly section is as large as the inspection which could be better if its as large as the rough machine section. It seems that the smaller the tools used in the body of the car the more the supply for demand. By increasing the wages of the employees there will not be a possible amount of money which could invert money into the company from the losses which could only mean that the wages either have to decrease or that they have to increase the rate of firing employees from the company to compensate for the losses. This could happen if the rate of goods out is double the rates of good ins which are planned for the upcoming four years which could be set down as a plan by increasing the amount of money which is coming from stronger currencies which should allow competitive standards to keep employees who are willing to stay to have a better state of living and an ability to stand the possibilities of loss in the upcoming trial of the plan until the feet are firmly placed on the grounds of the trial. How is this possible Die casting is taking such a large amount of the industry and raw material stores are less. This could be fixed if the cycles are rotated at a better speed as being rotating at 30% more of the speed which it goes with and is decreased by 25% in the changeover which allows a time for rest for the manpower and the machines and the ability to get works done at a higher speed rate. The employees will be automating the machines which will be up to the best standards which could be formed at the industrial costs, if they are obsolete but pacing strong short paces and there's no quality outgoing from the total quality of the car which is decreased by 8-10% monthly to be able to get the quality control of the assembly and everything that is involved in the car manufacturing then the ability to compete world wide will be run easily at the rate of 38,000 cars for the year ahead. The cars are the not the most urgently needed business in the industrial revolution of the era but are considered more of a complimentary state of accessories which could be understood to be truly important when the people living in the car industry or/and industrial towns and cities could not find transport. If the company would not change its rate of car manufacturing depending on the model of cars it is building then the rate of losses will directly proportional decrease and/or increase according to the decisions of the models of cars that are being manufactured. Such need intellectual property and ability to design as light cars as possible which work with environmental friendly factors and colors which are modern and a moderate to luxurious luxury. If the company is intending to remain in domain where it is and not upwards then the rate of industrializing the cars is possibly fair for the attempted to gain manufacturing. Usage of fork lift trucks is not as useful and as quick as using lifts which are automatic to move cars from one place to another. The manufacturing processed for covers could be not sporadic if the stock is ensured to be available by having it worked at certain times of the day when traffic in the company is highest and when the work is at its extremest and not after or before lunchtime immediately, this is because so the workers would not work with less efficiency and would not be able to get and work lesser hours especially if the lunch breaks or the moments of rests between each working hour or rotation of the cycle is short and not fairly or moderately long. The hours should be condensed at compartments where the small pieces of accessories of the car are required and the larger things which are requested of the workers to put into the accessory of the car could be at the end. The possible thing to do is to have the number of hours condensed at the beginning of the day with the raw materials, flash, clip and linish, tool stores, grinding, drill and tap, rough machine(saw, deburr, machine) and shorter hours are put to performance at the assembly and die casting and inspection. The inspection should not be as large as the ability of the machines get longer and more automated. But as long as they are manual they will not be taking so short a time to be able to get things properly assembled unless the efficiency of the workers is large enough to build Rolls Royces with utmost efficiency and with the least amount of mistakes. Another assembly if the idea works of training them to work manually on bits and parts and pieces of the car formation is to form works of the raw materials and automate the forms of the manual moving around with the fork lift which could be replaced by more advanced lifts which could be estimated not to cost a quarter of what the cost of the 200 cars each could cost. If the output depends on the Al/AR with a 50:50 CAR/CAR then the CNC machines should be for the deburred part of the factorization. The rough machines should be spun at 2000 per shot to increase the WEC manufacturing carrier and for all to be part of the product family. CNCs must be not too extensively used when all they need is to be pout together to be abled to get a better cover for the car and not a better chassis and tyres, etc(which are the most essential parts of the car anyway).the goods in should be twice as much the goods out as the increase in the steel industry could lead to an inflation in the prices of cars and in the industrial products which compose the car which could lead to a minimal understanding from the customer of why the cars cost so much and thus could not afford and would not like to afford the car payments which are given them especially when such inflation causes such people to think that the better the car means it is money valued and should be worth its money which will not enable the present factory to module such cars which fit its understanding of the market which could not fix the rate of production unless the models of the cars are exchanged for more advanced and more luxurious parts and abilities of workers and suppliances for after sales services. The pieces of the car should not be cheap like Chinese cars nor expensive as Volvos but as applicable to the automobile's different (probably prospective) designs of car engines which could fit for more than one family of the same car evolved in the car factory stated. Read More
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