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A New Way to Compete by Marks & Spencer
11 pages (3451 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "A New Way to Compete by Marks & Spencer" describes that the use of EC processes enables M&S to improve its revenue and profitability since the company is able to reach the global markets 24/7, 365 days a year at a relatively low investment cost.... .... ... ... The typical business model used by M&S in terms of selling includes: (1) online direct marketing; (2) Viral marketing wherein M&S' loyal customers could spread through the word-of-mouth that their families and friends could easily purchase similar items sold in M&S store outlets at a discounted price when purchased online; MARKS & SPENCER - A New Way to Compete - Table of Contents I....
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The Worlds Largest Confectionary Organisation
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "The Worlds Largest Confectionary Organisation" highlights that Cadbury is a company which has been recognised by European consumers since the 1800s and has a well-established brand reputation which many consumers can likely recall instantaneously.... ... ... ... Exposing the new consumers to the different Cadbury branded products will only serve to achieve higher exposure around the globe and provide Cadbury with the added sales boost necessary to weather the current economic conditions being experienced in the UK, overall European, and American marketplaces....
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Organisational Change and Transition
10 pages (2626 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The case study "Organisational Change and Transition" points out that organizations undergo a change in every phase of their lifecycle.... It is very necessary that the organizations have a proactive approach towards dealing with these changes otherwise it can have dire results.... .... ... ... According to the Watzlawick theory of change, Burton underwent the second-order change because the whole of the system was altered and it had faced a major crisis....
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The Modus Operandi and Present Impact of Solntsevskaya Bratva Organised Crime Group
9 pages (2814 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the paper "The Modus Operandi and Present Impact of Solntsevskaya Bratva Organised Crime Group" presents information on Solntsevskaya Bratva's steady transformation.... It further explores its national and transnational modus operandi.... .... ... ... The character and diversity of the crimes that have prevailed in Russia have appeared unlimited to human trafficking, drug trafficking, money laundering, and stolen automobiles....
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Safety Development and Management
11 pages (3080 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper 'Safety Development and Management' provides support for claims of compliance to safe operations of the helicopter in its operating environment as far as it requires that it should meet particular design requirements so that safety of the users of the helicopter is assured.... ... ... ...
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Federal Medical Malpractice Reform
9 pages (2319 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Federal Medical Malpractice Reform" paper argues that while the failed legislation can be ruled out as a matter of political maneuvering what is clear is that the malpractice system is in a state of disrepair and that urgent and far-reaching reforms are necessary to save it.... .... ... ... Federal reform raises questions as to the separation of power and federalism concerns....
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Subway Retail Expansion Analysis
15 pages (4301 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper offers numerous recommendations in the way Subway should conduct its market research.... In order to ensure standard service quality, Subway should focus on gaining information on aspects that need to be improved in all the outlets and also focus on improving the interior designs.... ... ...
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Leadership Approaches to Purpose and Sustainability in Organisations - Tata Corporation
10 pages (2720 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The leaders of organisations are, however, confronted with a number of challenges such as the political, environmental, social, technological (PEST), or missing.... ... ... The paper 'Leadership Approaches to Purpose and Sustainability in Organisations - Tata Corporation " is a great example of a management case study....
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Education Program of Kindergarten in Port Kennedy
13 pages (3370 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
According to the Developmental Psychology, children have inherent desire to acquire knowledge and understanding of their own environment.... The paper "Education Program of Kindergarten in Port Kennedy" states that the child develops in the context of family, neighborhood, community, public policies, and society....
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Global Enterprise and Innovation
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Finally, the third reason attributed to the cause of such effect is the Psychology of the multinational firms in setting up industrial centers around market areas.... This paper "Global Enterprise and Innovation" focuses on the fact that the Business Environment of the Republic of China is very exciting from the investor's point of view....
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Business Global Economic Environment & Marketing
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The following case study under the title "Business Global Economic Environment & Marketing" dwells on various issues and problems that the World Trade Organisation faces that led to the premature ending of the summit in Cancun that resulted in the failure of the summit.... ... ... ... One problem the World Trade Organisation encountered was the increasing domestic economic repercussions and technical complexity of issues that were being discussed by the summit....
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Information Technology Sector - East African Market
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Information Technology Sector - East African Market" focuses on the radical growth of the IT sector across Africa which has created myriad opportunities for investment.... Some of these opportunities exist in several sectors where IT has become of much value these days.... .... ... ... The major driving force behind the development of this infrastructure is basically the growing need for the efficient opportunities created by IT and the shift from the traditional forms of operations....
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Pair Proposal for Levi Strauss
7 pages (1794 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Pair Proposal for Levi Strauss" focuses on Levi Strauss and Co.... which has a long and esteemed history as a clothing company.... Founded by Levi Strauss in the middle of the nineteenth century they continue to produce denim jeans, their mainstay.... ... ... ... Integration of the CCTC technology with Levi Strauss manufacturing technology should be relatively straightforward and would be largely, or primarily the responsibility of CCTC....
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Business Process Modelling Procedures Applied
5 pages (1551 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Business Process Modelling Procedures Applied" is an impressive example of a Business case study.... E-business process modeling is done in a bid to capture the underlying business processes of organizations.... The processes enable an analysis of the organizational structure and the automation of the business processes using software to achieve higher profit margins....
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Financial Constraints Facing Global Industries
4 pages (1533 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Financial Constraints Facing Global Industries' is an apt example of a human resources case study.... Human resources development (HRD) is a vital department in any organization.... There are several roles played by the department to achieve organizational goals and employee development....
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Taxation project 01
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Sandra is planning to start a new business venture and is indifferent on whether to operate as a sole proprietorship or convert the business into a legal entity (to incorporate).... According to her cash flow projections, she expects the business to generate annual cash flow and.... ... ... Sandra's personal marginal tax rate, given her other sources of income is 39....
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Marketing Concept of Frugl
20 pages (5439 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The "Marketing Concept of Frugal" paper explores Frugl's marketing concept and processes explore their customer wants and relationship marketing, pricing strategy, digital and e-commerce.... Finally, it explores how the company deals with its competitors.... ... ... ... The marketing concept matches a firm's capabilities and strengths with the wants of customers....
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Level of Debt and Dividend Policy of Hoad Limited
10 pages (3077 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The research 'Level of Debt and Dividend Policy of Hoad Limited' is expected to look into an alternative capital source for the company and analyze the impacts of dividend policy and level of debt on the value of the firm.... The firm has been operating under economy with an under-developed stock of exchange....
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The Liberalization of the Labor Market - Strategic Plan Process in Amacho Enterprise Organization
12 pages (3436 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Liberalization of the Labor Market - Strategic Plan Process in Amacho Enterprise Organization' is an intriguing example of the management case study.... Strategic planning forms quite an integral part of any given organization.... The major reason behind this is because of the competitive nature of the environment within which organizations operate....
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Globalization and Its Economic Effects
10 pages (2823 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Globalization and Its Economic Effects" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the effects of globalization on the role of the state in international relations.... Different scholars have come up with varied definitions of globalization.... ... ... ... One of the most commonly used definitions is the movement of people, capital, goods, and ideas from one region or nation to the other, due to the increase in economic integration because of the increased investment and trade (Frank & John, 242)....
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The Analysis of Manchester United F.C
14 pages (3495 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper gives detailed information on the financial activity of Manchester United football club in the period 2012-2014.... Along with expenses, the income of the organization, their main sources, as well as recommendations for further development are clearly spelled out.... ... ... ... This was an increment of £6....
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Cambridge as an International Tourist Attraction Centre
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The author of the present case study "Cambridge as an International Tourist Attraction Centre" brings out that Cambridge has grown to become an international tourist attraction centre over the past years and currently is host over four million tourists who visit the place each year.... .... ... ... Cambridge University is a historic learning centre and tourism has added a cosmopolitan feel to the site and this has affected the economy in a positive way....
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Co-Teaching in the Content Areas - Successes, Failures, and Challenges
21 pages (6066 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "Co-Teaching in the Content Areas - Successes, Failures, and Challenges" sheds some light on the co-teaching that has been gaining popularity as an instructional service in delivering and supporting the students in various classrooms.... ... ... ... Despite the recent research that indicates the effectiveness, the potential of co-teaching is not realized always; this was due to frequent communication or an interpersonal issue....
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PSA-Ports and Porters Five Forces
6 pages (1772 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "PSA-Ports and Porters Five Forces " presents an industry analysis of PSA-Ports.... Using Porters five forces framework and Porters competitive advantage we see that it hundred of terminals and suppliers dotted all over the world, gives the company its unique advantage.... ... ... ... Looking at the overall strategy of PSA-Ports, one will not hesitate to conclude that PSA-Ports has a broad target....
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Conceptualizing a Business
6 pages (1636 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Conceptualizing a Business" focuses on briefly evaluating the importance of business concepts concerning the starting of a baby clothing store.... The conceptualization of business is an important aspect as far as entrepreneurs are concerned.... ... ... ... The meaning of terms such as business, product/services, customers, etc should be well defined before the start of the business....
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Assault Against Women in Australia
4 pages (1308 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Assault Against Women in Australia" presents that there are many problems faced by people in Australia.... The most severe among these are the problems faced by women.... Their situation gets worse by day due to household as well as external pressure and violence.... ... ... ... The paper has overviewed various provisions for providing safe homes and services for women in Australia....
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A Transnational Corporation Influence on the World Economy
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper "A Transnational Corporation Influence on the World Economy" highlights that TNC's also facilitate the transfer of technology to less-developed countries, and if this happens without impediment, it boosts the host country's productivity and viability on the international market.... ... ...
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Expensive products that are not in the reach of the masses
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The key issue in this case is to market yak milk to a consumer base that has one of the lowest rates of milk consumption in the world, and where the market is dominated primarily by diary products made of cow's milk. ... ... .... Market yak's milk on a mass level, using its unique selling point of being a traditional diary product regarded as nutritious from ancient culture....
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The Current State of Water Pollution in New Jersey
7 pages (1818 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "The Current State of Water Pollution in New Jersey " discusses that New Jersey has introduced a program dubbed the Clean Marina Program which works to protect the coastal areas, including the vegetation and animals that live by the shore.... ... ... ... The New Jersey state is working hard in order to ensure that its water bodies go back to the state in which they were a long time ago....
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The Supreme Court - Standing and the Impact of Massachusetts v Environmental Protection Agency
7 pages (2081 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The study "The Supreme Court - Standing and the Impact of Massachusetts v Environmental Protection Agency" discusses the reasons for the Supreme Court's decision in the Massachusetts case to dilute the standards for standing, the role of the new approach in the Supreme Court, etc.... ... ... ... This conclusion established that the government of Massachusetts, representing the entire population of the state, had demonstrated, 'injury, causality and redressability' and, therefore, was entitled to standing in this appeal before the Supreme Court....
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Personal Finance
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The Lane's should consider both pure and speculative risks that will hinder them from achieving their dreams.... Considering other financial obligations and goals, the Lanes.... ... ... Property insurance should remain as it is however the Lane's should consider risk sharing for other utilities of high value such as home This would have the effect of reducing payments for the renters insurance....
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Consequences of Bullying
1 pages (407 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Thie paper "Consequences of Bullying" presents bullying as one of the most traumatic crises of an individual's life.... Bullying is characterized by the violent and aggressive behavior of school children resulting in an unwanted power imbalance.... ... ... ... The trauma of any disaster or crises has a long-term effect on the lives of the victims....
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Recommendations for a Company
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
After reviewing the terms under which your company operates, I would like to make certain recommendations.... It seems that although efforts have been made for securing communication and cooperation within your business, there are a few issues that need to be addressed, so that the firm's growth in the future is not threatened....
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Issues in Employee Performance
6 pages (1674 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "Issues in Employee Performance" attempts to measure the work performance of a local government officer.... The local government officer is in charge of supervising the staff in a one-stop-drop center meant for council customers who wish to make use of council services.... ... ... ...
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Gary Kelly as Chief Executive Officer of Southwest Airlines
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper looks into the leadership style, philosophy, and effectiveness of Garry C.... Kelly, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Southwest Airlines.... Having spent almost two decades in the management realms of Southwest Airlines as a CFO, Garry Kelly succeeded James F.... Parker as the CEO of the company in 2004....
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Event Analysis - Color Me Rad 5K
17 pages (4553 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This report is a depiction of the Color Me Rad held in Curtin University at Perth as a platform to help charities and give the attendees the fun they sought in their lives.... This report gives the crucial stages involved in realizing the event, planning, stakeholder involvement.... ... ... The paper 'Event Analysis - Color Me Rad 5K" is a great example of a management case study....
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Telephonica Global Strategy, Structure, and Operations
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Telephonica Global Strategy, Structure, and Operations" states that Telephonica marketing strategies are the broad approaches intend to adopt in the longer term to achieve its marketing objectives in accordance with its mar­keting policies.... .... ... ... Telephonica can capture a larger share of an existing market for current products through market saturation and market pene­tration....
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Successful Implementation of Supply Chain Management at IKEA Stores
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of this paper provides practical recommendations for the effective and successful implementation of supply chain management at IKEA stores.... The main source of competitive advantage in the services industry is an efficient service for the customers.... ... ... ... Perhaps the foremost social and economic responsibility levied upon private and public organizations in recent decades is the maximization....
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Foundations of Scholarship: The Petronas Corporation and The Cisco Corporation
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study "Foundations of Scholarship: The Petronas Corporation and The Cisco Corporation" aim to discuss the importance of employee engagement in effective decision-making process using the Petronas Corporation and the Cisco Corporation examples.... ... ... ... Involving employees in a company's decision-making processes, which is also identified as participative decision-making (PDM), has to do with sharing the function of decision making between the executives as well as workers in the workplace....
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Critical Evaluation of KFC
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper "Critical Evaluation of KFC" discusses that KFC should build control over its franchising strategies as it can create difficulties for the organization regarding the quality aspects.... Moreover, KFC should make alterations in its menu card including vegetarian food items.... ... ... ... It has been observed that KFC faced great challenges in terms of international trade as well as in its FDI strategies....
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Taxi Deregulation in Ireland
7 pages (2108 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
From the paper "Taxi Deregulation in Ireland" it is clear that the high court of Ireland judged the case perfectly and also the Government of Ireland performed the order in its true sense and spirit.... The economy definitely received a great boon from the measure as the market efficiency returned....
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Why Has Ryanair Been So Successful Thus Far
6 pages (1860 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper under the headline "Why Has Ryanair Been So Successful Thus Far?... focuses on the fact that Ryanair has been a successful airline service provider recognized as one of the best in the world.... Ryanair has been an example for many airline companies to follow.... ... ... ... Many airline companies appraise their own performance by benchmarking them with that of Ryanair....
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Changes in People Management at Financial Services
9 pages (2384 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study "Changes in People Management at Financial Services " states that YBS is a society founded in 1880 has approximately 10,000 employees and 400 branches in the U.... .... Due to globalization and competitive pressure, in 1998 YFS has been created with the aim to provide financial services....
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Poe's Critical Theories
8 pages (2328 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'Poe's Critical Theories' presents Edgar Allan Poe who is a defining author in American Literature.... He is the perfect combination of poet and journalist.... He understood and promoted the idea that an author should take a critical approach to write and his own prose.... ... ... ... His interests in science and fact combined with his almost obsessive pursuit, of capturing in writing, the human psyche and the nature of loss create literature that is both pragmatic, idealistic....
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The Success of the Batman Franchise and Evil in his City
7 pages (1973 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "The Success of the Batman Franchise and Evil in his City" analyzes the refractions of the batman character.... The imposing struggle for recognition and market between the older version of Batman and the new versions is prominent.... The batman comics run on a different track.... ... ... ...
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Analysis of Fires, Accidents, and Catastrophes
8 pages (2321 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the "Analysis of Fires, Accidents, and Catastrophes" paper states that fire could be considered as the biggest threat that has been affecting the building fabric and people.... There have been many buildings that has fallen victim to the havoc of fire.... ... ... ... The case study provides interesting description....
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L L Beans Customer Service
6 pages (1924 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
From the paper "L L Bean's Customer Service" it is clear that the company's customers' requirements are centered on speedy delivery, high-quality products, a 100% money-back guarantee, provision of specialty products as well as e-shopping offers convenience.... ... ... ... Bean as it is unclear whether batch, job, or flow production is used....
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Human-Computer Interface Design Guidelines
7 pages (2190 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Human-Computer Interface Design Guidelines" presents various interfaces but more emphasis will be more on web site interfaces than the stand-alone software.... The interface is key to its success or failure hence web developers put more emphasis on the type of interface they design....
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The Concept of Panic Disorder and Panic Attacks
8 pages (2150 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "The Concept of Panic Disorder and Panic Attacks" discusses that the patient, Bill, 52 years of age male, was affected with several symptoms, including tachycardia, palpitations, sudden weight loss, sweating, shaking, dyspnea, tiredness, sleep apnea, sweating, nervousness, etc.... ... ... ...
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Foreign Exchange-Rate Risk Management
8 pages (2259 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The case study "Foreign Exchange-Rate Risk Management" states that the need for foreign exchange has arisen from the requirements of companies and individuals for foreign currencies when they transact business abroad.... Multinational companies and international traders must quote their prices.... ...
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